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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Electricraft disabled doesn't help
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Crash after updating Rotarycraft, DragonAPI, Electricraft, and a few other mods to the newest version.
    Tried with and without Optifine.
    Tried with and without ZZZZZ Custom Configs, which provides support for the Worktable in RoC.


    Anyways i'll try without ElectriCraft and see if it helps
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Reika's Mods (Tech, WorldGen, Civilization, and more)
    Can I implement Rotarycraft and Geostrata into my Mixture Mod Pack? They're some cool additions and the new updates made it even more wonderful (and balanced). I left your mod at the original state and made Monster Spawner from Craftable Animals require 4 bedrock ingots from your mod to make. Now I am going to publish my pack to public and I'm asking mod authors for permission to include their mods to their mod pack.
    Large thanks if you allow me to publish the mod pack with your mods!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Iron Backpacks
    Why don't first take a look at IronChestMinecarts mod by ganymedes01? Hope you make a "IronChestBackpack" mod that provides portable iron chest.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Gany's Surface - Miscellaneous overworld themed additions!
    Quote from ganymedes01»

    How about a dislocator that breaks obsidian, and a dispenser dispensing lava, with a water source besides it?

    And variable sized nether portals were added in 1.7.0 so they are already in the game :)

    Not 1.7.10, it's added in the snapshots in 1.7, already in 1.7.2.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AOBD 2 - Process all the ores!
    Buildcraft Additions also adds a new way of processing ores("Duster"). Well I barely used that after I've gotten Applied Energistics 2 with the quartz grinder, and it doesn't have a free modpack permission. However still add it because it's somewhat useful, because the duster can't dust Aluminum, some other random ores, and Thermal Expansion metals.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Twilight Forest (v2.3.5: Wrecking Block)
    Boom. Not quite nice. Still didn't update the castle :/
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Gany's Surface - Miscellaneous overworld themed additions!
    The recipe you stated clashes with furniture mods's wooden table XD
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ZZZZZ Custom Configs 2 - Create your own recipes using XML files!
    Well, Rotarycraft has been upgraded to include this?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [WIP] [Needs Idea] Making a mod pack that completely disables ore generation in the overworld! Without anything GregTech!
    I've made the very basic things for the Mod Pack. I've decided to make wooden tools uncraftable, so you will need to either go through the steps of Tinkers' Construct to obtain its tools, use the Mud Pick from Biomes O' Plenty or the Cardboard Pick from BetterStorage or seek for a chance to blow up stone. I've already done so.

    Let's see. I brainstormed a way to nerf the player storage. Now the results are like so: making vanilla chests require an ASSEMBLY TABLE to be crafted. Yes, chests, and assembly tables. The only ways of storage avaliable to the player is the Cardboard Box from BetterStorage, Barrels from MFR which are expensive and only holds a single type of item, and solutions for storage in the Bibliocraft mod. (Not sure if I'm going to add JABBA mod, if so the barrel added by that mod will also only be avaliable from Assembly Table)

    Gonna work on publishing my Mixture Mod Pack which has over 180 mods and a few recipe changes first.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Extra Utilities v1.1.0k
    Quote from IANNOVA»
    Just RF. EU has never been supported and MJ doesn't even exist anymore.

    WHAT? Even Buildcraft uses RF now?
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Extra Utilities v1.1.0k
    Better add a feature to allow ourselves to add custom items for the generator fuel.
    Such as adding mod potions to the potion generator, and add all tnts from Too Much TNTs to the TNT generator.
    Also the Survivalist Generator is still quite unbalanced due to the fact that
    - It doesn't really consume any fuel... A 5x5 MFR tree farm w/ TE3 sawmill should be enough for over 200 1X generators to use.
    - It can be made into x64 by a low cost(about 9 enderpearls and 20+ more iron i think)
    - It can really generate an OPPPPPPPPPPP amount of power. It only costs 3 iron and almost nothing else to make and generates 5 RF/t constantly when supplied by fuel(which can almost be ignored). Relatively a BC redstone engine needs 1 iron and generates 0.5 RF/t, IC2 windmill needs 13 iron and generates ~5 RF/t, IC2 solar needs 9 iron and generates 1.25 RF/t, the solar generator from your mod needs 9 diamonds and generates ~30 RF/t.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Extra Utilities v1.1.0k
    Update CoFH API version. Can't connect your generators to Mekanism Universal Cable by now, but Thermal Expansion works fine.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on ZZZZZ Custom Configs 2 - Create your own recipes using XML files!
    I found a mod called Minetweaker on the forum. It basically provides the same functionality, supports more mods, but is harder to use than this one. While they have pages of tutorials, you just use the syntax of "give" command :)
    EDIT: Plus the wiki for Minetweaker is soooooooo hard to read, especially for people like me with bad English.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.7.10] nohero's mods: More Health Enchanted: Beta for Health Loss Issue 1/2/2016
    ...Is Tinker's Construct rendering able to support hearts more than 20? And most importantly, how to disable that?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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