im creating this thread after the currently locked thread by jambam6762 about "milk".iv been thinking about that. i think you skhould be able to put milk in bottles by crafting a full bucket of milk and 3 empty glass bottles to get 3 bottles of milk(you get your bucket back of course) or u milk a cow with a botle u get one botle of milk. if u milk a moosshroom with botle or craft a stew with a botle u get a botle of mushroom stew( cures half the health of a noormal stew ut is easier to get) .
im talk9ing newbie sitiation. u dont have an empty hand in ur hop bar and ur sord is about to brake or u just flip out and start hitting him. and u dont have flint and steel becus u just started. i understand ur point of veiw but still, its not like im asking 4 a new boss, its just a little astetics.
ur welcome dude. if they dont spawn then try reloading the world. if that dont work just report it and travle for aminals till u get feedback. best of luck.
i havent been able to do the update yet cuz of wifi issues, but u try to start a game like this, make updates for like 7 different versions containg different stuff, within 2 months, wile people atre bad mouthing u of the horrible updates thar THEY rushed, wile having a life and sleeping and eating. then try to bad mouth mojjang and 4J.
i have been playing a map i downloaded, and it has so many wolves. i have more dogs than a pound and i hav found that it is really hard to get ONE dog in a door. i know that its not cuz of one door space cuz its double doors. all im asking for is an improved dog AI. i actualy woodent mind other animal and mob AI as well.
well it snot really stoage completely. i put some food tools and a weopon or two in my ender chests becaus i go mining and i never know wen i need sumthing like that. but the problem is weopons and tools dont stack and it takes up a lotta room, so double enderchests would help
rope, sumthing that can be crafted from three string in a row and can reach a total of 6 blocks. you can craft two ropes together to get longer ropes. you can climb them like vines, you can run and jump on them to swing, you can make puleys and other thing to work with redstone and it can be used in p[lace of string to make compound bows witch are twice as strong as normal bows.
imagine this.. ur in a cave and a zombie cums outta no were. u have a wooden sword as ur only wepon and its los all durability. all u have is a torch, and u hit him twice and th second hit ur lucky enuf to set him on fire. how cool and helpfull wood that be. mainly astetics but it wood look really cool
we need tha ability to make rain turn off or day or nites longer or shorter or if its all one certain buiome or a few certain ones or random spawn.
complete support