Last Updated: June 20th, 2013 at 3:55 AM
I pray this becomes at least 1% more popular than my "The Haven" idea. Like the latter idea, this post contains images of what I'm trying to show off. Better I give you that than a baseless wall of text. If this idea gets enough support, I will keep adding to it. This includes good suggestions from other people as well.
This also mixes in with KakarottoYo's idea:

Shouldn't the Nether Villagers be pigmen or something?
No. And I'm probably the 0.00003% of Earth's population that thinks this way. I think Nether Villagers should be something original, or something's that close to being original, and not some cheap Pigmen copy (zombie or otherwise).
I think large minotaur-man creatures represent their defensive nature better than pigmen anyway.
I don't care for the details, I just wanna see images!
Keep scrolling down until you get to the first picture of the red Nether Villager.
So... The Nether Villagers in that image... What are they?
They're a mix between minotaurs and humans. These creatures are a combination of two things, which is sort of like pigmen, so if you wanted these creatures to resemble pigmen in some way, there you go. They are a bit taller than the player.
Why are their left arms nothing but a bone?
Perhaps they all have the same genetic defect. These are one of those things where players must debate that for themselves.
How do they behave normally?
Like their Overworld counterparts, they stay together (although not as tightly) and have different color versions to "resemble" their occupation. They don't need some hulk or golem to protect them, as they can beat the living hell out of enemies (players and mobs alike) all on their own, if provoked, but they attack alone, and not together. They walk slightly slower than a zombie.
With addition of Nether mobs coming out of portals to the Overworld, the Nether Villagers can do this too, though this is painfully rare. Every night has a 1% chance of this happening, and can only happen on a non-raining night. If a N. Villager enters the Overworld, it will just wonder around aimlessly.
How do they behave on the Peaceful difficulty?
Exactly the same as this thread describe's them, but they don't get provoked. Meaning you can beat them as hard as you want without penalty. On Peaceful mode...
What do they live in?
Caves found in the Nether. These caves are often supported by Nether Brick. Torches can be occasionally found in these caves.
How rare are these villages/caves?
About 20% rarer than that of an Overworld village.
What sounds do they make?
They rarely make sound, but when they do, they sound like normal human grunts, although with a very deep pitch and echo. The "Mystic", "Collector" and "Colossus" variations have a much more powerful and distant echo.
When taking damage, they emit a deep "human plus bull" type grunt.
How do they respond to specific world hazards?
Much like any other Nether creature, these new Villagers are unaffected by fire and are slowed when in lava.
If a N. Villager manages to reach the Overworld through a player's portal. The sun not will damage them.
How are they provoked?
They are provoked by either hitting them or stealing from their chests (if they see it). They only get provoked individually, and do not attack in groups like wolves or Zombie Pigmen.
How do they attack?
Just by following you and touching you. Each hit varies depending on the type of N. Villager you provoked. They do not stay hostile, as they will hit you 1-2 times for every time you hit them, stand still and stare at you as if to wait for a response. If you hit them too many times, they will keep hitting you until death. They do not attack as a group if just one N. Villager was hit. A "Collector" N. Villager will never lose its hostility.
Wait, you said they have their own chests?

Yes, unlike the light brown ones found in the Overworld, the ones found in Nether Village caves are a dark red with a yellow lock, but have the exact same mechanics as an Overworld one. You can call them "Nether Chests" or "Dark Chests" if need be. The GUI on the new chests is dark red, rather than the normal grey.

What do they drop on death?
They drop 0-1 horns. They can be used to brew an Angry Potion. The "Baron", "Mystic" and "Collector" types can drop more than just their horns.

What could be found in these new chests?
Look at the list below. Top to bottom = Least to most rare:
- Netherrack
- Soul Sand
- Netherbrick
- Flint
- Netherbrick Fence
- Iron Ore
- Gold Ore
- Iron Ingot
- Gold Ingot
- Nether Wart Seed
- Ripe Nether Wart

A "Ripe" Nether Wart is something that is only found in a N. Villager chest in an area where an Alchemist lives. As you could have guessed, this new Ripe Nether Wart is chemically altered rather than just physically. In brewing, the Ripe Nether Wart added to a water bottle will create an Excess Potion. Ripe Nether Warts can also be eaten, which will regenerate both health and hunger for 2 minutes.
Excess Potion...?
These potions act like Awkward Potions, but will double any effects and double the time. Any potions created from an Excess Potion will have a green aura, rather than the standard blue one.
Do different colored Nether Villagers have their own attributes?
Yes. See below:



Added Abilities: None
Spawn Chance in Village: 50%



Added Abilities: Does +2 damage. Moves +15% faster. Drops an extra 1-2 exp. orbs on death.
Spawn Chance in Village: 20%



Added Abilities: Does +2 damage with extra knockback. Moves +25% faster. Drops an extra 2-4 exp. orbs on death.
Spawn Chance in Village: 18%
Rampant (Colors based off ShadowKreach's idea)



Added Abilities: Does -2 damage. Moves +50% faster. This is a mob you may not want to kill due to its potential trades. Drops 3-6 exp. orbs on death.
Spawn Chance: 5%
Hunter (Based off DeJoth's idea)



Added Abilities: Does +2 damage. Moves +15% faster. Attacks Zombie Pigmen, Magma Cubes and Ghasts that come near them. Drops 2 extra exp. orbs on death. Can jump up to 3 blocks in height.
Spawn Chance in Village: 15%



Added Abilities: Does +2 damage with extra knockback. Moves +10% faster. Can seldomly "telekenetic" punch any enemy from 10 blocks away, although this can easily dodged as the Mystic will remain completely still when "charging" this "telekenetic" punch. This is the only mob that can flawlessly hurt a Ghast if they're close enough. When killed, this mob can drop any valid item in Minecraft's existence. Drops an extra 2-4 exp. orb on death. Can sometimes deflect arrows. Immune to all splash potion effects.
Spawn Chance in Village: 7%



Added Abilities: Does +8 damage with insane knockback. Will never lose its hostility once made. Each hit has a 30% chance to make the player drop any item in his inventory at random. Will drop 1-3 of any rare item on death, as well as 35 experience.
Spawn Chance in Village: 2%

Health: ∞
Damage: N/A
Added Abilities: Oh my friend, you're looking at the rarest gem of Nether Villagers. Moves +20% faster. Will never become hostile against players, although it can never take damage. Receives -30% knockback. Can teleport just like an Enderman, but this occurs only when it wants to return to its "village area" and can't get back to it by just average walking and jumping. Go ahead, add some ingots in his village's chest, and see how friendly he really is.
Spawn Chance in Village: 0.05% (1% on Hardcore)
Do these Nether Villagers have their own spawn eggs in Creative Mode?
Yes, and each Nether Villager type has their own chance amount of appearing when the egg is used:

- Normal - 90%
- Torus - 85%
- Baron - 70%
- Rampant - 50%
- Hunter - 45%
- Tormenter - 10%
- Colossus - 0%
Where exactly in these Nether Villager caves do the dark red chests exist?
In the deepest part of their caves, although they can be rarely found near the cave's entrance as well.
How big can these caves be?
Imagine a normal Overworld village fitting inside a cave, that's how big they can be.
New Questions/Answers Added as of 3/29/2012 9:31PM
How do they inflict damage?
They do NOT always do the max amount of damage that you see in the list of Nether Villager types. They can also do a minimum of -4 hit points of damage. For example, a Baron is capable to doing between 4 and 8 points of damage, which is randomized between these limits.
New Questions/Answers Added as of 7/13/2012 3:41PM
Do these Nether Villagers trade like the normal ones?
Yes, the currency they accept is Blood Diamonds, here is a chart of what each N. Villager trades.

Normal, Torus and Baron


They do not sell items.
Hunters have no interest in trading.

Tormenters have no interest in trading.
Tormenters have no interest in trading.
New Questions/Answers Added as of 7/28/2012 1:59PM
What does an Enchanting Orb do?
If you're lucky enough to have a Mystic appear, and not ed off enough to not trade with you, you'll have access to this item. An Enchanting Orb can be used to give any weapon or tool a single random enchantment at no level cost, but it will only give it the weakest version of an enchantment, so it's best to this orb when something is already enchanted.
Using this orb on an already enchanted item will make all existing enchantments upgrade an interval. Meaning "Sharpness III" can be set to "Sharpness IV". Enchantments at their highest levels will go no higher. If all enchantments are maxed out, a new enchantment at its weakest is added.