Get a new power supply and graphics card for the PC you have right now. The PC you want actually has a worse CPU, and the only benefit to that is a slightly better GPU. Your current PC is great besides the GPU.
You can spend around $220 on a decent 550w XFX PSU and an AMD R9 380, and get MUCH more performance than if you got a new computer.
"I believe this was because I was on a 1.9 snapshot, accidently went on a 1.6.4 world...then my game crashed which really sucked."
This has been implemented in one of the 1.9 snapshots, where every world in the Worlds list had a "Version" tag, followed by what version it was last played on. Obviously, a 1.6.4 world would show an "Unknown" version.
However, I do support your idea of telling which worlds are modded and which ones are vanilla. Mojang should implement that in some way.
I wish I could play this fantastic-looking mod for rd-160052. Just one problem: I follow the instructions, run the modded "DiamondDung" version only to be greeted with the plain old Classic version. I did find out that the files I copied from the DiamondDung zip file into the copy of the rd-160052 JAR file are being overwritten every time I play the game, if that's any help.
TL;DR: I'm having trouble installing the mod. Please help me with step-by-step instructions.
Are you bored in Minecraft? Yes? Well, follow these steps:
Open Minecraft
If you haven't already, click "Edit Profile" and select "Allow use of old "Alpha" versions (From 2010)
IT IS IMPERATIVE that you select the Minecraft version labeled "old_alpha a1.2.2a"
Click Play
When in Main Menu, click Singleplayer
Create a new world! Do NOT use a world you have already created.
Once the world has loaded, spam the F4 key while moving and looking around.
If done correctly, you should get: Nether Portals on top of Nether Portals through Nether Portals beside Nether Portals adjacent to Nether Portals. Did I also mention Nether Portals? As an added bonus, spawning enough Nether Portals should produce a blaring racket.
As an added note, I haven't been playing Minecraft for that long (only since around the official 1.2.5 update), so yes I am aware that some users may have already tried it (and even posted about it). Don't hate, okay?
Wait, why Alpha?
Alpha 1.2.2 introduced the ability to spawn Nether Portals (I'm not even joking) using the "F4" key. This was removed in Alpha 1.2.3. Thank goodness for the launcher's "Time Machine" feature.
You must be really tired if you find that trick funny.
the crash is pointing at display drivers, you could try totally uninstalling them, then installing fresh
also do you have a program called evolve gaming? that is known to be an issue, or any other gaming software that adds an overlay?
In the options.txt file, VBOs are already turned off. I'll turn them back on to see if that works. As for your second question, I don't have any gaming software at all (unless you count the Steam client, which I rarely download games from)
On my Windows 10 PC, I cannot launch Minecraft. It will just crash 5 seconds after loading a world. Here's what I was able to find out so far:
It is a graphics driver bug, according to a comment on my bug report.
I am NOT the only one with this kind of bug.
It is not Mojang's problem, it is the problem of my graphics card manufacturer (in my case, Intel).
Here's my PC information (in order to further create a solution to the problem):
Operating System: Windows 10 Build 10240
Graphics Card/Processor: Intel Core i3-4130 CPU @ 3.40 GHz
Memory: 8GB
Computer Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
Computer Model: HP Pavilion 500-223w
DirectX Verison: DirectX 12
And here's what I've tried to do to solve the problem (so far):
Download the Intel Driver Update Utility, check for and apply updates (not an option anymore because there are no available updates).
Reinstall Minecraft (that is, delete everything except the saves folder. Didn't work).
Apply available updates through HP Support Assistant (the little blue question mark icon in the notification tray, for fellow HP users like myself. No longer an option because there are no available updates)
Restart the computer (It didn't solve the problem)
If anybody has any suggestions on how to fix the problem (or a solution to said problem), please let me know.
It's not available for iPhone. Can't seem to find it in the App Store and the link provided to get to it from here doesn't work. It says it's "not available in the U.S. store".
To Notch: I am aware that you had nothing to do with the EULA, and I applaud you for creating the best game ever. You have and always will be one of my idols. That's not going to change. If you need to get away from some of the darker people in the Minecraft community (and really just the haters in general), go ahead. I honestly can't say I blame you, Notch! Let me know in two weeks when your sanity is still intact.
To Mojang AB: Are you seriously allowing Microsoft to buy you out for those sinkin' $2.5B? I mean I get that you guys are very popular, and you can't handle all the suggestions and comments that are constantly thrown at you, but REALLY? And yes, I am aware that this was Microsoft's decision and not yours. But even so, why did you let it happen? I'm not trying to bash on you guys or anything, but I didn't see you guys and the creators of The Elder Scrolls getting along after the announcement of Scrolls due to a lawsuit. So unless Minecraft is released for Windows Phone in a few months, I don't see how you guys and Microsoft are gonna get along.
To all Minecraft Forums users: Do not be bashing on me because I voiced an opinion that nobody else probably agrees on. I simply wrote this post to explain my thoughts and opinions on this whole Mojang-Microsoft partnership, emphasis on THOUGHTS and OPINIONS! For the love of God and all things holy, have some common sense and respect others opinions and thoughts.
The Creative inventory does indeed need an overhaul. The system of organization you suggested is spot-on and very-indepth.
My favorite is Windows, simply because I've stuck with it for so long.
I might consider that as an option. Thank you!
So the computer I have right now is having a bit of a graphics card problem. It's still usable, but I think it's time for an upgrade.
This is the computer I want (which is $499.99, affordable for me)
This is the computer I currently have
Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
This is my result. But why is my download speed super fast while my upload speed is slow? Curious...
Bugs I Found
The Iron Fence hitbox is a bit too big. Might I suggest making the hitbox the same size as the regular vanilla Minecraft fence?
This has been implemented in one of the 1.9 snapshots, where every world in the Worlds list had a "Version" tag, followed by what version it was last played on. Obviously, a 1.6.4 world would show an "Unknown" version.
However, I do support your idea of telling which worlds are modded and which ones are vanilla. Mojang should implement that in some way.
I wish I could play this fantastic-looking mod for rd-160052. Just one problem: I follow the instructions, run the modded "DiamondDung" version only to be greeted with the plain old Classic version. I did find out that the files I copied from the DiamondDung zip file into the copy of the rd-160052 JAR file are being overwritten every time I play the game, if that's any help.
TL;DR: I'm having trouble installing the mod. Please help me with step-by-step instructions.
Are you bored in Minecraft? Yes? Well, follow these steps:
If done correctly, you should get: Nether Portals on top of Nether Portals through Nether Portals beside Nether Portals adjacent to Nether Portals. Did I also mention Nether Portals? As an added bonus, spawning enough Nether Portals should produce a blaring racket.
As an added note, I haven't been playing Minecraft for that long (only since around the official 1.2.5 update), so yes I am aware that some users may have already tried it (and even posted about it). Don't hate, okay?
Wait, why Alpha?
Alpha 1.2.2 introduced the ability to spawn Nether Portals (I'm not even joking) using the "F4" key. This was removed in Alpha 1.2.3. Thank goodness for the launcher's "Time Machine" feature.
You must be really tired if you find that trick funny.
Not necessarily tired, just easily amused.
I love the idea. Very creative!
My favorite Windows operating system is Windows XP because:
*sigh* The good ol' days!
In the options.txt file, VBOs are already turned off. I'll turn them back on to see if that works. As for your second question, I don't have any gaming software at all (unless you count the Steam client, which I rarely download games from)
Here's my system information:
And here's the crash report:
Hope it helped.
On my Windows 10 PC, I cannot launch Minecraft. It will just crash 5 seconds after loading a world. Here's what I was able to find out so far:
Here's my PC information (in order to further create a solution to the problem):
And here's what I've tried to do to solve the problem (so far):
If anybody has any suggestions on how to fix the problem (or a solution to said problem), please let me know.