could you guys get skype - its free - and add me myskype is once again Gunnthorian
Hope to see you soon on the server!This is the link to Skype
Okay im going to make this one more clear 1. username Gunnthorian 2. Why do I want to join? I want to join because I was watch minecrack videos and I really wanted to be a part of a community like that. 3. I subbed to SethBling a while back and he just became a minecracker so Ive been watching others videos aswell 4. I wont greif because Ive been admin on past server and I developed a hate for greif from taking care of all the greifers.
Hey, I was just wondering if I could join. I realize that you said in a week but I'm looking for a server just like this one. I really wanted to be a part of a white listed server. I was watching Sethbling on minecrack because he's new to the server and it made me notice how cool it would be if I was a part of a private server. If I do become part of the server I hope to get to know the people aboard as well. Thanks!
ohhh not even built in? dang even tho if you get skype you can message people and see who is online thats why i mainly like it.
Hope to see you soon on the server!This is the link to Skype
If i get picked my skype is gunnthorian.
1. username Gunnthorian
2. Why do I want to join? I want to join because I was watch minecrack videos and I really wanted to be a part of a community like that.
3. I subbed to SethBling a while back and he just became a minecracker so Ive been watching others videos aswell
4. I wont greif because Ive been admin on past server and I developed a hate for greif from taking care of all the greifers.