• 1

    posted a message on | ☼ SOLARCRAFT ☼ |LFM| EPIC BUILDERS! |
    ey Sola, would love to help out with the buildings. Also, I'm fairly good with worldedit as I've used it for about a year and a half. I unfortunately can't promise that I'll be on a lot after next Tuesday, as school is starting, but I will try to remain active. I'll send you a skype contact request now. Sorry for any typos there, still getting used to my tablet.
    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on [Help] GUI not opening (Code provided)
    take a look at this tutorial, friend: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1788684-forge-151-crafting-table-with-custom-grid-sizes-5x5-code-posted/
    I dont have a clue what your doing with your common and client proxies there, they should be empty :/ It seems to me your missing a GuiHandler class, so take a look at that part of his tutorial.
    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 14

    posted a message on ArcheaCraft- New Ores, Cultures, And other Magic Goodies! PreRelease 0.4 released! [Forge]
    Recent Features(for returning people who want to see new stuff): 1.4 Prerelease out, 1.5 Compatible, with Forge!

    Welcome to the thread for my mod, ArcheaCraft! This is my first mod, but I'm working on many mods all at the same time. This mod, when complete will add a pile of new features to enhance the sense of discovery in minecraft. It will add everything from Ancient Races, (who you will be able to befriend) to a plethora of new ores. It has mainly a magical focus, but I am open to suggestions anyone may have for the mod. If you like what you see on this thread, make sure to follow it :P

    This Mod Uses Forge!!

    A word on the Ancient Races. NOTE: THE ANCIENT RACES WILL NOT BE IMPLEMENTED UNTILL THERE IS A FULL RELEASE WITH ALL THE OTHER FEATURES. I am a procrastinating fool, I know, but i do have a life too...
    Basically, how these are going to work is that they will generate in towns, villages, and cities(different sizes of settlements) that you will be able to trade with, for new items like Stardust, but you will be able to do quests, which you get from the Mayor, who is always in the Town Hall, in the center of the village. It will start of with pretty basic quests, but then there will be later quests with powerful boss mobs. The quests will have rewards, too. Different cultures will reward you with various magic things, and eventually a secret item. You will also be able to randomly find traveling merchants, who will be unrecognizable as to their species, as they are wrapped in cloaks. They offer great trades, but is there a sinister side to these cloaked mysteries...?

    If you have any ideas, please post them. I don't have very many things planned so far, and I need to harvest more creative mindpower...(insert evil laugh) If you do help with something (not just a tiny little thing though) then i'll try to make a way to give you better powers within the mod, as it will most likely go multiplayer.
    The current team consists of:

    Me (gristly)- , Code, textures, ideas

    JMakAttak3- Textures, Testing Note about JMak- we have not heard from him in three months, so we can only hope all is well with him, and that he will return. In the meantime, gristly will do the textures.

    billyspark3- Wiki Admin

    The demented hyenas scratching at the inside of my cranium- They help me with ideas :D

    Also, if anyone wants to make a SPOTLIGHT feel free to do so :)

    Thanks To:

    Everyone On The Team, For Making This Happen!

    Lolcroc, for his water walking code (check out his mod!! It's great!)

    Everyone who has offered their help to this mod!

    We now have an IRC located http://archeacraft.w...ki/Special:Chat

    MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
    MOJANG - Mojang AB
    OWNER - , Original author(s) of the MOD. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MOD despite use of MOJANG code.
    USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod.


    2. USE
    Use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.

    This MOD may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER solely. All mirrors of this mod must have advance written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money off of this MOD (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.

    Now that all that's done, here's the DOWNLOAD(s)

    Archeacraft v0.4 for Minecraft 1.5.*:http://www.mediafire...61zk6siapc7afzp

    -Archbeing Bricks
    -Archbeing Cobble
    -Insectium Bricks
    -Insectium Cobble
    -Moonstone Ore
    -Nightstone Ore
    -Nightstone Block
    -Stardust Ore
    -StarGold Block
    -Sunstone Ore

    -Frost Beetle

    -Nightstone Armour
    -StarGold Armour
    -Sunstone Armour
    -Nightstone Tools
    -StarGold Tools
    -Sunstone Tools
    -Blank Spell
    -Battle Rage
    -Water Walking Spell
    -Magic Bomb
    -Ice Bomb
    -Lightning Bomb
    -Staff Of Teleportation
    -Nightstone Ingots
    -StarGold Ingots
    -Moonstone Shard
    -Sunstone Gems
    -Arcane Stick
    -Gravel Chunks
    -Fix for potion ID crash
    -Fix for TradeEntry crash
    -Fix for appleGold crash (still not quite sure why that one was happening, but I'm pretty sure I got rid of it)
    -Fix for sound effect crash

    Known Bugs:
    Water Walking Potion Effect has a broken name
    Custom Spawn Eggs have broken names
    water walking has the same textures as regeneration(its a placeholder, but I figured you guys would want a release over 1 texture :P )

    Archeacraft v0.3 for Minecraft 1.5.*: http://www.mediafire...xs2ob03e39hadds

    -Archbeing Bricks
    -Archbeing Cobble
    -Insectium Bricks
    -Insectium Cobble
    -Moonstone Ore
    -Nightstone Ore
    -Nightstone Block
    -Stardust Ore
    -StarGold Block
    -Sunstone Ore

    -Frost Beetle

    -Nightstone Armour
    -StarGold Armour
    -Sunstone Armour
    -Nightstone Tools
    -StarGold Tools
    -Sunstone Tools
    -Blank Spell
    -Battle Rage
    -Water Walking Spell
    -Magic Bomb
    -Ice Bomb
    -Lightning Bomb
    -Staff Of Teleportation
    -Nightstone Ingots
    -StarGold Ingots
    -Moonstone Shard
    -Sunstone Gems
    -Arcane Stick

    Known Bugs:
    Water Walking Potion Effect has a broken name
    Custom Spawn Eggs have broken names
    water walking has the same textures as regeneration(its a placeholder, but I figured you guys would want a release over 1 texture :P )

    ArcheaCraft v0.1 for Minecraft 1.4.*: USES MODLOADER, FOLLOW MODLOADER INTRUCTIONS!!! http://www.mediafire...sb3x79p03b7ba89
    Nightstone and Starstone Ores
    Nightstone Ingots
    Arcane Sticks
    All 4 Energy Focuses
    Nightstone Tools
    1 Achievement

    1 Install Rigusami's Modloader: http://www.minecraft...s-mods-updated/
    2 Download ArcheaCraft.
    3 Open 'Run' and type %AppData% to access the 'roaming' folder.
    4 Open the '.minecraft' folder.
    5 Open the 'bin' folder.
    6 Open minecraft.jar with a program like 7Zip or WinRAR.
    7 Open ArcheaCraft.
    8 Drag ALL the files EXCEPT the 'textures' folder from ArcheaCraft into the minecraft.jar.
    9 Delete the META-INF folder.
    10 copy the 'textures' folder into 'bin'
    11 Open Minecraft and Enjoy!

    1 Download Forge, and follow Forge installation instructions.
    2 Run Minecraft, let FML download all its files, then once you reach the title screen close the game.
    3 Download ArcheaCraft.
    4 Open 'Run' and type %AppData% to access the 'roaming' folder.
    5 Open the '.minecraft' folder.
    6 Look for the 'mods' folder.
    7 Drag 'Archeacraft[Version No.].zip into the mods folder.
    8 Open Minecraft and Enjoy!


    HALP!! Minecraft keeps black-screening!
    You didn't delete the META-INF folder... Try again.

    DOUBLE HALP!! I deleted the META-INF folder and it still crashes!!
    Give me the error report that is in .minecraft/crash-reports.

    Minecraft gives me an error!
    Copy and paste the WHOLE error report to this thread, and describe what you were doing at the time of the crash. I'll get back to you as soon as I can with a fix :P

    Can you add xxxx feature?
    Depends. I have a long list of things to add, but if it's fairly simple, or a really good idea, then i might add it!

    What is this mod compatable with?
    Any other Forge mod, I should think!

    Here is the list of Planned Features:
    I've divided the Planned Features into sections, in order to make it much more organised:


    Sunstone Ore

    -An ore with a mysterious glow... It yields Sunstone crystals, which can be used to craft tools and many magical items.
    -As rare as diamonds, however generating at higher levels.
    -requires a diamond pick to mine

    Moonstone Ore

    -An ore which yields shards of what is believed to be a meteorite, it is useful mainly for magical items.
    -as rare as iron, however generates in much smaller veins
    -requires a stone pick to mine

    Nightstone Ore

    -An ore which, when smelted, it can be made into armor, weapons, tools, and magical items.
    -approximately as rare as redstone
    -requires an iron pick to mine

    Starstone Ore
    An ore which yields stardust, which has mainly magical uses.
    -approximately as rare as iron, although generating at lower levels
    -requires an iron pick to mine


    Essence of the Night Sky

    -Crafting a shard of moonstone with eight stardust gives you eight Essence of the Night Sky, which has many arcane uses.

    Arcane Stick

    -Crafted with a stick and one stardust, this is used for a handle in magical tools.

    Gravel Chunk

    -A drop of gravel, about as rare as flint. When right clicked, you throw it like a snowball, only dealing a bit of damage. Useful Gravel! Yay!

    Nightstone Ingot

    -Smelt Nightstone Ore and get this ingot, useful because it has a whole toolset.

    Stargold Ingot

    -Don't you hate how useless gold is? well why not make Stargold? It has it's own toolset, as well as the fact it can be crafted into the best light source in minecraft!


    Dungeon Bricks/Home Bricks

    -A variety of new blocks used to make the various planned dungeons and villages. Currently around 10 kinds planned for the villages alone.

    ArchBeing Enchanter

    -An Enchantment table made by the Arch-Beings.It has different enchantments than the regular table. Not sure how the player could get this though, any suggestions?

    Stargold Block

    - A block with a light level so high, you'll never go back to torches again! What's it's light level you ask? ITS OVAR NINE THOUSAAAND! (sorry, couldn't resist)


    Nightstone Toolset

    -A full tool set, with durability and mining speed between iron and diamond

    Stargold Toolset

    -A full toolset, with durability of iron and the mining speed of gold... still can't dig obsidian, though.

    Claw of Darkness

    -A claw-like weapon created using Nightstone and an Arcane stick. left-clicking uses it like a sword, while right clicking launches a magical projectile, using up one Essence of the Night Sky. It is already imbued with magical properties, and therefor cannot be enchanted.

    Burning Blade

    -A Sword crafted with Essence of Brightest Flame, Sunstone Crystals, and an Arcane Stick. As deadly as a diamond sword, twice as durable, and will light a foe on fire upon contact.


    Essence of Coldest Frost

    -Crafting a shard of moonstone with eight snowballs gives you eight Essence of Coldest Frost, which can be thrown to freeze nearby water and coat surfaces with snow.

    Essence of Brightest Flame

    -Crafting a shard of moonstone with eight blaze powder gives you eight Essence of Brightest Flame, which can be thrown to light all nearby surfaces on fire.

    Energy Focus: Battle Rage

    A spell that has a one-time use. When right clicked, you will 'eat' the Focus, and activate its effects. The Battle Rage focus boosts your damage quite a bit, but your vision is reduced to four blocks.

    Energy Focus: Agility

    A spell that has a one-time use. When right clicked, you will 'eat' the Focus, and activate its effects. The Agility focus alows you to jump higher and run faster, but weakens your physical attacks.

    Energy Focus: Recovery

    A spell that has a one-time use. When right clicked, you will 'eat' the Focus, and activate its effects. The Recovery focus heals five hearts on use and allows you to regenerate, but your vision will become quite distorted.

    Energy Focus: Stealth

    A spell that has a one-time use. When right clicked, you will 'eat' the Focus, and activate its effects. The Stealth focus makes you invisible, as well as granting you night vision, but you will have weaker attacks.


    Nightstone Armor

    -Armor with durability and protection between iron and diamond.

    Ancient Races

    The Ancient Races are one of the main parts of this mod, and there currently are going to be four:

    Arch-Beings-A mysterious race, believed to have inhabited Minecraftia eons befor the Steves.There is
    not much known about these creatures, all we know is that they are sentient, and the Steves have actually adopted their language for their own use. They, for some reason, have great antipathy towards Steves, and it is currently undecided whether they will be hostile to the player, or just be quite suspicious.

    The Insectium-A swarm of insect-like creatures, believed to have some sentience, but seem to be controlled by a hive mind. No-one can understand their language.

    The Half-Beasts- An odd assortment of half-animal, half-humans. It is believed that they are related to the Zombie-Pigmen of the Nether.

    The Tree-Folk- A group of... well, no one really knows what they are. They blend into the forest and are experts in the art of camoflage.


    Useful Gravel! Collect a Gravel Chunk.

    Pretty Sparkles! Get stardust.

    Goodnight, Creepers! Make a Night Staff.

    Good Morning, Piggies! Make a Day Staff


    Not all magical creatures are freindly, and these ones are quite hostile:

    Rogue Hive
    -This seems to be a mutated version of an Insectium hive. It can move, albiet very slowly, and has no real physical attack. The danger of it, though is its constant spawning of Beetles. That, combined with the fact it has quite a bit of health, makes this a yery dangerous entity. Suggested Strategy: Kill it quick, before it lays eggs!

    -Little Silverfish-y things that are only a spawn of Rogue Hives. They do a bit of damage, and die pretty easily, so they rely on safety in numbers. Suggested Stategy: Flail around with your fist, as you'll kill them in one hit anyway. It may seem a bit crude, but it doesn't waste any sword durability.

    Frost Beetle
    -This guy is about the size of a silverfish, and only spawns in snowy biomes. They don't do much damage, but Frost Beetles will slow you down if they inject you with their icy venom. Suggested Strategy: Defeat them from afar if there are lots of other mobs around, or feel free to get up close and personal if the Frost Beetle isn't going to leave you at a disadvantage to other mobs after it slows you down.

    - Ghouls are evil spirits who's weapon of choice is the scythe. All the races have various stories in which Ghouls are prominent, malevolent, figures. They seem intellegent, but have no discernable language. Suggested Strategy: They are quite fast and strong, and it is reccomended not to engage these creatures at all if possible, but if you must, attemp a few ranged attacks, then rush the ghoul.


    Staff of Blackest Night

    -A staff crafted with Arcane sticks, a diamond, and an Essence of the Night Sky. This will, when right-clicked, set the time to midnight. Has a durability bar.

    Staff of Brightest Day

    A staff crafted with Arcane sticks, and a Sunstone Crystal. This will, when right-clicked, set the time to midday. Has a durability bar.


    Ok, this is quite new, its still in the works... so please feel free to suggest anything you want for this.
    Summoning,, which has always been a major part of magic, is divided into two forms with this mod, the Holy Altar and the Pentacle or Darkness... yes, the names do sort of imply one is good and one is evil, and you would be perfectly correct in assuming that. Here is how Dark Summoning will work:

    First, you will have to make a Pentacle of Darkness, which will basically be a traditional pentacle-looking entity-block that will sit flat on the floor, probably 2 by 2. When you right click it, you can open up a GUI. The GUI will have slots at each point of the five-point-star (for those who don't know why I am suddenly saying stuff about a five-pointed star look up Pentacle on google images), as well as one slot in the center. In each of the corners of the star, you will place some Incense, (how to obtain this I have not decided) and a Book in the center, to start. Once the Pentacle has all its spots filled, It will start to emit particles(and other more dangerous things, stay back), and then finally spawn a mob. Now, this mob might jst be a vanilla hostile monster, but it could also be a Creature of the Otherworld. These will include many various creatures, which I will list at the bottom of this section. (at least part of them, some will be secret...) These creatures will drop a LOT of experience, maybe a few levels worth, as well as rare items that would normally be difficult or impossible to obtain. Some will drop items you can use instead of a book in your pentacle to summon other things, too. Here is a list of a few creatures of the Otherworld, in order of difficulty and rarity:

    Witch- I know I'm cheating a bit with this one, using a vanilla mob, but they will appear sometimes.

    Imp- Little Ice demons who drop ice blocks on death.

    Tarantula- basically a larger spide that will drop Cobwebs on defeat.

    Ogre- a much more powerful imp, who will drop Essence of Coldest frost as well as Ice Blocks on defeat.

    Motherghast- this one is sort of for the NB Crew... Bratwurst. (Not many people will get that, but the people who do will laugh.) You know how ghasts make weird baby noises? Well, thats because... they are babies. And now, you get to meet Mamma... and she isnt exactly happy. she drops Essence of Brightest Flame, as well as Nightstone Ingots, when you kill her.

    The Librarian- A giant, spidery biped that may end up looking a wee bit like Slenderman. The Librarian will be quite tall and thin, with many spidery arms, all holding Books or Bookshelves. When you kill it, it will drop many Books and Bookshelves, as well as quite a bit of experience.

    expect many traditional, mythology-based monsters as well, like Cerebrus(did I spell that right?), Hydra, Faeries, and more.

    And maybe after defeating enough of these creatures you'll find out how to get to their dimension... the Otherworld.

    Light Summoning... I still don't know how that will work, but I felt there should be a balance. Maybe you just summon items, or something?




    Some Darkfins and Frost Beetles


    These are all recipes in the 0.4 release:

    ( :Red: = not achieved, :Blue: = achieved)
    100 replies :Blue:
    25 followers :Red:
    Alpha Download :Blue:
    Beta Download :Red:
    25 Downloads :Blue:
    50 Downloads :Blue:
    100 Downloads :Blue:
    200 Downloads :Red:

    Progress Towards Prerelease 0.1.1:
    :Coal: =Not Being Added in this upcoming release
    :GoldBar: =not finished, coming in this release
    :Diamond: = Completed

    Basic Achievements :GoldBar:
    Randomly Generating Dungeons :Coal:
    Randomly Generating Villages :Coal:
    Summoning :Coal:
    Villagers :Coal:
    Decoration Blocks :GoldBar:
    New Lighting(lighting blocks, not lighting engine XD) :GoldBar:
    Setting the Energy Focuses to not needing hunger :Coal:
    New Slinghot Types :GoldBar:
    New Mob (Hive) :GoldBar:
    Fixing The names/textures bugs :GoldBar:
    Coding an addon to remove Herobrine :Coal:

    And More!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on UTD: The Union for Technological Development
    Hey UTD, gristly here. Not much point in this post really, just wanted to say great work on all this stuff and i'll post my application tommorow (kinda tired lol). I thought I would apply for redstone, then I say the Burnout and was like DAMN. I can;t do anything like that, but I will show you some of my redstone projects as well as some cannons. Do skins count for that graphical design one? Cos I occasionally make skins too. Also as you can see from the mod title there in my sig, I can code Java (poorly). Full App On The Morrow!

    Edit: Making some cannons for my app now. So far I am done the Farlander (farthest ever arrow cannon that I've seen) and the Dragon's Maw ( shoots 15 TNT in a 180 degree spread at a range of up to 110 blocks). Will have pics when I post my full app!

    Edit 2: Here's My Application!

    In-Game Name: gristly
    Skillset: A bit of architecture, A bit of java, lots of redstone and cannons :) Also making skins, if that counts for anything.
    Age: 13 (please don't discriminate, Ageism sucks)
    Reason For Joining: Seems like you guys are a group of mature, friendly, active people who really love the tech of Minecaft. Basically this seems like a way to share what I do with a great community.

    A building I made (only the center grey one there)

    My 'Farlander' Cannon, capable of shooting however many arrows you want at a time... I don't know how far.

    A side view. Note the massive ammo storage... this thing can hold 19456 arrows.

    A view of the front of the cannon. The dispenser drops the arrows into the piston head. The piston retracts right before the dynamite explodes, allowing for the arrows to be in the air when they are hit by the explosion, launching them... indefinitely.

    The cannon shooting. If you look closely up near the top, just to the right of the center, there are a bunch of black specks. Those are the arrows right after launch.

    My Dragon's Maw Cannon, which shoots 15 TNT in a 180 degree spread at a range of up to 110 blocks.

    A side view.

    A top view.

    The cannon shooting.

    Not Shown: My Nether Cannon, which shoots a shotgunlike spread of flaming arrows.

    Some examples of my redstone work are a Minecart With Chest Bank Account System, a button activated Train Station, A furnace with an input space of 3456 items, a fuel space of 3456 items, and an output of 3456 items (made with hoppers) and some more that I forget...

    Java: Archeacraft (in the sig, check it out), Mythicraft (next release will have some of my code :P), and a few mods that are not yet known to the public.

    I will post some pictures of skins later, when I get onto my other computer (which has the skins)
    Posted in: Clans
  • 1

    posted a message on Crash Reports 101
    I think all modders should link this to their thread, this could save SOOOO much wasted time!! Good job man! :iapprove:
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
  • 2

    posted a message on [1.5] Icons and Block Textures
    Gahhh! ...so many textures... I sense an outbreak of carpal tunnel among modders...
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 1

    posted a message on ArcheaCraft- New Ores, Cultures, And other Magic Goodies! PreRelease 0.4 released! [Forge]
    Quote from JMakAttak3

    I agree but a lot of us are busy and Gristly has some Forge-related stuff to work out.

    Yeah, sorry for not working all too fast on this mod, Forge has just changed the whole way they do their packages(not sure if anyone knows what that means lol) but anyway, that basically means some rewriting and a lot of moving of files. I haven't had alot of time to work on it lately, as I'm training to be a Ski Instructor :P

    Quote from mbrown06

    This mod is really nice, but the lack of forge upsets me. Now I can't use it with my other mods...
    The ArchBeing enchant could be created as follows-

    End Stone-Star Gold-End Stone
    Ender Pearl- Enchantment Table-Ender Pearl
    End Stone-Star Gold-End Stone

    This would give the player purpose to go to the end, as well as making the spells as an end of game reward.

    Good Idea! This, or a very similar recipe to this, will probably be used :) I agree about the End needing a more compelling reason to go there :)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Demographics: Age poll
    OK, just to say that a LOT of people are grammar-raging over this thread... but seriously. What if English is not their first language, or if they're dyslexic, or have a disease which causes their fingers to curl themselves into fists, making typing extremely difficult(trust me, it happens)? Please guys, I get that there are many immature or illiterate people on the web, but consider my two cents for a moment XD.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on How to convert your mod from ModLoader to Forge
    Thank you so much! I will be using this for he switch to forge for my mod!!
    Posted in: Tutorials
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.5.2] [WIP] AgeCraft - Add Ages and Evolution - LOOKING FOR CODERS AND MODELERS
    Oops, forgot my application xD

    Name: gristly
    Age: 13, but mature, also I do advanced Math at school and self-taught HTML and Java
    What do you like about this project?: I think it has the potential to be great because of its RPG-like feel, as well as that you've really organized and thought it out. Also, i think it will add to the discovery feel of minecraft, something that has really been lost for long time players of the game, like me.
    Made models for these mods: My own mods, namely ArcheaCraft, a little bit for Extracraft, and some for mod which I can't talk about at the moment because me and the team agreed we'd keep it secret untill release.
    Experience with Modeling: Pretty much just the mods i put above XD I have been creating custom skins for people for a long time though, and I am pretty confident in my ability to texture mobs in 16x16.
    Specialty: My speciality is humanoid mobs with different characteristics, such as extra limbs or whatever. I can also code the mobs I create fully.
    Do you have Dropbox?: Getting it now :D
    Do you have Skype or Teamspeak?: I have Skype, as well as Mumble (an alternative to teamspeak, I personnally like it more)
    What Age do you want to work on?: I', interested in the ancient egypt and Roman/Greek eras.
    What do you want to do for this Age?: Well... as much as a modeler can do xD
    Other info: I could try to set up a website for this mod if you want, i have a empty site hosting space with no ads and some 100MB of storage.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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