I think that in creative mode in the block menu, there should be a Wither Skeleton spawn egg, because there is no other way to get them unless if you go to the Nether.
Quote from GregNelson »
...have a spawn egg for every MOB, including the wither, the ender dragon, charged creepers, zombie villagers, baby zombies, baby zombie villagers, baby zombie pigman, spider jockey, etc.
- GregNelson
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Keymoshy posted a message on Add Wither Skeleton spawn egg to creative mode (and more spawn eggs)Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions -
HernDiddy posted a message on New Block type -- "Wedge"What about a new block type that was a wedge shape; maybe 45 degree angle. I guess it could be the same look and profile as stairs but smooth and lets entities and blocks affected by gravity slide down them.Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
There would be thousands of implementations:
Mob traps, anti-griefing, item collection, transportation, and let's not forget the aesthetics. It would give so much more variation to the shapes for designing structures.
Crafting could be similar to stairs but obviously not the same; maybe missing a piece or adding one. What about incorporating a slime ball in there or something.
What do you think? -
HAWK2PLAYS posted a message on double enderchestsI have an ender chest in every mine base of mine. and I am tired of having an entire inventory full of coal so that the more precious ores are safe till I get home and pickem back up.Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions -
Keymoshy posted a message on Adding certain blocks in the Creative MenuYou may or may not know, but not ALL of the blocks are in the creative mode menu. I'd like to see these blocks/items in the creative mode menu:Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
- Dragon Egg
- Mob Spawners
- Mushroom blocks
RADIOACTIV56 posted a message on There shall be WAR!*Note: the best method of showing support is giving this post reputation.Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
I have had it with the limited amount of weapons in the game. Without enchantments, even a diamond sword can seem powerless, and you will easily get overwhelmed even on easy, and this is coming from someone who plays on hard. We need battleaxes, war axes, clubs, warhammers, spears, and best of all, crossbows. Very similar to bows, but arch less, and be more damaging and accurate, but require bolt. I don't know how, but bolt should be renewable like arrows. Also, some of you might think this is too far, but we need muskets and flintlock pistols. We would need musket balls for those, and they would consume gunpowder. That is as far as firearms should go. We don't need a PKM LMG to fight off creepers.
Edited 7/22/13
I was thinking, maybe we should sum up this whole thread and where it has gone in one post.
This is how the update should go, and yes, we can be open to debate about this.
-New Mechanics to Improve Combat:
-Players with better armor run slower than players with lesser armor Ex. someone wearing diamond armor will run much slower than someone wearing leather armor.
-Parrying and blocking an attack from another player gives recoil, stopping any attacks for a set amount of time, probably half of a second.
-The stronger your sword is, the more recoil you take if another player blocks an attack.
- Anvil should have two features; the PC's feature and a four by four crafting grid to craft bigger and better weapons
- Longsword: just like a regular sword but appear longer and require one additional material the sword is made of, enchantable, but sharpness is taken out because the damage should already be an equivalent of sharpness IV. High damage. Can use a shield while equipping it. Low armor damage, similar to the sword now.
- Battleaxe: more combat related than the regular axe. Has two sides. You can parry with it. Medium damage and medium armor damage. This would be the in between weapon. Can not use a shield with it. It is so frigging huge. Would look like the character is using both hands to carry it. There would be a one handed alternative called the war axe, which is a bearded axe. Still in between weapon, medium damage. Can use a shield while holding it.
- War hammer: A giant frigging hammer. Would look like character is using both hands to hold it. Can't use a shield while holding it. Can parry. Kinda low damage, enchantable to sword's sharpness II but that is it. High armor damage just like real life, where they were made to knock over people, disarm people, and cave their armor in. Best choice if fighting armored player. One handed alternative would be the mace.
- Spear/Javelin: Described by Lastusername; would be throwable, and used as a melee weapon. Low damage, low armor damage, but long range, with the ability to knock back people. Throwable, but you need to sprint to get a critical hit, which would stun the target and leave them with little health. Always bounce off target, unless hitting them with the last use. Can use a shield.
- Lance: described by lastusername, would be effective against horsemen and horse armor when on horseback. One handed, shield is usable. I think I covered that pretty well for a short description.
- Crossbow: Similar to a bow, but shoots slower, but more damage and more accurate. You need the anvil. Not effective against players with iron armor, diamond armor and gold armor, but almost no protection from chain and leather. Gets rejected by iron gold and diamond armor. Like the arrows bounce off.
- Musket/Flintlock Pistol: This is the most debatable one. Some want it, some despise the idea. Would shoot straight, can't dodge the shot by moving like you can with the bow. Would be effective against iron, gold, and leather armor, but get almost completely rejected by diamond and chain. Requires musket balls of either iron or stone, and consumes one gunpowder with each shot. Costly to miss. Low durability and low fire rate. It takes like five seconds to reload, but very rewarding to hit the target. Remember, this one is still up for debate.
-Shields: There will be another armor slot for shields. Shields provide 75% damage resistance if used while the enemy hits. All tiers would provide the same resistance, but some last longer than others. If you craft it with a stick coming out of the middle, (Spiked shield) would cause one heart of damage to anyone attacking them that doesn't have armor.
- Quivers/musket ball pouches: These would be worn by the player to use the type of ammo they hold. Quivers would hold up to 64 of the same arrow type/bolt type, and pouches would hold 16 musket balls of the same type. This would allow there to be different arrow types or bolt types or musket ball types. Like incendiary, explosive, and poison, and for the musket balls, stone and iron. This would be literally worn by the player, the quiver on their back, the musket ball pouch on their side.
- Dagger: small weapon, low damage, low range, but more swings count.
- Random mob weapons: Pitch fork, would be sticks in the shape of a sword, but with two sticks coming from the sides, maybe iron instead, would attack more than one enemy at a time. would be good against pigmen. Maybe enchanted to have fire.
-Magic: Another slot on your inventory/armor area, would be the scroll slot. You make a scroll out of paper and one ender eye, and you have the blank scroll. You enchant the scroll to have powers. When you have the enchanted scroll in that slot, the power should be fueled with rage. Rage would come in potion form and you can drink it to get some rage in your rage bar in the HUD. You will eventually run out of rage. Some scrolls would be fire, you shoot a fire charge from your hand, Shock, you shoot a small bolt of electricity from your hand, just things like that.
Please tell me if I left out anything.
Let's debate, but not flame war the topic until it is locked.
Another thing to note is that at Minecon 2013, 4J said that even in the 360 version of Minecraft, there will not be guns. What Paddy was thinking in his head when he said that was that there was not going to be an SDK thing added to the game. The people on this topic are not in favor of that. Just keep that in mind that this topic has not been put down. -
Junokaii posted a message on Use the D-Pad to rotate BlocksOkay.Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
So I was playing this recently... and I was getting EXTREMELY frustrated with the new way you do upside down stairs, sideways logs, upside down slabs... etc...
And I believe that I came up with a solution to the problem.
Using the D-Pad on the controller to differentiate whether a placeable item is "upside down", "sideways", etc.
Having it be pushing Down on the D-Pad puts the placement ability in "upside down mode" so that way everything is automatically placed upside down..
And when you push Up, it returns the placement ability to normal. So everything you place is placed in the.. normal fashion it's always placed in.
And just for an additional way of placement... pushing 'left' would would make blocks go in a sort of "sideways mode", so things like stairs can be sideways (better and more defined piller work in my opinion) or have slabs be placed vertically within the left section of a block of space... and pushing 'right' would have slabs be placed vertically on the right section of a block of space.
And depending left or right.... would make stairs either sideways in one direction... or sideways the other (much the same way as upside down stairs/normal stairs just horizontal)
To perhaps... not have confusion... Perhaps have a symbol in the top left of the screen that is an arrow.
If the arrow is pointed "up", it's normal. If it's pointed "down", it's upside down, etc? Because.. there is the odd chance you might forget what "mode" you have block placement and would need a way to sort of "navigate the process"
So.. there we have it. An array of placement.. that could make the way you do minecrafting way better. You could have virtually 4x the customization you normally would not have.
I get how this could be a very complicated thing to implement but.. I also think that it wouldn't entirely be very hard either. Because.. I'm under the understanding that you can rotate blocks using the wheel on your mouse on the PC verson. To me.. this is virtually the same thing, except on a controller.
So... Thoughts? -
Jusey1 posted a message on Overworld BossOkay... So I've been thinking about a few things and there is one question I do have... Where do the zombies and skeletons come from, lore wise? (Not gameplay wise, since I know how the spawning scripts work and all that stuff).Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
I'm talking about lore wise... I mean, creepers could be native creatures and are naturally born as such. Endermen could come via portals to the Overworld from The End realm, since they have teleportation. Spiders are also naturally born too... But zombies and skeletons? Explaining the undead being around is a totally different thing and they normally require a bit more thought.
Firstly though, should NOT count the Nether undead into this as the Nether is a totally different realm and could be the original home to undead beings in general (reason why it is filled with undead, discounting blazes since blazes are NOT undead). However, there are NO base portals to the Nether so the undead from there cannot get into the Overworld by default AND the undead are different kinds in the Nether from the ones in the Overworld.
Zombies wise, we can use the virus as an example but doesn't explain sun damage very well. Also doesn't explain skeletons since a virus would need an actual body, not bones, to work. Though there is some sort of virus there for sure since villagers can be infected while also can be cured.
Since the virus thing cannot fully explain what's going on with the undead, gotta go to the second reasoning for undead... Magic. Now, what creature can be magically responsible for raising the dead? Well, human wise... Necromancers but most of time, they are not that powerful to do something at this scale. However, a Lich is a totally different story.
Now for those who don't know, a Lich is an undead life style which a human being can eventually gain, though takes hundreds or even thousands of years to achieve... Depends on the story. The key thing about them though is that they are undead powerful mage users and they can raise + control armies upon armies of lesser undead easily. Liches also tend to be one of the most dangerous enemies ever imagined and could easily defeat the most feared living creatures (including dragons).
So how does a Lich play into this? The idea is simple, and you may already guessed it by now. The Lich is the original creator, the one who raised the undead, in the first place. This Lich would also be the one who created a zombie virus to infect the living or the virus could've been made accidentally when this Lich raised so many undead beings.
Now for the info specifically about the Lich... There should only be one Lich, obviously, and he should be hidden in his own little dungeon, maybe even in the Stronghold itself, but specifically he should be underground and deep. Away from the players who might just be mining underground and such. He should have a good 80 health but low physical defense, thusly he takes great deal of damage from arrows + swords.
However, he still have magic and can use a shield spell to help protect from such physical damage and in order to weaken his magic, thusly shutting down the shield, one should break his living essence (Can't remember the spelling but in order to become a Lich, that individual gotta store his soul into an object, which could be anything. In this case, it would be something made out of Obsidian). Once broken, the Lich will be weakened, but will still be very powerful.
Note: Killing the Lich BEFORE breaking the object, which stores his life essence, will not fully kill the Lich. He will be able to come back a second time and the battle will basically start all over, though this time the object is gone as he used it to come back.
He also takes little damage from magic itself (FYI: enchantments) and is immune to some magical effects, like knock back. He also has a levitate ability (similar to a blaze) and will levitate above water, lava, etc to keep himself safe from such dangers. This levitate ability would also make him immune to fall damage as he'll gently "float" down.
His attacks are magical and he would rotate between attacks. One spell of his would be fire which will act like a Blaze's attack. Another spell would be ice and would slow the target down upon hit. If missed and landed on the ground, this ice spell could cause a thin snow block. If water, could freeze the water. His last magical attack would be a lightning one which does the most damage and can create fires on any wooden objects. This lightning would also charge up any creeper it MIGHT hit and it would stun + knock back the target.
So overall... Here are the spells and their damage + effects if done on HARD with NO ARMOR:
Fire - 4.5 hearts (9) damage + possible set on fire.
Frost - 4 hearts (8) damage + slows down. (If miss, could make a snow or ice block where it hits).
Shock - 6 hearts (12) damage + knock back and stun. Can charge creepers.
Reflection - 1.5 hearts (3) damage + extreme knock back. ONLY uses if close to the Lich.
Shield - Constant protection spell the Lich has. This shield is weakened when you destroy the "spawner".
Levitation - Constant spell effect. The Lich gently floats above ground and can float above water + lava.
The final thing about the Lich is he has a staff which he uses through out the battle. This staff is what raises the undead and he will use it to get skeletons and zombies up and after his enemies at times, though he wont overly use it as it requires charging.
And other than that, I think I'm done. I covered my reasoning for thinking of this, I covered the boss himself, his stats, his attacks, etc... Oh yeah!
Why would a Lich fit in this game? Well simply cause why not? Minecraft is technically a fantasy game and a Lich could easily fit the whole magic ordeal that is in Minecraft. Plus we already have plenty of magical creatures plus enchanting so there is definably magic in Minecraft already... So a Lich would fit nicely.
If you have any questions, then please ask so.
Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoyed it. If you did not, I apologize that I did not entertained you. Otherwise, I hope you have a fine good day. -
tree45peecN1 posted a message on Moderators (in game)I don't know how hard this would be as I know nothing about coding and I'm sure it will never happen but I think people who host designate as moderators should be able to open the world without host being on. If the world was to save on cloud and all moderators were allowed access wouldn't this be feasible?Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions -
Littleman7 posted a message on Generic VillagerPosted in: MCX360: Suggestions
I was wondering if the generic villager can be added into the game, making it a unique console villager than can sell many plants such as cacti, saplings, and various crops. This can also solve the issue of not having certain crops and saplings in old maps, since you can cure zombie villagers. I chose this type of villager to be a plant selling villager because green is for plants, so he/she/it will sell plants for a price ranging from 3 emeralds for potatoes, lets say and 7 emeralds for a few saplings.
So what do you think? -
Cany0udance posted a message on Setting Spawns in Creative ModeHey guys. I thought an idea that would make setting up Hunger Games, Skyblock, etc. easier.Posted in: MCX360: Suggestions
What I you could place spawns for when you transfer onto Survival? Say they add another Creative slot, with the title 'Spawning'. They would have Player 2-8 spawns that you can place (place them in the pods for Hunger Games), and maybe respawn points for Team Deathmatch and such. That would be great! Maybe they could even have it so when you die, you don't lose your stuff.
Whatdya think? - To post a comment, please login.
That goes along with what Deskepticon said originally, none of the enchantments can be 'removed' or 'downgraded' on an item (as in 'replaced'), just added to the item and/or upgraded.
Allow jukeboxes to be counted as specialized containers for music disks such that hoppers and droppers can be used to load disks into and remove disks from jukeboxes, and comparators can be used to determine if there is an active disk in the jukebox or not.
Having a totally transparent skin still wouldn't make you 'invisible' to NPC MOBs, it would only affect encounters with other players, having been an administrator over a served game looking for people who were being problematic, I certainly don't want to have to try and figure out who is hiding their identity by using a transparent skin and causing grief and who isn't. Personally, I am a proponent to having more tools in place to prevent griefing, not the creation of newer and better ways to cause grief to other players.
Not to terribly difficult... just terribly broken in any MP/PvP game.
Forget about texture packs... they are completely frivolous and non-essential... Let's talk about toilet paper... why does toilet paper cost money? I have a much greater need for toilet paper than I do for skins and texture packs, and there's no reason to charge for toilet paper other than to make money. Heck...one might say it grows on trees (indirectly).
New skin posted in Twitter... Looks like they are starting to cater to the female players by introducing Alex to the console.
I'm not seeing anything unusual in the background though...but to be fair, a lot of it is hard to make out clearly beyond the end portal there, i can make out a potion brewing stand, an anvil, a wall of bookshelves, a crafting table, something that looks like it could be a furnace, dispenser, or dropper, probably a cauldron... but nothing super out of the ordinary.
To work within the current framework of the game design.. the 'chair' object would have to be a distinct object with the ability to 'enter' and 'exit' it to simulate sitting in a similar fashion as is done for a minecart or a boat. so sitting on the ground would not likely be added as that would not likely be incorporated as a special feature of 'the ground' to enable that ability, and would require special character side programming to allow for the (like crouching), but as Tamorr pointed out, we are seriously running out of available options on the controller to allow for different modes like standing, crouching, running, walking, creeping, sitting, ducking, crawling, etc.
I'm ok with the idea of reduced (or even halted) hunger progression while sitting, (this could enable really busy people to remain logged in but afk for extended periods of time without impacting other players... but then, if they aren't hosting the game, they would be better to just log out until they can play again.
I like the idea of the chair... and maybe even a 'couch/bench' version that might be automatic when 2 chairs are placed immediately adjacent to each other. I also like the idea of the single chair to be place-able at any angle (like a MOB head), but not be able to move from its block space without being picked up and placed back down on another block by the player.
You're asking for a very particular method of checking and potentially altering world/player game data outside the norm. This isn't currently possible on the XBox platform as command line cheats have not yet been enabled and hence... neither has command blocks.
I believe that a big reason for this is because 4J doesn't have a good GUI in mind for a console platform and wants to try and stay away from player imputed text based command line arguments. For that reason, I've been trying to play around with developing a GUI design that would help implement this and propose it to 4J as a possible solution to allow for command line like abilities and eventually lead an interface for a command block in general.
Once command blocks have been implemented, then you should be able to do what you have suggested above.
More details about my proposal here: Host Command and Command Block (Graphical) User Interface
MCXBLA => MineCraft - XBox Live Arcade
In following the reported bugs thread... it appears that there originally was an issue with structure based MOB spawning (specifically Witches in witch huts and Wither skeletons in the nether Fortress). As a kludge/temp fix, 4J opened up spawning for these entities to allow them to spawn anywhere on the map... this was intended to bring a feature forward that already existed on the PC, in an effort to get those MOB's to be able to have new spawn in these areas, but did not at the time address the witch hut or nether fortress as specific MOB type spawn zones.
In implementing this 'bandaid fix', it appears that spawning for other MOB types in the Nether were similarly affected (including blaze spawning away from their blaze spawners) and seems to have had a negative impact on blaze spawner functionality overall (although there is some speculation that hostile MOB population caps may be impacting blaze spawner production, this part isn't certain).
Needless to say, it is a known and reported issue, and 4J has it on their radar as something that still should be fixed (Unless they formally decide/announce that they want to deviate in game design in this way).