I saw your post on Reddit and had to immediately download this pack to check it out myself. You know what caught my eye? The texture that you used for the fireplace -- the smooth granite.
It looks wonderful and I haven't seen anyone else do something so novel for this particular texture.
From what I've seen so far, everything is very consistent. The colors aren't too bright and oversaturated so there's a nice touch of "realism" to it without being super grim which I like very much! Overall, it just seems like a well done pack.
I've always really liked Arestian Dawn so I'm glad to see that you've taken over. Kyctarnig, I am pleasantly surprised and not a little bit impressed at your skill! All of these texture packs you've revived and you've managed to keep the art style distinct for each one.
Keep up the great work!
I'm really glad to see all these texture packs still going.
On the main title screen, on the Realms button, there's a little diamond. Is this hardcoded into the game because I cannot find the image anywhere in the folders in order for me to change it.
Yeah, I also saw the news on Rhodox's that he got busy with life. I figured that was what happened however I am glad to hear there he is okay! I hope one day he'll be able to turn his attention back to Painterly. I am quite fond of Painterly and have been a fan for a long time. Does anyone remember that texturing livestream donation event he did a couple of years back? That was pretty fun.
And Taiga, the customizer is only for vanilla. However, you can download "developer version" of the texture pack and there's a folder full of alternative textures. If you've the patience to sort through them all, you can use them for mods I guess.
I'd like to see some Asgardian style diamond armor if only to see what it looks like. If people still want to use the magic amulet Berserker Armour, you could always have it as an alternative texture.
I hope he comes back. I really liked his work; it's nostalgic for me. Although I do follow several other packs, I've only ever used Painterly. Painterly was honestly the last pack that I thought would be discontinued from inactivity. Oh well, c'lest la vie.
I don't mind 32x32 texture packs; I think that they can be really nice and they've still got that "pixelated" look. I'm a big fan of Dokucraft, DustyCraft and a few other 32x32's.
I've been a big fan of this resource pack ever since the Minecraft Alpha days. It was the horrible, horrible original cobblestone MC texture that turned me away from the vanilla minecraft textures and Painterly was one of the first texture packs I found. Though I like to browse other texture packs, I've used Painterly exclusively. I really like the variety that is offered - that's one of the big pulling points of the pack itself - and I really like the charm that a 16x16 texture pack like Painterly has.
I also sent Rhodox an email and a tweet. I'm hoping he gives us a heads up as to what's going on.
Pretty cool. I've been following Man at Arms since he first posted the video of him making the Adventure Time sword. I'm waiting for him to make the Master Sword from LoZ.
I think he meant that they should have made a new design, because it's not exactly a new cape.
For the first MineCon, there was a poll. They asked the minecraft community which cape they liked best. The MineCon cape for 2012 is just recycled from the choices; it was the second most popular. Perhaps for next year's MineCon, they'll just choose the third most popular cape and so on and so forth.
This looks amazing!
I saw your post on Reddit and had to immediately download this pack to check it out myself. You know what caught my eye? The texture that you used for the fireplace -- the smooth granite.
It looks wonderful and I haven't seen anyone else do something so novel for this particular texture.
From what I've seen so far, everything is very consistent. The colors aren't too bright and oversaturated so there's a nice touch of "realism" to it without being super grim which I like very much! Overall, it just seems like a well done pack.
Keep up the great work!
I've always really liked Arestian Dawn so I'm glad to see that you've taken over. Kyctarnig, I am pleasantly surprised and not a little bit impressed at your skill! All of these texture packs you've revived and you've managed to keep the art style distinct for each one.
Keep up the great work!
I'm really glad to see all these texture packs still going.
Thanks, Lemon. I wouldn't have found it otherwise!
However, I am having trouble with the game recognizing the trial_Icon.png
I place the icon_png in the following path:
Whenever I boot up the game, this folder disappears in the assets folder. Am I misunderstanding the path I am supposed to use?
I've also tried .minecraft\resourcepacks\MyResourcePack\assets\realms\textures\gui\trial_icon.png
No cigar either.
Please advise!
Thank you.
On the main title screen, on the Realms button, there's a little diamond. Is this hardcoded into the game because I cannot find the image anywhere in the folders in order for me to change it.
Does anyone know where I can find it?
I think that might be Faithful 32x (http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/resource-packs/1223254-faithful-32x32-pack-update-red-cat-clay-1-8)
Yeah, I also saw the news on Rhodox's that he got busy with life. I figured that was what happened however I am glad to hear there he is okay! I hope one day he'll be able to turn his attention back to Painterly. I am quite fond of Painterly and have been a fan for a long time. Does anyone remember that texturing livestream donation event he did a couple of years back? That was pretty fun.
And Taiga, the customizer is only for vanilla. However, you can download "developer version" of the texture pack and there's a folder full of alternative textures. If you've the patience to sort through them all, you can use them for mods I guess.
This is the clock and compass I use from the Painterly Pack.
I managed to work them into the 1.9 format and I've uploaded the files here: http://www.filedropper.com/painterlypack19clockcompass
Thanks a bunch, Kyctarniq.
I started a new 1.9 world and I ended up in the jungle. I figured...might as well be extra jungle-y with this texture pack.
Hey Kyctarniq,
Can you take a look at the download? It's not working for some reason.
Eldpack is one of my favorite texture packs that I liked to follow throughout the year! I'm glad to see that continuation is keeping this alive.
I'd like to see some Asgardian style diamond armor if only to see what it looks like. If people still want to use the magic amulet Berserker Armour, you could always have it as an alternative texture.
Rhodox has a twitter but he hasn't tweeted anything since the 1.8 update.
I think the Painterly Pack has been abandoned or he's been too busy to update the pack/give his audience an update because life happened.
There's this thread wherein there's been some discussion about his absence http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/resource-packs/1243342-painterly-pack. Several people have emailed + tweeted him - myself included - to no avail.
I hope he comes back. I really liked his work; it's nostalgic for me. Although I do follow several other packs, I've only ever used Painterly. Painterly was honestly the last pack that I thought would be discontinued from inactivity. Oh well, c'lest la vie.
You may want to take a look at this texture pack: http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/a-brave-new-world-seasonal-rotating-texture-pack-with-holidays/. The author has contributed textures to Painterly in the past and so his work does look right at home with Painterly in my opinion. Might be worth using textures from A Brave New World to update your painterly pack. This is what I intend to do when I've time.
I'm excited to see your take on the elytra wings!
I don't mind 32x32 texture packs; I think that they can be really nice and they've still got that "pixelated" look. I'm a big fan of Dokucraft, DustyCraft and a few other 32x32's.
Try taking a look at this pack and pulling textures from it. I believe the author had contributed a few textures to Painterly. http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/a-brave-new-world-seasonal-rotating-texture-pack-with-holidays/
I've been a big fan of this resource pack ever since the Minecraft Alpha days. It was the horrible, horrible original cobblestone MC texture that turned me away from the vanilla minecraft textures and Painterly was one of the first texture packs I found. Though I like to browse other texture packs, I've used Painterly exclusively. I really like the variety that is offered - that's one of the big pulling points of the pack itself - and I really like the charm that a 16x16 texture pack like Painterly has.
I also sent Rhodox an email and a tweet. I'm hoping he gives us a heads up as to what's going on.