GoldenNachos Server
Hey there!Recently I have created a server and I have started to install plugins and put it together..I made it a 1.5 Creative/PlotMe/WorldEdit/Survival/Factions. The "objective" of the server is to build and in case of the survival world, Survive!
OUR PLUGINS:We currently only have the basic of the basic (Essentials, PEX,Setrank, worldedit, etc, etc) but we will be installing even more plugins.
Why do you want to be a mod?:
Why should I choose you?:
Will you abuse?:
Will you enforce the rules properly?:
What will you do as mod?
The rules are like any other rules on a server.
-No hacks
-No spam/advertising/overuse of cuss words
-Do Not disrespect to mods OR other users
-No bug exploiting
- No begging for powers
-(for trial-mods/mods) Absolutely NO abusing! If any users spot abusive trial-mods/mods, I urge them to report it to this thread. Abusing is serious and can lead to either a demote or a ban
- Use your common sense; don't be an idiot!
GoldenNachos - Owner
I really hope to see you on the server!Thanks for reading!
Hey so I recently made a new channel called xNuclearKitten on YouTube (The Channel name is NuclearKitten), and I need a good avatar/background for the channel! If you'd be willing to help me out just post here and we'll talk I would prefer like a cartoonish avatar and then a smooth looking background!
Partnered? No What you want on it: Its a sort of all in one channel Choose what you wish. Text on left side: Intro2Gravity's Text on right side: Channel Extras: Epic looking andddd maybe with some lightning in the pic. Color/Theme: I would like a background similar to the NG one, ( except grey and light blue.
I could also use a banner for my website! Similar design just with Intro2Gravity as the text.
Hey we're a relatively new server hosted online on We're currently in a bit of a struggle money wise and we're now giving out OP for donations over $15 :)! MineCavern.Atl24.CreeperHost.Net
Ok so I have had my server open for around a week now and its getting pretty popular, however, I want to make a better banner for the server but I am not very adept at graphic design.
The server's name is InfinityOutpost
The server colors are black and purple (Darker shades preferred).
Server Symbol is a Golden Apple
Its a PVP, Factions, 1.4.7 server.
Recently I have created a server and I have started to install plugins and put it together..
I made it a 1.4.7 Survival/PVP/Hardcore/Factions server. The "objective" of the server is... to kill! Mobs are enabled and creeper explosions are enabled, so you will have them griefing your creations!
We currently only have the basic of the basic (Essentials, PEX,Setrank, worldedit etc etc) but we will be installing even more plugins. If any of you would like to recommend some plugins, you are more than welcome to!
Why do you want to be a Trial-mod?:
Why should I choose you?:
Will you abuse?:
Will you enforce the rules properly?:
What will you do as mod?
The rules are like any other rules on a server.
-No hacks
-No spam/advertising/overuse of cuss words
-Feel free to disrespect to mods OR other users
-No bug exploiting
- No begging for powers
-(for trial-mods/mods) Absolutely NO abusing! If any users spot abusive trial-mods/mods, I urge them to report it to this thread. Abusing is serious and can lead to either a demote or a ban
- Use your common sense; don't be an idiot!
GoldenNachos and NicoPico120 - Owner
xTempest and SupDuck - Co-owner
DennKyle - Mod
Zenx - Trial Mod
Hey so I'm looking for any servers that are just getting started and are looking for experienced staff that can help them out with plugin configuration and other suggestions! I currently own a 24/7 online hosted PVP/Factions server with 1GB of ram the IP is ( if you wanna see if its legit I'm a very good builder, I'm great with plugins and permissions and I'm very good at helping out new players! Thanks for the consideration!
IGN: GoldenNachos Age: 15 How Long You Have Played Minecraft: Since March of 2011 (my birthday :P) Do you have experience in moderator roles?: Unlike a lot of people who come applying for staff on other servers, I have actually had quite a bit of staff experience during my time on Minecraft! I have gotten up to ranks as high as Head-Owner and on some servers I only made it up to moderator before they were shutdown permanently. If you need proof just ask me In-Game and I can give you the IP for my server which I host online :D! Why do you want to be a moderator?: I would like to be a moderator because since I figured out how to work my way with servers, I've been trying to help the newer servers get on their feet and be able to grow until they are popular I have had lots of staff experience and I really enjoy helping keep the server clean and safe for everbody! Can you use skype? (you can send your skype name in a pm) : I don't have a skype yet but my parents said I could get one once I turned 16 which is in March of 2013 (hopefully the server will still be open then)
Hey, me and my brother have been coding a client for ourselves, but we have yet to be able to get a working Offline Name Changer Code. If anyone would be kind enough to post the GUI code along with the actual name changer code I would be VERY greatful!!!!
PS:Don't comment about me learning java, we've already added in fly, jump, Menu GUI, Sneak, X-Ray, FullBright, Key-Toggles.
I've been trying for nearly 2 months now to code a client and have only been able to get about 1/4 of it to work... So I've decided that I would like to request someone code me a custom client for me and my friends, and in exchange they can have OP on my 24/7, 256 slot, 1gb server.... What I want is something simple with stuff like Xray, Aimbot, Fly, Sprint Hack, Wallhack, Chestfinder, Fullbright, Fastbreak, Nuker, Spam, etc (the works of a "hacked" client). Me and my friends have been using nodus but we want to start our own client team called Exile. So if you could add in like a black and orange GUI with something on the top corner saying Exile that'd be great thanks to anyone who can help me!
(Before you start hating on how "you should just learn java" I've been trying to and so far none of the crap I find on the internet actually works.)
Hey, so I've decompiled my Minecraft.Jar with MCP and edited the EntityPlayer.Java (had to add in the code at the bottom manually because it wasn't there.) what do I do next so that my cape will show up? Do I recompile? Or what?
Code I added: public void updateCloak() { playerCloakUrl = (new StringBuilder()).append("").append(username).append(".png").toString(); cloakUrl = playerCloakUrl; }
Hey there!Recently I have created a server and I have started to install plugins and put it together..I made it a 1.5 Creative/PlotMe/WorldEdit/Survival/Factions. The "objective" of the server is to build and in case of the survival world, Survive!
OUR PLUGINS:We currently only have the basic of the basic (Essentials, PEX,Setrank, worldedit, etc, etc) but we will be installing even more plugins.
The rules are like any other rules on a server.
-No hacks
-No spam/advertising/overuse of cuss words
-Do Not disrespect to mods OR other users
-No bug exploiting
- No begging for powers
-(for trial-mods/mods) Absolutely NO abusing! If any users spot abusive trial-mods/mods, I urge them to report it to this thread. Abusing is serious and can lead to either a demote or a ban
- Use your common sense; don't be an idiot!
GoldenNachos - Owner
I really hope to see you on the server!Thanks for reading!
What you want on it: Its a sort of all in one channel
Text on left side: Intro2Gravity's
Text on right side: Channel
Extras: Epic looking andddd maybe with some lightning in the pic.
Color/Theme: I would like a background similar to the NG one, ( except grey and light blue.
I could also use a banner for my website! Similar design just with Intro2Gravity as the text.
The server's name is InfinityOutpost
The server colors are black and purple (Darker shades preferred).
Server Symbol is a Golden Apple
Its a PVP, Factions, 1.4.7 server.
Hey there!
Recently I have created a server and I have started to install plugins and put it together..
I made it a 1.4.7 Survival/PVP/Hardcore/Factions server. The "objective" of the server is... to kill
We currently only have the basic of the basic (Essentials, PEX,Setrank, worldedit etc etc) but we will be installing even more plugins. If any of you would like to recommend some plugins, you are more than welcome to!
Why do you want to be a Trial-mod?:
Why should I choose you?:
Will you abuse?:
Will you enforce the rules properly?:
What will you do as mod?
The rules are like any other rules on a server.
-No hacks
-No spam/advertising/overuse of cuss words
-Feel free to disrespect to mods OR other users
-No bug exploiting
- No begging for powers
-(for trial-mods/mods) Absolutely NO abusing! If any users spot abusive trial-mods/mods, I urge them to report it to this thread. Abusing is serious and can lead to either a demote or a ban
- Use your common sense; don't be an idiot!
GoldenNachos and NicoPico120 - Owner
xTempest and SupDuck - Co-owner
DennKyle - Mod
Zenx - Trial Mod
I really hope to see you on the server!
Thanks for reading!
Age: 15
How Long You Have Played Minecraft: Since March of 2011 (my birthday :P)
Do you have experience in moderator roles?: Unlike a lot of people who come applying for staff on other servers, I have actually had quite a bit of staff experience during my time on Minecraft! I have gotten up to ranks as high as Head-Owner and on some servers I only made it up to moderator before they were shutdown permanently. If you need proof just ask me In-Game and I can give you the IP for my server which I host online :D!
Why do you want to be a moderator?: I would like to be a moderator because since I figured out how to work my way with servers, I've been trying to help the newer servers get on their feet and be able to grow until they are popular
Can you use skype? (you can send your skype name in a pm) : I don't have a skype yet but my parents said I could get one once I turned 16 which is in March of 2013
Thanks for the consideration!
PS:Don't comment about me learning java, we've already added in fly, jump, Menu GUI, Sneak, X-Ray, FullBright, Key-Toggles.
(Before you start hating on how "you should just learn java" I've been trying to and so far none of the crap I find on the internet actually works.)
Btw, I would like this cape ( added in for NicoPico120, GoldenNachos, Snoopy135, IvoryBloodSh3d, Malware, and I may add more to the list!
Code I added:
public void updateCloak()
playerCloakUrl = (new StringBuilder()).append("").append(username).append(".png").toString();
cloakUrl = playerCloakUrl;
public void updateCloak()
playerCloakUrl = (new StringBuilder()).append("").append(username).append(".png").toString();
cloakUrl = playerCloakUrl;