Experience With Maps: I make very nice worlds that I dont release (I know how to zip them and release them and stuff)
But choose not to. I will zip the world for you to if needed
Age(optional, but helps):
Why should I choose you: I will zip the map and make small buildings with lots of details. If I make big ones it wont have much detail.
Friends I can PM to see if I can trust you with the links: Hexdro and qymineASAP.
The parameters for ModPE.setItem are ID, textureName, additionalTextures, and itemName. You can find the textureName and additionalTextures in the items.meta. The ID for the Super Sword is NOT 187, but 457. And the huge number for the additionalTexture parameter won't do anything. Here is the correct code:
Sorry about how I typed it, but the enter button on my Android doesn't work properly on the Minecraft Forums. And the reason I used the ModPE.setItem() with the newLevel() hook is because unless youwere in the world while enabling the script, it would crash when you would try to obtain the item (I once had a bad experience with this). When the victim is attacked, it just kills it, but if you wanted it to do a specific amount of damage, use Entity.setHealth(victim, Entity.getHealth(victim) - amount).
Ya... my keyboard wont work. I have a samsung galaxy tablet 3. And thanks for the advice!
Hello, my name is GoldenApple123 and here are my mods!
these mods might not work. PM me if you know how to do the part of the mod that I messed up)
Super sword
UPDATE: when you tab the red mushroom on the ground you get the super sword potatos.
This mod will add a sword to your game. It's called super sword. How to use:
Get a red mushroom and tap it on the ground, you get the super sword. Tap super sword on the ground and you get suited for battle (it's a suprise what you get) the super sword does not yet do 1 hit kills, as I know how to do (thanks to kyurem838) but I am trying to implement in code but I do not yet know how to add new lines of code to code.
Download: https://dl.dropboxus...C2S3veo5JFGb_ow
Bacon on a stick
This mod adds bacon on a stick. To obtain tap raw pork on the ground. Tap the bacon on a stick on the ground to get dirt (future plan to get dirty bacon on a stick instead of dirt)
Put this code into blockluancher to use:
ModPE.setFoodItem(451, "stick", 0, "Bacon on a stick"); //create the new item
function useItem (x, y, z,itemId, blockId, side) //useItem hook
if(itemId == 319)//if your holding bacon and tap the ground
addItemInvetory(451, 1); //add one Bacon on a stick to your inventory ( so you can gain/obtain the item)
else if(itemId == 451)//if the item you tap on the ground is bacon on a stick
addItemInventory(3,1); //add one dirt to your inventory, future plan to add dirty ham
Item ID's
Super sword: 451
Bacon on a stick: 451
If this does not 1 hit kill all mobs please PM me telling me how to do so.
Hexdro (main start with coding)
you23456789 (making me work on the mod)
Kyurem838 (helping me with code)
SamonLovesMC (making me work on the mod)
MattDaveMatt (helping me with code)
thanks to everybody who has done this!
also, if you want to join a simple but really fun team, click on this link!
V 1.0
First release
V 1.1
Makes the mod work
V 1.2
When you tap the ground with the super sword you get some stuff that gets you ready for battle!
V 1.3 when you tap a red mushroom on the ground you get the super sword
Isn't this sort if the same as the mod you made where you tap paper on a crafting table and you get random stuff and also tab an apple on glowing obsidian and you turn into a vampire?
But choose not to. I will zip the world for you to if needed
Age(optional, but helps):
Why should I choose you: I will zip the map and make small buildings with lots of details. If I make big ones it wont have much detail.
Friends I can PM to see if I can trust you with the links: Hexdro and qymineASAP.
Please... can everybody please stop bullying me....
Thank you!
Yes I will, thanks to the people that take there time helping me and making me work on this mod more.
Ya... my keyboard wont work. I have a samsung galaxy tablet 3. And thanks for the advice!
Blammaama some stuff here
[Slash spoiler]
And I want the new sword to do 100 damage.
these mods might not work. PM me if you know how to do the part of the mod that I messed up)
Super sword
UPDATE: when you tab the red mushroom on the ground you get the super sword potatos.
This mod will add a sword to your game. It's called super sword. How to use:
Get a red mushroom and tap it on the ground, you get the super sword. Tap super sword on the ground and you get suited for battle (it's a suprise what you get) the super sword does not yet do 1 hit kills, as I know how to do (thanks to kyurem838) but I am trying to implement in code but I do not yet know how to add new lines of code to code.
This mod adds bacon on a stick. To obtain tap raw pork on the ground. Tap the bacon on a stick on the ground to get dirt (future plan to get dirty bacon on a stick instead of dirt)
Put this code into blockluancher to use:
ModPE.setFoodItem(451, "stick", 0, "Bacon on a stick"); //create the new item
function useItem (x, y, z,itemId, blockId, side) //useItem hook
if(itemId == 319)//if your holding bacon and tap the ground
addItemInvetory(451, 1); //add one Bacon on a stick to your inventory ( so you can gain/obtain the item)
else if(itemId == 451)//if the item you tap on the ground is bacon on a stick
addItemInventory(3,1); //add one dirt to your inventory, future plan to add dirty ham
Super sword: 451
Bacon on a stick: 451
If this does not 1 hit kill all mobs please PM me telling me how to do so.
Hexdro (main start with coding)
you23456789 (making me work on the mod)
Kyurem838 (helping me with code)
SamonLovesMC (making me work on the mod)
MattDaveMatt (helping me with code)
thanks to everybody who has done this!
also, if you want to join a simple but really fun team, click on this link!
Super sword change log:
Bacon on a stick Change log:
Ios or android?
O my gosh.