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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Happy Two Year Anniversary Convicted! It's been a fun year.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Rando I accidently bought 6 gold blocks from your gold block shop on froot's plot while trying to shoot the pig. I was wondering if you could please refund me my 300k because it was an accident. Thanks. I would refund the 6 gold blocks. http://i.imgur.com/iXELTjg.png
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Quote from iMakeMcVids

    1) Username:iMakeMcVids
    2) Your age:14
    3) How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 3 days) I started back in 1.3.2 or before can't really remember on a alt volt_rich I think I have (Many alts) (Yes I did pay for them)
    4) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules? Yes I have and I will read them again right after
    5) Any experience with the prison genre? Yes I have played on many different prison servers including being guard on a few
    6) What is your time zone? Central,Ky
    7) Why are you the best choice for guard? (1-2 paragraphs) Well, I have played on many different prison servers and only a few stand out including this one First reason I should be guard is....
    #1 Active - I will be on the server almost all of the day and very active as a guard. I will make sure everyone is following the rules such as players having No Swords, Harming Potions , Fire Works , Drugs ( I don't know why Bows are not on the list)
    #2 PvP - I have a very good pvp skill I think, I will make sure there is no pvp in areas such as c-b-a-elite and my pvp skill on a 1-10 scale would be a 7.5 or 8 due to my massive time of playing pvp and prison servers on minecraft so if I am getting attack by another player I will most likely when the battle and that will be one less player not following the prison rules..
    #3 My past time on prison and non prison servers - I learned about prison servers threw a famous youtube and I have liked them ever sense it was about the start of 2012 when I learned about prison servers in minecraft and I have always wanted to be a guard but that time has only came a few times. in my carrer of minecraft and I would love for it to come again on minecraft convicted. I have been guard on around 2-3 prison servers.
    #4 Catching Hackers - I know its a guards job to keep players away from contrabands but I think they also need to catch the hackers I have caught many hackers in my days of minecraft both on prison servers and off. I will beable to record them using my youtube channel
    #5 Getting players on - I will be able to advertise the server by recording youtube such I am doing right now I have just finished my first convicted let's play and I would love to add (life of a guard) onto the let's plays.
    8) Do you understand that nagging Wardens in-game to read your app will result in immediate decline? Yes I do understand
    9) What is your current prison rank? A ( On my alt i was free) Do you understand that we will require a screenshot of this when/if you retire from guard? Yes I do
    Oh and yeah Think I forgot? Noakii

    Recommended :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Convicted [Classic Prison Server] [Non-OP]
    Quote from FlexZylo123

    FlexZylo's Trainee Application Re-Post

    1) Username:
    The name's Flex, FlexZylo

    2) Your age:
    14, but i'm mature.

    3) How long have you been playing the server? (Minimum of 3 days)
    I have been playing on convicted for about 3 months.

    4) Have you read the Server, Prison, and Guard Rules?
    Indeed i have read the Guard Rules "Noakii"!

    5) Any experience with the prison genre?
    Well i have some knowledge, and in-game i have been taking notes in a book about the different guards, and what i should learn from them when/if i get to be a guard. Cause the best way to learn is from people that have already done it. I also use that book on what i need to improve on "if" i do become guard.

    6) What is your time zone?
    Central (CST)

    7) Why are you the best choice for guard? (1-2 paragraphs)
    Well i believe i would be the best choice for guard because i believe i can handle the duties of Guard pretty well. I am good at PvP and i guard needs to know his PvP. I have read all the Server Rules and Guard rules and i have a good understanding of them. I love to make new friends, and i am kind to others. But i take my jobs seriously and i am a Hard Worker. I can also put a lot of time into being guard, so i can be on for a long time, and i won't goof off.

    I also have asked some guards if i could follow them around and i have been taking notes on how they guard, as said in "Do i have experience with the Prison Genre." I wanted to do that so i can learn what it takes to be a good guard. So i can see what they excel in and i can improve myself in that area. I can also use it, if i do become guard to remind myself on different things that i need to work in to become even better.

    Conclusion: I believe i would be a good guard because of my skills in PvP and i love to be kind to others and make friends, because you have to "Treat Others the Way, you want to be Treated". I do what i am told no questions asked, and i learn from the others that are already guard to improve myself in different areas. I have some knowledge in Prison Genre. I just want to help out the server in doing my part and becoming guard. Because this is such an awesome community i just want to help them out and do the duties of a guard, and it would be a fun experience becoming guard!

    8) Do you understand that nagging Wardens in-game to read your app will result in immediate decline?
    Yes i understand that nagging the wardens will result in an immediate decline.

    9) What is your current prison rank? Do you understand that we will require a screenshot of this when/if you retire from guard?
    I'm currently "Free" and i do have a screenshot of when/if i retire from guard.

    [Guard] Bluefocus
    [Guard] XxHGBxX

    Thank you for taking the time to read! It means a lot!

    Recommend definitely a great choice for guard.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on ****†Brand New Server†**** LOOKING FOR STAFF.
    Lol I just got banned Jroll please unban me they say I was griefing but I was working on your pex file the whole time...
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Don't Drop the Soap! | Prison Server | 1.5 | 155 Slots | No lag | 24/7 |
    In game name: GoHumpAMoose

    Age: 16

    What is your timezone?: CST (GMT - 6)

    What times can you guard?: 7-9 Weekdays. All day weekends. I have a flexible schedule so I will probably be on more then I said above on the weekdays.

    Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes the prison server genre is my favorite because I like the idea of working your way up through the blocks by mining/cutting wood. I go on these servers very frequently because I always find something fun to do and I like to guard a lot of the time because defending people is something I very much like to do.

    Do you have any experience guarding?: Yes I have guarded on many prison servers before such as Convicted, Killion and the old MCP, and I think this is a good amount of guarding experience to know all the mechanics of being a guard and to be successful at my job. I think experience is an important thing because if you don't have experience then you will probably not know what to do!

    What makes you the best selection for guard?: I think I am the best selection for guard because I have had quite a bit of experience with being a guard on other servers and I would like to apply that knowledge to this server. I am a very trustworthy person and will not abuse my powers of being a guard such as giving away my kit or jailing people unfairly because of a grudge or something similar. I will also strive to make this server better by helping new players when they need assistance and always doing my duty by protecting them from people who want to kill them. I am quite good at pvp so I am sometimes even able to beat those prisoners/free's with much better armor then me be cause I know how to strafe and block-hit and other techniques to win fights. I am quick to think so I know how to handle situations that are not defined by rules. I actually have been guard on DDTS the soap before it's just I stopped playing for an extended period of time so I got demoted. I would like to have another go.I hope you consider my application to be a guard.

    Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?: Cyan Is AFK. Yup I always read the rules on a server before I start playing because I think it is extremely important for everyone to know the rules so they don't get banned for doing something they didn't know was wrong. I also read the rules for every rank incase I ever decide to apply for that rank.
    What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?: Free. Yes I do understand and here is the screenshot proof. ttp://i.imgur.com/1AvueVz.png

    Any additional info: I love gaming and Minecraft has been one of my favorite games ever since it came out. I like playing sports and hanging out with friends.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 3.0.5i (Outdated)
    My thaumcraft textures seem to be strange even though I'm using the default texture pack. I'm currently running Mindcrack 8.1.1
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on MC PRISON - MC-CONVICTED.ORG [4300+ DAYS RUNNING] - Convicted Classic Prison || EVENTS || PARKOUR || PVP || AI GUARDS
    IGN: GoHumpAMoose
    AGE: 15
    What Is Your Timezone? CST (GMT - 6)
    What Times Can You Play On The Server? 7-9 Weekdays. All day weekends. I have a flexible schedule so I will probably be on more then I said above on the weekdays.
    How Long Have You Played On MCP? A long ass time.
    What Is Your Current Rank On The Server? Free
    Do You Have Any Experience With Other Prison Servers? Yes the prison server genre is my favorite because I like the idea of working your way up through the blocks by mining/cutting wood. I go on these servers very frequently because I always find something fun to do and I like to guard a lot of the time because defending people is something I very much like to do.
    Do You Have Any Experience With Guarding? Yes I have guarded on many prison servers before such as Convicted, Killion and the old MCP, and I think this is a good amount of guarding experience to know all the mechanics of being a guard and to be successful at my job. I think experience is an important thing because if you don't have experience then you will probably not know what to do!
    Have You Read All The Rules (Guard And Prisoner)? Yes
    Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Guard?
    I think I am the best selection for guard because I have had quite a bit of experience with being a guard on other servers and I would like to apply that knowledge to this server. I am a very trustworthy person and will not abuse my powers of being a guard such as giving away my kit or jailing people unfairly because of a grudge or something similar. I will also strive to make this server better by helping new players when they need assistance and always doing my duty by protecting them from people who want to kill them. I am quite good at pvp so I am sometimes even able to beat those prisoners/free's with much better armor then me be cause I know how to strafe and block-hit and other techniques to win fights. I am quick to think so I know how to handle situations that are not defined by rules.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Don't Drop the Soap! | Prison Server | 1.5 | 155 Slots | No lag | 24/7 |
    In game name: GoHumpAMoose

    Age: 16

    What is your timezone?: CST (GMT - 6)

    What times can you guard?: 7-9 Weekdays. All day weekends. I have a flexible schedule so I will probably be on more then I said above on the weekdays.

    Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes the prison server genre is my favorite because I like the idea of working your way up through the blocks by mining/cutting wood. I go on these servers very frequently because I always find something fun to do and I like to guard a lot of the time because defending people is something I very much like to do.

    Do you have any experience guarding?: Yes I have guarded on many prison servers before such as Convicted, Killion and the old MCP, and I think this is a good amount of guarding experience to know all the mechanics of being a guard and to be successful at my job. I think experience is an important thing because if you don't have experience then you will probably not know what to do!

    What makes you the best selection for guard?: I think I am the best selection for guard because I have had quite a bit of experience with being a guard on other servers and I would like to apply that knowledge to this server. I am a very trustworthy person and will not abuse my powers of being a guard such as giving away my kit or jailing people unfairly because of a grudge or something similar. I will also strive to make this server better by helping new players when they need assistance and always doing my duty by protecting them from people who want to kill them. I am quite good at pvp so I am sometimes even able to beat those prisoners/free's with much better armor then me be cause I know how to strafe and block-hit and other techniques to win fights. I am quick to think so I know how to handle situations that are not defined by rules. I actually have been guard on DDTS the soap before it's just I stopped playing for an extended period of time so I got demoted. I would like to have another go.I hope you consider my application to be a guard.

    Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?: Cyan Is AFK. Yup I always read the rules on a server before I start playing because I think it is extremely important for everyone to know the rules so they don't get banned for doing something they didn't know was wrong. I also read the rules for every rank incase I ever decide to apply for that rank.
    What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?: Free. Yes I do understand and here is the screenshot proof. ttp://i.imgur.com/1AvueVz.png

    Any additional info: I love gaming and Minecraft has been one of my favorite games ever since it came out. I like playing sports and hanging out with friends.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Don't Drop the Soap! | Prison Server | 1.5 | 155 Slots | No lag | 24/7 |
    Quote from chris332211

    i like adjectives

    Say what?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Don't Drop the Soap! | Prison Server | 1.5 | 155 Slots | No lag | 24/7 |
    In game name: GoHumpAMoose

    Age: 16

    What is your timezone?: CST (GMT - 6)

    What times can you guard?: 7-9 Weekdays. All day weekends. I have a flexible schedule so I will probably be on more then I said above on the weekdays.

    Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes the prison server genre is my favorite because I like the idea of working your way up through the blocks by mining/cutting wood. I go on these servers very frequently because I always find something fun to do and I like to guard a lot of the time because defending people is something I very much like to do.

    Do you have any experience guarding?: Yes I have guarded on many prison servers before such as Convicted, Killion and the old MCP, and I think this is a good amount of guarding experience to know all the mechanics of being a guard and to be successful at my job. I think experience is an important thing because if you don't have experience then you will probably not know what to do!

    What makes you the best selection for guard?: I think I am the best selection for guard because I have had quite a bit of experience with being a guard on other servers and I would like to apply that knowledge to this server. I am a very trustworthy person and will not abuse my powers of being a guard such as giving away my kit or jailing people unfairly because of a grudge or something similar. I will also strive to make this server better by helping new players when they need assistance and always doing my duty by protecting them from people who want to kill them. I am quite good at pvp so I am sometimes even able to beat those prisoners/free's with much better armor then me be cause I know how to strafe and block-hit and other techniques to win fights. I am quick to think so I know how to handle situations that are not defined by rules. I actually have been guard on DDTS the soap before it's just I stopped playing for an extended period of time so I got demoted. I would like to have another go.I hope you consider my application to be a guard.

    Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?: Cyan Is AFK. Yup I always read the rules on a server before I start playing because I think it is extremely important for everyone to know the rules so they don't get banned for doing something they didn't know was wrong. I also read the rules for every rank incase I ever decide to apply for that rank.
    What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?: Free. Yes I do understand and here is the screenshot proof. ttp://i.imgur.com/1AvueVz.png

    Any additional info: Thanks for taking the time to read my application :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Minecraft Capes! [Multiplayer Capes/Cloaks][www.MCCapes.com][Cape Gallery] + Transparent/Animated!
    IGN: GoHumpAMoose I would like to use animated capes please.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Don't Drop the Soap! | Prison Server | 1.5 | 155 Slots | No lag | 24/7 |
    In game name: GoHumpAMoose

    Age: 16

    What is your timezone?: CST (GMT - 6)

    What times can you guard?: 7-9 Weekdays. All day weekends. I have a flexible schedule so I will probably be on more then I said above on the weekdays.

    Do you have experience with prison themed servers?: Yes the prison server genre is my favorite because I like the idea of working your way up through the blocks by mining/cutting wood. I go on these servers very frequently because I always find something fun to do and I like to guard a lot of the time because defending people is something I very much like to do.

    Do you have any experience guarding?: Yes I have guarded on many prison servers before such as Convicted, Killion and the old MCP, and I think this is a good amount of guarding experience to know all the mechanics of being a guard and to be successful at my job. I think experience is an important thing because if you don't have experience then you will probably not know what to do!

    What makes you the best selection for guard?: I think I am the best selection for guard because I have had quite a bit of experience with being a guard on other servers and I would like to apply that knowledge to this server. I am a very trustworthy person and will not abuse my powers of being a guard such as giving away my kit or jailing people unfairly because of a grudge or something similar. I will also strive to make this server better by helping new players when they need assistance and always doing my duty by protecting them from people who want to kill them. I am quite good at pvp so I am sometimes even able to beat those prisoners/free's with much better armor then me be cause I know how to strafe and block-hit and other techniques to win fights. I am quick to think so I know how to handle situations that are not defined by rules. I actually have been guard on DDTS the soap before it's just I stopped playing for an extended period of time so I got demoted. I would like to have another go. I hope you consider my application to be a guard.

    Have you read ALL the rules, guard and prisoner?: Cyan Is AFK. Yup I always read the rules on a server before I start playing because I think it is extremely important for everyone to know the rules so they don't get banned for doing something they didn't know was wrong. I also read the rules for every rank incase I ever decide to apply for that rank.
    What is your current rank? Do you understand that we will need screenshot proof of it if you decide to resign?: Free. Yes I do understand and here is the screenshot proof. ttp://i.imgur.com/1AvueVz.png

    Any additional info: Thanks for taking the time to read my application :D
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on MC PRISON - MC-CONVICTED.ORG [4300+ DAYS RUNNING] - Convicted Classic Prison || EVENTS || PARKOUR || PVP || AI GUARDS
    IGN: GoHumpAMoose
    Who Banned You? Silas_Bowen
    When Were You Times (Time/Date) 1/25/13
    Why Were You Banned? I was banned for having duped chests.
    Are You At Fault? No I do not believe I was at fault.
    Rank On Server? Free
    Why Should We Unban You? You should unban me because the chests were from the old MCP map and I had no idea they were still here. I wasn't using them to gain money or any unfair advantages. I do not dupe on this current server it's just that the items were left there from the old map and _firewing_ found them and reported it.
    Additional Info: No
    Posted in: PC Servers
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