To be honest when the first time i saw this news. I was thinking you would need to make a wall of codes. But seing it with my own eyes to be honest. I'm amazed that Blocky is a type of coding. And that amazed me that Minecraft was created by doing the Blocky. Type of coding i'm just amazed.
Oops, sorry so the i found the problem CUDA shaders don't work for me and some other shaders but some do work for me. :P. Also the only problem is how do i make CUDA shaders work and some other shaders. They don't work for me though, can you please help me.
Well the shaders i'm using are CUDAS shader ultra and medium. Well i install the shaders mod by.
1. Download the forge liteloader (For voxel map can't seem to find any like it for 1.7.10) and optifine, better fps, FastCraft.
2. Install the forge then liteloader then optifine then better fps then Fastcraft.
3.Then download Shader core
4. Drag it in the mods folder
5. Download the shader packs (CUDAS shader ultra and medium they are in zip)
6. Make the folder naming shaderpacks
7.Put the shader packs
8. Play Minecraft
9. Go to a world
10. Put on the shader packs by the new tab right side of the language.
I think that's about how i install shaders. Hope this helps.
Hello guys, recently i saw how beautiful shaders are
And i wanted to download it i did the steps on installing it but. When i select a shader pack it doesn't work nothing happens. I didn't see shadows or shaders in my world. Can you please help me i want to use this because it's awesome.
(Note. I'm using lite loader for 1.7.10 and Forge for 1.710 and optifine HD_U_D6 i hope this helps)
Well the version i am in is 1.7.10
Also i found another problem so i patched 1.7.10 forge with liteloader and optifine. But when i launch the launcher nothing happens, the launcher closes and opens with no crash.
Hello, i was trying to install mods using Mcpatcher but i read the instructions and when i look at the mods folder at the Mcpatcher. All of it were gone probably because all of it were jar, i was trying to patch Blockysmith and shader texutre packs. Can you help me how to do it properly, i really don't know what to do.
Thanks too for the reply, i'll keep that in mind and i'll just keep searching for the version 1.7.10. Also i'll have to try if the texture packs are compatible for 1.7.10.
Thanks for the information, i'll keep that in mind
Thank you for the reply, but the resource pack is just going to shade blocks. But anyways i'll keep that in mind
Can i use a resource pack on other versions other than the version intended for it? I wanted to use a resource pack in 1.7.10 but the intended version for that resource pack is 1.8. Is it possible to do that?
I already have the java 8 installed before should i download the JVM too?
Help, i need assistance, so i was installing Liteloader i opened it and this showed.
The registry refers to a nonexistent Java Runtime Environment installation or the run is corrupted
The system cannot find the file specified.
Yes, actually because the concept of hostile mobs or slimes at the first day. Makes me exited because you will need to craft a sword early on.
So i've been thinking on can slimes spawn in the Overworld. Without having a full moon to spawn like spawning in naturally into the world. Is it possible for command blocks to do that (Sorry if i don't know anything about commands)
Also does this work with other mobs as well? like passive mobs such as sheeps spawning in the high mountains. And passive mobs in a "herd" like mobs spawning in a 2x2 chunk.
I never actually threaten a person before, but just to the extent of scaring the person away. I don't think it's appropriate for me to say in here.
Well, i do like the suggestion adding a generated structure. But it just dawned on me that how big are this ice bergs? Are the ice bergs rare?
But to be honest dosen't it seem odd that "cold water" hurt a player. Even though that temperature in Minecraft would seem a little bit odd?
Also to sum it up in a pretty ribbon, how would this be a threat to a player, if the player can just stir away? and swim into the sunset.
It's a lovely suggestion i have to admit but, Aside from making the ocean a bit more better, how would the ice berg strike fear into the player. If the player can just simply swim around it.
(Sorry if some of my critism may seem a bit off, or rude apologize to that