For some reason the quiver isn't showing up on my back even though I have Player API.
Edit: Nevermind got it working now. Had to have more than one arrow in it. Whoops. Just need to figure out how to get it on my back now, since it's on my hip and backspace isn't doing the trick.
I am working on re-implementing the missing features, and also Forge compatibility.
But I am also re-writing the mod, and making it more than a simple "commands mod".
This takes time.. when I'm done, I will make a new thread for the next version
Just my opinion, but I think you should just work on updating it to 1.6+ with forge compatibility, post that update, then start re-writing it and turning it into something more. Not everyone wants it to be more than a "simple commands mod."
It will be a while before we can get that kind of flying down; Mojang hasn't really developed a perfect way for a dragon to fly in the overworld yet, so we'd have to refine that method ourselves unless they beat us to it (which they probably won't).
There's a likely chance it may happen for the following update after this next one however, for once I finish the navigation variants, I want to allow different navigation types for NPCs, such as hovering, jumping, and teleporting.
Do you and/or Noppes have any plans to make it so when you talk to an NPC, they will stop and look at you? Or at least just stop moving? Looking forward to the 1.6 update nonetheless.
This Mod is AWESOME! Like you said about Modpack, I want to use it in my Modpack "GamingHouse" for my event map "Lost on Earth".
It's currently in the same thread.
This is awesome. Do you have each item separated into an individual image like the way texturepacks are now? This mod has all the item images separated into individual image files also. If you've already separated them, i'd love a download link to the image files.
So you won't drive yourself crazy, the download link to that is on the very first page. It's right under "Texture Pack."
For the pather is it 14 blocks inbetween each path marker or 14 overall? Like could I put 10 path markers 10 blocks apart and have it travel 100 blocks or will it just stop after the first marker because it wont go past 14 blocks from it original spawn point.
Also heres a question for anyone out there is it possible to have a NPC return to a specific home after dark or will it just run to the closest building.
It's 14 blocks inbetween each path marker. So yeah, you can have it travel as many blocks as you want, just don't go over the 14 from path to path.
It's going to run to the closest building. However, it has to actually be dark outside. For my NPC's they don't seem to run inside ever, I suppose it's because I have too many lights outside? All I really have is one glowstone.
Hello, the mod is awesome, but i noticed that in minecraft 1.5.2, when i create a NPC, i cant hit him. is it a bug? please help.
I'm assuming you didn't change the NPC's faction. Automatically you, the player, are on the "neutral" or "friendly" faction, I believe. You need to turn the NPC onto the aggressive or neutral faction. You can hit those, however you can't hit NPC's on the friendly faction.
Hmmm I've noticed that the npc pather doesn't work propperly, not with long distances at least. When I make an npc travel a long distance, he rather stays in one place and doesn't move very far. Another problem (which I think is something to consider) is the aggro system. When you hit an npc, he fights back, but he focuses on you no matter if other npcs attack it. Here's an example:
You and a friendly npc walk towards 1 agressive npc, you attack it, but it focuses only on you, even though it's being attacked by the friendly npc.
I'd be really happy if this bug(?) is fixed or considered to be fixed, because I am working on a small project, which this small problem turns out to be fatal.
The NPC pather's max block limit is 14...? I believe. It's either 14 or 9. It's the only two numbers that are popping into my head, not sure why. It'd be great to have it longer distance, but it could easily bump into things which would start creating issues. NPC's will focus on the first target it finds until it's dead or out of it's aggro range.
Can someone make a video on how to make quests i watched scmowns but it did not work is it supposed to tell you in chat?
because it doesnt
You need to make all your quests in the global tab. You then need to attach the quest to a dialogue. It gets confusing since there's different ways to start a quest and availability, etc, so I suggest creating VERY simple quests to practice with. If you succeeded in making the quest and attaching it to a dialogue, in the chat it will say "Quest Started: Quest Name."
Oh, and don't forget to attach the dialogue to the NPC after all that. I make that mistake a lot.
Noppes, i'm on vacation now and I'd like to know a little bit more about modding, could you point me the start? my current goal is to create custom armors that works in a multiplayer server. Most of the people I've asked help told me to learn java first, but I figured since my goal is so standard it wasnt worthy
That's quite selfish of you to even ask. Just as MasterKulon said, there's a ton of youtube guides out there. You don't need to learn Java before you even start modding. My friend started modding just two weeks ago without any knowledge on Java and he created a custom door, a custom item, and now is onto tile entities. There's PLENTY of guides on how to make custom armor specifically. Creating custom armor is not standard. It's under advanced tutorials. If you want a point in the right direction, I suggest getting the forge source, eclipse, then going straight to the modding section on this forum then looking at forge guides. Create a simple custom block, then learn from there.
On another note, I can't wait until Noppes updates this mod to 1.6.
Edit: Nevermind got it working now. Had to have more than one arrow in it. Whoops. Just need to figure out how to get it on my back now, since it's on my hip and backspace isn't doing the trick.
-The mob and ambient noises don't seem to work.
-While on LAN, my friend crashes sometimes when he talks to NPC's with dialogues.
-When my friend is connected to me with LAN, I'm unable to attach dialogue to an NPC but he can.
Well unfortunately, for me specifically, I can't seem to use Single Player Commands in LAN; only XCommands works.
Just my opinion, but I think you should just work on updating it to 1.6+ with forge compatibility, post that update, then start re-writing it and turning it into something more. Not everyone wants it to be more than a "simple commands mod."
Do you and/or Noppes have any plans to make it so when you talk to an NPC, they will stop and look at you? Or at least just stop moving? Looking forward to the 1.6 update nonetheless.
If you're trying to look for legal use in any mod, try reading the entire post next time.
This is under notes:
So you won't drive yourself crazy, the download link to that is on the very first page. It's right under "Texture Pack."
It's 14 blocks inbetween each path marker. So yeah, you can have it travel as many blocks as you want, just don't go over the 14 from path to path.
It's going to run to the closest building. However, it has to actually be dark outside. For my NPC's they don't seem to run inside ever, I suppose it's because I have too many lights outside? All I really have is one glowstone.
I'm assuming you didn't change the NPC's faction. Automatically you, the player, are on the "neutral" or "friendly" faction, I believe. You need to turn the NPC onto the aggressive or neutral faction. You can hit those, however you can't hit NPC's on the friendly faction.
The NPC pather's max block limit is 14...? I believe. It's either 14 or 9. It's the only two numbers that are popping into my head, not sure why. It'd be great to have it longer distance, but it could easily bump into things which would start creating issues. NPC's will focus on the first target it finds until it's dead or out of it's aggro range.
You need to make all your quests in the global tab. You then need to attach the quest to a dialogue. It gets confusing since there's different ways to start a quest and availability, etc, so I suggest creating VERY simple quests to practice with. If you succeeded in making the quest and attaching it to a dialogue, in the chat it will say "Quest Started: Quest Name."
Oh, and don't forget to attach the dialogue to the NPC after all that. I make that mistake a lot.
That's quite selfish of you to even ask. Just as MasterKulon said, there's a ton of youtube guides out there. You don't need to learn Java before you even start modding. My friend started modding just two weeks ago without any knowledge on Java and he created a custom door, a custom item, and now is onto tile entities. There's PLENTY of guides on how to make custom armor specifically. Creating custom armor is not standard. It's under advanced tutorials. If you want a point in the right direction, I suggest getting the forge source, eclipse, then going straight to the modding section on this forum then looking at forge guides. Create a simple custom block, then learn from there.
On another note, I can't wait until Noppes updates this mod to 1.6.