[center][size=xx-large] Installation [/size][/center]
[size=xx-large]Getting prepared[/size]
1. Download the most recent version of LAST DAYS and LAST DAYS Audio.
2. Download Sound Mod
Enabler and The HD Texture Patcher.
3.Place all four downloads in a folder on your desktop (for ease)
[size=xx-large]Installing Sound[/size]
1. Using a program such as the freewares WinRAR or 7zip open Sound Mod Enabler.zip.
2. Open your .minecraft folder. locations should be as follows (Please correct me if I am wrong)
Quote from LOCATIONS »
Mac OS X: (user-name) /Library/Application Support/minecraft
Windows XP: Hold Windows+R, and enter %appdata%\.minecraft into the box that comes up.
Windows Vista/7 Hold Windows+R, and enter %appdata%\Roaming\.minecraft into the box that comes up
3.In your minecraft folder open bin then Open minecraft.jar with the same program you used for the Sound Mod Enabler.
[size=xx-large]Installing Textures[/size]
ok so i just downloaded HD patcher but i can't even get your texture pack to work and i'd like to undo what this HD patcher did cuz water n lava looks crappy and your system won't unpatch me. how do i get this HD patcher to work with me
ok i donwloaded this texture pack and put it as a normal folder into the texture pack file, nothing. i tried to make it a compress little zip file kinda thing but i have winrar so it turns it into a WINRAR specific zip file. the game can now find it but it can't do anything with it. how do i make it a normal zip file or what do i do with the file to make it work with minecraft
noteverybdy here is a computer freak i never got a bw class when i downloaded the sound i don't know if you changed it or what but you must be leaving out parts. also i can't get your texture pack to work which is the first time i've never gotten a texture pack to work. could you possibly make things anymore complcated by scattering your directions onto different pages?
Hey guys I have found a glitch/hack where if you buy a perk twice and don't use it the second time but buy a weapon in that slot you can have 3 weapons.
Also if you set the difficulty to peaceful then let the zombies mob you for a bit at an open window you can get out of the building.(useful but kill all of the zombies that follow you off so they don't get stuck down there and you can still advance through the levels)
buddy you could always have 3 guns. hell you could have 9. hell you can open your inventory and move stuff around. just note that when you buy a gun it replaces the action bar slot you have selected at the moment and fills the 3 slots in your inv with ammo replacing anything in those slot. also if you want buckets the flamethrower for some reason uses them. don't know if you could find anything to do with them but still you never know
i found where you buy the mp40 off the wall first and i'm first to post that here. look for the secret spot to buy the mp40 off the wall guys *hint: go to the stairs in the spawn room and look up*
i saw that there and kept wondering what to do. even got a stun grenade and panzerfaust and shot at it. nothing. then i accidentally found it when i was grabbing something off the wall i won't what i was getting. you can use the spot to be invinible as zombies can't touch you but i only use it for the gun
its pretty cool just wish the guns had more ammo. you run out after 10 zombies, not even a full round.
I hope veruuckt since you buy it has alota ammo for guns and the mystery box is everywehre instead of it teleporting around cuz that sounds laggy and impossible. Also i found an easter egg!!! i won't spoil the location
how do you download it? i went to the "get the mod" section and it says it is experiencing high traffic and has been temporarily disabled... does anyone else get this?
....just like it says, so many people are trying to download it, it crashed, gotta wait till they put it back up or put a new one in.
wait i'm a huge noob to the forums where do i go to download?
sombody told me this would be out march 2nd why the delay.
Also is the first map free cuz i heard somewhere saying that these maps would cost money every now and then
please tell me the first map is atleast free as sort of a sample to see if we would want more maps or not
the real rare item should be made with obsidian bars instead of wooden sticks to increase its value like you could do
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[] [] to create an obsidian rods
ok so i just downloaded HD patcher but i can't even get your texture pack to work and i'd like to undo what this HD patcher did cuz water n lava looks crappy and your system won't unpatch me. how do i get this HD patcher to work with me
nope i can play both perfectly fine both seperate just make sure to back up your saves/texturepacks/screenshots ect.
someone has directions on page 24 so clear and easy its how i got it. hope i helped
buddy you could always have 3 guns. hell you could have 9. hell you can open your inventory and move stuff around. just note that when you buy a gun it replaces the action bar slot you have selected at the moment and fills the 3 slots in your inv with ammo replacing anything in those slot. also if you want buckets the flamethrower for some reason uses them. don't know if you could find anything to do with them but still you never know
i saw that there and kept wondering what to do. even got a stun grenade and panzerfaust and shot at it. nothing. then i accidentally found it when i was grabbing something off the wall i won't what i was getting. you can use the spot to be invinible as zombies can't touch you but i only use it for the gun
sorry if i sound douchy i didn't mean to
I hope veruuckt since you buy it has alota ammo for guns and the mystery box is everywehre instead of it teleporting around cuz that sounds laggy and impossible. Also i found an easter egg!!! i won't spoil the location
wait i'm a huge noob to the forums where do i go to download?
Also is the first map free cuz i heard somewhere saying that these maps would cost money every now and then
please tell me the first map is atleast free as sort of a sample to see if we would want more maps or not
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can you make a tutorial telling me how to find minecraft.jar?