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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    Quote from Kamakaze

    When he does release the turrets I think they should look similar to how the mech looks. (i.e the dark grey color and much bulkier.) they should actually look like REAL LIFE turrets that could actually exist. the idea of maintenance is a great idea, and you could add a few more items with that, like a wrench, and an oil can or grease bucket, ect. also I hate how the turrets in the portal mod work.. they barely do any damage, can be easily pushed over, and only have a ~45 degree firing window. what kind of turret is that? I don't mean to hate on the portal mod, and don't get me wrong, it's amazing how some of the stuff actually works. (sorry getting distracted LOL) anyway. I think the turret should look like an AA with the shields in the front, that would look badass.

    what i was thinking was a dark grey colour and a big minigun. not a tiny thin one like in halo 3 or call of duty: modern warfare 2. a big barreled bulky minigun that could yes, have shields attached to it.It would start like this: when an enemy enters into its zone a red laser would apear out of the turret as it would instantly lock on to the target and point at it and then the minigun would take exaclty 1 a second delay. this would be to spin up the mini gun and also maybe give a chance for the players to backup realising that they have tresspassed somewhere. if they dont leave within that second the minigun opens fire. Also having players/mobs damage a turret can speed up the gun breaking down. if it fully breaks down the turret will turn un-operational and you will need to fully reapir it and change some parts in the turret with some spare parts before it will do any shooting again. if the player/mob continues to do damage on the turret while it is un-operational they could break the turret causing it to disapear just like the portal sentry turrets
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    Quote from Aloxamax

    Transformers!!!!! Nah, jk :laugh.gif:

    But :huh.gif: , will that mech have:
    - a Rocket Launcher?
    - a Minigun?
    - some mining upgrades (for no apparent reason, but a huge drill in his hand would look AWESOME)

    I read some other posts, and i think the sentry turret idea is not bad (but in your own style, there are already mods that add sentry turrets).

    I know heres already mods that add sentry turrets but i wanted one that would fit into the whole engicraft kinda look and feel not one that would be a sentry from portal or something like that. Besides, these turrets would be big and scary and would run on ammo and need to be repaired and need fuel just like the other enigcraft stuff :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    Quote from Aloxamax

    Huh....i think the moon idea is a little off-topic, its engicraft not spacecraft (but hold on to that idea, who knows?)

    i slightly agree with you there i was just throwing out ideas at that point but please do add the pulse hand weapon thing

    i did throw in the whole moon thing becuase i heard tier 3 was going to be about space and with the whole tier thing it seems were not just going to be dealing with ordinary stufff. were going to be dealing with advanced engineering technology. when i heard this mod was going to be about real cool engineering it seemed like atleast the moon would be something to consider
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    This mod looks like it has alot of potential especially saying that it will be compatible with most things.

    some sentry turrets would be a cool thing (you set it down and itll shoot at anything that move within its 45 degree angle view and it cannot move from its position) and you could maybe make bullets that you would use to reload it with whenever it got low on ammo. and there could be a light on top of it that would be green for in full conidtion or red to tell you if it needs fixing. either you need to reload it with ammo or you need to repair it since itll be damamged over time OR you need to give it more fuel since itll use some every time it needs to shoot at something.

    you could also make a weapon-like thing where its a super highly advanced pulse weapon that you equip unto your hand with(AKA have it on your hotkey and scroll over it) and you basically look at a mob and then right click and you will push that mob maybe say 10 blocks away. so wherever you aim you can push mobs away from you maybe ones that are attacking and overwhelming you. you could even push them off cliffs :biggrin.gif:. basically to sum it up it would kinda be like iron mans little hand gadget in the movies. you could even add small damage to the mobs you push around and you could make it where your big burly golems and bodygaurds are too big and strong to be effected by it incase of friendly fire

    You could add a spaceship aswell! you basically build it up and find a 4x4 spot that has clear view of the sky and you enter the ship and hop in the driver seat and itll act like a nether portal (except get rid of the purple swirls) and itll bring you to the moon. once ur done teleporting youll be a 4x4 sapceship just like you were when you left earth and youll exit it and be on the moon! the moon would be made of an important material that would be used to create ultra epic things like my iron man hand gadget thing (and for kicks i guess, CHEESE!). there could also be monsters on the moon that would spawn every now and then and be hostile to you so you would need to build a space station (a house or buidling to hide in) where you would do your work in. the mobs could include one that walks around and chases you and one that floats in the sky and shoots down at you (yes like a ghast but without the explosion part). you could also make it where you jump a little higher in the moon becuase of lower gravity. then when you wanted to go back to earth you would enter the spaceship driver seat and head back home.
    And if you REALLY wanted to get Sci-Fi you could either build seperate spaceships that would go to different places like MAR's (let the alein wars BEGIN) or maybe Pluto (for very unique and powerful minerals) Or you could make it to where one spaceship would go to diff planets and you could somehow decide the planet (maybe instead of sitting in a seat you go to the galaxy map and pick a planet somehow)

    Space suit! you're gunna need one of these if your going to the moon. you would basically make it out iron and other minerals and put it on (this includes your head chest legs and feet) when you head to the moon otherwise your guy will suffocate very quickly and be lit on fire (becuase of the sun) upon entering the moon. you could also use the suit to maybe increase your breathing time while underwater.

    Air tanks! you would build a block that would capture air and put it into an air tank that you would make to use when underwater or on the moon. it would work like a furnace, simply right click the block and put an emtpy tank into it and wait a few second to get an air tanks! you could do the same thing underwater to get water tanks, though idk what you would use those for. once you would have an Air tank you would put it into your sapce suit (or maybe if your making one a scuba suit) and whenever on the moon or underwater the air tank would slowly be used up. id say it would get an 8 to 10 minute use per tank.

    please consider atleast one of my ideas and make it a reality this mod looks awesome!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on 1.8 Updates: New Mob...Revealed?
    it seems the one on the left is holding a sand block and the one in the back is holding a grass block and that thing on the right is a giant mushroom
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on [Adv] The Tree of Life
    to asnwer gonrad92's question its all in the paintings. to answer laziecalvins question yes you need to extract it then take the world2 file and put it in your saves and leave the NOTES file open so you can look at notes when the game tells you
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Adv] The Tree of Life
    very hard worked on map liked it alot 9/10
    very creative
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [PUZ] ** Desert's Puzzle ** v1.5.3 (~40 puzzles)(50k DL's)
    dunno why your calling ti a deserts puzzle if the place is covered in snow :tongue.gif:

    also your texture pack looks funny
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on The Asylum
    It was very easy and there were alot and you could easily cheat but other than that it was a very good map for your beginning map i'd love to see more of them.

    I absolutely loved the door of shame :biggrin.gif: i couldn't figure out what the whole tnt switch thing was and the point to the diamond
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Froelich131 Survival Server -Apply-
    wth man you internet down? you got a list of 5 or 6 people applying answer us
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Froelich131 Survival Server -Apply-
    come n ceck your forums i've been waiting forever to be put back into the game
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Froelich131 Survival Server -Apply-
    Age: 15
    In game name: Glardian
    Do you have a mic: no but i might be getting one
    Do you feel trust worthy: yes
    Can you dedicate yourself: yes
    Did you read the rules: three times now (518)
    Nickname: Desmond
    Past info (Anything you feel you need to let us know) :
    I like minecraft and i play it every day and i like building certain stuff with people like towns ect.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Froelich131 Survival Server -Apply-
    you should add the herosneak mod and maybe myhome mod if you wanted the myhome thing
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [Creation] The Earth (Updated - Final)
    where is the sahara on the atlas, isnt it near egypt?

    EDIT: nvm i found it also i've been using the sun to tell where i am since it rises in the east and sets in the west but i dont know if its working for me. would be kinda wierd to make the world without it synching with the sun
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Surv] Underwater Survival Version 1.1
    If you guys are having trouble and you like trying out texture packs i recommend painterly. huge customization and in the GUI or weather slot you can change the water effect so its looks a little more clear. would help seeing underground.
    I also recomend turning off smooth lighting if it just drives you nuts :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Maps
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