I finished what you have so far. I gotta say, it's got potential to be an amazing map! :biggrin.gif: Keep up the good work!
Thank you for the positive reply. for the reason of the element of suprise I might (Key word: might) not be realeasing a demo of anymore parts of the map but I will try to get screenshots of things here and there.
Ok so Vechs super hostile maps have inspired me to create a little challenge map of my own. But instead of a Victory moument its just a full charge blow through hell trying to escape Dreadpeak caverns.
This map is going to be about battling quite a huge chunk of monsters on difficult terrain with an extremely low amount of supplys. The beginning coud be considered a walk in the park compared to what im about to put you through.
luckily I have a beta up previewing a small portion of the beginning giving you an idea of what the hardhsips might be (note: there going to be far worse than the beginning room)
If you have any feedback on the demo, forum, or EVIL and torturous ideas for the victims who will be playing this map, please post on the forums. like the map and know a friend who likes these kinds of things? or maybe you just knwo someoen who you want to put through pain? show them the map >:biggrin.gif:
heres the mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?299yf3y6y93kyuh
my new updated version contains the lava chamber, the broken skeleton bridge, the devils hallways and the spider lair >:biggrin.gif:
WARNING: this map may become extrmely hard and make you mad or you make think its too hard. thats becuase it is and is it meant for minecraft veterans and super hostile pros. if you're a minecraft vteran and/or a super hostile pro then you might find this map enjoyable becuase of its difficulty
Oh yeah and incase you need the rules: Do whatever is necessary to survive. this goes for killing your teammate in multiplayer for his stuff >:biggrin.gif: but dont use peaceful
No tactic is too cheap (execpt peaceful dont use it -.-)
No hardship is too tall
You've got one goal: get out of dreadpeak caverns! (AKA go through it dont dig yourself out of the map actually go through the challenges)
Why you want to join: The old server I was on (Snoville, just incase you were wondering) had a bad community and now i'm scrolling through servers trying to find a dedicated community
Age: 15
Were you referred by someone already on the server: no, but I was here when you tried an anarchy server for your first time, if you remember that some douche kept on burning the trees down
Will you dedicate yourself to the game, and thread: I am comitted to a server till the end, so long as you are comitted to having me apart of your server
Past info you think we may need to know: You can say i've been to quite a few servers so im gunna knwo my way around once someone points me in the right direction
Do you feel trust worthy: I can get the job done if thats what you're asking. If your trusting me to not grief, then oh hell yes
Why do you want to play on this server: I like to try new servers with not as much population as those big servers mainly becuase these are the ones with a strong community and the ones that usually can pitch a hand to other people around them. But mostly its sevrers like these where I can play big roles depening on
Thanks guys for the awesome reviews! I'm working on my second one right now and it's going to be bigger! It might come out in a few weeks, maybe. I'm trying hard on this one!
I can't wait to see it just note good grammar, not as much wording, and give obvious clues to where were supposed to go nex tthat way we dont accidentally stumble from note 1 to note 9 and wondering where everything inbetween went. Also if your going for a storyline make its easy to understand and has twists that nobody thought was coming
I didn't want to add death traps because I would think it'd be annoying to have to go back through
I could add a way through the map, that if you get to a chamber you pull down the lever, so if you die you wouldn't have to do the whole course again.
Would that be good?
the checkpoint system is always a great idea to add in. so long as your up for the redstone wiring length. usually if you make your map in a somewhat circle around one spot you wont have to make your redstone travel far
Well keep up the great work and what new stuff is coming in 1.8?
Adventure mode is "supposed" to come also instead of minecraft being the size of 128 blocks (from top to bottom) its instead going to be 512 blocks. either he's clearing up the sky for a new vehicle or sky monster of some sort or minecraft depths are about to get a ton more bigger. Also hes going to be releasing a creepy new mob that seems to be incredibly smart to where it seems like it might be able to break through blocks :ohmy.gif:!!!
hey can I ask some smart IC engineers about if my mass fabricator is charged up enough? the EU's that are going through it read up to 13,968 EU's. is that alot? cause it makes UUM every 25 seconds timed WITHOUT some random scrap. WITH random scrap it takes about 6 seconds. is that good?
I was thinking about my Genetic engineering suggestion while back, and while I now agree that the mob half is... Bad, I'm thinking, what if a spider drops a spider tooth, or a creeper drops a creeper... Scale? You gene splice the tooth or scale into seeds, and there is a 10% chance of producing un-reproducing creeper plant or spider plant, that does t drop wheat, but sulpher, or string.
But, there is a 2% chance to create a plant with the ability to reproduce , and will drop string AND more reproductive mob-seed. This would be the next target, after creating fast growing wheat by splicing bonemeal with wheat, or making dirt become trample-proof, permanently hoe'd farmland by combining it with (not sure).
Now, what if you combine yellow flower with red flower, then you get an orange flower.
In order to then make use of this orange flower, there would need to be some sort of growth code, so you plant a single orange flower, and come back 2 minecraft days later to find 4 more.
It doesn't have to stop at orange, mix an red flower with bonemeal to get pink flowers.
My idea of genetic engineering in minecraft, is to make it so you don't have to hunt for spiders at midnight, or spend time making dyes. You defeated survival, so now make it easier to live in, to make epic wool constructions. In fact, the mob-Plant doesn't have to stop at aggressive mobs, sheep eyeball will make a wool producing plant, like an artificial cotton plant, cow tails make a leather plant, zombie-pigman brains make a cooked porkchop plant.
Though this may be controversial, once you have mastered plants, you can move on to using spider tooth to give you night vision, creeper scale to half your explosive damage.
I'm sure, if you like the idea, you can think of thousands of more ways to go with it, but I personally think this "stage" should begin around the stage you need a double-chest for all your iron and redstone.
Edit: long post, lol
To clarify, first coloured flowers, then trample proof wheat, then perma-hoe'd dirt, then mob-plants, and finally self improvement is the order I think a player should move though the genetic engineering route.
Edit 2: rereading tier 2, I think with the mob-plants, there is a 20 present chance the tooth or scale will mutate into it's respective mob, but will do 4 times the damage with 4 times the health, and a 10% chance it will blow up, so the player is encouraged to lock the door of an obsidian lined room and run like he'll once an experiment starts :smile.gif:
if you didnt hear he said he wanted the game to progress and as you get further into tech the game isnt just going to get easier, its actually going to get harder. what your suggesting right here will make the game pretty easy, I mean hardly any combat once you have the plants up. dont get me wrong its a great idea but you should make the chance propabilitys a little more harder on it. instead of relying on the plant stuff to get your supplies, you could only use it to boost your supplys a small bit here and there
yeah quick question: Why is this version 1.7.3 according to the thread t title when you haven't actually released it in that version yet. While i am looking forward to it i suggest you change it before the wrath of a moderator with a stick up its ass the size of new Hampshire is invoked
the legs are moving a bit fast. someone already recommended that he add a sound for every step, but think about how annoying that would be?
I hardly think it would be annoying so long as you dont make that sound too loud. I find it annoying that it doesn't make any sound at all. its like a storm or a tsunami without any sound, I should hear something like a monstrous train screaming and roaring at me in those cases. Different things need to be appropiated with sounds, this mech counts as one of those
Im real sketchy about joining because you need to pay and but the posts ive seen so far say this is an amazing offer but ive also been hearing you guys have been having lots of buggy issues? Should i maybe join later? Also what does Industrially Imrpoved Pickaxe do anyways i can't get mine to show up I think.
The sentries are nice idea, but not too powerful or we would have crap loads of mechanical notche's going around
i dont think people would have loads of these since you would need to fuel, maintain, and resupply it with ammo. the fact that the turrets would need maintenance would make people doubt having to watch over 20 sentrys instead of just sticking with 4 to 8 (maybe 10) but yes your right we cant have them too powerful but they must still be powerful and effective
ok so im new to downloading mods and im kind of conufsed when you say drag the files from minecraftfroge into your bin do you mean just take the doc and src and just drag those in or open the src and then open all those folders and put in the files or open the doc and and then net and open up all those other folders and put that in there or what cuase this is really confusing me which one do i pick? and what is the difference? is one just for servers and the other singeplayer?
Thank you for the positive reply. for the reason of the element of suprise I might (Key word: might) not be realeasing a demo of anymore parts of the map but I will try to get screenshots of things here and there.
whoops! sorry! should be fixed now
This map is going to be about battling quite a huge chunk of monsters on difficult terrain with an extremely low amount of supplys. The beginning coud be considered a walk in the park compared to what im about to put you through.
luckily I have a beta up previewing a small portion of the beginning giving you an idea of what the hardhsips might be (note: there going to be far worse than the beginning room)
If you have any feedback on the demo, forum, or EVIL and torturous ideas for the victims who will be playing this map, please post on the forums. like the map and know a friend who likes these kinds of things? or maybe you just knwo someoen who you want to put through pain? show them the map >:biggrin.gif:
heres the mediafire link: http://www.mediafire.com/?299yf3y6y93kyuh
my new updated version contains the lava chamber, the broken skeleton bridge, the devils hallways and the spider lair >:biggrin.gif:
WARNING: this map may become extrmely hard and make you mad or you make think its too hard. thats becuase it is and is it meant for minecraft veterans and super hostile pros. if you're a minecraft vteran and/or a super hostile pro then you might find this map enjoyable becuase of its difficulty
Oh yeah and incase you need the rules: Do whatever is necessary to survive. this goes for killing your teammate in multiplayer for his stuff >:biggrin.gif: but dont use peaceful
No tactic is too cheap (execpt peaceful dont use it -.-)
No hardship is too tall
You've got one goal: get out of dreadpeak caverns! (AKA go through it dont dig yourself out of the map actually go through the challenges)
IGN: Glardian
Read Rules: 518
Why you want to join: The old server I was on (Snoville, just incase you were wondering) had a bad community and now i'm scrolling through servers trying to find a dedicated community
Age: 15
Were you referred by someone already on the server: no, but I was here when you tried an anarchy server for your first time, if you remember that some douche kept on burning the trees down
Will you dedicate yourself to the game, and thread: I am comitted to a server till the end, so long as you are comitted to having me apart of your server
Past info you think we may need to know: You can say i've been to quite a few servers so im gunna knwo my way around once someone points me in the right direction
Do you feel trust worthy: I can get the job done if thats what you're asking. If your trusting me to not grief, then oh hell yes
Why do you want to play on this server: I like to try new servers with not as much population as those big servers mainly becuase these are the ones with a strong community and the ones that usually can pitch a hand to other people around them. But mostly its sevrers like these where I can play big roles depening on
I can't wait to see it just note good grammar, not as much wording, and give obvious clues to where were supposed to go nex tthat way we dont accidentally stumble from note 1 to note 9 and wondering where everything inbetween went. Also if your going for a storyline make its easy to understand and has twists that nobody thought was coming
the checkpoint system is always a great idea to add in. so long as your up for the redstone wiring length. usually if you make your map in a somewhat circle around one spot you wont have to make your redstone travel far
Adventure mode is "supposed" to come also instead of minecraft being the size of 128 blocks (from top to bottom) its instead going to be 512 blocks. either he's clearing up the sky for a new vehicle or sky monster of some sort or minecraft depths are about to get a ton more bigger. Also hes going to be releasing a creepy new mob that seems to be incredibly smart to where it seems like it might be able to break through blocks :ohmy.gif:!!!
if you didnt hear he said he wanted the game to progress and as you get further into tech the game isnt just going to get easier, its actually going to get harder. what your suggesting right here will make the game pretty easy, I mean hardly any combat once you have the plants up. dont get me wrong its a great idea but you should make the chance propabilitys a little more harder on it. instead of relying on the plant stuff to get your supplies, you could only use it to boost your supplys a small bit here and there
Haha! yeah the moderators always act too harsh XD
I hardly think it would be annoying so long as you dont make that sound too loud. I find it annoying that it doesn't make any sound at all. its like a storm or a tsunami without any sound, I should hear something like a monstrous train screaming and roaring at me in those cases. Different things need to be appropiated with sounds, this mech counts as one of those
i dont think people would have loads of these since you would need to fuel, maintain, and resupply it with ammo. the fact that the turrets would need maintenance would make people doubt having to watch over 20 sentrys instead of just sticking with 4 to 8 (maybe 10) but yes your right we cant have them too powerful but they must still be powerful and effective