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    posted a message on [1.8.1] SteamCraft - SOURCE CODE RELEASED[ML][v0.5.4][WIP]
    Quote from Tetragen

    Ugh well I can't seem to find a way to post it but I also got the same thing. The very top of the Tesla Receiver is completely black when Smooth Lighting is turned off. If anyone can tell me how to get a pic up I'll post it :3 (and yes I know HOW to I don't know a site that it'll let the forum sue though.)

    I use google sites for the image. just upload the picture into the google site then in the minecraft forums when typing up a post click on the Insert Image button then put the entire URL of your google site into their. there might be better sites to use but I don't know of any so I use google sites
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    I will finish it. its just becuase since its not that popular at the moment i'll probably work on it much more slower. I'm having alot of fun making a the german WWII city. been looking up nazi architecture for this one. Even got a map layout of the city and where the subway systems are going to be located at.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [WIP] "The Wastelands" [MOD]
    **** the aether I want this!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Temples Of Celesta
    Quote from HaloCrafter

    well, thanks for being honest. it was only my first map, so oh well. i couldn't find a link to your map, but i would love to look at it.

    heres the forum page
    due note its not entirely finished but it is long enough to where I could say I am. I just want to add on more.

    *EDIT* whoa why did you take your map down? you can still leave it up its a nice chill map for minecraft beginners and such
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [PUZ] MES's First Facility (+10,000 DL's, captainsparklez)
    This is an extremely well-made map for your first one. when you do this good on a first map you have alot of potential out there. ALOT
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Temples Of Celesta
    wow you messed up quite a bit. all your spawners are pig spawners you need to actually change them through MCedit also the mighty temple of fire wasnt actually all the mighty it was etremely easy actually also you messed up on two parts in it. theres a bump that blocks players from actually to the chest and also next to the chest it says read note 4 which we already did I think you meant read note 6. you gotta go through your map and test it dude

    *EDIT* just completed your map and I gotta say... it was REALLY easy. The jumping puzzles were a walk in the park and your spawners didn't actually work and it was very short. took me 15 minutes to complete the whole thing. Plus you messed up on a few bits here and there but other than that its very decent for a first time map. can you check out my first time map and comment on it since I checked out and critiqued yours? Everything I posted wasnt out of anger, just showing you spots you messed up on here and there that you could fi your change when you maybe make a map later on
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Temples Of Celesta
    Got through playing your map a little bit. Your notes are very confusing and skethy and look likes words just randomly thrown together, suggest that you reword those. Also the earth temple with the spawners and such, you need to change the spawners for them to actually work using MCedit or other mods that might work
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Temples Of Celesta
    Quote from plrushe

    lol , you fail so so hard

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [TUTORIAL]The Complete Guide to Making and Releasing a Custom Map
    Just got done with a demo for my map. Its long enough to where it could be considered a finished small map so thats why I posted it on the forums but I still am gunna add more. I disagreed on a few things with your advice but the rest of it was well put and should help alot of people. The thing I disagreed on was taking a spot 1000x1000 and just deleting it all. I NEVER do that on any of my maps. I always carve my maps out of the true nature of minecraft by hand. and by hand, I mean with a diamond pick axe and three full stacks of tnt (only if necessary) and every noe and then mcedit to clear out a small room/bunker ect. And if a mountains in the way then I carve it out to where it benefits me.
    Posted in: Maps Discussion
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    BUMP again. if this map doesnt start to get some attentnio then im guessing this is something you guys aren't too interested in and I can start working on my other maps. I've got one thats fallout3 based where your crawling through a vault overrun with zombies and stuff and there isnt like obsidian and spawners everywhere and you can go through rooms and drawers scavenging stuff just like in fallout. Or i could get to work on my WWII post apocalypse map where you just free-roam around a rundown WWII german town with flan's WWII guns mod entering factorys and such scavenging wood and iron for parts for your guns and food and such. Would you guys rather me do one of those?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    Quote from Tgdrake10

    Hmmm, pictures aren't showing up :sad.gif:

    thats wierd they are for me. I told you my computers been buggin out idk how to fix it. Did you try the map out atleast?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    Bump! I know this isnt an actual map download for now since you only get a demo but could i get some critique or ideas to add into it from you guys? ive gotten 18 downloads and one review. If you guys give me a good enough review Ill get you in on a private demo previewing ALOT more of the map.
    Oh btw what I consider a good review is not just you saying its a great map. So long as it tells me why my map is good (or bad) its a good review
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    can you guys see the screenshots ok or does it just have a small X and it saying: Posted Image?
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    Quote from Tgdrake10

    I'll download if you post a few nice screenshots :wink.gif:

    It'll help you out too :biggrin.gif:

    my computers buggin out and I can't post any screenshots. I'll try to fix that though. And if you wanna kno the terrain its mostly going to be an a cave but instead of stone its filled with obsidian and lava and monster spawners
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Dreadpeak Caverns [WIP]
    8 downloads and one reply. is anyone going to critique me on anything?
    Posted in: Maps
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