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    posted a message on MarcCraftMC 1.3.1 Bukkit [Factions],[Worldedit],[Iconomy],[Mobarena]]
    your supposed to post the IP -.-
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [1.1.0] [WIP] The GRID, Avatar, & Atlantis!
    You should add an outlands to your TRON mod. and there you will find hostile glitch bugs, just like in the real TRON. and, just like testificate villages, you may be able to sometimes wander across Bostrumite Colonys out there. I would just stick to yellow programs for the outlands. Also could you add more curve to the wheels in tron? I know its asking for much saying in minecraft circles don't even exist but even a little curve will make it look much more better than it being boxy. Also could you make multiple bikes, like the Gen-4 and the Gen-5? Maybe even the classic Gen-2?

    Edit: Another thing to add would be the game grid, so we can have some fun fighting. Also when making the discs could you make multiple ones with different pyshics? Maybe one being moderate speed but a boomerang (like in the movies) and another being a faster speed but must be picked up where it fell.

    Edit again: Could you also change the way we get into TRON? having a wierd looking red gate doesn't seem much TRON, maybe using the system they used to make cauldrons and brewing stands you could make the machine in the movie and you right click it and then it starts up and teleports your player.entite into TRON. and then in TRON have a bright white light somewhere near where you started and when your player.entitie comes into contact with it, it brings you back to earth.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Need some help from a pro texture-maker
    This is a simple task of making a texture pack where all the armor pieces are a space suit. I've gone ahead and done the easy part by actually already having the texure setup for you in a sense. I also need the texture of the helmet placed over the pumkin in the sense where when I put the pumkin on it looks just like the helmet on the armor in-game. Thats all I need. this project would probably take a pro texture-maker less than 30 mins to please help if you can. Oh and post that your going to do this or that you have it covered on the forums to that way I don't get like 5 people doing the same work when 4 of them didn't need to.

    heres the textures:
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on Server space helmet mod
    I need someone to either direct me towars this mod if its already made or make it. It should be kinda easy to make I'm guessing but I need a mod where someone who owns a server can download this and run it on the server without other ppl having to download it (or using a client like spoutcraft where spout will download it for you in the background). Its basically where the player will suffocate in the dimension 'the end' if they are not wearing a pumpkin. Can anyone make it possible? Or is it already made?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    a collaboration? YES!!! BOUT DAMN TIME YOU GOT SOME HELP FROM OTHER MODDERS!! :biggrin.gif: now this mod truly has the potenial to stump aether and make it look like a kindergardener made the aether mod
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    can't wait to see this in 1.8. maybe you could consider making some special food n such or makin some mobs cause some poison, you know?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Futurecraft. Command your fleet.
    ok for players to take inventory with them to other servers could be possible. it would need to be stored data like achievements and stats. but guess what? if you delete minecraft or gain a corrupt file you could lose all your inventory, and since it would be a stored data in your file people could easily hack it and put whatever they choose into their invetory at utter free will. So you would need the data to somehow store to the player and not be able to be edited through coding (hax).

    basically when a player logs into a computer with his account, so long as he can connect to minecraft it will drag his data from minecraft unto that computer, upon closing minecraft, the data will be saved, and taken off the computer. that way no one can edit it, becuase they can't edit the file while minecraft is up, just like the minecraft.jar file. sadly though, for that idea to work, you will need notch to help you. And idk if notch is willing to jump through hoops for that, especially saying each server is different, so the sharing inventory idea could easy screw stuff up. but theres a way around that.

    When making a server, the host's can edit if they want hostile mobs or not or if they want passive mobs or not ect. So what they could do is maybe choose if they want to make their server an Inventory share server or not.

    Also you could make it where ships aren't allowed to enter the airspace of another servers permission unless the two servers are at war. then either side can enter at any time unless a time of war (time when you can enter each others server) is set. think how annoying it would be if a new server just started up and all of a sudden 40 dreadnuaghts come in and screw everything up? minecraft isn't so much fun anymore then.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Futurecraft. Command your fleet.
    Jeez you over your head with this mod. this mods gunna make the aether look like a dirt house. This mod might just be impossible. I don't think minecrafts engine will be able to handle it

    Quote from Avalanchetter

    I've been thinking: This mod could spell doomsday to innocent minecraftians if in the wrong hands..mainly those of a Greifer. Imagine it: Greifers live for destruction. They feed on the anger of others. The WANT to **** you off. Imagine how angry you would be if they showed up, en masse, on a fleet of Dreadnaughts...the results would be catastrophic. Result: An all-out, inter-server war. Innocent lives will be lost, cites will flattened, empires will fall. Is this really what we want?! Do we want our precious servers to be reduced do bedrock-deep pit of rubble?

    Hey buddy, calm down. Not every single server is going to download this, this mod isn't even at the SMP state so we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5][OPEN-SOURCE]Rise of The Automatons/Zeitgeist V0.83.4
    Maybe instead of making automaton biomes it should be a sperate world of some sort like the aether mod or the nehter where you make a portal and go through it. in there is where you find the robotic world n such. Also it seems to nmany of those sliders spawn. they spawn everywhere!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on City of Ember mod please!
    You can't just pop onto the forum and demand people to just start making stuff. you gotta ask them and you gotta meet them halfway. you gotta tell them what you can do for them and you gotta make it seem worthwhile for making this mod. although honestly that sounds like it will take some time but if you wanted to, you could try to make it through Adventurecraft. It could sorta work out in adventurecraft. It would be best for the person to make to have read and books AND the movie, so that way they know the true and good original (from the book) and they can get a visual of what the city looks like (from the movie) honestly if you could pull off a mod with this or do it through adventurecraft it would seem like something i would definitely try out
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    this... this is just so stupid...
    ...so stupid... needs some more light on this topic

    Quote from Subatomic

    I have a question. Last I checked, engicraft was a mod taking place at about the same tech level as betterthanwolves, involving bear traps and stone golems. Now, here I am, looking the the mod library, and I find this mod again. I look into it, expecting muskets, horses, more types of monocles and perhaps a few new golems. But then I find a massive futuristic mod taking place in the far future with battle mechs and alien swarms. What happened?

    umm... i think this mod was always headed that way :/
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Nether Update: The Nether Expansion Topics
    I support this
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!

    Think about becoming a writer glardian...interesting imagination...

    with my imagination, i am not going to be a writer...
    I AM GOING TO BE A SCIENTIST... or an engineer, they sound cool too
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.6] EngiCraft 1.7.3 preview2 Introducing: the Dread Swarm!
    wow is this mod becoming intense or what. cannot WAIT to see the finished project. wonder if you'll add an area51 in or maybe not specifically area51 but something that resembles it slightly. basically some high level classified people went out and did eperiments with aliens and humans or whatever those dread thigns are called and spliced their cells and created the horrible monster of pure dread strength and pure human intellect and got far out of control and was sealed away and abandoned. Now the place has been broken open and the monsters prowl around hunting for prey around the area of the facility. Or instead of a human/dread thing it could be the place WHERE the dread monster was created by splicing some other random animals together. whatever floats your boat for the atmosphere your creating
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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