Select the entire head and place it in the open space beside where the head is now.
Select each 8x8 side of the head from where it started and replace the opposite side on where the new one is, front to back, side to other side.
Delete the spot where the head started at, that area is for the hair layer.
Swap each section in the same way, except for the top part, as the top and bottom ends or each section are where they are supposed to be.
The main body has no detail for the sides under the arms, where the blank area breaks up the line in the middle. That part is made of 4 for the side, 8 for the front, 4 for the other side, and 8 for the back, so swap the 8's with each other and draw in details for the 4's that are blank.
Save it so that the hair layer uses transparent pixels.
Each player has a cache that is used to display other players' skins. This is refreshed when they log in, not when the player who changes their skin logs in.
This is the Airship Moth that I designed three years ago, this time using Terrafirmacraft blocks. I can also change out the blocks for the newer vanilla ones, as there is more variety in some of the block-types now.
Those files work with the 1.12 version of Ruins, The time set aside to prepare them for 1.13 was used in fixing them a couple times when they were broken by changed 1.12 details.
Oh, by showing an image, just take a screenshot to convey the information visually and instantaneously.
This is one of my statues from a couple years ago, that I've been adapting with Terrafirmacraft blocks, more to come.
Select the contents of the second rule and put it after a comma into the first, then remove the second rule. Print the contents of the first rule three more times, after commas for each one.
There are other ways to weight each one, and the contents of each option needs to be correct, or potentially failing past the point if it runs into contents that throw an error, which you can check by printing the other rule by itself to make sure it prints when called.
Now for an update: I've decided to make all the blocks that TFC has, and have made significant progress in many areas.
There are 21 rock types:
+ Cobble is mostly fleshed out, with a few fiddly-bits left to do.
+ Stonebricks are nearly to the stage as the cobble.
+ Gravel has a pattern fleshed out, more on the way.
= Smooth is experimental atm.
There are 27 tree types:
+ Log centers are done, adjust to fit bark when that is done.
+ Leaves are roughed in, conifers fleshed out.
= lots of bark left to do
+ Straw block
+ Grill
+ Spawners
+ Iron Fences
A good assortment of fiddly-bits done, including the sun and several moons, two of which are shown now as they are designed to help new players learn the most important recipes in TFC. Instead of taking time out of game to look up the wiki, one simply needs to look up at the moon, that contains the 5x5 patterns for the main tools in the game, making the experience a lot more immersive for new players!
There are a few more less-helpful moons for more advanced players, who can swap them out for personal taste
If changing file extensions is currently outside of your capabilities, then for a temporary fix find an existing file with that extension and completely replace it's contents with the information in the file that you're trying to change the file-type to. It should work in a pinch, and the file format should still be compatible with a text editor.
Open a paint program, and do the following:
Select the entire head and place it in the open space beside where the head is now.
Select each 8x8 side of the head from where it started and replace the opposite side on where the new one is, front to back, side to other side.
Delete the spot where the head started at, that area is for the hair layer.
Swap each section in the same way, except for the top part, as the top and bottom ends or each section are where they are supposed to be.
The main body has no detail for the sides under the arms, where the blank area breaks up the line in the middle. That part is made of 4 for the side, 8 for the front, 4 for the other side, and 8 for the back, so swap the 8's with each other and draw in details for the 4's that are blank.
Save it so that the hair layer uses transparent pixels.
On this forum search for Delmark's custom suits.
I'm fleshing out my series' of statues and airships. The plan is to go all out on Atlantis. As always, the builds speak for themselves.
Each player has a cache that is used to display other players' skins. This is refreshed when they log in, not when the player who changes their skin logs in.
This is the Airship Moth that I designed three years ago, this time using Terrafirmacraft blocks. I can also change out the blocks for the newer vanilla ones, as there is more variety in some of the block-types now.
Those files work with the 1.12 version of Ruins, The time set aside to prepare them for 1.13 was used in fixing them a couple times when they were broken by changed 1.12 details.
Oh, by showing an image, just take a screenshot to convey the information visually and instantaneously.
This is one of my statues from a couple years ago, that I've been adapting with Terrafirmacraft blocks, more to come.
If you want to show structures here, when making a reply, there is a button below the text area that says "Upload an Image".
How about: when in Peaceful mode, all the mobs form a conga line and start dancing around the player, or on April 1st, whichever works better.
When in game, select in options the texturepacks option and use that to Go To Folders
then go to the parent folder and go to Config/Ruins_Config
then parsed templates are in templateparser.
any templates you want to spawn in game just put into the appropriate biome folders.
That's it!~
I showed my base and it caught the eye of the TFC+ dev, so the thatch block pattern I developed is likely to be used in the game.
It's in the modded instance and then the ".minecraft" folder.
the filepath for parsed ruins is: ruins/ruins_config/templateparser
to make them work in game put the files in the biome folders on the same level.
Select the contents of the second rule and put it after a comma into the first, then remove the second rule. Print the contents of the first rule three more times, after commas for each one.
There are other ways to weight each one, and the contents of each option needs to be correct, or potentially failing past the point if it runs into contents that throw an error, which you can check by printing the other rule by itself to make sure it prints when called.
Now for an update: I've decided to make all the blocks that TFC has, and have made significant progress in many areas.
There are 21 rock types:
+ Cobble is mostly fleshed out, with a few fiddly-bits left to do.
+ Stonebricks are nearly to the stage as the cobble.
+ Gravel has a pattern fleshed out, more on the way.
= Smooth is experimental atm.
There are 27 tree types:
+ Log centers are done, adjust to fit bark when that is done.
+ Leaves are roughed in, conifers fleshed out.
= lots of bark left to do
+ Straw block
+ Grill
+ Spawners
+ Iron Fences
A good assortment of fiddly-bits done, including the sun and several moons, two of which are shown now as they are designed to help new players learn the most important recipes in TFC. Instead of taking time out of game to look up the wiki, one simply needs to look up at the moon, that contains the 5x5 patterns for the main tools in the game, making the experience a lot more immersive for new players!
There are a few more less-helpful moons for more advanced players, who can swap them out for personal taste
If changing file extensions is currently outside of your capabilities, then for a temporary fix find an existing file with that extension and completely replace it's contents with the information in the file that you're trying to change the file-type to. It should work in a pinch, and the file format should still be compatible with a text editor.