With our "McForums" sale we can give you a shared hosting server for 1.5 GB for $4.5/month recurring. If you are interested or have any questions the main skype is live:alex_11377
Hello, I am a representative of Giga Hornet. Mod packs need a bit more power, and your 4 gb Memory requirements seem to be about right. We recently started vps hosting and our
Intermediate Plan seems that it would suit your needs
$16/month for:
4096 Mb of Memory (1 GB)
200 GB of Storage
Dedicated Ip
DDOS Protection
and More!!!
We will install Multicraft for you, provide you with a sub domain, and fulfill all of your requirements.
People here do assist for free. Not only the Minecraft Forum, but also the Spigot community, amongst others. He can easily get free assistance here or on the other communities that provide it.
Yes, but nothing was error specific so I assumed he wanted a manager
Added on skype
With our "McForums" sale we can give you a shared hosting server for 1.5 GB for $4.5/month recurring. If you are interested or have any questions the main skype is live:alex_11377
Every host (including us) should allow you to download worlds onto your desktop. If you want to talk to us about a plan
Our main skype is live:alex_11377
Hello, I represent GigaHornet, we are a hosting company and we recently started VPS Hosting. For $12 we give you our Grow Plan VPS which includes:
3072Mb of RAM (3 Gb)
150 Gb of Storage
Unmetered Bandwith
No Monitoring
DDOS Protection
Root Access
Dedicated Ip
and More!
Link To Product
Our main skype is live:alex_11377
For $8 we give you our Basic Plan which includes:
2048 Mb of RAM (2 Gb)
100 Gb of Storage
Unmetered Bandwith
No Monitoring
DDOS Protection
Root Access
and a Dedicated Ip For NO EXTRA CHARGE
Link To Product
Our main skype is live:alex_11377
If you want to dicuss this, my skype is live:alex_11377
PM Sent
Added on skype, we are very interested in doing this sponsorship for you
Sounds like this belongs on kick starter, an investor expecting a return isn't going to invest in minecraft hosting
Hello, I am a representative of Giga Hornet. Mod packs need a bit more power, and your 4 gb Memory requirements seem to be about right. We recently started vps hosting and our
Intermediate Plan seems that it would suit your needs
$16/month for:
4096 Mb of Memory (1 GB)
200 GB of Storage
Dedicated Ip
DDOS Protection
and More!!!
We will install Multicraft for you, provide you with a sub domain, and fulfill all of your requirements.
Intermediate Plan
Not entirely sure what your point is here.
Nope this host was rebranded in December, my other host began in March 2014
Yes, but nothing was error specific so I assumed he wanted a manager
Plenty of guides online, are you looking for paid help?
We can set up bungee for free and set you up with a vps (unlimited servers)
For every $4 you get:
-1024 mb of Memory (1 gb)
-50 Gb of Storage
-Dedicated IP
-DDOS protection
My skype is: Giga Hornet (the one with the logo)