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    posted a message on Texture Artists Guild
    Quote from Rhonde »
    Oh no, by groups and teams I meant.. well, no leader just a group, the closest thing to that we have are moderators and , well, don't plan on Telling people what to do, just helping out like I should. everything would be optional to join, and entirely just for shits and giggles. maybe even make a small competition of 1 who makes one first 2 who gets more downloads or whatever. just for fun pretty much. nothing organized like ranks.

    Well...I don't want the shits...just the giggles


    Sounds good...if the collaborative thing picks up, count me in. But I gotta say, I don't do much 16x16
    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on Texture Artists Guild
    Quote from Rhonde »
    IT could also be my idea of wanting to be in a large collective or group who can just throw out packs every week or so. and that's definitely possible with so many people. even more-so if we split up into appropriate groups (just for the single packs) like, basically, so and so few people volunteer to work on this pack, some on another, such and such.

    Don't get me wrong...cause that's a good idea and/or goal. Just please don't tell me we are ever gonna have people "in charge". That never ends well....

    Posted in: Clans
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    It's not a "skin" request. Mobs belong in texture packs or the jar file for them to be used. A "skin" requires nothing but an upload to MC.net.

    We texture pack makers do the mobs, but do we also have to post them in the skins section? No.

    Stop being moderators...you are not good at it, and the position is taken

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Texture Artists Guild
    Quote from Rhonde »
    hmmm... Ok, We could split into a collective of small teams, numbering 2-4, maybe 5, just working together, but offering help to everyone. (teams only for collaborations) How would that sound?

    I don't understand the need to organize anything really. We are all doing a fine job now. I think outsiders would think better of us as just a collection of cool artists than some organization.

    Maybe it's just me and my anti establishment personality?

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [16x][1.9.x] XSSheep's Sheep pack! v2.1 - Partially updated! - see p117

    Same thing I did on Stankepack Sheep...no one ever noticed it til I did finally make them too. "Dude...it aint dark enough" or something.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on Texture Artists Guild
    Actually...the more this turns into an organized guild, the less you may have me showing up. I joined because it sounded like a good idea to belong to a collective of texture makers/creators that help the community and each other. That's all really.

    The website is a good idea, but don't go overboard on it. I go to the website about once a day and will join discussions, but I do my helping and posting here. Where people get to see what we are doing even if they aren't members.

    I don't need a badge or a title...sorry if that offends...

    Posted in: Clans
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    posted a message on [Creation] Texture Pack Test Track Map Release v_0_4
    Quote from Cool12309 »
    (At spawn, 0.4)


    Some of the minecarts
    Snow block

    ...And more that I forgot to add to the list, because I went on the wiki and if I didn't see the block I put it in.

    -Snow and sand are on the ground (4 blocks of each on each side of the stacked blocks
    -Web would be useless to put in there as it's only used if you hack it into game right now
    -Only one mine cart...it's on the left
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [1.8.7 / 1.7.10 and earlier][update 4/23] MCPatcher HD fix 5.0.3
    Quote from Woosheeman »
    I am having this problem using the latest version of MCPatcher and Minecraft 1.5_01 when trying to patch my jar:

    /snip (use the code tags on this...makes it easierer for the eyeballs)

    Looks to me like you have the patcher in a wrong form. Is it a jar file, or and exe? Or is it zipped?

    Quote from Eat_Da_Poo_Poo »
    Anybody getting this error?

    Each time when I choose (Click) my HD texture pack it just freezes and crash's with no error report :I

    Please help, you reward will be an internets :biggrin.gif:

    Mac btw :3

    Would hafta know how you packaged your pack
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [32x] [1.1] [WIP] Mythos - Wrath of the Toy Maker
    What's up!

    This is what have done today. Will be included in the next update along with a new chapter of the story...I hope


    New stuff for the items.png:

    Redstone dust

    Gold and iron ingots

    (did a ham too...but it needs work)

    Here's the items sheet for use if you want it now. Make sure to rename it "items.png".

    New redstone trail with the new(est) overlay:

    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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    posted a message on [64x] GLIMMAR'S STEAMPUNK v.22 NOW RELEASED! + Latest Newglim City Download! + GS Redstone Pipes Add-On Pack!
    Quote from PipeHead »
    Quote from hauer »
    A couple of pictures from my place at PipeWorld:

    <images removed for brevity>

    Using your pack since alpha and still have no intention of changing it - best ever!

    Hauer you stuff is looking very sweet.

    by the way I've enabled the Vegetation mod on Pipeworld which if you run the client mod allows the WildGrass to work!

    That's cool! I'll be on later today and this weekend. maybe I can see my wildgrass for the first time

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [1.5] Vpack V2
    Quote from virulentRant »
    Fixed Redstone

    I see a lot now where pack makers just delete the pink or whatever squares below the redstone. You can actually make an overlay that works with the redstone. First one I did (didn't turn out great but...) that was supposed to be skulls and the redstone showed through as glowing red eyes.

    Just a thought
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [32x] [1.1] [WIP] Mythos - Wrath of the Toy Maker
    Quote from elder_alhoon »
    Ok im going to try manually installinh it instead of using the texture pack loader taht manually installs it, i really hope it works, i love this texture pack, im still wonderign waht teh bears and little glowy blue energy balls are, oh and i like the chickens btw, scared teh crap out of me when one fell out of a tree in front of my spawn.

    diamonds for someone finally making a good Lovecraft inspired texture pack
    :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond: :Diamond:
    now i need to find a cthulhu mod that works with this, unless youv one already made?


    No mods for Cthulhu that I know of. If you read the story from page one, it tells what the teddy bear is. Then, in game, it becomes a weapon (replaces the bow) that shoots "Elder Magic" (the arrows). The arrows.png has been changed for it to reflect the new arrows also.

    Funny running around with a teddy bear in your hand. Even funnier to see the skeletons carrying them

    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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    posted a message on [16x][1.1] An ancient stirs...
    Quote from Taehl »
    Hmm... Gourds aren't a bad idea. They even make lanterns out of them. Too bad I can't have the "face" texture on each side, but it's still something. I like gourds more than my previous idea of using watermelons, since one would wonder why the "watermelon" isn't edible (gourds generally aren't cultivated for food) (though, TECHNICALLY, pumpkins are quite edible, but Notch hasn't given us this option...). Thank you for the idea!

    How about this: I've seen some texture packs portray dyes as liquids in bottles, and others as powders sitting on paper. Which should I go with?

    Very nice so far. I never knew the whole "Painterly" story til now. Nice to see you've returned to show who's boss though


    For the pumpkins, I was gonna do tree stumps since they look natural in the surroundings. Then you could make a hollow with a candle inside or any other light. (scary eyeballs)

    With the dyes...I am not pleased with the bottles I made. After I use them for a while, each bottle looking the same but a different color, got sorta boring and uninspired to me. So my suggestion would be not to do that...lol!
    Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
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    posted a message on [1.8.7 / 1.7.10 and earlier][update 4/23] MCPatcher HD fix 5.0.3
    Quote from TheLegoPanda »
    I loaded up the .jar one for mac, and I can not select if I can chose compatibility with HD texture packs/fonts. Also, when I load it says I already have a modified jar, or it is an old when, even though I just reinstalled it. Any ideas?

    The only idea I have is what you say yourself. Delete the bin folder and start fresh. If it still doesn't let you select compatibility, then you are either not using an HD pack, or they aren't in the texture pack folder, or they aren't packaged right (in which case..you'll have to tell us what pack(s) you are trying to use).

    Quote from rapidninja42 »
    hey, I am trying to patch my minecraft with my remixed version of Gerudoku and whenever I run the patcher with the HD textures check marked, I get the default water from the original minecraft terrain and when I uncheck it, the new water comes up but its not moving can you please explain what i'm doing wrong

    Usually means it isn't packaged right. If the patcher can't see the files in the right place, it can't patch it right.

    Correctly zipped pack:

    Incorrectly zipped pack:
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on [32x] [1.1] [WIP] Mythos - Wrath of the Toy Maker
    Quote from elder_alhoon »
    I installed this and it looks great, but when i try to craft planks from a log in my inentory it freezes the game, then it shuts down after a minute. I'm running it on a mac, this happento anyone else? or am i doing something wrong
    Im using McPatcher HD texture pack loader.

    I've been seeing this lately on the patcher forum thread. not really sure why (especially not sure about the Mac part of it). All I can say is keep an eye open in that thread (link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=1021&t=252531).

    Might be that the new version of the patcher is messin you up. If you have a zip program, try unzipping the pack and rezipping it again. Make sure that you are zipping the files and folders, not zipping a folder with files and folders inside it, cause that wont work. I noticed that, from the thread, the Mac OS version of the packs orders things a bit different. So maybe it will work.
    Posted in: WIP Resource Pack
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