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    posted a message on How long will you continue to play Minecraft?

    As long as I can still see to use a computer. 80 years old now so may have a few more years. Been playing for a couple of decades so why stop now.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Let's Talk Trees (Manual, auto, BIG trees)

    Always chop them manually.

    Preferred trees for large harvests, as for making a large charcoal batch, are beech as they don't branch and when raised from seedlings are never too tall to reach all from the ground, I plant on a 2X2 grid and it's fast going.

    For cutting the 2X2 trees like Dark Oak and Jungle, I stand against them, and pillar up to the top with dirt. I then stand in the top of the tree and chop myself down to the ground, layer by layer, downing the dirt pillar also as I go. No problem at all..

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on 5% ain't too bad odds

    Couldn't find a Bee nest so I decided to try and take advantage of a feature listed in the WIKI. To paraphrase ...

    A Bee nest may occur at 5% probability when certain tree seedlings are grown near flowers.

    I planted a row of flowers and started growing Birch seedlings spaced 2 blocks away from them. As soon as a tree grew if it did not have a nest, I cut it down and replanted. In 10 minutes time I had produced 3 Bee nests, and had a lot of birch logs and sticks as a bonus.

    Sure beat traipsing around all over the map searching for them.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Paint the town pink?

    I've always thought that Oak trees were overly generous with seedlings, but Cherry trees seem to be even more so. From cutting down one Cherry tree, I got 15 seedlings. Maybe I should think about a Cherry Festival like in DC.

    The falling petals remind me of one time I was in Woodbury, NJ as the Kanzan cherry trees they have lining the streets were dropping petals. Looked like about 1 inch of pink snow on all the sidewalks.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm 22...

    I'm just short of 79 years old and have been playing for years. I play with my 42 year old son and my 18 year old granddaughter. Age?? Why should it matter?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Great stuff: Solver Distance between two points in three dimensions

    In most of my worlds (latest one included) all my really long-distance travel ends up being by a rail setup in the nether roof.

    After I first enter the nether, I rapidly build a tower from that first portal to the sky and bore into the overhead up to about 120, from there I tunnel at that height to maike portals coincident with portals at all important points in overworld and have a rail network between all points. Whenever I find a new area of interest, I build a potral there, and tnen go back to nether via closest portal, tunnel over to the equivalent coords, and build a portal there. Then just add the rail lines.

    Just started a 1.18 world and only have 5 sets of portals in it yet, but in my last world, I had over 50 pairs and about 4k rail connecting them.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Are villagers PETA members?
    Quote from eiche_brutal»

    Once i got a laugh cramp! I was cooking some porkchop when i heard a lama all of a sudden.

    I turned left and saw a llama bunjy jumping in front of my window.

    The burg.. i mean trader was on the rooftop, trying to enter my house.

    I'll never forget that!


    I've got a MOB farm floating way up at 190 level, which can only be reached by portal from the nether. One time while I was on the roof of it, up at about 252, adjusting the flush timing, one of the traders spawned up there on the roof with me

    "Those Damn travelling salemen are everywhere"

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on TED Map (1.19.1, 1.19.2) – Jump to Defeat The Boss

    I almost never use creative mode.

    Most often when I go to creative its just to try out a new redstone device idea or get some measurements for a new build I'm thinking about. I never actually play a lot there.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Mob farm afk height?

    The dimensions I just cited for my typical bui;d means that above 64 blocks you will hit world ceiling. I suppose one could make a gigantic spawn platform and get over 64 blocks away in the X or Z direction but I can't think why anyone would want to

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Nether portal seems to have disappeared

    Sounds like the DIM-1 file in your world save got corrupted and the game replaced it. You can wipe out all changes since the world started if this happens. The DIM-1 file is the nether map and the DIM1 file is the map of the end.

    Some players, for example, remove the DIM1 file on purpose so the game replaces it to allow fighting the dragon again. I suggest destroying your overworld portals and rebuilding them. This should give you back the netherside portals.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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