We are looking for a good designer who can design layouts using photoshop, CSS knowledge is a plus but not required to know any coding. All we need is a custom built layout design or someone to make a unique layout on wordpress.
Server is running 1.6.2 and things are looking sexy. I've found a fortress and collected a lot of treasure! Come join me, I'm tired of playing with myself
In-Game name? vining21
Age? 21
Country? USA
Do you share this minecraft account? no
On what version of minecraft did you start playing? (Please include if its alpha, beta, or final) Started right before jungle biomes, so 1.1 final
Have you played on other Vanilla Whitelisted servers? yes
How much time can you dedicate to play? I have day job during summer, school in rest of year, time with fiance at night, so maybe 2 hrs a night?
What server rule do you respect the most? no griefing and being respectful
What about this server do you like the most? I just like being vanilla and the possibility of have decent people to work with
Why do you want to play here? Just looking for a good vanilla server and this one sounds pretty cool
Tell me about you. I like to think I am mature cause I am getting married. I'm majoring in landscape design in real life so I like to think I have good vision about what things can become. In the game I tend to like to be by myself, maybe with a couple of people. I like to explore.
Do you have skype? no
If yes, What is your skype name? N/A
In-Game name-Assassin724 Age-15 Country-U.S.A. do you share this minecraft account-No On what version of minecraft did you start playing? (Please include if its alpha, beta, or final)-Beta 1.6.6 Have you played on other Vanilla Whitelisted servers-Yes How much time can you dedicate to play-A couple hours a day What server rule do you respect the most-No grieffing What about this server do you like the most-The ability of choosing multiple types of game play and the nice people Why do you want to play here-It seems like a nice server with respecting players and Its always nice to meet new people Tell me about you- I am a person that is willing to help other people when they require help. I enjoy to go caving or build, I would say I'm decent at PvP, I can get along with people very well Do you have skype-Yes If yes, What is your skype name-Usafes7 ( sorry for the red just thought it would be easier to distinguish my answers )
You aren't kidding!! This place IS awesome!
There was just so much to do when I joined.. I ended up spending most of my time in their awesome vanilla-like server, it is the best. Creative is always fun when I get tired of dieing.
I have no time to play tonight but add me I'll be on tomorrow. Psn ZiggyZags420
Looking for more?
Psn ZiggyZags420
Age 25
from maine, USA
I like to build, explore, and mine/farm. No good with redstone.
Age: 24
Your first plan on the server: Survive
Why are looking to join a new server? I have not been playing since 1.7 and looking to get back to it. Need a home
do you have skype? If so specify: No
What can you do for a Vanilla Survival server? Populate it.
I do not have screenshots of my work because I lost the HDD they were on, no backups. I am very clean.
We are looking for a good designer who can design layouts using photoshop, CSS knowledge is a plus but not required to know any coding. All we need is a custom built layout design or someone to make a unique layout on wordpress.
This message is approved by the power of Geneuae!
We have an amazing PvE 98% Vanilla server whitelisted and a towny based whitelisted server to have fun on!
Denied! Try again when you are 16.
There was just so much to do when I joined.. I ended up spending most of my time in their awesome vanilla-like server, it is the best. Creative is always fun when I get tired of dieing.
Come check it out!