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    posted a message on Is this horse good? How do we know?
    Hi all,
    Recently the snapshot 13w21a-b came out with new features on the horses AI and how to (un)equip saddles and armour onto a horse. Personally I think this is a very nice addition. But I do believe this can be expanded on a bit.

    Ever scince horses came out people have gotten into breeding and trying anxiously to get the best horse in the universe and laying bricks in their pants when they do. This also adds a very cool feature to the game, but how do you know that your horse has the qualities you want it to? Sure you can see the health bar, but it kind of limits it to that.

    My suggestion is (obvious now) a way to find out the qualities of a horse. This could be in many forms, like on the horses info bar, where you can also equip armour and saddles, or even like test-strips that you use on the horse to find out its qualities.

    I know that these things are not very relative to the minecraft theme, but I think that they can be very helpful to the idea of breeding horses. And it will sure make horses an even bigger feature to the game, although maybe it is kind of overpowering it a bit :(.

    Thanks for reading, peace out.
    -General Suncream-
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Desert Arthropod
    I like the idea of this, and I find your exclusion of uneeded randomness respectable. Support
    Posted in: Suggestions
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