In-game name: garrettsumpter
Age: my age is 15
Time zone: central time zone, north america
How much time you can dedicate per-day: six hours
How long you have played Minecraft: about a year
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: never played on this server before
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I do as im told, when im told, how im told. I also would keep everyone in line, and safe.
Explanation of what this position is: a guard. to make sure that the prisoners don't act out, and keep the prisoners safe.
What ethics are required for this position: good work ethics, and having common sense.
Additional Notes: I would love to be in this server and ill help in anyway possible. Also, if I cant be a guard, ill take any other spot... if I have to, ill be a prisoner.
ive never played on a prison server before, and it sounds like super fun. ill even be the least liked position, ill be a prison guard... ill stick to the rules and help as much as possible.
who ever judges this is a dumbass, you obviously don't realize how simple the story is. the bandit is very tall, therefore he could kick the back of his knee. and obviously he didn't walk across the ing ocean! I tried my hardest to do this damn thing, but it! Ill go join a better/smarter roleplay.
Define Role-Playing in your words: (See front page for examples) when someone takes control of a character and uses them in a make believe scenario.
Define Meta-gaming in your words:using OOC knowledge IC
Define Power-gaming in your words:making your character far too powerful or controlling, playing the game very seriously and/or playing a long periods of time.
Name: Nisimar Goldfeather
Nickname: (Optional)
Appearance:gray cloak, black pants, with a quiver on his back, brown hair, blue eyes, six feet tall, skinny yet has quite a bit of muscle.
Personality:he isn't very trusting, and he doesn't talk much, but when he does its short a simple, yet to the point.
In-game RP Fight example: (Include dialog) Nisimar is walking down a rode and a bandit comes out of the tree line with an iron battleaxe. The bandit says "Give me all your septims, or you're heads gonna end up on a pike." Nisimar, rather than responding, raised an eyebrow and slowly unsheathed his dual scimitars. "Why don't you hand over your septims before i grow irritated of your foul manners." The bandit growls, and charges with the battleaxe. Nisimar is surprised by the outburst and is struck unto the ground, as his scimitars go flying out of his hands. The bandit holds Nisimar down with his enormous strength. Nisimar manages to knock the bandit off balance bye kicking him behind the knee. After knocking the bandit off guard, Nisimar roles over to one of his scimitars and gets on his feet. Him and the bandit start circling eachother, waiting to see who will strike first. The bandit stops, then starts inching toward him. in a quick burst the bandit ran and swung his battleaxe right to left aiming for Nisimars neck. Nisimar grins, then moves to the left dodging the attack, steadies himself then slices right to left across the bandit side. The bandit then backs up and says :You will pay for that!" Nisimar glares at the bandit and picks up the other scimitar that is laying next to him.The bandit charges again, only this time he is swing straight down aiming for his head (the swing is slow because the bandit is enjured). Nisimar reacts by stepping forward jabbing both scimitars into the bandits stomach. After a moment Nisimar twists the sword and pulls out, the bandit drops his battleaxe, then drops to the ground as Nisimars steps back to watch the bandit die. Nisimar is breathing heavily. he leans down, whispers a few prayers and closes the bandits eyes, loots him of his gold and jewels. Then is on the road again.
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs. Also, explain how you came to be in Akavir.) Nisimar was born and raised in the waterfront of the Imperial City. His father left before he was born and his mother was always at the bar drunk, neither cared for their son. His father left his dual scimitars with his mother, so when they needed money they could sell it. but Nisimar had a great obsession with these swords. During the night he would sneak them out and go to the arena and get training from an old man there named Amiel. Amiel was an old redguard who taught Nisimar how to fight with great expertise. Amiel became a father figure to Nisimar. Amiel told Nisimar tales of Akavir, a land of opportunity and adventure. Nisimar hated his mother and his home, it descusted him, and so did his mother. So when Nisismar was twenty he set off too Akavir, he stole his fathers scimitars and sharpened them before saying goodbye to his friend Amiel, and then he was off to the land of adventure.
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Define Role-Playing in your words: (See front page for examples) when someone takes control of a character and uses them in a make beleive scenerio.
Define Meta-gaming in your words:using OOC knowledge IC
Define Power-gaming in your words:making your character far too powerful or controlling
Name:Axel Warenblade
Nickname: (Optional)
Appearance:gray cloak, black pants, with a quiver on his back, brown hair, blue eyes, six feet tall, skinny yet has quite a bit of muscle.
Personality:he isnt very trusting, and he doesnt talk much, but when he does its short a simple, yet to the point.
In-game RP Fight example: (Include dialog)Axel is walking down a rode and a bandit comes out of the tree line with an iron battleaxe. The banit says "Give me all your septims, or you're heads gonna end up on a pike." Axel, rather than responding, raised an eyebrow and slowly unscheathed his dual scimitars. "Why dont you hand over your septims before i grow irritated of your foul manners." The bandit growls, and charges with the battleaxe. Axel drops into a roll navigates to the left of the bandit, jumping up. Then does a quick upward slice to remove the bandits left arm.(His dominant arm, that was holding the battleaxe.)The battleaxe falls to the ground with a puddle of blood forming. The bandit starts to scream and groan, holding the stub of an arm. Axel then puts the scimitars together to form one shortsword and makes one powerful slice to the neck to end the battle. Axel scheathed his scimitars and looted the bandit fof his septims and jewels, then continued down the road.
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs. Also, explain how you came to be in Akavir.)Axel was born and raised in the waterfront of the Imperial City.His father left before he was born and his mother was always at the bar drunk, neither cared for their son. Growing up on the waterfront means that you deal with alot of theives and assasins. Axel became a very good theif and if he had to, could assassinate someone with no sign of murder. He hated his home and left at the age of 20, seeking any form of civilization to where he could conform. He wanted to go to Akavir because of the tales he heard about this magnificent continent.
Age: my age is 15
Time zone: central time zone, north america
How much time you can dedicate per-day: six hours
How long you have played Minecraft: about a year
How long you have been with Hellbreak Prison: never played on this server before
Explanation why you will be a good guard: I do as im told, when im told, how im told. I also would keep everyone in line, and safe.
Explanation of what this position is: a guard. to make sure that the prisoners don't act out, and keep the prisoners safe.
What ethics are required for this position: good work ethics, and having common sense.
Additional Notes: I would love to be in this server and ill help in anyway possible. Also, if I cant be a guard, ill take any other spot... if I have to, ill be a prisoner.
Why us?:
Have you voted for us at Planet Minecraft?:
Define Role-Playing in your words: (See front page for examples) when someone takes control of a character and uses them in a make believe scenario.
Define Meta-gaming in your words:using OOC knowledge IC
Define Power-gaming in your words:making your character far too powerful or controlling, playing the game very seriously and/or playing a long periods of time.
Name: Nisimar Goldfeather
Nickname: (Optional)
Appearance:gray cloak, black pants, with a quiver on his back, brown hair, blue eyes, six feet tall, skinny yet has quite a bit of muscle.
Personality:he isn't very trusting, and he doesn't talk much, but when he does its short a simple, yet to the point.
In-game RP Fight example: (Include dialog) Nisimar is walking down a rode and a bandit comes out of the tree line with an iron battleaxe. The bandit says "Give me all your septims, or you're heads gonna end up on a pike." Nisimar, rather than responding, raised an eyebrow and slowly unsheathed his dual scimitars. "Why don't you hand over your septims before i grow irritated of your foul manners." The bandit growls, and charges with the battleaxe. Nisimar is surprised by the outburst and is struck unto the ground, as his scimitars go flying out of his hands. The bandit holds Nisimar down with his enormous strength. Nisimar manages to knock the bandit off balance bye kicking him behind the knee. After knocking the bandit off guard, Nisimar roles over to one of his scimitars and gets on his feet. Him and the bandit start circling eachother, waiting to see who will strike first. The bandit stops, then starts inching toward him. in a quick burst the bandit ran and swung his battleaxe right to left aiming for Nisimars neck. Nisimar grins, then moves to the left dodging the attack, steadies himself then slices right to left across the bandit side. The bandit then backs up and says :You will pay for that!" Nisimar glares at the bandit and picks up the other scimitar that is laying next to him.The bandit charges again, only this time he is swing straight down aiming for his head (the swing is slow because the bandit is enjured). Nisimar reacts by stepping forward jabbing both scimitars into the bandits stomach. After a moment Nisimar twists the sword and pulls out, the bandit drops his battleaxe, then drops to the ground as Nisimars steps back to watch the bandit die. Nisimar is breathing heavily. he leans down, whispers a few prayers and closes the bandits eyes, loots him of his gold and jewels. Then is on the road again.
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs. Also, explain how you came to be in Akavir.) Nisimar was born and raised in the waterfront of the Imperial City. His father left before he was born and his mother was always at the bar drunk, neither cared for their son. His father left his dual scimitars with his mother, so when they needed money they could sell it. but Nisimar had a great obsession with these swords. During the night he would sneak them out and go to the arena and get training from an old man there named Amiel. Amiel was an old redguard who taught Nisimar how to fight with great expertise. Amiel became a father figure to Nisimar.
Amiel told Nisimar tales of Akavir, a land of opportunity and adventure. Nisimar hated his mother and his home, it descusted him, and so did his mother. So when Nisismar was twenty he set off too Akavir, he stole his fathers scimitars and sharpened them before saying goodbye to his friend Amiel, and then he was off to the land of adventure.
Skooma Kills!
Why us?:
Have you voted for us at Planet Minecraft?:
Define Role-Playing in your words: (See front page for examples) when someone takes control of a character and uses them in a make beleive scenerio.
Define Meta-gaming in your words:using OOC knowledge IC
Define Power-gaming in your words:making your character far too powerful or controlling
Name:Axel Warenblade
Nickname: (Optional)
Appearance:gray cloak, black pants, with a quiver on his back, brown hair, blue eyes, six feet tall, skinny yet has quite a bit of muscle.
Personality:he isnt very trusting, and he doesnt talk much, but when he does its short a simple, yet to the point.
In-game RP Fight example: (Include dialog)Axel is walking down a rode and a bandit comes out of the tree line with an iron battleaxe. The banit says "Give me all your septims, or you're heads gonna end up on a pike." Axel, rather than responding, raised an eyebrow and slowly unscheathed his dual scimitars. "Why dont you hand over your septims before i grow irritated of your foul manners." The bandit growls, and charges with the battleaxe. Axel drops into a roll navigates to the left of the bandit, jumping up. Then does a quick upward slice to remove the bandits left arm.(His dominant arm, that was holding the battleaxe.)The battleaxe falls to the ground with a puddle of blood forming. The bandit starts to scream and groan, holding the stub of an arm. Axel then puts the scimitars together to form one shortsword and makes one powerful slice to the neck to end the battle. Axel scheathed his scimitars and looted the bandit fof his septims and jewels, then continued down the road.
Background: (Detailed and in-depth, 2 paragraphs. Also, explain how you came to be in Akavir.)Axel was born and raised in the waterfront of the Imperial City.His father left before he was born and his mother was always at the bar drunk, neither cared for their son. Growing up on the waterfront means that you deal with alot of theives and assasins. Axel became a very good theif and if he had to, could assassinate someone with no sign of murder. He hated his home and left at the age of 20, seeking any form of civilization to where he could conform. He wanted to go to Akavir because of the tales he heard about this magnificent continent.
Skooma Kills!