The essential goal of this challenge is to create a massive collection of zones where-in no hostile mobs can spawn on, or access, the surface. Since you are creating an empire, all of these zones need to contain a village too (I'd recommend using a seed that is village dense). All zones (cities) must be connected with a path (use minecart if the distance if more than 1000 blocks). If you want to submit a score on this thread please provide a world download.
Rule List:
Create walled cities where:
No hostile mobs can access the surface
A village is located
That is connected to the other cities (Must be minecart if distance is more than 100 blocks)
Do not go into the nether or end
Do not kill villagers
Do not use customized worlds or amplified worlds
Your score is the number of these cities that you create
Extra Notes:
I haven't personally done this challenge yet, but I assume that it will be quite hard; I've wanted to do something like this, but haven't gotten around to it, I'll start a run when I post this thread and add screenshots as I play through
I don't think its built in, but you could place an armor stand at every button and test for a pressed button, then look for a player who's closest (I'm assuming that you can't put a command block at every button)
I am working on a quick command block creation and I want to set a block of wool based on a score (Using the score as the value for the wool) how would I do this? I have been trying, but I can't find out how (I was just searching and couldn't find anything on this either)
Why we should accept you : I am pretty active on minecraft and would like to record on a server (single player gets boring).
What are some things you want to do here? : I would like to build creations for the community and large builds (I like doing cool stuff) I would also like to record (as I said previously).
I decided to make a server that is vanilla survival without a whitelist because I'm tired of all vanilla survival servers being whitelist only or not being vanilla.
Name: Gankuro (gahn - kur - oh) I want to be able to record and that's my YT name
Discord: TheRedArmy#0562
In Game Name: Gankuro
Country: USA
Age: 12 (Quite Mature)
Reason for joining: I really like smaller community based servers (they also work well for youtube)
What can you bring to the server?: I am somewhat good at redstone (I personally like the computer side of it)
How much time can you afford to dedicate towards the server?: If I am really trying probably 1 hour on week days (I take all advanced/honors classes so I have a decent amount of homework + I like to do more than just play minecraft) and 3 hours on the weekend
Most active days?: Saturday - Monday (The way homework works I have almost none on mondays)
Great server! I joined, and liked the plugins you used (I like how it didn't have mcmmo and stuff like that, and its basically vanilla), and I have always wanted to join a really small minecraft vanilla server.
I would say hex, because (though I am not the best at redstone computing) I think it would allow the cpu to have more memory in less space, because it can store more data in one cell.
Oh, I forgot to mention on the form that the times I put are for school, I am available any time that's reasonable (just subtract 17 hours from your time to get mine) just until basically september
I was playing some bridges, when I got an error; I don't remember what it was, but when I went to the server tab, I noticed that lots of servers couldn't resolve host name, but some could (like Diamond fire) I am wondering if any others got this.
Basic Goal:
The essential goal of this challenge is to create a massive collection of zones where-in no hostile mobs can spawn on, or access, the surface. Since you are creating an empire, all of these zones need to contain a village too (I'd recommend using a seed that is village dense). All zones (cities) must be connected with a path (use minecart if the distance if more than 1000 blocks). If you want to submit a score on this thread please provide a world download.
Rule List:
Extra Notes:
I haven't personally done this challenge yet, but I assume that it will be quite hard; I've wanted to do something like this, but haven't gotten around to it, I'll start a run when I post this thread and add screenshots as I play through
I don't think its built in, but you could place an armor stand at every button and test for a pressed button, then look for a player who's closest (I'm assuming that you can't put a command block at every button)
I am working on a quick command block creation and I want to set a block of wool based on a score (Using the score as the value for the wool) how would I do this? I have been trying, but I can't find out how (I was just searching and couldn't find anything on this either)
Age : 13 (though definitely mature)
IGN : Gankuro
Building (1 - 10) : 6
Redstone (1-10) : 7
Why we should accept you : I am pretty active on minecraft and would like to record on a server (single player gets boring).
What are some things you want to do here? : I would like to build creations for the community and large builds (I like doing cool stuff) I would also like to record (as I said previously).
IGN: Gankuro
I've been looking for some old servers, I hope this get's a great community around it!
I decided to make a server that is vanilla survival without a whitelist because I'm tired of all vanilla survival servers being whitelist only or not being vanilla.
[Offline currently]
I found diamonds already!
Great server! I joined, and liked the plugins you used (I like how it didn't have mcmmo and stuff like that, and its basically vanilla), and I have always wanted to join a really small minecraft vanilla server.
I would say hex, because (though I am not the best at redstone computing) I think it would allow the cpu to have more memory in less space, because it can store more data in one cell.
Oh, I forgot to mention on the form that the times I put are for school, I am available any time that's reasonable (just subtract 17 hours from your time to get mine) just until basically september
Here's a link to the map:
And a link to my channel:
I hope you enjoy! leave feed back in a comment here or on the video (i don't care which you use)
I was playing some bridges, when I got an error; I don't remember what it was, but when I went to the server tab, I noticed that lots of servers couldn't resolve host name, but some could (like Diamond fire) I am wondering if any others got this.
I hope you enjoy, don't forget to like favorite and subscribe!
0 I hope you enjoy, and stay tuned for season 2! the full season 2 playlist will probably be up in a couple of months (this season took about 3)