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    posted a message on I would like to be in a mindcrack like server
    Friend me on skype: gamersattack609
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on I would like to be in a mindcrack like server
    I got one gamersmp.no-ip.biz #juststarted #itscool #smallcommunity
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Peeps to SMP with.
    If I put false on the online mode, I'm pretty sure it will let you on! So your in!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Peeps to SMP with.
    Sweet Imma go on my computer in 10 min I let my sister play on it so Im not on it right now
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Peeps to SMP with.
    Hello, my name is GamersAttack obviously. But anyways I just wanted to post to see if anyone were interested in Minecraft SMP. I have about 3 friends I play with, alot of my other ones don't play anymore. I find it kinda hard to make friends on PC, especially with a few games, that's why I'm posting here. Your age must be from 13-17,
    you must be chill, and you must be nice. And not annoying. That's it so yeah, if your interested just send me a friend request.
    P.S. I always check my forums when I'm not busy, so just post your Skype name and we can play.
    P.P.S If you like Breaking Bad, put Jesse's main catchphrase on the application! ^.^

    Your IGN:
    Why do you wanna play:
    Are you a griefer:
    Your age:
    Are you a good anything:
    (Builder,Farmer,Miner, etc.)
    My Skype: gamersattack609
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on People to Play Minecraft with :3
    Hello, my name is GamersAttack/Roland and I'm 13 and I have already a group of friends but we need more. I have about 4 or 5 people I play Minecraft with but we want more for our SMP server. Minecraft is an awesome experience with friends and it would be awesome if we could get more people. Out of 4 people only two get on. So yeah if you could send me a msg or friend request on my Skype that would be sweet. You must have a working mic and a Skype. Peace out and see you later!
    Skype: gamersattack609
    Minecraft name: GamersAttack
    Age limit: 13-16
    P.S. Its pretty hard to make friends on PC when you don't have that much games for PC.
    And no fanboys, I don't wanna hear "budder" all the phucking time. I'm serious
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Vanilla Server I can join/apply for
    Friend me on skype bro. gamersattack609
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on A Group to Play MinecraftSMP with!
    P.S You need to download evolve, evolvehq.com to play on the server no viruses I've played with it for years.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on A Group to Play MinecraftSMP with!
    Hello, my name is GamersAttack/Roland and I'm 13 and I have already a group of friends but we need more. I have about 4 or 5 people I play Minecraft with but we want more for our SMP server. Minecraft is an awesome experience with friends and it would be awesome if we could get more people. Out of 4 people only two get on. So yeah if you could send me a msg or friend request on my Skype that would be sweet. You must have a working mic and a Skype. Peace out and see you later!
    Skype: gamersattack609
    Minecraft name: GamersAttack
    Age limit: 13-16
    P.S. Its pretty hard to make friends on PC when you don't have that much games for PC.
    And no fanboys, I don't wanna hear "budder" all the phucking time. I'm serious.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Need a Dude with a Vanilla Survival Private Server
    Ok so me and my friends need a server that we can play on, Lol. But we need to have a private server for ex, "like when syndikate played on a private server" I need it like that. It needs to get updated every update and it needs to be on 1.6.4 currently. And I guess you can partake in the world as well. Our goal is just to combine all the projects we want to do in Minecraft and do it on the server. And again all we want is a private server not a server with 9 different worlds but 200 people. Please message me on skype, gamersattack609, if you can make this happen. And again we want something vanilla, no economy, no grief protection, just vanilla. Thank you! And the server ip dont post in our thread on my skype instead. And the End and Nether.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Need people to play minecraft with.
    Im intrested Im 13 and my name is gamersattack609 Ive been looking for peeps too just send me a request and we can have fun
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for someone to play with
    Im 13 Lol but I have a mic and have been playing for two years and I am not annoying Im really chill!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Lookin for some peeps to play with!
    Dude I just skyped you you never picked up..
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Lookin for some peeps to play with!
    Lol people are viewing but not friending me on skype or actually posting..
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Lookin for some peeps to play with!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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