In the meantime of working out some udpates, not sure how many of you remember this, back during the 1.7 update we were able to assign each block metadata, 0-15. This allowed for us to have hundreds of new block textures. Unfortunately Mojang removed this feature to save space while saving data.
No, I was not able to figure out a work around on this. However, I have found something else rather exciting. I have known about Custom Entity Models for a while, but I always assumed that this replaced the existing entity and would just change the entire experience of minecraft. I was wrong, luckily.
Turns out Named mobs not only can have different textures but that different textures can support different models hidden very cleverly via optifine.
Using this method, I may be able to introduce several new MOBs into the game -- granted they would have their base model behaviours -- they would just require a name tag and just naming it with the identifier, in this case "Rubber Ducky Isopod"
I know the texture is an atrocity, so that will be changing, I really wanted to prove that it could be done before I sunk a TON of work into it.
So other experiments that I have been able to pull off include the below:
Koi Fish
A Whale using a Dolphin model, might swap this to a turtle since Dolphins have some very particular uncontrollable animations
Isopods with multiple different textures:
Now this actually gave me an idea that I might be able to stack models on top of each other and as long as I leave the textures of some models transparent I might actually be able to fit a bunch of 'new' mobs into one existing mob.
Anyways as I touched on earlier, I cannot always use this reliably since some models. Early on I discovered that barring a separate mod mob animations are hard coded into the game so things like SIlverfish, Dolphins, bats, fish all have a sitting animation that causes them to vibrate and shake making them unusable for anything other than a mob that you actually want to do that.
But I did take time to take inventory of all the existing mobs and their body parts and I think I know what all I can modify and give custom animations to (part of optifine)
So hopefully you all will find this an interesting part of the pack and even though many of you may not use this part it will be something that will be included and unless you are actually trying to add them to the game you will never see it.
Thanks guys for the continued interest. Most of the team has that has been working on this unfortunately has had lots of real life situations and just everyday business to attend to. We will continue working on updating the pack as we can. Just a little FYI, I got rid of the derpy fox texture and repurposed some old wolf textures to give it an update. I will work on the Panda next (hopefully make use of the different genetics textures).
Also if any of you remember from version 1.7.10 for Meta Data and the hundreds of extra blocks we could use. We have an idea that we are going to try out to make it work -- kinda -- again. But again no promises and I have a feeling it might get scrapped unless we can come up with a better idea. It currently has some serious server side issues.
As for Mod support, we have a few textures in the resource pack that are intended for mods but I do not think they are fully implemented but we will do what we can.
If anyone has the old textures from the fansite to build your own SMP pack please contact me and send over the resources. I know there were some mobs from mods and other mod support from the site and I cannot find it anywhere.
Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to brute force a minecraft world to generate with a specific shape in mind:
For example, if I were to draw out a four leaf clover and have the north leaf taiga, the south leaf forest, the west leaf desert, the east leaf mesa, the center mountains, and oceans surrounding.
Would something like this be possible in that the minecraft world generator does everything by itself almost like it was just a random seed to start with and use a colour coded image as a guide line to follow when generating terrain? I was thinking of this for making a new map for a server and it would be really helpful since the size of the map keeps crashing out WorldPainter and other terrain programs I have been using trying to customize the land I am making
Some one brought to my attention the main link was broken, Just updated it with the 1.14 version. It is unfortunately a slow download so please give it time. We do however have this link:!Atzx6erlC23Vv5gNAn0_5d8ToZVIfg which might be faster however it is a one drive hosting situtation so you may have to fiddle with Microsoft settings being grumpy.
I believe all textures are downloadable via the Github set up. Just change the branch to Thermal Mods.
Also, just an update, we have made some major updates to make the pack available on 1.14 under the branch CTM-ID-Update. We have also began working with SMP on a further update to the pack to bring in some new original work by the creator. If you download the pack now you will notice that we have a new TNT texture, chorus fruit, a replacement for my horrible purpur textures, and various other changes I am not entirely certain of yet.
Here is the download link for it as of current, however the hosting location is a little bit slow so I suggest using Github for now.
EDIT: Also I have updated foxes, no more derpy wall-eyed faces staring at you. Also Stripped logs are WIPs and from what SMP and I agreed on he will be revising that in the future so expect better logs down the road.
Yeah I did that, discovered that the images all face west and the numbering system is just like in a grid which makes it harder to arrange them properly. It is 6000+ files that I have so doing them individually would be incredibly time consuming
So I have a really odd request I think, is there a way to turn a really large image into a Dynmap map? I took the time to map out our world and I was kinda wanting to convert it into a version of the map.
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.
Winston Churchill
Starting tomorrow at Noon EST we are hosting a Beta Testing session of a new custom plugin. Scattered across the world are floating stones a mixture of lapis ore and blue glass, called warpstones. These are your respawn points, your home, and how you claim a territory. In the custom world we have built you will be pitted against one another joining one of four teams.
We are looking for 16-20 people to join us tomorrow, if there is a surge in interest we will accept more to join.
If you are interested in joining please post the following application below:
In Game Name:
How long you can test:
Name we should call you:
We are currently looking for around 16-20 beta testers for a new game being developed on the world, via a custom plugin and map. It is nearly complete we just need to rigorously test it out for any bugs or irregularities that may occur during game-play so we can sort that out.
The game is not too dissimilar from things such as Risk and Capture the Flag. In the world you will find things called "Warpstones" which will be capturable and of course the point of the game is to capture and hold as many of them as possible. There are 4 pre-defined teams which you can join: Waramon, Eborin, Sholkingham, and Rhunnach.
If you chose to join, use the above URL and ask for Kyle or Galvin when you spawn. Read the signs leading out from spawn to guide you to the world, we will of course be there to help guide you.
Okay, so it has been a little while since I have worked on this... Going to start making some attempts to update a few things soon. Debating on how to tackle the update that is coming in. But in this I am extending a hand to anyone who wants to help out. Shoot me an email: [email protected]
Look for some updates soon, I'll be sure to post what I have done.
I am not going to lie... I have never considered doing any mod support. I suppose I could maybe do some of the guis... But just tell me which one it is and I will look into it as a possibility.
I mean this pack most certainly is what keeps me coming back to Minecraft. I would probably be willing to pay a little myself if that meant it could keep going. I really love the pack.
In the meantime of working out some udpates, not sure how many of you remember this, back during the 1.7 update we were able to assign each block metadata, 0-15. This allowed for us to have hundreds of new block textures. Unfortunately Mojang removed this feature to save space while saving data.
No, I was not able to figure out a work around on this. However, I have found something else rather exciting. I have known about Custom Entity Models for a while, but I always assumed that this replaced the existing entity and would just change the entire experience of minecraft. I was wrong, luckily.
Turns out Named mobs not only can have different textures but that different textures can support different models hidden very cleverly via optifine.
This is a Rubber Ducky Isopod next to it's base model the Cave Spider.
Using this method, I may be able to introduce several new MOBs into the game -- granted they would have their base model behaviours -- they would just require a name tag and just naming it with the identifier, in this case "Rubber Ducky Isopod"
I know the texture is an atrocity, so that will be changing, I really wanted to prove that it could be done before I sunk a TON of work into it.
So other experiments that I have been able to pull off include the below:
Koi Fish
A Whale using a Dolphin model, might swap this to a turtle since Dolphins have some very particular uncontrollable animations

Isopods with multiple different textures:
Now this actually gave me an idea that I might be able to stack models on top of each other and as long as I leave the textures of some models transparent I might actually be able to fit a bunch of 'new' mobs into one existing mob.
Anyways as I touched on earlier, I cannot always use this reliably since some models. Early on I discovered that barring a separate mod mob animations are hard coded into the game so things like SIlverfish, Dolphins, bats, fish all have a sitting animation that causes them to vibrate and shake making them unusable for anything other than a mob that you actually want to do that.
But I did take time to take inventory of all the existing mobs and their body parts and I think I know what all I can modify and give custom animations to (part of optifine)
So hopefully you all will find this an interesting part of the pack and even though many of you may not use this part it will be something that will be included and unless you are actually trying to add them to the game you will never see it.
We are working on some new updates for this pack expect some changes soon.
Yeah, I have been trying to work out the colour palate on that one so we can just tell dirt to change to that colour in that biome.
Thanks guys for the continued interest. Most of the team has that has been working on this unfortunately has had lots of real life situations and just everyday business to attend to. We will continue working on updating the pack as we can. Just a little FYI, I got rid of the derpy fox texture and repurposed some old wolf textures to give it an update. I will work on the Panda next (hopefully make use of the different genetics textures).
Also if any of you remember from version 1.7.10 for Meta Data and the hundreds of extra blocks we could use. We have an idea that we are going to try out to make it work -- kinda -- again. But again no promises and I have a feeling it might get scrapped unless we can come up with a better idea. It currently has some serious server side issues.
As for Mod support, we have a few textures in the resource pack that are intended for mods but I do not think they are fully implemented but we will do what we can.
If anyone has the old textures from the fansite to build your own SMP pack please contact me and send over the resources. I know there were some mobs from mods and other mod support from the site and I cannot find it anywhere.
Thanks and yours truly,
Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to brute force a minecraft world to generate with a specific shape in mind:
For example, if I were to draw out a four leaf clover and have the north leaf taiga, the south leaf forest, the west leaf desert, the east leaf mesa, the center mountains, and oceans surrounding.
Would something like this be possible in that the minecraft world generator does everything by itself almost like it was just a random seed to start with and use a colour coded image as a guide line to follow when generating terrain? I was thinking of this for making a new map for a server and it would be really helpful since the size of the map keeps crashing out WorldPainter and other terrain programs I have been using trying to customize the land I am making
Some one brought to my attention the main link was broken, Just updated it with the 1.14 version. It is unfortunately a slow download so please give it time. We do however have this link:!Atzx6erlC23Vv5gNAn0_5d8ToZVIfg which might be faster however it is a one drive hosting situtation so you may have to fiddle with Microsoft settings being grumpy.
I believe all textures are downloadable via the Github set up. Just change the branch to Thermal Mods.
Also, just an update, we have made some major updates to make the pack available on 1.14 under the branch CTM-ID-Update. We have also began working with SMP on a further update to the pack to bring in some new original work by the creator. If you download the pack now you will notice that we have a new TNT texture, chorus fruit, a replacement for my horrible purpur textures, and various other changes I am not entirely certain of yet.
Here is the download link for it as of current, however the hosting location is a little bit slow so I suggest using Github for now.
EDIT: Also I have updated foxes, no more derpy wall-eyed faces staring at you. Also Stripped logs are WIPs and from what SMP and I agreed on he will be revising that in the future so expect better logs down the road.
Yeah I did that, discovered that the images all face west and the numbering system is just like in a grid which makes it harder to arrange them properly. It is 6000+ files that I have so doing them individually would be incredibly time consuming
So I have a really odd request I think, is there a way to turn a really large image into a Dynmap map? I took the time to map out our world and I was kinda wanting to convert it into a version of the map.
Starting tomorrow at Noon EST we are hosting a Beta Testing session of a new custom plugin. Scattered across the world are floating stones a mixture of lapis ore and blue glass, called warpstones. These are your respawn points, your home, and how you claim a territory. In the custom world we have built you will be pitted against one another joining one of four teams.
We are looking for 16-20 people to join us tomorrow, if there is a surge in interest we will accept more to join.
If you are interested in joining please post the following application below:
We are currently looking for around 16-20 beta testers for a new game being developed on the world, via a custom plugin and map. It is nearly complete we just need to rigorously test it out for any bugs or irregularities that may occur during game-play so we can sort that out.
The game is not too dissimilar from things such as Risk and Capture the Flag. In the world you will find things called "Warpstones" which will be capturable and of course the point of the game is to capture and hold as many of them as possible. There are 4 pre-defined teams which you can join: Waramon, Eborin, Sholkingham, and Rhunnach.
If you chose to join, use the above URL and ask for Kyle or Galvin when you spawn. Read the signs leading out from spawn to guide you to the world, we will of course be there to help guide you.
None of us ever used the 2236 pack, well Maisa might have, but we don't have it saved. If you have any texturing skills we could certainly use that.
Okay, so it has been a little while since I have worked on this... Going to start making some attempts to update a few things soon. Debating on how to tackle the update that is coming in. But in this I am extending a hand to anyone who wants to help out. Shoot me an email: [email protected]
Look for some updates soon, I'll be sure to post what I have done.
I am not going to lie... I have never considered doing any mod support. I suppose I could maybe do some of the guis... But just tell me which one it is and I will look into it as a possibility.
I mean this pack most certainly is what keeps me coming back to Minecraft. I would probably be willing to pay a little myself if that meant it could keep going. I really love the pack.