1. How old are you? 17 (I'm not gonna lie and say i'm 18, if you don't accept because of it then its no big deal)
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft? 3 years
3. What are your plans on the server? Do you record for youtube? Just have a fun chill experience, help others, and build stuff for the community. I always look for purely vanilla servers and rarely find them so this looks like my kind of server.
4. How active do you plan to be? I plan to be on almost everyday unless Im busy on certain days
5. Timezone? central
My Name on MC is GD_21 if you need that. ill let you know my Skype if i'm accepted
Discord name: sorry not sure what this means. i havent been on the forums in a while can you tell me what it means then i will fill it in
Age (13+): 16
How much do you play minecraft during your week: ill try and play everyday or very often in a week
What server are you planning on playing on the most? modded
Other information: well i love to work and play with others. i like to build stuff for the community. my favorite color is red, and my favorite food is cherry
1: In-Game Name? GD_21
2: Can your PC handle modpacks that We May Add In The Future? Yes
3: Have You Been banned, jailed, etc before? if so what for? i havent!
4: Do you agree to play legit and use no mods or hacked clients? Yes! I am going to use Optifine though
Experience with Minecraft: I've played for 3 years, and i have gotten good at various things! Redstone, b
Why do you want to join?: because i love, minecraft, and to play, and help other people.
What is your definition of maturity? to act your age, and not to act like something your not. to be rational, and fair, and not just fight for things you want
Your Name: Griffin
Minecraft IGN: GD_21
Your age: 16
How often do you get on Minecraft?: almost everyday
Why do you want to join this server?: i love vanilla minecraft, and i love doing it with other people. i also love modded minecraft!
What is your favorite thing to do in an SMP community?: Help other people with projects, and build community stuff
Have you read the rules and do you agree to them?: Yes i completely fine!
What is your Skype?: gbdespot21
Do you have a Teamspeak and are willing to use it?:i dont but, i will be willing to use it
Tell me about you!: I like to play with others, and interact on more then just one platform of gaming. i like to think of myself as funny!
Do you have any questions for me about the community or the server?: how many are there now?
Who's your favorite Pokémon? flareon
***Feel Free to Include a picture of YOUR builds! We want to see what your capable of!
How often do you see yourself playing on the server?: Almost everyday[/b]
Why would you like to join the server?: Because i love survival minecraft, and i love to play with other people![/b]
Give a little information about yourself: I started playing for 3 years, and i have loved the game since then. I like to interact with others, help them with exploring, building, and any thing else![/b]
What do you do best in Minecraft?: [/b][b]Redstone, Exploreing, gathering, and im pretty good at bulding![/b]
In Game Name: GD_21
Age: 15
Do You Have TeamSpeak: i do not. but i can get it
Skype: gbdespot21
Country And Time Zone: central
What Makes you Stand Out: I love to help other out when i get the chance too. i like to think of my self as a funny guy, but everyone has an opinion
What Are Your Specialities In Minecraft: I'm good with redstone farms resource gathering, group projects, and im ok at building
What type of player are you, how will you spend your time on the world: I will try and focus on the community, and help people out with farms, and help them any other way i can
How Long Have You Played Minecraft: 3 year
How Active Will You Be: very active. almost everyday
Well i love to help people out, when help is needed. i think one of the most important component of Multiplayer Servers is to work together, and have fun. i also love modded MC. I also love to help out the community with different farms, build, etc. Also i love professional Wrestiling
1. How old are you? 17 (I'm not gonna lie and say i'm 18, if you don't accept because of it then its no big deal)
2. How long have you been playing Minecraft? 3 years
3. What are your plans on the server? Do you record for youtube? Just have a fun chill experience, help others, and build stuff for the community. I always look for purely vanilla servers and rarely find them so this looks like my kind of server.
4. How active do you plan to be? I plan to be on almost everyday unless Im busy on certain days
5. Timezone? central
My Name on MC is GD_21 if you need that. ill let you know my Skype if i'm accepted
IGN: GD_21
Discord name: sorry not sure what this means. i havent been on the forums in a while can you tell me what it means then i will fill it in
Age (13+): 16
How much do you play minecraft during your week: ill try and play everyday or very often in a week
What server are you planning on playing on the most? modded
Other information: well i love to work and play with others. i like to build stuff for the community. my favorite color is red, and my favorite food is cherry
i forgot to ask? is this xbox or pc? you said gamertag which sounds like xbox, but realms are on pc. let me know!
1: In-Game Name? GD_21
2: Can your PC handle modpacks that We May Add In The Future? Yes
3: Have You Been banned, jailed, etc before? if so what for? i havent!
4: Do you agree to play legit and use no mods or hacked clients? Yes! I am going to use Optifine though
1. GD_21
2. Age 16
3.Favorite mob! Pigs
IGN: GD_21
Age: 16
Experience with Minecraft: I've played for 3 years, and i have gotten good at various things! Redstone, b
Why do you want to join?: because i love, minecraft, and to play, and help other people.
What is your definition of maturity? to act your age, and not to act like something your not. to be rational, and fair, and not just fight for things you want
our birthday is december 8th 1999. we are twins. we turned 16 2 days ago. if you still don't accept us that is fine.
Your Name: Griffin
Minecraft IGN: GD_21
Your age: 16
How often do you get on Minecraft?: almost everyday
Why do you want to join this server?: i love vanilla minecraft, and i love doing it with other people. i also love modded minecraft!
What is your favorite thing to do in an SMP community?: Help other people with projects, and build community stuff
Have you read the rules and do you agree to them?: Yes i completely fine!
What is your Skype?: gbdespot21
Do you have a Teamspeak and are willing to use it?:i dont but, i will be willing to use it
Tell me about you!: I like to play with others, and interact on more then just one platform of gaming. i like to think of myself as funny!
Do you have any questions for me about the community or the server?: how many are there now?
Who's your favorite Pokémon? flareon
***Feel Free to Include a picture of YOUR builds! We want to see what your capable of!
IGN: GD_21[/b]
Age: 15[/b]
Timezone: Central[/b]
Country: America[/b]
Skype(Optional): gbdespot21[/b]
How often do you see yourself playing on the server?: Almost everyday[/b]
Why would you like to join the server?: Because i love survival minecraft, and i love to play with other people![/b]
Give a little information about yourself: I started playing for 3 years, and i have loved the game since then. I like to interact with others, help them with exploring, building, and any thing else![/b]
What do you do best in Minecraft?: [/b][b]Redstone, Exploreing, gathering, and im pretty good at bulding![/b]
1. minecraft username: GD_21
2. age: 15
3. how often will u play: almost every day, in the afternoon, and night
4. why u want to be added to the realm: because i love vanilla minecraft, and playing with others
5.any additional information: im good at making farms, other redstone bits, and building
In Game Name: GD_21
Age: 15
Do You Have TeamSpeak: i do not. but i can get it
Skype: gbdespot21
Country And Time Zone: central
What Makes you Stand Out: I love to help other out when i get the chance too. i like to think of my self as a funny guy, but everyone has an opinion
What Are Your Specialities In Minecraft: I'm good with redstone farms resource gathering, group projects, and im ok at building
What type of player are you, how will you spend your time on the world: I will try and focus on the community, and help people out with farms, and help them any other way i can
How Long Have You Played Minecraft: 3 year
How Active Will You Be: very active. almost everyday
thanks for letting me on!
Well i love to help people out, when help is needed. i think one of the most important component of Multiplayer Servers is to work together, and have fun. i also love modded MC. I also love to help out the community with different farms, build, etc. Also i love professional Wrestiling
Go ahead and give the following info: