• 2

    posted a message on [Action] [Space] [Sci-fi] ~ ฿ℯy ◎₪D ŁǐFệ ~ [Future] [GIVING +1's FOR EACH POST!]
    ((I guess we start tomorrow then?))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 1

    posted a message on [Action] [Space] [Sci-fi] ~ ฿ℯy ◎₪D ŁǐFệ ~ [Future] [GIVING +1's FOR EACH POST!]
    ((2 things, 1 read through the rules AGAIN, you're missing someting, 2, Zulcars are basically the same thing as Xenomorphs, I did this to attract movie fans.))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 1

    posted a message on >>>---The Survivors-----> [MAKING SEQUEL!]
    Quote from KatnissE

    RP Name: Katniss Everdeen

    RP Age: 17

    RP Appearence: gray eyes, brown braide, Brown jacket, black pants.

    RP Survival Speciality: Great at archry, and surviving, knows how to camp and get food in woods.

    RP Personality: Not well at making friends, likes to be alone and isnt the Girlish type.

    RP Comforts: the woods, and the sight of her best friend... if she had one.

    RP Fears: Creatures.
    RP Girl/Boyfriend: No...
    Other: yeah, i did kinda copy from the Hunger Games, but i RP differently... trust me :)

    [:Shouldn't you're Bf be Peeta? :P
    Accepted! Welcome!:]
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
  • 3

    posted a message on Sorcerorcraft - official page
    Welcome. I am G6290, and I am currently working on a mod. This mod is called Sorcercraft, and it is, by far, harder than anything I have done with coding. The mod enables new terrains, caves, mobs, items, weather, ores, and a campaign mode! How cool is that?

    We are hiring!!! Please be sure to join! What I need...

    GAME CODERS (campaign mode)



    Spawning near volcanoes, the phoenix is a bird of prey. Hunting its food not by killing, but by waiting it to burn to death, is effective near tight spaces.

    Behemus Motheus
    A large mystical hippo, the Bermudus Motheus gets its name from a magician that was experimenting with combining the souls of ghasts, with behemoths.

    A species aged down to the earliest years, this enormous bird can be as large as 150 blocks wingspan. It hunts by sending down various bolts of lightning.

    Man-eating Plantonius
    A far-fetched species of the plant-eater, these camouflaging species are known to gulp sheep without chewing.

    "The Beast"
    Little is known about these strange glowing red eyes that appear in the darkest corners. They kill by sucking your very own soul.

    In the depths of the ocean, the octuparos can be menacing. Twelve tentacles 100 blocks long can snap you out of nowhere.

    Sea Serpent
    A dangerous snake that can be of enormous size. Known to sink hundreds of ships.

    Friendly creatures made with a little crafting.

    Appearing in ice caves, the crystals are friendly if not provoked. Nobody really knows what those blue things that grow on their back are.

    Baleful Eye
    Created by an evil wizard, these floating eyes spawn near magic towers, guarding treasures that lie deep in them.

    Appearing as peaceful mobs, these materializing creatures wait for the perfect moment for when you to turn your back.

    Said to be created by him himself, each one wanders around their own regions, pretecting them.

    Them of enournous size, these are unlike enderdragons. They do not destroy blocks when they swoop down, but they can enjoy a crispy snack of your burnt remains.

    +more coming soon!


    Monster Map
    A map that uses magica dust to reveal hidden treasures and legendary monsters.

    Very effective in any combat, as you can cover yourself to hide from any attack. Craftable from most ores.

    Diffrent swords for diffrent effects. Craftable from most ores.

    Because swords are too mainsteam. Craftable from most ores.

    Enough with flint, it's time for a change! Craftable from most ores.

    To earn a greatsword is one of the highest of honors. Craftable from most ores.

    More weapons
    From crossbows to traps, we have many of the many of weapons of the medieval times.

    From health potions, to armour potions, you name it!

    Amulets and rings
    Wearable decorations that give special abilities.

    + more coming soon!















    + more coming soon!

    Weather & terrain:

    Mountains that generate lava for thousands of years.

    Better mountains
    Making mountains more realistic.

    Very small chunks of 4 - 16 blocks of meterorack, that fall out of the sky by random choice.

    Magic forests
    In them, the grass glows purple at night, with tall grasses of glowing pinks and greens. Giant trees twice the size of huge jungle trees glow diffrent shades of bue, of purple at night. Can be as large as minecraft oceans, and they inhabit most of the magic mobs.

    Appearing on most terrains, these dungeons vary.

    Like dungeons, but hold no treasure.

    As well as magic forests are mavelous, they contain these nasty pools of liquid death. Can turn into gas.

    Enournous streams of water on mountains.

    Acid rain
    Take damage in this rain.

    Meteor shower
    Blocks of meterorack falling from the sky in groups. Provides a marvelous display.

    + more coming soon!


    Stamina bar
    A bar that displays your stamina. Use stamina to block hits with your sheild, swing your sword, etc.

    Magika bar
    A bar that displays your magika. Use magika to use spells.

    Temperature bar
    A bar that displays your temperature. use temperature to not freeze of boil to death!

    ZXC keys
    Press these keys in diffrent orders to create deadly combos.

    + more coming soon!






    Berry bushes

    + more coming soon!

    This will be a highly advanced mod, so I will need professional coders, artists, and artists (music). All those who help will get credit.

    Our Team/Jobs

    ME (Organizing, Producing, Coding)
    Job: Gather a team
    Kave (Coding)
    Job: Magirack ore
    lolydodo123 (Items, Mobs)
    Job: Create diffrent swords
    Awesomedal14 (Textures)
    Job: Magirack dust
    TFCxAddict (Coding)
    Job: Nothing yet


    It is the year 1274, June 16, and you have agreed to travel oversea for war. You have nothing left to live for. Your father, the king, was murdered years ago, and you never took his place, and your mother had died when you were young. Your whole town had been purposely burnt, but the arsonist died in the fire as well. Welcome to your story.

    “Steve” cried the king’s messenger. “Get back here!” You said nothing, but continued running down the long, grey corridor. You had just robbed the king, and thought that this was it for you. “Steve!” The messenger shrieked again. His light, middle-toned voice echoed down the corridor, bouncing off the old, mossy walls. The door was right ahead, and you could see light. Soon enough, you would take off with the crown, and head towards Zantur. You attempt to open the door, but something hits you in mid-air. You look at your left shoulder, your head turning slowly, and see blood stream down your arm. A long, sharp edged arrow stuck in your flesh, from where the blood was coming from. You fall to the ground, fainted from blood loss. You have never seem such an arrow, one that would rip out such a hole in your arm.

    Two days have passed, and you wake up, finding yourself in prison. “Proves you right,” the guard chuckled. “Robbing the king!” He now started to chortle. “Next time, ill get it!” you shouted at him, in anger. “There won’t be a next time!” He shouted back. “So, I’m going to die?” “Precisely, BUT, the king has offered you a choice. Either you die tomorrow, your head cut off by the guillotines, or, you go to war, and get set free if you make it back alive.” You thought about this for a moment, then replied: “Ill go to war”

    Two weeks had now passed, ant you were only halfway through the oversea voyage. It was night, but everyday it felt like the sun would never come up. You never slept at night, for you always heard thumping sounds on the ships hull. You somehow managed to fall asleep in the day, so that the whole night was yours, then, one day you start noticing that the thumping was getting stronger.

    The thumping was now insane. It seemed that you aren’t the only one without sleep. Many soldiers have already noticed the sound. Then one night you saw a tiny crack in the hull. It started getting bigger and bigger, second by second. “THERES A CRACK IN THE HULL!” you yelled. Soon, panic spread through the entire ship. “All abort!” ‘God save us!” “HELP!” screams could be heard all over the ship, and then, the crack collapsed. Water streaming into your cabin, you had no idea what to do. Then, through the water, you saw what looked like a tentacle. Immediately, you grabbed it, just to be dragged into open sea, and thrown onto a mysterious island, most likely undiscovered. Covered in bruises, you saw a monster devour the ship.

    You stood up, feeling sympathy for your crew members. You had a look around the mystifying place, and realized how beautiful the island was. The place shined with glowing mushrooms, and vines were hanging down off trees. The moss near rocks also seemed to shine. The grass was fairly tall, but felt like there was none at all.

    “Magic” you breathed out.

    If you enjoyed this, or if you want to support this, click the little green + at the bottom of this post




    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 7

    posted a message on MAGICO's SORCERORCRAFT - OFFICIAL

    Welcome. I am G6290, and i am currently working on a mod. This mod is called Sorcercraft, and it is, by far, harder than anything i have done with coding. The mod enables new terrains, caves, mobs, items, weather, ores, and a campaign mode! How cool is that? THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE HAS BEEN RELEASED! http://www.sorcerorcraftmod.weebly.com

    We are still hiring!!! Please be sure to Join! What I need...

    GAME CODERS (campaign mode)


    Pheonix, Behemus Motheus, Thunderbird, Man-eating Plantonius, "The Beast", Octuparos, Sea Serpent, Golem, Crystalos, Baleful Eye, Mimic, Elementals, Dragons, MORE COMING SOON

    Monster Map, Shield, Magika, Sword, Health Potion, Stamina Potion, Magika Potion, Magika Enchantos, Amulets and rings, Magic staff, MORE COMING SOON

    Platinum, aquamarine, firestone, magirack, amber, silver, bronze, emerald, deathrack, godrack, earthstone, waterstone, icestone, and more! MORE COMING SOON

    Weather & terrain:
    Volcanoes, better mountains, meteoroids, giant trees, dungeons, caves, acid, waterfalls, tornadoes, acid rain, meteor shower, floating towers, and more! MORE COMING SOON

    Temperature bar, better movement (crawling and climbing) Stamina bar, Magika bar, ZXC keys to decide what direction you swing yar sword, MORE COMING SOON

    Corn, Barley, Sunflower, peas, more mushrooms (grow able now) berry bushes of all kind from blueberry to raspberry, MORE COMING SOON

    Hammer, dual pick (climb walls) crossbow, endergun (shoots further than you throw an enderpearl) MORE COMING SOON

    This will be a highly advanced mod, so i will need professional coders, artists, and artists (music). All those who help will get credit.

    So far, we have...

    ME (Organizing, Producing, Coding)


    Major task (task that you can do the best)
    How much mods you've worked on:
    1 - 10 How useful you are with your major task:
    If you Will be active on the forum:
    If you will be active on the mod:

    Thank you for your generosity.



    It is the year 1274, June 16, and you have agreed to travel oversea for war. You have nothing left to live for. Your father, the king, was murdered years ago, and you never took his place, and your mother had died when you were young. Your whole town had been purposely burnt, but the arsonist died in the fire as well. Welcome to your story.

    “Steve” cried the king’s messenger. “Get back here!” You said nothing, but continued running down the long, grey corridor. You had just robbed the king, and thought that this was it for you. “Steve!” The messenger shrieked again. His light, middle-toned voice echoed down the corridor, bouncing off the old, mossy walls. The door was right ahead, and you could see light. Soon enough, you would take off with the crown, and head towards Zantur. You attempt to open the door, but something hits you in mid-air. You look at your left shoulder, your head turning slowly, and see blood stream down your arm. A long, sharp edged arrow stuck in your flesh, from where the blood was coming from. You fall to the ground, fainted from blood loss. You have never seem such an arrow, one that would rip out such a hole in your arm.

    Two days have passed, and you wake up, finding yourself in prison. “Proves you right,” the guard chuckled. “Robbing the king!” He now started to chortle. “Next time, ill get it!” you shouted at him, in anger. “There won’t be a next time!” He shouted back. “So, I’m going to die?” “Precisely, BUT, the king has offered you a choice. Either you die tomorrow, your head cut off by the guillotines, or, you go to war, and get set free if you make it back alive.” You thought about this for a moment, then replied: “Ill go to war”

    Two weeks had now passed, ant you were only halfway through the oversea voyage. It was night, but everyday it felt like the sun would never come up. You never slept at night, for you always heard thumping sounds on the ships hull. You somehow managed to fall asleep in the day, so that the whole night was yours, then, one day you start noticing that the thumping was getting stronger.

    The thumping was now insane. It seemed that you aren’t the only one without sleep. Many soldiers have already noticed the sound. Then one night you saw a tiny crack in the hull. It started getting bigger and bigger, second by second. “THERES A CRACK IN THE HULL!” you yelled. Soon, panic spread through the entire ship. “All abort!” ‘God save us!” “HELP!” screams could be heard all over the ship, and then, the crack collapsed. Water streaming into your cabin, you had no idea what to do. Then, through the water, you saw what looked like a tentacle. Immediately, you grabbed it, just to be dragged into open sea, and thrown onto a mysterious island, most likely undiscovered. Covered in bruises, you saw a monster devour the ship.

    You stood up, feeling sympathy for your crew members. You had a look around the mystifying place, and realized how beautiful the island was. The place shined with glowing mushrooms, and vines were hanging down off trees. The moss near rocks also seemed to shine. The grass was fairly tall, but felt like there was none at all.

    “Magic” you breathed out.

    If you enjoyed this, or if you want to support this, click the little green + at the bottom of this post




    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Semper Novum
    Quote from SAINTON2

    I think you misunderstand. This wasn't so much a proclamation of a challenge, but rather a notice of your inevitable defeat. It would probably be easier on you if your clan issued a formal declaration of surrender now. Instead of being humiliated in the field, and then issuing the surrender.

    Posted in: Clans
  • 10

    posted a message on ~moving~
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on War of the Races[No-Lag][24/7][Whitelist][1.1][PvP][Factions][Tournaments][Races][Chaos][Raids]

    EVENT 1: I logged on, then was told to stop x-raying. I was extremely confused, this was my 5th time on the server.
    EVENT 2: Asked DayBreakNinja why everyone was suspecting me. He told me about the veins of diamonds, and so forth.
    EVENT 3: He asked me a few questions, then realized my personality changed.
    EVENT 4: I asked him how it changed, he told me I'm usually childish, and mostly on the server. This, again was confusing, since this is my 5th time on the server.
    EVENT 5: I told him that I gave my account away to my neighbors, although their only 10 years of age.
    EVENT 6: Found a hidden chest in my room. Had 30 diamonds, gave all of them to Day.
    EVENT 7: Changed my password for the game, and the forum.
    EVENT 8: This morning my neighbors called, asked me if I changed the password.
    EVENT 9: I told them that I did, because they hacked the game.
    EVENT 10: They asked me why I care, because I never play the game, and once again, inquired the password (They always annoy you until they get what they want.)
    EVENT 11: I told them that I care, (relates to life by the way) because you cant always have the highest without work.

    I'm sure that DayBreakNinja can easily agree to this, and if I am no longer a suspect, press the +1 at the bottom of the post, or reply.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 2

    posted a message on MAGICO's SORCERORCRAFT - OFFICIAL
    Quote from littlelaw

    so do you think any of these ideas are salavagbele and if they are i could give you more.
    once again great mod

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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