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    posted a message on Nefarious Yolk - A Minecraft Animation

    Finished this last night, what do you all think?
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Minecraftia Steve - Temple of the Golden Apple
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Steve & Ender - A Minecraft Animation
    Quote from Booble_Russia

    In what program did animation ?
    it is pleasant to me

    I used Blender.
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Steve & Ender - A Minecraft Animation
    Quote from Matt64091

    I love this! Very excellent job! Submit this to the Minecraft Monday show!

    You can if you want to!
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Steve & Ender - A Minecraft Animation
    Quote from Raffilcagon

    Id watch it but.... the video wont play for some reason. I'm serious.

    Odd, here is a link:
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Steve & Ender - A Minecraft Animation
    What do you all think?

    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on Testificate James - A Villagers Tale [Animation]
    Been working on my first 'proper' Minecraft animation, what do you all think?
    Posted in: Videos
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    posted a message on How do you get sheep meat?
    Quote from Bosstastic

    Plz tell me i have tried different things and i can never get meat from sheep even though i have the 2nd version of 1.8 pre-release

    It doesn't exist. That is the reason.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Quote from Kirklestat

    Oh god im now thinking of the angels off Doctor Who, only move when your not looking. Im **** scared of this update now.

    Don't Blink... Don't ever blink...
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Quote from Sting_Auer

    NO CATS!

    For the love of Armok do not bring the accursed cats!

    I would suggest finding some cotton candy first :3

    How 'bout nobles to push into lav- er.. nevermind...
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Quote from Acrin_II

    I don't understand why everyone is calling them slenderman, they don't really look like him, slenderman is about a million times scarier...

    If you don't know what I'm talking about search 'marble hornets' on Youtube.

    Well their official name is enderman (cause notch liked the "slenderman" thing, but a little different.)
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Quote from coldswitch

    I'm pretty sure that Notch & Co. must have decided to utilize the dartboard design method. Make a list of every kind of game feature or game mechanic ever created, stick it to the wall and then throw darts and implement the things the darts land on.

    There is no other way I could conceive of anyone thinking it's a good idea to take a successful sandbox game and add mechanics which run directly against a sandbox game. Mojang should be spending their time making the sandbox more free, not add grinding which is the opposite of open gameplay. Or take sprinting for example:

    "Hey, I have a great idea! Let's add sprinting to a game that shines for it's unhurried gameplay and relaxed tempo! Yeah, because, even though our game is nothing like other games that utilize sprinting effectively, well, I enjoyed using sprinting in this other game which was also nothing like ours! Yeah! FUN FUN FUN!"

    Not to mention that they're wasting all this time to add features which don't improve the game instead of spending their time enlarging the sandbox. That's right guys, when your game is well known for doing something well, what you should work on is making that thing it does well even better. Not just waking up one morning and thinking out of the blue, "You know the entire basic design framework of the game I've been developing for quite awhile now? Well, I think I'm just going to throw that all out and make it into a roguelike instead even though I already have two million players who bought it because they liked the old idea."

    Wake up, people. Notch is not a genius, he's lucky. He's proven that by his haphazard, aimless approach to game design. Everyone needs to quit kissing the ground he walks on. He's going to run Minecraft into the ground.

    So, simply because you do not like the things he is adding you speak for the entire Minecraft community? Simply because he is adding a Nethack style of leveling (which is the best way to go) he is going to run Minecraft into the ground? It won't be open? It won't be a sandbox? Please, tell my why you think these to be true. Adding Nethack style leveling will not break the "openness" of the game as much as adding a new mob or a block. If he was adding something like "you have to be level ten to use diamond" then it WOULD break the game. He probably is not, and we don't entirely know what is planned for Minecraft. Sure, he may "break" the game, but he may not. He is not a god, and many people know that. I'm sure that if it is fun, he will release it, and if not, then ****.

    I'm ****ing tired of people complaining about unexplained features and expecting the worst of the worst. They say "Oh don't add l3veling, it w1LL brAke Teh GaMe" and others take that to be the case. Your statement is cynical and pessimistic, and you do not give ample evidence that that is what is going on. Who says notches implementation of leveling will promote grinding? It may, but it also may NOT. Keep that in mind, and stop rallying a force of complainers to expect the worst. It does not help.

    The update could be great, it could be ok, it could be terrible. Wait and see.

    ps. More adventure has been planned for a VERY long time. Its not a bunch of "dartboard" ideas that the community doesn't want. I for one am looking forward to the villages, quests, leveling, and all out ADVENTURE and I know many others that would like that as well. They just aren't as outspoken as the complainers because they have nothing to say other then "This will be great!"
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    Quote from KamikazeBeaver

    I think that if we had like mini settlements in caves with a fireplace etc it wouldnt be that bad. It wouldnt ruin the landscapes and it would suit the survival part of the game, tiny groups of humans trying to survive.

    Well, notch has said before that the npc villages will likely be pigmen (during the Halloween update) so, no humans. But I think we should all wait and see what they will be before jumping to conclusions.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on (Coming Soon to 1.7_3) SPACE MOD!!!
    Quote from runeman3114

    Right forums, it's a discussion about mods. Nice one noob

    It was moved. n00b. It was in the wrong section.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Beta 1.8 Discoveries
    I don't see why people think this will ruin the open-ended nature of minecraft, It will improve upon it, just like every update in the past.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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