So for 1.6, I downloaded the new launcher from I was wondering, did the rest of you get just the launcher from Will there be any problems because I downloaded it from there? Also, what is the safe way to remove the old launcher? Will 1.5.2 run in the new launcher the same way it did in the old?
I can sympathize. Despite my urgings, my dad insists on using Norton 360, or anything else recommended by Kim Kommando.... and then turns to me when an autoupdate turns south, or a web page starts misbehaving.
And FYI for anyone caught in the latest Flash fiasco, apparently the new flash plugin for Firefox is not compatible with a lot of other plugins. So the only known workarounds is to disable flash hardware accel, and disable the Realplayer's video download plugin if you have it installed. Everyone else is still floating in mystery land.
I just hope this screwy update doesn't disable the ability to update it again.
If you want to be really sneaky, you can install a second OS instance and have it sort of Dual boot. But personally I don't recommend any subscription based AV on the grounds that they all turn to crap after 3 years. AVG used to be awesome until they went the path of Norton.... and Norton used to be awesome until they decided being a good AV wasn't enough. Avast, Adaware, anything that tries to do more then one thing eventually kills itself.
Actually, when my dad was picking out an AV for the comp, I suggested Malwarebytes to which he replied "I don't want free stuff, I want Mcafee", to which I literally started having a laughing fit as soon as I left the room because our comp got a virus and basically killed itself while we had Mcafee.
I'm not even sure if it's on. I'm using Vista, and if you're familiar with Vista's UI, the active programs are in the lower right corner, and where Mcafee almost always is, it isn't. I'd take a look in the Task Manager, but one of the reasons we got Mcafee was that we got a virus that took it away.
Sigh... the comp I use is the family one, so removing programs isn't an option (especially when my parents paid for three years of it, and it's only six months in). I guess I'll wait for an update, if the darn thing lets itself update, lol. I'm assuming a bad update is what did it.
I just tried logging in and instead of bringing me the game like normal, it just goes to a black screen for about five seconds. I manually closed the program after that. A few seconds later, Mcafee tells me my comp is at risk, I go check it out and it says my comp is fine. I open up scan reports in Mcafee and I learn that it didn't do it's automatic scan like it's supposed to every Monday (which is when I have it set). I close out of Mcafee and it takes about a minute. Bah...
I bet the problem is Mcafee. The darn thing has always been screwing with my computer.
My Minecraft Launcher has been working perfectly for the past two months. It only took one to two seconds for the launcher to load up. I click the Minecraft item on my desktop to start worrying that I may need to restart my comp, as the Launcher loaded for a good minute and a half. After that minute, it appeared on my desktop. Not wanting to see what would happen if I played the game, I closed the window. Right after, a pop-up from Mcafee (which I own) appeared on screen. It told me my computer was at risk and asked if I wanted to know details. I selected details, and Mcafee opened up and it told me my comp was fine. I tried this about four more times, and had the same results. Do you guys know what's going on with my launcher?
What is your Minecraft IGN?: Funrush Have you ever been banned: No If so, from what server, why: None Name a couple of things you learned from the rules: Don't use teleport commands while in PvP, don't hack, don't ask to be promoted. Name a couple of things you learned from the guide: That the shortcut to my private bank vault is /warp bank, to get back to the spawn is /warp spawn, you can lock your chests with /cpassword <password>, and that you can get rupies, the official currency, by selling gold. Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you can add to our community: I love to both build and mine, I think I would also enjoy participation in PvP. I think my addition to the server would be as another friendly face who can help out those who need it. Secret code: 7h Did you vote for us: I don't particularly know what you mean by this. How did you find us: Looking through the server section on MC Forums.
Cats. Jungles. New planks. Iron Golems. Languages. Grass-eating sheep. Enchantable bows. Desert wells. New sandstone. Wolf breeding. New map format. New map height. New block ID's. And lots of bug fixes.
Maybe you would have a "start world in singleplayer/multiplayer" button in the full release. The only problem with that is the client's dependency on the server.
That sounds cool. The singleplayer worlds would work like they currently do now, and the multiplayer would work like they're trying to do with the upcoming releases, where it's singleplayer and you can invite people.
I haven't really seen many glitches, other then godmode slimes and the pausing bug.
I don't think pausing's a bug. Since it wouldn't make sense to pause in a multiplayer game, and since they are merging single and multiplayer, that pausing thing is probably there on purpose.
I just hope this screwy update doesn't disable the ability to update it again.
Actually, when my dad was picking out an AV for the comp, I suggested Malwarebytes to which he replied "I don't want free stuff, I want Mcafee", to which I literally started having a laughing fit as soon as I left the room because our comp got a virus and basically killed itself while we had Mcafee.
I bet the problem is Mcafee. The darn thing has always been screwing with my computer.
Have you ever been banned: No
If so, from what server, why: None
Name a couple of things you learned from the rules: Don't use teleport commands while in PvP, don't hack, don't ask to be promoted.
Name a couple of things you learned from the guide: That the shortcut to my private bank vault is /warp bank, to get back to the spawn is /warp spawn, you can lock your chests with /cpassword <password>, and that you can get rupies, the official currency, by selling gold.
Tell us a bit about yourself, and what you can add to our community: I love to both build and mine, I think I would also enjoy participation in PvP. I think my addition to the server would be as another friendly face who can help out those who need it.
Secret code: 7h
Did you vote for us: I don't particularly know what you mean by this.
How did you find us: Looking through the server section on MC Forums.
Oh wow, cool. How high is the map now?
I don't think pausing's a bug. Since it wouldn't make sense to pause in a multiplayer game, and since they are merging single and multiplayer, that pausing thing is probably there on purpose.