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    posted a message on Ban Adfly links
    Quote from Nathan047»

    On the other hand anything providing malware should not be tolerated (I'd rather donate 10$ than get my computer infected). Although a lot of knock-off Adf.ly companys may host malware, I am personally yet to see Adfly or Adfoc.us (the 2 main monetized link companys) serve malware (although that does not mean that they haven't, if they have, however, it was probably accidentally).

    Every time I've clicked an adfly link, it tries to download what's obviously malware. And I download a lot of mods, so we're talking close to 150 or so links. And every time it's some sort of malware link. Maybe I got really unlucky, but that's next to impossible.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Ban MCreator mods?
    Quote from Bharr290»

    I can see where you are coming from but, no they should not be banned as some people thoroughly enjoy them but it's certainly annoying to have so many of the same thing

    Says the guy with the the default avatar, I took a quick look at the mods section, and nothing seemed to be using Mcreator at a first glance, so I'm not sure where you're gleaning this from.

    I have a friend who tried to learn Python and was horrible at it. So he went and learned some basic coding concepts in the Scratch environment, and made stuff that wasn't bad at all. (In fact, armed with this new knowledge, he picked up Python pretty quickly.) I took a look at Scratch, and there's some stuff that is really, really, really good. There's also stuff that's really, really, really, bad. It's not the program, but more the person using it. (cue cliche alarm) In fact, Mcreator could potentially help people grasp some coding concepts for making more complex mods with actual code.

    To sum up my rambling, banning something because of crappy stuff is like not drinking water because other lakes are polluted.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings

    I've seen like 7-8 hawks today. Clearly, the Birdemic is happening.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Why are these forums so slooow?

    I don't like using adblock on sites I support, but I'm sorely tempted. I turned on adblock once, and the site ran smoothly, almost no problems at all. Turn off adblock, and the site becomes a bloated horror. Seriously, I'm willing to view ads to help support a site, but not if they slow it down to the point of absurdity.

    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings
    Quote from shpore»

    >implying you're any better

    >Implying anyone is greater than Dex.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings

    Are we getting into a political discussion about a politics section?

    This is a new low.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings

    I think today's a bad day for jokes.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings
    Quote from Thunderhoof111»

    So what? Don't Diss others just because they don't like your joke.

    Someone's a little bitter today.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings

    I feel like this comic is relevant.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Official Chat Thread: New Beginnings
    Quote from Thunderhoof111»

    Do tell us why you think where is a swear word, and Prove it with evidence, if not your accusation is false.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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