
About Me
My LP information/updates and dev logs.
My Youtube Channel.

I am an artist "by trade". I play guitar, write, and do other things. I also program in several languages, including Java.

I am not a beginner with Java, but I am with Minecraft modding. I plan on building up my modding skills and I hope to start releasing things that I create eventually! I have lots of ideas.

I love playing Minecraft and other video games. Minecraft is probably my favorite. I have been playing *regularly* since Beta 1.7.3, but I knew about the game before.

My favorite type of video game is the RPG. Games like the Elder Scrolls are what inspire me to create mods for Minecraft!

I have my own private magical themed mod pack that I play currently, and I might release it one day if I can get permissions from all of the mod authors.

My username means "North" in the Elvish language of Middle Earth (Sindarin).

Oh! Also, please don't let my newly joined status here on the Forums affect my reputation (or lack there of).

My favorite mods:

Applied Energistics
Interests music, writing, programming, skating, gaming, photography, art