Please donate to fund my gaming habits. Even a 50 cents will make me imaginably happy 

If something is in bold or a different color, it's probably important.
If you have any tips suggest them and I'll check it out. If it works I'll add it to this post and give you credit for the suggestion. And I know it's a long read, but it's to make sure you don't mess up and you partially understand what's going on. Making Minecraft faster is easier said than done.*I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR UNFORESEEN SIDE-EFFECTS THAT HAPPEN TO YOUR COMPUTER BY FOLLOWING THESE TIPS, BUT I WILL HELP FIND A WAY TO FIX ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS.*
These are put in order from least difficult to hardest. Table of content- Don't have other programs open
- Don't leave laptop unplugged
- Do play on fast, turn off clouds, and use advanced OpenGL
- Don't use bigger texture packs
- Do make sure you you have only one version of Java
- Do use the appropriate Java bit version
- Do defrag your hard drive
- Do use ReadyBoost
- Do give more/less memory
- Do update LWJGL
- Do Disable indexing services on Windows XP
- Do update Java
- Do mod your Minecraft
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Possibly play offline
- Possibly change the size of the screen
- Possibly set priority to high
- Possibly set windows to best performance
- Possibly download Java 7
- Possibly use Ramdisk (video)
- Possibly update graphics driver
- Possibly use a trick if you have multiple hard drives
- Possibly install Linux
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Quote from ThatCanadianGuy's guide
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Microsofts Windows 7 Optimization Guide
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have a Nvidia/ATI card and minecraft runs at 2 fps click this
Many people like to have multiple programs open but, duh, this uses more cpu and ram and will slow down Minecraft.
Don't - Leave your laptop unplugged.
This don't is for laptop users so desktopers can skip this. Laptops are preset to perform less when unplugged to save battery. Leaving it plugged in won't boost your fps much, but it definitely helps. You can also set your laptop in the power settings to basically blow your fuse box and set performance to max. This may cause your computer to heat more though, which can hurt performance.
Do - Play on "fast" and "tiny" graphics, turn off clouds, and use Advanced OpenGL!
This is the easiest way to get more fps. What do they mean exactly? Well "fast" graphics changes the leaves from see through to solid, and subtly changes water and grass. Having see through leaves makes the computer render more, killing fps. Fog reduces how much the computer renders. You can't see as far the more fog you enable but you'll more fps. "Fast" and "tiny" are for the worst computers, giving you the most fps possible. 24 FPS is good for most people.
Turning off clouds is easy, just the click of a button. It could help you a lot, so just give it a try!
Advanced OpenGL seems to confuse many people. What it does is enable occlusion culling which is fancy talk for saying it's not going to render what you can't see. Provided your graphic card/drivers are compatible. In some cases this can even double fps (Very rarely triple). But if you are using an integrated chipset (I.E. Intel GMA) you cannot use it.
You can also set performance to "max fps", "balanced", and "power saver". "Power saver" will use less resources from your computer and will reduce fps , "balanced" is in between "power saver" and "max fps", and "max fps" will use as much power as possible and give... well... max fps, which is what you want if you have a slow computer. This can also be used as an fps limiter if you have a good computer. "Power saver" sets it to 40 FPS, "balanced" is 90 FPS, and "Max FPS" is 200 FPS. The framerate will only be capped when there are any chunk updates (except for the 40 FPS setting), and allow for faster chunk loading. It's a matter of opinion on how much FPS is enough. But the most you will ever need is 60. Keep in the mind the higher the FPS the harder your machine is working and the hotter it's going to get.
Turning off clouds is easy, just the click of a button. It could help you a lot, so just give it a try!
Advanced OpenGL seems to confuse many people. What it does is enable occlusion culling which is fancy talk for saying it's not going to render what you can't see. Provided your graphic card/drivers are compatible. In some cases this can even double fps (Very rarely triple). But if you are using an integrated chipset (I.E. Intel GMA) you cannot use it.
You can also set performance to "max fps", "balanced", and "power saver". "Power saver" will use less resources from your computer and will reduce fps , "balanced" is in between "power saver" and "max fps", and "max fps" will use as much power as possible and give... well... max fps, which is what you want if you have a slow computer. This can also be used as an fps limiter if you have a good computer. "Power saver" sets it to 40 FPS, "balanced" is 90 FPS, and "Max FPS" is 200 FPS. The framerate will only be capped when there are any chunk updates (except for the 40 FPS setting), and allow for faster chunk loading. It's a matter of opinion on how much FPS is enough. But the most you will ever need is 60. Keep in the mind the higher the FPS the harder your machine is working and the hotter it's going to get.
Don't - Use texture packs bigger than 16x, which is the default resolution.
Anything more will need more memory and slow you down. And oddly enough some texture packs will boost your fps. For me Jehkoba's texture pack boosts my fps by 2 when I use it. (Note that my average fps is 10 without it). So it's all about finding that texture pack you're computer loves.
Lower resolution packs may also help, such as 8x packs. But don't be fooled by "simple" texture packs that are still 16x but have the same color. Unless it's true 8x or lower it won't help at all.
Lower resolution packs may also help, such as 8x packs. But don't be fooled by "simple" texture packs that are still 16x but have the same color. Unless it's true 8x or lower it won't help at all.
Do - Do make sure you you have only one version of Java
Over time it is possible to install more than one version of Java on your computer. This can cause conflicts and lower FPS and cause all sorts of problems, including making you vulnerable to exploits used on old version of Java. For Windows go to Start->Control Panel->Programs->Uninstall a program and uninstall every version of Java you have other than the latest version.
Do - Do use the appropriate Java bit version
Depending on your operating system you will either need the 32 bit version of Java or 64 bit. For Windows users go to Start->Right click My Computer->Properties and check the page to see if you have the 32 or 64 bit version of windows. If you have 4 or more gigabytes of RAM you have the 64 bit version. If you have ess than 4 you almost certainly have the 32 bit version. So double check to make sure you have the version of Java that is appropriate for your system.
Do - Defrag your hard drive
Over time the files on a hard drive will become fragmented, which is exactly like what it sounds like, they just spread around your hard drive like wayward ants. It makes the hard drive run slower because the part that moves around and reads the hard drive has to move all over the place instead of just one small area. A simple run of the Defrag tool on your computer will fix this and make your computer faster (see the quote from ThatCanadianGuy if you don't like the default defragger on windows for some reason). It's recommended to run it once a month to avoid slow downs. It depends on how much you use your computer. It is recommended that you run disk defrag about once a month. This is because defragging puts a lot of strain on your hard drive, causing wear and tear.
Note 1: DO NOT defrag solid state drives. There is no need to run it on them since they don't have moving parts.
Note 2: The more stuff you have on your hard drive the longer it will take. So it can last anywhere from an hour to an entire night.
Note 3: Linux uses the ext4 file system which does not need defragging, so this tip does not apply to linux users.
Note 1: DO NOT defrag solid state drives. There is no need to run it on them since they don't have moving parts.
Note 2: The more stuff you have on your hard drive the longer it will take. So it can last anywhere from an hour to an entire night.
Note 3: Linux uses the ext4 file system which does not need defragging, so this tip does not apply to linux users.
Do - Use ReadyBoost!(windows only)
If you have a spare USB Storage Device (at least 2GB or more), you can dedicate it to something called 'ReadyBoost Cache'. It is used as an addition to Superfetch and prefetch. The page file mirrors itself to the readyboost drive in order to allow for faster reading of things out of the page file, however this does not actually increase the size of the page file.
To do this, simply right click the USB Drive and select ReadyBoost where you can set the amount of memory you wish to dedicate.
Note: It may cause your USB device to die faster because of so much use. Don't have anything important on it just in case.
To do this, simply right click the USB Drive and select ReadyBoost where you can set the amount of memory you wish to dedicate.
Note: It may cause your USB device to die faster because of so much use. Don't have anything important on it just in case.
Do - Give minecraft more/less memory!
Launch Minecraft with less memory (yes, really). It needs maximum 256 MB and runs fine on all settings with the default texture pack. By default java allocates insane amounts of memory (1GB?) which then gets swapped to disk and the overall performance suffers a lot.
Note that launchers that use less memory should only be done with vanilla Minecraft. Vanilla means no texture pack, mods, etc, just plain Minecraft. If done with memory intense mods (humans+, mo' creatures) or a texture pack that's bigger than 16x then the FPS may be hurt, or you may run out of memory. DO NOT USE MORE MEMORY THAN YOU HAVE! If you have 1gb ram and use a 2gb launcher it will crash your game and computer.
384mb is recommended for vanilla.
512mb is recommended for mods that add a few new mobs, or use of a higher resolution texture pack.
1024mb is for many new mobs like mo creaturesif you play in browse, and super high res texture packs like x128.
2058mb is A LOT of new mobs like mo creature, humans+, pokemobs, etc. Also if you have out of memory problems. 4096 is unnecessarily high, but it is possible. These are in megabytes so 1024 is a gigabyte of ram. Adding more memory than default may help if you have a lot of spare RAM.
All OS's
Mac OS X
Note that launchers that use less memory should only be done with vanilla Minecraft. Vanilla means no texture pack, mods, etc, just plain Minecraft. If done with memory intense mods (humans+, mo' creatures) or a texture pack that's bigger than 16x then the FPS may be hurt, or you may run out of memory. DO NOT USE MORE MEMORY THAN YOU HAVE! If you have 1gb ram and use a 2gb launcher it will crash your game and computer.
384mb is recommended for vanilla.
512mb is recommended for mods that add a few new mobs, or use of a higher resolution texture pack.
1024mb is for many new mobs like mo creaturesif you play in browse, and super high res texture packs like x128.
2058mb is A LOT of new mobs like mo creature, humans+, pokemobs, etc. Also if you have out of memory problems. 4096 is unnecessarily high, but it is possible. These are in megabytes so 1024 is a gigabyte of ram. Adding more memory than default may help if you have a lot of spare RAM.
All OS's
These launchers can be used to limit memory and also install mods easily, set width and height when opening, etc.
SK's Launcher
Magic Launcher
SK's Launcher
Magic Launcher
You can make a launcher youself. Use JMC17's method to edit your client to launch with less(or more) memory. MUCH safer than using a bat file. This is how to make every java applet launch with the same memory. So use this if you play in browser. Alternatively use this method
1) Install the proper version of Java (64/32 bits OS) via java.com
2) Go to control panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings
3) Click Environmental Variables
4) Click New and type:
(EXACTLY everything after the : and Include dashes/underscores etc.)
1st box: _JAVA_OPTIONS
2nd box: -Xmx1g -Xms1g
5) Click Ok, done
F3 in your game and memory should in top right screen is double!
Using M or mb should work for megabytes
This is how to do it with a .bat file if you wish to do so.
1) Install the proper version of Java (64/32 bits OS) via java.com
2) Go to control panel -> System -> Advanced System Settings
3) Click Environmental Variables
4) Click New and type:
(EXACTLY everything after the : and Include dashes/underscores etc.)
1st box: _JAVA_OPTIONS
2nd box: -Xmx1g -Xms1g
5) Click Ok, done
F3 in your game and memory should in top right screen is double!
Using M or mb should work for megabytes
This is how to do it with a .bat file if you wish to do so.
(Note: this may work perfectly for some, but odd for others. For some it may not allow multiplayer, for some it will say you're playing an unlicensed version, and for some it just won't work. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! One person is know getting an error that the cache file cannot be created.) I found this in the OptiFog post and it helped many including myself.
1. Copy and paste into notepad.
2.Replace username with your name and password with your password.
3.Save as Minecraft.bat, and put it into the .minecraft folder, which is found by going to start->run and typing "%appdata%" without the quotes. It may be in the roaming folder.
4.Create a shortcut to the .bat file, place the shortcut in the desktop, and now you have your own custom launcher.
-Xms is the allocated amount to launch with, and -Xmx is the total RAM, change the values to ones that suit you
Setting Xmx and Xms's value to the same will always keep a fixed RAM allocation, which can avoid slowdowns in-game.
You can change the icon by right-clicking on it, clicking properties, and click the change icon button. You won't see the tumblr news but eh I say it's worth it for the fps boost and the overall system boost.
Alternative bat files:
Same as instructions as above.
start javaw -Xmx256M -server -Xbash -Djava.library.path=bin/natives -cp bin/minecraft.jar;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar net.minecraft.client.Minecraft username password
1. Copy and paste into notepad.
2.Replace username with your name and password with your password.
3.Save as Minecraft.bat, and put it into the .minecraft folder, which is found by going to start->run and typing "%appdata%" without the quotes. It may be in the roaming folder.
4.Create a shortcut to the .bat file, place the shortcut in the desktop, and now you have your own custom launcher.
-Xms is the allocated amount to launch with, and -Xmx is the total RAM, change the values to ones that suit you
Setting Xmx and Xms's value to the same will always keep a fixed RAM allocation, which can avoid slowdowns in-game.
You can change the icon by right-clicking on it, clicking properties, and click the change icon button. You won't see the tumblr news but eh I say it's worth it for the fps boost and the overall system boost.
Alternative bat files:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -Xmx256M -server -Djava.library.path=bin/natives -cp bin/minecraft.jar;bin/jinput.jar;bin/lwjgl.jar;bin/lwjgl_util.jar net.minecraft.client.Minecraft Username Password
Same as instructions as above.
java -Xmx256M -Xms256M -server -Xbash -jar minecraft.exePlace where ever minecraft.exe is located.
Mac OS X
CapnCrabbes topic
Locate your minecraft.app, mine was in my apps folder
-Right click and select 'Show Package Contents'
-A new finder window has opened, now go into the /contents directory and locate the info.plist file
-Open it in textedit or any other text editing software
-scroll down to the line that says <string>-Xms512M -Xmx1024M</string>
-This is the default allocation, -Xms is the allocated amount to launch with, and -Xmx is the total RAM, change the values to ones that suit you.
Setting Xmx and Xms's value to the same will always keep a fixed RAM allocation, which can avoid slowdowns in-game.
Locate your minecraft.app, mine was in my apps folder
-Right click and select 'Show Package Contents'
-A new finder window has opened, now go into the /contents directory and locate the info.plist file
-Open it in textedit or any other text editing software
-scroll down to the line that says <string>-Xms512M -Xmx1024M</string>
-This is the default allocation, -Xms is the allocated amount to launch with, and -Xmx is the total RAM, change the values to ones that suit you.
Setting Xmx and Xms's value to the same will always keep a fixed RAM allocation, which can avoid slowdowns in-game.
Right-click on desktop and create a new launcher, name it Minecraft and in the command put:
Replace USERNAME with your profile name if you're going to have minecraft.jar in your main profile folder.
Where **** is the amount of RAM, in megabytes, to allocate.
Setting Xmx and Xms's value to the same will always keep a fixed RAM allocation, which can avoid slowdowns in-game.
-Xms is the allocated amount to launch with, and -Xmx is the total RAM, change the values to ones that suit you.
Bonus: How to make it look pretty.
Open minecraft.jar(again launcher) and go to net>minecraft>favicon.png and extract it to where ever.
Click on the little keyboard with spring to change the icon image, locate the extracted favicon, then you can keep Minecraft in the launcher and it will look beautiful!
java -Xmx****M -Xms****M -cp /home/USERNAME/minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrameRight-click on the desktop and create a new launcher, name it Minecraft and place the code in the command. Just direct where your minecraft.jar(the launcher, not the game files) and there you go.
Replace USERNAME with your profile name if you're going to have minecraft.jar in your main profile folder.
Where **** is the amount of RAM, in megabytes, to allocate.
Setting Xmx and Xms's value to the same will always keep a fixed RAM allocation, which can avoid slowdowns in-game.
-Xms is the allocated amount to launch with, and -Xmx is the total RAM, change the values to ones that suit you.
Bonus: How to make it look pretty.
Open minecraft.jar(again launcher) and go to net>minecraft>favicon.png and extract it to where ever.
Click on the little keyboard with spring to change the icon image, locate the extracted favicon, then you can keep Minecraft in the launcher and it will look beautiful!
Do - Update LWJGL!
If you have Linux and are playing Minecraft you MUST to update LWJGL. What it does is handle the graphics, sound, and input. While windows, and possibly mac, users don't might not need it, Linux does. But even if you have windows or mac it is highly recommended you update, as there may be a performance boost and bug fixes. Here is how to update it. When updated the game should have less input problems, like keys getting stuck. Sound problems, like sound randomly disappearing. And graphics problems, such as some artifacts.
Do - Disable indexing services on Windows XP!
By default Windows XP indexes files on your hard drive and stores them in memory to speed up it's built-in search. But if you rarely use Windows search, turn off indexing to free up memory and CPU horsepower for the files and applications you actually do use.
Do - Download the newest Java.
If you already have Java then update. Each JRE (Java runtime environment) is usually better than the last since they fix bugs and improve efficiency. Note: There is a very slight chance it can hurt FPS. Google how to downgrade back to the Java version you had if this happens.
Do - Mod your Minecraft.
Note: If you mod Minecraft you will only be able to play with minecraft.exe. You will not be able to play in-browser, you will only get a black screen if you try to do so. Also delete Meta-Inf if you do decide to mod it. Meta-inf lists all of the files in the program (minecraft). If one is missing, or is changed, it aborts the loading of the program. It's a good checker to make sure your game's not corrupted, but if you're modding its gotta go. (PS mods also work on Apple and Linux.)
- First of all you need a file archiver/compressor. I recommend 7-Zip. It's free and tiny (1.5 MBs). You could use WinRAR or WinZip, but those you only get a month or so trial, then you have to buy it. P.S. You extract .rar files using 7-zip.
- OptiFine HD(formerly OptiFog) boosts fps and makes fog look better. First off it now includes optimine, which was another fps boosting mod that has been discontinued. You can also select a "load far" option and "preload chunks" to get rid of lag spikes while walking. Also it includes files to play with hd texture packs so mcpatcher is no longer needed. And you can control how often the game auto-saves, which by default is every 2 seconds which causes the LagSpikeOfDeath. FPS doubling is common.
- Coros mods currently outdated. I'll ask him to update them.Coros mods. The 2 we want are Smooth Rain, which changes the rain from actual rain to particles on your screen. This GREATLY increases FPS during storms. Also Menu FPS Fix, which gets rid of the panoramic picture in the main screen (if you don't wanna get rid of it don't install the sf.class) and also stops trying to get max fps when the game is paused so the game doesn't hog CPU.
---The following are all possible ways to fix lag. But some have reported reduced FPS after this. Be sure you always have a way to revert back if it decreases FPS.---
Possibly - Play offline!
Supposedly playing offline increases fps. Most likely it would be stopping internet based programs from running and using ram/cpu. Easily testable so just try it.
Possibly - Change Minecraft's screen size
For some people playing on full screen will boost FPS. This is because when it's on full screen your computer gives Minecraft priority over other windows. F11 on windows puts it into full screen mode.
For other doing the opposite and making minecraft smaller will boost fps.
This is such an easy thing to try, try it right now!
For other doing the opposite and making minecraft smaller will boost fps.
I have found something that has helped a little. went from 12 FPS to 22. right click minecraft, go to properties and go to compatibility. i checked the 640x480 box.
This is such an easy thing to try, try it right now!
Possibly - Set javaw.exe priority to high.
This may or may not work. Many people suggest this and there is a possibility it helps. Hold the buttons ctrl and alt, and while doing that press delete to bring up task manager. Then go to the processes tab and look for javaw.exe. Right click and set priority to high. This can cause instability and cause minecraft to freeze, but you should try it to see if it helps.
Possibly - Set windows to best performance.
Control Panel\System and Security\System On he left side, there will be "Advanced System Settings" Click it. Go to advanced tab, and to performance, then press settings. Then press the Option "Adjust for best performance" Click apply then ok.
Possibly - Download JRE7, the newest version of the new java.
The new version of Java runs smoother and boosts Minecraft's performance for most people. How ever it does not help everyone. Some have reduced performance. I highly recommend trying though it seems to help many more people than it has hurt.
Possibly - Use Ramdisk if you have 2 gigabytes or more of ram.
If you have less than 2 gigabytes may not have enough memory to run Minecraft very well, and will decrease FPS. This will boost fps a little, but will make chunks load a lot faster.
Command: mklink /j %appdata%\.minecraft K:\
Read the comments for related issues or Google, or post a comment. Enjoy.
Note: After you put all your settings in RAMDisk don't forget to click Start RAMDisk or it won't show up in Disk Management.
Command: mklink /j %appdata%\.minecraft K:\
Read the comments for related issues or Google, or post a comment. Enjoy.
Note: After you put all your settings in RAMDisk don't forget to click Start RAMDisk or it won't show up in Disk Management.
Possibly - Update your graphics driver.
Your graphics card is what generates images onto the screen. A driver is what allows software to interact with the hardware. If there is a newer version of it then it should work better. Click here to see how to check driver version in Windows. In Windows 7 the device manager is found by going to control panel->Hardware and Sound and under Devices and Printer is device manager. Then go on your computer maker's or graphics card's makers website to check the newest version. If you need to update do so. You can also Google or Youtube how to update your graphics driver to make sure you don't mess up. Be forewarned, a new graphics driver is not guaranteed to boost fps.
If Minecraft once ran smoothly for you and now it doesn't try updating your driver. Again not guaranteed to fix but it's worth a shot.
Note: If for some reason your computer goes slower or some games crash after you update it's easy to revert to your old driver. Go to Start Menu->Accessories->System Restore and restore to your most recent restore point. Installing a new driver automatically makes a new restore point.
If Minecraft once ran smoothly for you and now it doesn't try updating your driver. Again not guaranteed to fix but it's worth a shot.
Note: If for some reason your computer goes slower or some games crash after you update it's easy to revert to your old driver. Go to Start Menu->Accessories->System Restore and restore to your most recent restore point. Installing a new driver automatically makes a new restore point.
Possibly - Follow these steps posted by Lost-Ninja.
Note: Only if you have 2 or more hard drives. You MUST make sure it is in fact a second hard drive and not a partition, other wise this won't do anything. I don't know if this is only for 64 bit or for 32 bit as well, if you want to try go ahead.
If you have more than one physical HDD (if you only have one (eg a laptop) ignore this), follow these instructions to copy your minecraft installation onto a 2ndary drive. This may improve performance.
1)Find your minecraft install. Default is: C:\Users\<user name="">\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
2)On the other HDD make a new directory called Minecraft. eg D:\Minecraft.
3)In that directory create two more directories one called bin and the other called data. So:
4)Copy the minecraft.exe that you use to launch the game into the bin directory.
5)Copy the entirety of the C:\Users\<user name="">\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft into the data directory so that it looks something like: d:\Minecraft\data\.minecraft\ ((Make sure you copy rather than move as this will give you a backup in case of failure.))
6)Create a .bat file that contains the following text: (To create a .bat file you need to create a text file then change the extension from .txt to .bat.)
set APPDATA=d:\Minecraft\data
7)Update any shortcuts you use to launch the game to point to this .bat file.
If you have x64 OS you should get a better FPS/performance running a x64 JRE.
Some evidence suggests that using the JDK also boosts performance (does for me and I have heard other people have had some success with it. (This is the Java Development Kit, it includes the JRE (the normal Java most people have) and shouldn't make things slower but might improve things.
However while the above have all helped me eke out a fair amount of FPS and remove an awful lot of chug they may not work for everyone.
Possibly - Install a Linux OS! 1)Find your minecraft install. Default is: C:\Users\<user name="">\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
2)On the other HDD make a new directory called Minecraft. eg D:\Minecraft.
3)In that directory create two more directories one called bin and the other called data. So:
4)Copy the minecraft.exe that you use to launch the game into the bin directory.
5)Copy the entirety of the C:\Users\<user name="">\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft into the data directory so that it looks something like: d:\Minecraft\data\.minecraft\ ((Make sure you copy rather than move as this will give you a backup in case of failure.))
6)Create a .bat file that contains the following text: (To create a .bat file you need to create a text file then change the extension from .txt to .bat.)
set APPDATA=d:\Minecraft\data
7)Update any shortcuts you use to launch the game to point to this .bat file.
If you have x64 OS you should get a better FPS/performance running a x64 JRE.
Some evidence suggests that using the JDK also boosts performance (does for me and I have heard other people have had some success with it. (This is the Java Development Kit, it includes the JRE (the normal Java most people have) and shouldn't make things slower but might improve things.
However while the above have all helped me eke out a fair amount of FPS and remove an awful lot of chug they may not work for everyone.
Any Linux will do, but I would suggest Linux Mint or Ubuntu as they are user friendly and easy for people who are not used to Linux. Of course I don't mean to replace your current OS, but rather to install it alongside it (Most likely windows). In fact Ubuntu has a program called Wubi that installs Ubuntu through windows and you can manage Ubuntu in windows like any other program (But Ubuntu will suffer a slight performance loss). The reasoning is that Linux doesn't have a bunch of background programs to hog memory. The same could possibly be achieved by wiping your entire windows install and starting fresh (though why anyone would do that just to boost fps in a game is beyond me personally). Also the main reason for using Ubuntu over just a clean XP install, on these ancient XP boxes with Intel graphics, is that substantial driver work has been done beyond that seen on the Windows platform, this can result in faster 3D performance for old Intel graphics. Modern Nvidia/AMD hardware will not see a benefit from this.
From ThatCanadianGuy's Guide
(¯`·._.·[ Speeding Up Your PC ]·._.·´¯)
When it comes to PC optimization, there are many things you can do to get more speed from your PC. In this section, I'll explain various things you can do to get more speed from your PC, and in turn, more playability from your games (games in general, not just Minecraft).The original version of this guide was essentially just PC optimization, and it was huge in size. I'm going to try to trim the fat and keep things small and simple, probably using quote tags to section things off.
Useful programs
● GameBooster from IOBit.com
● CCleaner from Piriform.com
● Glary Utilities from GlaryUtilities.com
● Defraggler from Piriform.com
● PCDecrapifier from PCDecrapifier.com
● MyDefrag from MyDefrag.com (Thanks Cipher_Nemo)
● UltraDefrag from UltraDefrag.Sourceforge.net (Thanks Cipher_Nemo)
General Tips
● Shut down unnecessary processes that don't need to be running while you play a game (GameBooster does this very easily with no risk of screwing your computer up)
● Run the disk defragmenter! Files get fragmented over time and can really slow your system down.
Q. I get a blackscreen after I modded minecraft, wtf dude?
A. You most likely forgot to delete meta-inf in minecraft.jar, this folder checks if your minecraft.jar folder has been changed, if so it blocks launching. If meta-inf is deleted then there's 3 possibilities.
1. If you have several mods it is possible they're conflicting (see mod your minecraft's note for more details).
2. You installed it wrong, in which case simply force update minecraft and try installing again
3. There something weird going on, in which case you should ask the forums for help. Ubuntu for instance has a problem in 1.8 where installing modloader will put modloader.class in the java folder in minecraft.jar, here it's solved simply by cutting and pasting from the folder to the main jar section.
1. If you have several mods it is possible they're conflicting (see mod your minecraft's note for more details).
2. You installed it wrong, in which case simply force update minecraft and try installing again
3. There something weird going on, in which case you should ask the forums for help. Ubuntu for instance has a problem in 1.8 where installing modloader will put modloader.class in the java folder in minecraft.jar, here it's solved simply by cutting and pasting from the folder to the main jar section.
Q. I can play fine for 30 minutes or even an hour but then Minecraft lags like crazy no matter what I do, why?
A. You may need to dust your computer. It may be something else that's causing this but a thick layer of dust will also do this. Overtime your computer gets dusty on the inside. The dust acts like a blanket and keeps heat in. Make sure not to touch the microchips as the smallest amount of static can fry it. Wikihow instructions. Every computer opens differently, this is especially true for laptops. Read your manual or google how to open your specific machine.
Q. I have a Nvidia/ATI card and everything else runs fine except Minecraft. Huh? Minecraft, for whatever reason, will run off your integrated graphics card instead of the nvidia card. It's easy to fix this Right click on desktop and click "Nvidia control panel" It will literally shoot up from 2 to 200 FPS. Thanks to BrianTheSwat here's an alternative way to get to your settings. Also donkeypong pointed out that you may be able to right-click minecraft.exe and go to "run with graphics processor" and select the Nvidia card.
Here's a video on how to do so if you got confused.
If anyone knows how to add programs to an ATI card PLEASE tell me. I've searched and found nothing.
Note: Updating your video card drivers may also help. Please refer to "Possibly update graphics driver" If you need more info on how to update you drivers.
Here's a video on how to do so if you got confused.
If anyone knows how to add programs to an ATI card PLEASE tell me. I've searched and found nothing.
Note: Updating your video card drivers may also help. Please refer to "Possibly update graphics driver" If you need more info on how to update you drivers.
Q. Do you have any other resources to help me?
The Gamer's Graphics & Display Settings Guide. I have to admit I had a tl;dr attitude when I saw this, but from the first 2 pages its seems to really be use full. It goes really in depth as two what somethings are like refresh rate, fps, response time, etc. I don't know if it actually tells on how to help things, most likely it does. This isn't just minecraft, but other games as well. How to Get Rid of Lag. This isn't just minecraft, but other games as well.
Q. How do I open my .minecraft folder?
A. For windows hit run and type in %appdata%, and it will either be there or in the Roaming folder. For other systems, google "how to open .minecraft folder in X" where X is your system.
This is mine on single player. Before: Regular day - 5 FPS (Yes my computer is a netbook, so it's that bad) Good day - 9 FPS Biggest FPS spike seen - 14 After: Regular day- 12 Fps Good Day - 16 Fps Biggest FPS spike seen - 27 Optifine and Linux are what boost mine the most.
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[url=http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/343030-guide-minecraft-speed-guide/][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/CKnyV.jpg[/IMG][/url]Made by teh great TehGritz!

Results will vary between computers. Some will increase fps by little, some may even quadruple fps. Post your results after using these tips! Post what tips you used and how much the helped/hurt you to improve this guide.

Please donate to fund my gaming habits. Even a 50 cents will make me imaginably happy 

Okay get out, I'm tired of hearing little girls like you qq'ing and getting "nostalgic about how things were better" when they lacked any form of content.
Minecraft has been getting better with each patch, sure there are stumbles along the road but it's improving into a better and more polished game. I really couldn't care less that you are sharing your opinion, good for you! But don't try to force it down everyone's throats like some sort of self-entitled god, you are just another person who can't accept what is good or bad.
You'd be surprised at what a determined troll can accomplish.