If you mean the most annoying biome that you'd have to build with natural resources, I'd say Desert, absolutely. There's nothing useful out there- some cacti, that's it. A small pool of water every 500 blocks or so. Huge amounts of mobs at night. No protection by the terrain- mobs can easily flank you or spawn behind you, the ground is so flat.
Otherwise, the most annoying would be the Tundra/Taiga. You can't build open farms, you have to dig them underground.
It's called TooManyItems- it's a mod that allows you to spawn any block in your inventory, in-game. If you shift-click, it gives you an unlimited amount of one block-represented by the number 111. If you place a block, it goes to 110 before popping back up.
Guys, I think we can all admit that horaholic is the smartest person here, it's not like you see little kids going up to Stephen Hawkings and disputing his theories on astronomy.
Definitely skeletons, they are easy to kill once you get an iron sword and practice your juking and they drop bones and arrows- bones are vital for early-game farming and arrows are vital for late-game combat. On the other hand, I absolutely hate creepers. Gunpowder is good for making TNT, which itself is only good for when you are bored and want to blow something up. Never saw it as a practical tool for mining. At least zombies can drop pieces of armor/tools, and spiders drop string for fishing rods and bows, as well as eyes for potion-making.
Fence off a 7x10 plot of land- 7 blocks width-wise, 10 length-wise. Leave two rows on the sides and two rows in the middle- furrow three lanes one block deep to the 9th block length-wise. You should have a frame of blocks now. Fill in the lanes by placing water every other block for maximum efficiency. Build a hoe. Use the hoe on the up-rised lanes (Should be made of dirt) and plant seeds.
Later on you can put lilly-pads on the water lanes to walk across. Just farm the wheat.
Bread is the most effective source of food because of its infinite renew-ability.
I had a house made of diamond blocks. Then I went out on a boating expedition and got lost. To this day I search valiantly across the infinite seas to find that peninsula...to find my home!
I didn't think you could trademark a single word, I thought Bethesda could only trademark the phrase: "The Elder Scrolls" or just "Elder Scrolls" not the word scrolls itself. Does this mean Bethesda is gonna sue the creators of the bible and the dictionary, too?
Otherwise, the most annoying would be the Tundra/Taiga. You can't build open farms, you have to dig them underground.
We don't go to Ravenholm.
The light glitch happens. No need to get your panties in a twist about it.
Later on you can put lilly-pads on the water lanes to walk across. Just farm the wheat.
Bread is the most effective source of food because of its infinite renew-ability.