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    posted a message on 1.9 - FAQ's, Release Dates, and more!

    Not sure if this was commented on yet. Notch just created a new Mob called the 'Snow Golem'
    It appears he kind of made it out of a need to break off of serious coding an make something simple

    His Twitter states that: The Snow Golem is craftable, it can move and when it does so it creates a snow trail, it will melt in hot biomes, and it throws snowballs at other mobs. snowballs cause zero damage but it will still cause a creeper to attack it.

    This kind of seems like a joke, and seeing as the snowballs cause no damage, it may be pointless as well. They would actually work against you defensively causing creepers to charge toward your structure and explode on the snow golem. However, they could be useful as decoys in certain situations.

    It's nice to see a litle light hearted addition to minecraft, although I'd rather see Goblin villages and NPCs and, well,, something that challenges the games programming a bit rather than what notch has stated was a whim, and is 'suicidal' due to its simplicity.

    I mean, I'll still take it though, it looks hilarious.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Jakob Porser on 1.8: "We will probably need 2-3 weeks"
    1.8 is going to take three weeks because Notch has decided to work on his 'super secret other project' for the next two weeks, which means Jeb is basically left to finish everything on his own.

    If I were in Notch's position, getting tons of acclaim and fame in the biz all of the sudden and having new exciting doors open every time a meeting is held, I'd want to work on more than one project as well. It just sucks that his enjoyment in new opportunities results in our suffering as fiending Minecraft fans.

    I'd also rather wait a couple weeks for a fully functional 1.8 with NPCs and tons of finished features than have them release it now with bugs, empty or no villages, adding only Endermen, revines, rivers and orbs that serve no purpose.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on [32x][1.7.x] DokuCraft 2.5 [Free to use]
    Quote from HppyPntz

    Awesome texture pack! The only thing I don't like so much are... the creepers. :SSSS: They look stupid a little bit. That would be great if you would remake them to look more like those from default.

    I totally agree. I love this Mod, it's the only one I check for updates regularly. Mad props toward the time and talent of Doku, whose work is the best I've seen on this forum. While I could endlessly list things I love about this texture pack the only thing I've had a problem with is the creeper faces.

    The texture for the Creepers are great but their big white lazy eyes are kind of ridiculous, and while humorous, nowhere near as terrifying as the original skin. I totally just loaded the skin into photoshop and quickly colored in the white eyes with black to make them slightly more creeperly. Now they just kinda look depressed.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
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