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    posted a message on 1.0 New Features! OFFICIAL Report on New Features! MINECRAFT IS RELEASED!
    Man, It's been too long without update news. I was hooked pre release. I want to see images of new blocks, mobs and biomes! I feel like we will see nothing until after the new year.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Did the Terrain Become BORING? (UPDATE 6/5/13 - 1.7 is a biome update?)
    I agree that the terrain is not as much fun to explore as it once was.

    Let's start with what I DO like about the new terrain:
    canyons, rivers, crazy mountainous structures

    What I don't like:
    Huge oceans: Too big sometimes
    Swamps: Could be nice if they were much, much smaller, should be ALL TALL GRASS and mud. Transitions suck. The vines and lilipads can stay.
    Flatlands.... sooo boring, unless you come across a canyon or river. too abundent, i miss rolling hills!
    Iceplains: Also boring and endless
    Deserts: Also flat, though they should be, but add dunes, valleys and plateaus! Maybe redrock formations? that'd be cool.
    Mushroom Land: Still haven't found one, but its good they are rare

    Etc Etc

    More hilly terrain, while I like the crazy mountains, I feel like they should be mixed in with smaller hilly areas.
    Mountainous snow regions! Less flatlands! So much less!

    The end
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on TARDIS Craft [Whitelist] [Vanilla SMP] [Friendly Community]
    Minecraft User Name: freakoccasion
    How long have you been playing Minecraft? since alpha, just before the halloween update
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.0 New Features! OFFICIAL Report on New Features! MINECRAFT IS RELEASED!
    Quote from maurisioo

    I don't get it why Notch still didn't add a function for villages and villagers.

    Because no one at Mojang knows how to properly code AI. They are supposedly hiring a new employee who works specifically on AI coding, so hopefully it will get finished soon. Hopefully the finish includes a redesign, those mother truckers are so ugly, and why are they all dudes? I think Mojang is gender biased.
    Quote from Gerbil23

    I'm not sure if this is pre-release but now instead of redstone wire that is not connected to anything instead of looking like it would if it was surrounded by redstone it now resembles a single red dot

    I just read through the past five pages and this has been posted about once per page.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What do you think of the ending?
    Just smile and nod
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What do you think of the ending?
    Quote from The_Arnold

    Notch shouldnt have stopped its stupid to stop now theres alot to still do :tongue.gif:

    He's not stopping, but I do agree it was not an elegant point to release. Hopefully this vacation won't continue until the new year.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on What do you think of the ending?
    Probably one of the worst endings I have come across in a game.

    As in games with no ending are usually better than what this gives you.

    And pretty much everything in Notch's over exasperated theological rant can easily be summed up in the Mark Twain Quote at the end. Leave the quote, remove the rest. Or keep the quote, leave in 30 seconds worth of that dialogue, because beyond that it begins repeating itself over and over.

    Not that I disagree with that agnostic all enveloping love idea, I'm down, but it doesn't really belong here.

    'Players' don't want a life lesson here, they don't want to be pulled out of the game, they want to discover a secret, a deepening to the mythology of the minecraft world, A good answer that begets more questions.

    This ending could easily have been a post on Notch's blog titled: "Take a break from Minecraft, go get some fresh air."

    It doesn't even try to disguise that the 'universe' narrators behind the game are, obviously, notch and his team, instead of some in game mythological creatures or whatever.

    Where is any mythology about what the End is, Who the Endermen are, what the hell the End Dragon is and why the hell you have to defeat it anyway? What does defeating it accomplish? Why does the player begin the quest to destroy it in the first place?

    And really, you can't even pick up the egg prize in the 'final' version of the game? ran out of time to program the baby dragon in? eff.

    I'm sure answers of these kinds will show up in the future, maybe once the NPCs are finished and can actually speak to you, maybe not.

    Either way, I think this 'ending' is a perfect illustration of Mojang's failure in finishing the hastily announced 'Adventure Update" in time for Minecon.

    Before they began this adventure update situation, I think Minecraft could easily have been released as 1.0, a simple creative survival game.

    But the Mojang crew wanted a story, wanted a thread, and wanted an 'end' for their official release. The problem is, they added half of a new game mode to what was already a fully fleshed out game, creating what ends up seeming like an abandoned attempt at something. This game feels unfinished because of the abandoned NPCs which would have tied the mythology to the creative game. It feels abandoned because the ending is horrible and pointless, the boss battle serves no addition to the game other than being confusing and misleading.

    Minecraft should have been released pre adventure update, and then the 'adventure game, v2.0 or whatever should have been released a year from now when it was actually done.

    Not that I won't play this game when every update is made available because of this, but still, as an art student I can always tell when someone finishes a painting because it is done, and when someone finishes a painting because the crit is the next day. Minecraft 1.0 seems to be the latter of these two situations. It is in no way a fleshed out adventure game, and doesn't really deserve an end before a beginning or middle are introduced as well (in the adventure aspect, not in the additional content aspect, which i hope is never, ever, finished)

    Love this game. I hope now that 1.0 is like, out, that these weird conventions and release dates don't cause anymore pointless game additions. Just keep adding, take your time, it'll get there. No more deadlines. They obviously don't work well for Mojang.

    good day
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.0 New Features! OFFICIAL Report on New Features! MINECRAFT IS RELEASED!
    I really though Mojang was going to throw an easter egg feature or two into the final release. Wouldn't that have been fun? I know it would have been fun.

    I was theorizing it would have been having the dragon egg be hatchable upon returning to the real world. Anyone try that yet? It seems really weird to make that available in the release without any function. Granted, they could add a function whenever they want, but this is 1.0! Effin Ell!

    In response to my own post, YES, I understand that all the 1.9 feature were never technically official releases, so all of those features should be thought of as 'new and exciting stuff' for the release, but really, anyone who plays the game already knew about all of that content, and its the 'oh so this is what they've been up to at the office for the past two weeks' moments that make this game so enjoyable. it just seems strange that 1.9 was more exciting than 1.0, and I'm now looking forward to 1.1 content more than 1.0. I guess 1.0 is just really about the release party hubabaloo, but, meh.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on no... why would notch even think
    I agree that the new door sounds are a bit imposing, way too high pitched, it kind of hurts my ears everytime i hear them.

    The 'grunt' Steve sound was annoying too, but I suppose we all got acclamated to it over time. I think its good that there is a new falling sound, but I think they should have left the 'grunt' sound for when you are being attacked by hostile mobs.

    I remember reading that C418 recorded new sounds for just about everything, so Mojang must have nixed 80% of his work since not that much changed in the release.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Umm... is this right?
    Really, people think this looks normal?

    The grass appears to 'transition' by desaturating to the point of being completely grayscale at the edges of the biome, if you stare from the edge of the swamp biome into its center you will see the landscape get more colorful moving away from the edges. This is absolutely a bug, and really looks terrible. I've been waiting for a fix for this since the swamps were added, I'm sure the team at Mojang can fix this, I think it has just been overlooked. The same effect happens with swamp water, trees, and grass.

    I really thought this would get fixed before the release too, oh well.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on 1.0 New Features! OFFICIAL Report on New Features! MINECRAFT IS RELEASED!
    Quote from sirhcx

    Hmmm possibly oil..... maybe lanterns are still in the works as wieldable light?

    This is obviously an Enderman spawning pit. Or didn't you know the Endermen spawn from murky black liquid? Did you know they drag chickens down there too? Disgusting.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Villages
    Quote from Mychael1988

    I actually built my base, and wasn't even paying attention to what was south of me, the second day on this map, and I notice there's a small village, and I mean small (house, blacksmith, and well) really close to where I had set up base.

    So it's been my project of building a road between my fort and this village, and next on the to do list is improve the village by adding and furnishing buildings.

    That village is like twenty blocks away from your tower, how could you have possibly missed it? Do you have some weird tick where you can only face west when building? You're practicly on top of it.

    Looks cool though
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Villages
    If you want to find a Village quickly,
    try seed: pinocchio
    There will be a desert village almost directly to your right in the neighboring desert biome

    try it out
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Quote from DuskSoldier

    Can't wait for this update!

    Also, for people sad that you can't make a map in Creative then switch it to Survival (or the other way around), I'm certain someone will eventually come out with a mod/program that lets you do this. That, or it'll be possible through MCEdit.

    I'm pretty sure it IS possible to switch from creative to Survival. Jeb said he's even working on making it possible In-Game to switch between the two modes.

    @jeb_ lol - i sent one yesturday that i really need to know (Converting worlds from creative to survival INGAME) ↑
    Jens Bergensten
    @jeb - I'll work on that tomorrow
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Release dates, 1.8 FAQ, all known Content, and more!
    Since Villages will be empty and reasonably pointless in 1.8 I think Jeb should make it so Endermen only Spawn inside of villages, making them way creepier and hold some form of significance before the addition of NPCs. Then with 1.9 the Endermen can go free.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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