And so...
The creeper-proof window!
Push this button and the unlucky creeper gets...
Available in a village near you.
Alternate versions:
For those of you that wanted a pifall trap...
Also, a design that I believe renders creepers...
*cue sunglasses :cool.gif:*
Null and VOID.
The piston version, which you guys wanted :3
xBxJxPx has even made a video for the creeper-proof window!
Check out his channel!
As to the grinder, try something like this:
= spawner
= sign
That being said, I'd take as many ghasts with me as I possibly could. Punching ghasts is fun.
(whatever their previous floor material was)
Constant hissing noises.
(where = sign)
Your base goes here
These signs hold up any water they pour