• 0

    posted a message on ★★★★★ PhanaticMC Network ★★★★★ skyblock skygrid factions creative minigames + more
    Minecraft Username: Fractangle
    How experienced are you with skyblock: Somewhat... I'm used to the whole concept of renewable vs. non-renewable resources, and such.
    Why do you want to join: It sounds like a fun and different way to play Minecraft!
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on Found A Skeleton Dungeon
    Flood the dungeon with lava. It'll light it up, and kill anything in there. When the lava recedes enough, jump down on top of the spawner, and put a torch on top of it. As the lava continues to recede, place more torches.

    As to the grinder, try something like this:

    :Skeleton: = spawner
    :Frame: = sign

    :cobblestone: :: :: :: :: :: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :: :: :: :: :: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :: :: :Skeleton: :: :: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :: :: :: :: :: :Frame: :Lava: :cobblestone: ::
    :cobblestone: :: :: :: :: :: :: :Frame: :cobblestone: :Notch:
    :cobblestone: :Water: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :Teal: :arrow:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 1

    posted a message on Only Portal to Nether Trapped
    I'd realize that chances are, I'm gonna die one way or another.

    That being said, I'd take as many ghasts with me as I possibly could. Punching ghasts is fun.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on How do YOU set up your hot bar
    This is my hotbar for exploring an abandoned mineshaft (for non-mineshaft caves, replace the stone axe with another pick):

    1. :SSWORD:
    2. :|):
    3. :Saxe:
    4. :SPA:
    5. :IPA:
    6. A bucket (didn't see an emoticon for it)
    7. :cobblestone:
    8. :Bread:
    9. :--+:

    For activities other than subterranean exploration, all bets are off.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Rarer than Diamonds?
    Well, I could make a long-winded post about the ambiguity of the definition of "rare", but I don't feel like it.

    To me, several things are rarer than diamonds (in that I have less of them in my SSP world):
    • Apples
    • Golden apples
    • Cocoa beans
    • Saddles
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 0

    posted a message on Forbidden Planet [24x7] [No Whitelist] [Bukkit] Survival and Creative! Mature players only (16+)
    In-game name: Fractangle
    Age: 19
    Structures: My main SSP world consists of a bunch of 32x32 boxes of varying height that I dug out just above lava level, but some stuff I've built in other worlds in the past includes:
    - A large Coliseum-style arena with a mob spawning room underneath that fed monsters into the arena via water elevators and canals (with obsidian floor to prevent creeper damage).
    - Several semi-large (about 30 blocks high) tree houses.
    - A number of dungeon-spawner-powered mob grinders.
    - A (as an added bonus, it blows up whoever loses).

    EDIT: What version is the server running? 1.7.3? 1.8.1? 1.9pr2?
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Anyone figure out how the Floating Stone Blocks work yet?
    Quote from twibs

    I think sand and gravel are just smarter than stone and the rest, who just forget to fall.

    This made my day. Thank you for being a wonderful person. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on What are your mining habits?
    My base is a bunch of 32x32 rooms of varying height (most are 4 blocks high, but some (such as my tree farms) are taller) dug out of the rock at y=13. I have 17 double chests full of cobblestone, and am not done constructing (or rather, destructing, as I'm not placing blocks... just taking unwanted ones away) it.

    Several of my rooms have constant slime infestations, too!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 2

    posted a message on 1001 things top put in SOMEONE ELSE"S house.
    26. This:

    :cobblestone: (whatever their previous floor material was)
    :Red: <--netherrack

    Constant hissing noises.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 2

    posted a message on How to make a working lava mote?
    Make it like so:
    (where :Frame: = sign)

    :: :: :: :cobblestone: Your base goes here
    :cobblestone: :: :: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :: :: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :: :: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :: :: :cobblestone:
    :cobblestone: :Frame: :Frame: :cobblestone: These signs hold up any water they pour
    :cobblestone: :Lava: :Lava: :cobblestone:
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on how to kill a creeper
    Fish 'em up into the air... a falling creeper is a good creeper.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on WHAT YOU USE AS YOUR EXP SYSTEM
    I've got an index card on which I keep track of how much stuff I've mined:

    Every two double chests of cobble: 1 point
    Each stack of iron blocks: 1 point
    Each stack of diamonds: 1 point

    I've also got a bunch of one-off things for points:

    Getting a record set: 1 point
    Getting a squid into a flaming minecart, and pushing it around my base: 1 point
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on HOW DO YOU MINE? (preferred method of mining)
    I don't mine solely for the sake of mining. My base is underground, and its layout consists of a bunch of 32x32 rooms of varying heights, just above lava level.

    I'm not even halfway done building (digging?) this base, and I've already got over two stacks of diamond.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on In Progress - Practical Mob Trap Construction/Ideas
    Quote from mystere9 »
    Quote from JohnCleese »
    Build this: http://www.mediafire.com/?yqlpr2yqu6d0i53

    ...I'm a convert. This is fantastic.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on Things that don't impress you.
    I'm not impressed by most natural terrain. It takes Glacier-esque terrain to make me think, "Oh, that's nifty!".

    I'm not impressed by zombie spawner grinders. Are you actually going to use the feathers, anyway? Probably not. Make something nifty, like a button that you can push to have a zombie dropped on your head.

    I'm not impressed by any attempt at humor that's related to creepers. That includes creeper statues, TNT creeper statues, many of the creeper-themed options in the Painterly pack, the painting with the creeper instead of the tree, and the creeper-themed image macro avatars.

    I'm not impressed by people who claim to be epic because they killed a ghast. Seriously? I usually just ignore ghasts. If they're really close to where I am, I'll punch them. They don't damage my cobblestone structures, and it's easy enough to play tennis with a couple of them if I'm exploring.

    I'm not impressed by big TNT explosions, even if they're "legit". I don't know why.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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