Hey, first off great texture pack, I love it!
I've run into a little problem with the usage of stone fences.
For some reason, they keep getting an odd texture whenever I play on a .jar that's had MCPatcher modify it, note the mossy stone fence is fine.
When I use a magic launcher with optifine however, the texture is fine - although this has started crashing for me so I've gone back to my MCPatcher .jar. Any way to fix this?
(imgur link if image upload doesn't work) http://imgur.com/skYj6Km
IF anyone is wanting ideas for what models to make, i would greatly recommend making a spider one, with the resize option and being able to 'shoot', i would finally be able to make giant poison-spitting spiders for boss fights
Another bug, I think.
I cannot seem to pick up any item that is dropped by any NPC when they are killed/deleted. Although I can see the item actually drop.
Sorry if this has been already said, but, when you put fire charges into a 'shoot' slot with an NPC, it dosn't seem to ever fire? Would you be able to fix this so it fires in a similar manner to a dispenser, or tell me how to get it working.
I also have a suggestion for another attack variant (which I cannot see in the current plans) that is an NPC will used a ranged attack AND a melee attack but only ranged for a certain distance.
E.g NPC: When distance to target = <5m attack range reduced to 2, When distance to target = >5m attack range increased to 30 and use ONLY 'shooting' items. Maybe items could change as well - <5m has sword out >5m has bow/whatever out. (Perhaps 2 different attack speeds/damages? Maybe a 'ranged' mode and a 'melee' mode which is distnace specific like the example)
I am no coder so I am unsure as to how hard this would be to implement.
Another is maybe that when health is below say 50% attack variant/pattern changes, so you could have fleeing enemies or bosses that beserk.
IF these were to be implemented, they would only be optional like roles/jobs.
IF anyone is thinking about making any models, could you perhaps make a spider one? I have an awesome idea for an adventure map with a giant spider in it ;D
Hey Noppes, just one more question.
Has the Trader options/actions/etc been temporarily removed? Like I can select the role/etc but cannot set up any actual trades? If it has not been removed, then how would I go about setting up trades?
I do have a couple of questions however.
Fistly, for some reason I am unable to acces the other texture folders (other than 'enderdragon' and 'villager') when changing the texture. For example I am unable to access contents of say 'furry female' in the texture list in the menu. I get the default skin shown as /mob/furryfemale/WolfBlack.png Why can't I access/see /mob/furryfemale ?
Secondly, would it be possible to change the textures of the weapons/shields? If so, where are there .png files? (I cannot find them)
Again, I love this mod and I hope you will continue to update for a while yet
I've run into a little problem with the usage of stone fences.
For some reason, they keep getting an odd texture whenever I play on a .jar that's had MCPatcher modify it, note the mossy stone fence is fine.
When I use a magic launcher with optifine however, the texture is fine - although this has started crashing for me so I've gone back to my MCPatcher .jar. Any way to fix this?
(imgur link if image upload doesn't work) http://imgur.com/skYj6Km
I cannot seem to pick up any item that is dropped by any NPC when they are killed/deleted. Although I can see the item actually drop.
I also have a suggestion for another attack variant (which I cannot see in the current plans) that is an NPC will used a ranged attack AND a melee attack but only ranged for a certain distance.
E.g NPC: When distance to target = <5m attack range reduced to 2, When distance to target = >5m attack range increased to 30 and use ONLY 'shooting' items. Maybe items could change as well - <5m has sword out >5m has bow/whatever out. (Perhaps 2 different attack speeds/damages? Maybe a 'ranged' mode and a 'melee' mode which is distnace specific like the example)
I am no coder so I am unsure as to how hard this would be to implement.
Another is maybe that when health is below say 50% attack variant/pattern changes, so you could have fleeing enemies or bosses that beserk.
IF these were to be implemented, they would only be optional like roles/jobs.
That worked for me. I have even managed to put actual player skins into it like that.
Has the Trader options/actions/etc been temporarily removed? Like I can select the role/etc but cannot set up any actual trades? If it has not been removed, then how would I go about setting up trades?
I do have a couple of questions however.
Fistly, for some reason I am unable to acces the other texture folders (other than 'enderdragon' and 'villager') when changing the texture. For example I am unable to access contents of say 'furry female' in the texture list in the menu. I get the default skin shown as /mob/furryfemale/WolfBlack.png Why can't I access/see /mob/furryfemale ?
Secondly, would it be possible to change the textures of the weapons/shields? If so, where are there .png files? (I cannot find them)
Again, I love this mod and I hope you will continue to update for a while yet