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    posted a message on Goliath Beetle -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    It good drop a chunk of it's shell that can be made into armor.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    Hello everyone. So what have I missed in this thread since I left?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Portal 2 release date
    Quote from Guyana_Bandit »
    Same date as Mortal Kombat, April 19th.

    That's what I've been hearing, thanks.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Portal 2 release date
    So Portal 2 is coming out soon and for months, I thought it was coming out on the 21st, but lately, I've been hearing other wise. I am very confused right now, so could someone help me out?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I've been gone a while...
    ... can someone explain what's wrong with the search function? Normally, I use the "View your posts" button to check topics that I frequent, but I can't use that due to something being wrong with the search function. Any help?

    PS. If this is the wrong forum than tell me. This just seemed the best.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Myrmex -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Quote from phil177 »
    really cool idea,i love it.sp there colonies are just small underground villages with torches and all that?

    No, I'm pretty sure it'd be just a network of tunnels.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Moa -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Damn, the Dark Moa's a beast. I think I prefer this to my idea of them being able to run on lava. Climbing walls and extreme jumping would be far more exciting, especially with Ghasts shooting at you like crazy.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Myrmex -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Quote from Firehazurd »
    I love the idea about sugar. It could be used as a bartering tool. You could trade sugar for resources the Myrmex find, making sugar very valuable if you happen to find a Myrmex colony.

    Hmmm, never thought of the bartering thing. Good idea.

    Something I just thought of, is if you're in a Desert Myrmex hive, wouldn't the hive be made of Sand, meaning that if you wear to reach the room full of resources, plant a torch at your feet, and then hit the roof, you could cave in the entire hive, crushing every Myrmex in it in sand, then all you have to do is dig out the chests? (the torch is to stop yourself from being crushed as when sand and gravel hit a torch, they break)
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Myrmex -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Some ideas:

    1. They should be attracted to Sugar. Lets say you have sugar, if you were to throw/drop it, any Myrmex close to it would swarm it. The amount of time they're distracted would be set by how many are swarming, with one Myrmex it would be distracted for maybe 10 seconds, with every Myrmex decreasing 2 seconds of that time. A cake can be placed to distract them for even long.

    2. They should be absolutely horrible at swimming.

    3. I think the things I dislike about the model is that the legs look too human. I think they should have a joint in them.

    4. I also think they should not go too far away from their hive, and also should war with other hives if they're too close.

    EDIT: Oh, and what would they drop?

    EDIT2: In the first edit, I meant what do the Soldier ones drop?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Myrmex -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Oh, almost forgot. I don't like the Legs. I think they should be more like that picture shown in an above post. I think it'd look cooler.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Myrmex -=- [MOB Suggestion](Custom Graphic)
    Interesting... if a Mound is close to a Grove, and the Myrmex try to harvest the trees, will the Sprites attack, causing the Myrmex to retaliate, meaning a massive war between the two? What if Magmen also joined the fight, accidentally burning down part of the forest, causing the Sprites (Normal and Cinder) to attack them, making the Magmen angry at the Sprites, and accidentally hitting a Myrmex when trying to hit a Grove Sprite, causing them to have a massive 3 way battle royal!?!!!?!? It'd be awesome.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    Quote from kingbdogz »
    By "Openly Attack", he means directly damaging you. No mobs in Aether are to damage you, they are to put in positions to BE damaged. Like blowing you off an island, drowning you, etc. It's a passive aggressive thing.

    Perhaps so, but it still doesn't affect the overall atmosphere and play-style of the Aether. I don't see why we can't have one mob which will very rarely attack you, and only when you **** it off. Please explain, and I will definitely consider changing it. The other aggressive mob we have is considered passive aggressive, since it's basically a small whirlwind which will blow you up into the air (possibly over the edge of an island). Is that better than the Cockatrice?

    Hmm, is it anything like my old idea, the Vortek?:

    Quote from Flubbedpig »

    Vortek (plural being Vorteks and being pronounced Vortex)

    They would look like a robe and pointed hat floating in Mid-air, but in reality, they are being worn by an invisible Wind spirit. The way they attack is they turn into a mini Tornado. These Tornados are weak are weak and small, only being strong enough to lift blocks like Sand and Gravel, light objects and pull in Players. As I just said, they pull in the player, they don't throw them, but they pull them in and spin them around, hitting them with what they might have picked up, and possibly pulling them towards somewhere dangerous in an attempt to kill them. They can be a Tornado for about 15 seconds, then they have to wait 5 until they can do it again. If they become Water Spouts, they can drown you if you are sucked in, but when they go back to normal form, they still have the water, which makes it possible to collect them in a bucket. They can only be damaged by Golden Weapons.

    Now, something interesting, if two Vorteks are a Tornado, and they collide, they merge into a larger, stronger Tornado. They will be able to suck up larger things as they bigger, and they get bigger with each Vortek sucked into it. When a merged Vortek goes back to normal form, they become a larger Vortek, which has more health, and also has a longer time in attack form (increasing by 5 seconds a Vortek), but also has a longer recharge time (increasing by 7 with each Vortek). I can not think of what they can drop, but with each Vortek merged into one, killing it will drop what each one was carrying.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    Quote from kingbdogz »
    If you have a mob that will openly damage you that kinda breaks that whole aspect.

    They don't openly attack you, that's my point. You would literally have to **** it off for it to start retaliating (like, punching it in the head 2 or more times). The terrain is still very dangerous, but I don't see why we can't have mounts which are a little harder to tame. The Boss mobs for our Dungeons are called Guardians, they are the true protectors of the Chest Key (which will open the chest within the Dungeon), and the Sentries are the protectors of the Locked Chest it self. So you first must battle your way through the Boss to get the key, then dodge the Sentries to unlock the Chest. It's the only hostile part of the Aether really, and completely optional. You don't have to go inside, and they are pretty hard to reach without a Moa.

    By "Openly Attack", he means directly damaging you. No mobs in Aether are to damage you, they are to put in positions to BE damaged. Like blowing you off an island, drowning you, etc. It's a passive aggressive thing.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    Should Floatsand also be able to be turned into a Floatsandstone (for lack of a better name)? And if so, would that in turn be able to become half-steps? I know these questions are stupid, but hey, nobody else has asked them.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on The Aether(Anti-Nether Realm) Current Topic: New Nether
    Quote from thePalindrome »
    3rd idea would be too hard...

    you'd have to have the sun ( instead of the void), cause a directional light WHILE checking

    if said light would hit a cloud and carry on, the lag would be unbearable...

    I think you mean my 4th idea. Anyway, I think the way it could be down is that during the day, the sky box just looks like it's full of clouds. In random areas, it cause it not to change from the previous cycle (Daey and Day) abd would adjust the skybox accordingly. I don't know how hard that'd be, but it's an idea.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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