A shield could be equipped to the player and would provide total protection from an enemy until its durability runs out. However, unlike armor it would not prevent any falling damage. A for your thoughts?
EDIT: (A similar idea has been made before. However, those post are dead and are very different from my idea...)
It would have to be a half block (like the half-tile, just vertical) and similar to the top half of a door. Also you should be able to see through the glass parts as if they were air, not like glass blocks with white dots obstructing the view. Any suggestions?
(Yes I know Glass Blocks can serve the same purpose, but it's just not the same.)
No. I'm pretty sure stealing is a big fat no-no. But, best to be sure, right?
A shield could be equipped to the player and would provide total protection from an enemy until its durability runs out. However, unlike armor it would not prevent any falling damage. A
EDIT: (A similar idea has been made before. However, those post are dead
Enlighten me. I don't use texture packs.
Well it could be either... although yes, sticks do make more sense.
It would have to be a half block (like the half-tile, just vertical) and similar to the top half of a door. Also you should be able to see through the glass parts as if they were air, not like glass blocks with white dots obstructing the view. Any suggestions?
(Yes I know Glass Blocks can serve the same purpose, but it's just not the same.)
EDIT: this is amazing. i just started yet, i'm in love.