Hey, couple of questions for ya! How old is the realm? and whats been done in it so far? oh and is there a world border? Would like to join but just curious of such things. Thanks!
I'm looking for a group of people to build and talk with. Its been a while since ive had a fresh world and a community to talk with so that should be fun!
* **Minecraft Name** - alcptdpt
* **Age** - 21
* **Location** -US
* **How Often Will You Be Online** -As often as my interest and time allows me
* **Things you'd like to see in this World** - Not sure what you mean by this haha but I guess just some cool builds in the future from others
IGN: alcptdpt
Age: 21
Tome Zone: Pacific
What you like best about Minecraft: Exploring and Builidng
A little bit about yourself: College Student looking for a place to have some fun and build. Been playing since 1.2.5
Would love to join, ign: alcptdpt
Just joined the discord as well as Thalidin
What is your in-game name?: alcptdpt
How old are you?: 23
What part of the world are you from?: West America
Other?: Been playing Minecraft since 1.2.3 and always looking for a long realm to play on. Wont be on all the time but will be when i can
Hey, couple of questions for ya! How old is the realm? and whats been done in it so far? oh and is there a world border? Would like to join but just curious of such things. Thanks!
Looking to join
ign: alcptdpt
Would like to join
-ign alcptdpt
ign: alcptdpt
I'm looking for a group of people to build and talk with. Its been a while since ive had a fresh world and a community to talk with so that should be fun!
ign alcptdpt
age: 21
Minecraft IGN (in game name): alcptdpt
Age: 21
Experience in minecraft: since 1.2.5
Favorite thing to do: Build + Explore
What's your IGN (in game name): alcptdpt[/b]
What's your Discord (if you have one): Later[/b]
How old are you: 21[/b]
Will you follow the rules: Yes[/b]
How active will you be (estimate): Depends on college and life cant give a good estimate to be honest[/b]
Hope to see you there Looking for a realm with people who understand others have there own opinions and that things can be two different ways. Thanks!
* **Minecraft Name** - alcptdpt
* **Age** - 21
* **Location** -US
* **How Often Will You Be Online** -As often as my interest and time allows me
* **Things you'd like to see in this World** - Not sure what you mean by this haha but I guess just some cool builds in the future from others
IGN: alcptdpt
Age: 21
Tome Zone: Pacific
What you like best about Minecraft: Exploring and Builidng
A little bit about yourself: College Student looking for a place to have some fun and build. Been playing since 1.2.5
ign: alcptdpt
Age: 20