Yes! Yes! Win! Farmable Cocoa Beans! Another thing to add to my farm!
Now to find an automatic way to farm them...
- Firechicken
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 7 months, and 11 days
Last active Mon, Oct, 13 2014 16:00:54
- 1 Follower
- 1,263 Total Posts
- 59 Thanks
Apr 24, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Digital Diamond - AnimatorThats...Posted in: News
Amazing... -
Apr 21, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Community Spotlight - BuildcraftI wish it was 1.2.5...Posted in: News
Too bad he stepped down.
Like, that really stinks. -
Apr 19, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Minecraft Snapshot 12w16a Available For Testing!This is epic.Posted in: News
Thanks Mojang!
You guys rock. -
Mar 31, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Minecraft News - 25 Million Users, 1.2.5 Details & MoreCongrats on 25mil users!Posted in: News
Edit: win, first comment -
Mar 17, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Markus Persson Wins BAFTA Special AwardCongrats man!Posted in: News
Mar 10, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Bethesda Lawsuit Concludes, XBOX Preview, Community Spotlight - Savage RealmsIt was stupid they got all mad...Posted in: News
but eh, no more rolled up parchment -
Mar 9, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Minecraft News - Sneak Peak Jeb Interview, XBOX SplitscreenPiracy will never end.Posted in: News
I'm not with it, but it will never end. -
Mar 5, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Notch to Receive BAFTA Award; XBLA Minecraft UpdatesNice!Posted in: News
Knew you would get it -
Feb 28, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Bukkit Officially Joins Mojang!Yes! Win! This is epic, I hope this means Bukkit will release when 1.2 realeases!Posted in: News
Feb 15, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Minecraft Snapshot 12w07b (updated) is Ready For Testing!Are those baby testificates...Posted in: News
No offense, but they look terrible. -
Jan 12, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Minecraft 1.1 is Released!Thats righteous man...Posted in: News
Jan 5, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Update - Star Wars Contest OngoingThat was awesomePosted in: News
Do want! -
Jan 4, 2012Firechicken posted a message on Minecon, Minecraft Updates & MoreI've been waiting for that optionPosted in: News
Will clear up a ton of topics from people looking for a flatmap seed -
Dec 25, 2011Firechicken posted a message on Mineways: 3D Prints of Minecraft ObjectsThats pretty coolPosted in: News
- To post a comment, please login.
Where did you hear about the server: I misclicked and found myself on the Minecraft Forums. I scrolled down a bit to see what's going on and found this on the front page.
Do you understand and accept the rules: I do.
What's our policy on raging: If you lose, get back up and win the next time around.
Ign: XMeta_KnightX
Tell us about yourself: Well, I went on the forums looking for a RP/PvP server, and found this. I thought it was just another faction/PvP server, but I clicked on it out of curiosity. It turns out, it's a whole lot different than usual! I was pretty much hooked when I saw the 'Loads of Lore', because I am a lore junky, I can't get enough of it. My game style isn't so much fighting as it is supporting, as in farming or mining, but when I do fight, it's always with a bow.
Enjoy the server/Does it look fun: It looks very fun! I might just get some of my friends on it so we can make a faction together.
Will you consider donating? In all honesty, probably not. I personally like to work for what I get.
Any more donator perks you would like?: I actually think you have the perks very well balanced.
Anything that needs clarification?: Not at all, it was very well explained in the beginning.
Do you understand how the server works?: Yes I do, it reminds me of the feudalism system in the medieval times.
Adven map
Adven map-Backup
Instead of money, they gave me this weird glowing cat...
Would they give you a free PC version?
I didn't.
Put the sugar cane on the grass, it's pretty effective, but isn't the best.
A: XMeta_KnightX
Q: How old are you? (Seriously. If you're under 12, this isn't the place for you.)
A: 14
Q: How long have you been playing Minecraft?
A: 2 years
Q: What do you like to do on Multiplayer?
A: Nomad around the plains with a flock of sheep.
Q: What are your other interests?
A: Chess, growing crystals, science.
Q: Did anyone lead you to this server? If so, who?
A: Not really, but I guess Zombe, in theory...
Q: Have you read and understood the rules? (Seriously. Read them. It saves both me and you tons of time and energy in the future.)
A: Yes.
MC Name: XMeta_KnightX
Age: 14
Have a mic?: Yes, but it can be moody.
Have Teamspeak 3?: Yes I do, just got it too.
How much experience with Minecraft do you have?: Ever since 1.7, that's when I started, not sure how long ago that was though,
How much experience with Runescape do you have?: It was pretty much the first game I ever played, and I played the death out of it. Then they started going rampant with useless updates. *facepalm*@Jagex.
World Edit Experience: I'm really good with it
How Often Can You Get On: Now sure, a few hours a day, not really sure.
EDIT: Don't bother accepting