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    posted a message on Hydro Network | Looking for staff | Helper, Mod, Admin |

    |Hydro Network Staff Applications|

    At Hydro Network we strive to do our best, making a professional, well built server. This includes having dedicated and experienced staff to make the server as enjoyable as possible. Made by two long time friends who are aspiring to make something unique we are inviting you to come along in the journey with us. Give the applications your all, we look at everything from spelling and lay out to content and originality.

    Admins are expected to be experienced in all areas of the server, and be able to assume some management roles when the manager is away for extended periods of time. Must mature, logical, and experienced.

    Moderators are trusted staff members who have proven themselves capable of dealing with more sophisticated commands and trust worthy of wielding higher level commands than helpers. Must be able to recognize different hacks, understand staff commands and the power they wield.

    Helpers are the fundamental staff of the server, able to do all of the basic staff functions, such as banning, muting, and answering questions. They revolve around the player base, doing as much as they can to keep the server orderly and helping players in anyway they can. Not too much experience is required but must be willing to learn.

    Discord(Include #):
    Gender(M, F):
    Position(H, M, A):
    Currently staff on another server?(Y, N):
    Previous staff experience?(Y, N):
    If yes, please go into depth about your experience:
    What's your personality?:
    How come we should hire you?:
    What's your goal in joining the staff team?:
    What would you do if two staff were fighting?:
    Someone offends you, how do you react?:
    Anything else you'd like to add?:
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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