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    posted a message on [1.8] Command Block Tutorials - Custom Map Mechanics - Bleeding/Bandage System, Mob Health Bars, Triggers, Tellraw and more!

    [TUTORIAL] Command Blocks

    Hey Guys!

    This is a collaboration put together by the community and myself, to help you learn about how command blocks work. This topic contains designs that you'd be able to use with your custom maps, from mini-games to full blown, large scale adventure maps.

    Thread was taken from my previous topic (now locked), and I thought I would add more to this, as it seemed to help a number of people. Please, feel free to suggest things and please point out where I could fix anything up. All contributors will be given credits.

    Also, the forum seems to have issues editing with large amounts of formatting, so if there are any formatting errors, point them out and I'll see what I can do to fix them.

    NOTE: In some cases, you may want to do some altering of the designs shown here. Not everyone wants the player to hit a button or walk over a pressure plate. Scroll to the bottom of this post and head over to the Minecraft Wiki to find out more!




    List of commands for use on the Command Block: /testfor [datatag] ~ Tests for the specified criteria. /clear ~ Is used to clear a players inventory, or to remove ALL of one item. /difficulty ~ Changes the difficulty to that of which is specified after the initial command. /effect ~ Adds an certain effect to a player for a specified amount of time. /enchant ~ Enchants the item the player/s is/are currently holding. /gamemode ~ Changes the player/s to the specified gamemode. /gamerule ~ Changes the gamerule specified to either true or false. /give ~ Gives a player/s a certain item. /say ~ Broadcasts the message displayed in the Command Block. Player arguements (@a,@p,@r) can beused to display a name in the broadcast. /scoreboard ~ Uses arguements from the Scoreboard. /spawnpoint ~ Sets the spawnpoint at the current location. If followed by X Y Z coordinates, this will set the player/s at a certain block. /time ~ Argument "set" (/time set) number | day | night> . /toggledownfall ~ Toggles rain/snow. /tp @# x y z~ Teleports specified player/s to a set of X Y Z coordinates. /weather [seconds] ~ Used to change the weather, and set it's duration. /xp amount> playername] ~ Gives the player/s a specified number of Experience Orbs. /xp amount>L playername] ~ Gives the player/s a specified number of Experience Levels. /playsound [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimum_volume] ~ Plays a specific sound according to the arguments set. /summon [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] ~ Summons an entity specific to the variables displayed. /blockdata [datatag] ~ Modifies the selected block. /clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode] [mode2] [TileName] ~ Copies all blocks in the selected area. /entitydata <entity> <dataTag> ~ Modifies the selected entity. /fill [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] ~ Fills the selected area with a block of your choosing. /particle <name> <x> <y> <z> <xd> <yd> <zd> <speed> [count] [mode] ~ Creates particle effects, such as those from a splash potion. /replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag] ~ Replaces the items in block inventories (chests, furnaces) or players and mobs. /setblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [oldBlockHandling] [dataTag] ~ Changes the selected block into another block. /tellraw <player> <raw json message> ~ A formatted message sent to specified players. /testforblock <x> <y> <z> <TileName> [dataValue] [dataTag] ~ Checks if a certain block is in the specified location.

    Command Basics:

    Targeting: @p = Closest Player @a = All Players @r = Random Player @e = Entity Game Rules:

    doDaylightCycle - Stops/Starts the day/night cycle.

    commandBlockOutput - Enables/disables text output of command block commands to console.

    doFireTick - Enables/disables fire spread.

    doMobLoot - Enables/disables mob drops.

    doMobSpawning - Enables/disables the spawning of mobs unless you want them to ex: eggs and mob spawners will still spawn mobs.

    doTileDrops - Enables/disables blocks dropping items when broken (includes TNT destroying blocks)

    keepInventory - Enables/disables keeping inventory on death.

    mobGriefing - Enables/disables creepers, ghasts, and Wither blowing up blocks, endermen picking up blocksand zombies breaking doors.

    naturalRegeneration - Allows/Disallows player to naturally regenerate health (if their hunger bar is high enough)

    sendCommandFeedback - Enables/Disables players commands showing up in chat.

    showDeathMessages - Whether a message appears in chat when a player dies

    Type /gamerule to change the selected game rule.

    Scoreboard Display Slots: list - Lists the players killcount in the (TAB) menu. sidebar - Shows the players killcount on a scoreboard on the right side of the screen. belowname - Lists the players killcount below their name label.

    Scoreboard Criteria: dummy - Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. This is useful for event flags, state mappings, and currencies. deathCount - Counts the number of times a player has died. playerKillCount - Counts how many PLAYER kills a player has obtained. totalKillCount - Counts the TOTAL (players and mobs) number of kills a player has obtained. health - Counts how much health a player has left.

    Scoreboard Command Block Arguments: score_NAME=# - Maximum experience level for the player score_NAME_min=# - Minimum experience level for the player

    Targeting Arguments: x=# - X-coordinate y=# - Y-coordinate z=#- Z-coordinate r=# - Maximum search radius rm=# - Minimum search radius c=# - Number of players. If negative, uses players from the end of the list first. When outputting through a comparator, the signal strength is equal to the number of players it locates team=? - Targets players in that specific team m=# - Targets players in that specific gamemode name=? - Checks for players with this name. Inserting an '!' before the name checks only for players who do not have this name

    Example: /tp @p[r=10,team=Black,m=2] 23 64 53 This would cause the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) on the BLACK TEAM (team=Black), within a 10 BLOCK RADIUS (r=10),and the ADVENTURE GAMEMODE (m=2) to be TELEPORTED (tp) to the coordinates 23 64 53.

    In another situation: /tp @a[x=23,y=64,z=53,r=20,m=1,team=Black] 32 98 13 In this case, ALL PLAYERS (@a) on the BLACK TEAM (team=Black) within a 20 BLOCK RADIUS (r=20) of the coordinates 23 64 53 and in the GAMEMODE CREATIVE (m=1) would be TELEPORTED (tp) to the coordinates 32 98 13.

    Other: l=# - Maximum number of experience levels for the player lm=# - Minimum number of experience levels for the player

    Broadcasting Messages:

    World Messages

    Command Block: /say Hello World!

    Broadcasts a world-wide message.

    Player Messages

    Command Block: /tell @p Hello Player!

    Sends the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) a message.


    Using /spawnpoint makes a wide-based spawn. Instead, use the command /spawnpoint x y z and it will pinpoint the spawn. If this doesn't work, run it through a command block on a loop. This is used for individual players, per world. You can add player variables in this manner: /spawnpoint @a x y z.

    Giving Items:

    Command Block: /give @p 267 This will give the CLOSEST (@p) player an IRON SWORD (267).

    NOTE: Item ID and player variable will change based on your map.

    FlazeOfAges In-depth Tutorial:

    For many versions mapmakers had to use dispensers and large amounts of redstone wiring to give a player equipment. Minecraft 1.4.2 changed everything.

    /give works on a few basic arguments: Who you give the item to, what the item is, how many of the item to give, what damage value the item has and further datatags. Like this: /give <ID> [quantity] [damage value] [dataTag]

    Let's start simple: /give @p minecraft:stone 1 0 This will give the closest player one stone block. You don't have to target the closest player, @a will give ALL players one stone, @r will give a RANDOM player one stone. The next bit says "minecraft:stone" since a recent update you no longer have to use the numerical id's for items/blocks and it has been stated that numerical id's will not be supported in the future. For a list of items and their values, go HERE. Following that is the item count, you can make this number as large as you like. After the count is the damage value, some items aren't affected by damage values while others depend on it. Here's another /give example. /give @p minecraft:potion 64 16428 This command will give you a stack of "Splash potion of Harming". Potions are one of the most common items to be associated with damage values. For a more in-depth tutorial on custom potions, go HERE.

    Following the damage value is where mapmakers/redstoners shine, data tags. I won't go into those too much other than give an example of what you can do with them. /give @p 279 1 0 {display:{Name:Destroyer,Lore:I am Tank! Conqueror of Worlds]},ench:id:16,lvl:2},{id:17,lvl:5},{id:18,lvl:5},{id:34,lvl:10}],AttributeModifiers:Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1,Amount:1.0,AttributeName:generic.movementSpeed,Name:whee}]}

    Giving Potions:

    Command: /give @p 373 1 8259 This will give the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) one POTION OF FIRE RESISTANCE (8259) lasting 8 minutes. The Potion ID is 373, but the Potion DV is always different.As you can see, the ID comes first, then the quantity, then the DV.

    The Potion DV list can be found here on the Minecraft Wiki!

    Giving Enchanted Items:

    The player MUST be holding the item they are going to enchant. This means selecting the first FREE slot on their equipment bar. Command Block One: /give @p 267 Gives the NEAREST PLAYER (@p) an IRON SWORD (267). Command Block Two: /enchant @p 16 2 Enchants the item the nearest player is holding. In this case, it would give a sword Sharpness II enchantment.

    More on Enchantments can be found here on the Minecraft Wiki!

    Potion Effects:

    Using Nausea as an example. Command Block One: /effect @p 9 30 This will cause the player to have NAUSEA (9) of 30 SECONDS (30).

    More on Potion Effects can be found here on the Minecraft Wiki!


    To toggle the weather, use the following command. Command: /weather <clear | thunder | rain> [duration]

    Teleportation To Set Coordinates:

    Command Block: /tp @p x y z

    The variables coloured in Purple are the coordinates, and will be different for everyone.

    Relative Teleportation:

    This command teleports you a number of blocks away from your current location. Command Block: /tp @p ~x ~y ~z The variables coloured in Purple indicate how far the player will travel along each axis.

    Example: Command Block: /tp @p ~5 ~10 ~15 This command will TELEPORT (tp) the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) 5 block along the X axis (sideways), 10 blocks along the Y axis (up/down) and 15 blocks along the Z axis (sideways).

    Experience Shops:

    You can change the item by using a different Item ID. Google search it.

    Lower Command Block: /give @p[lm=5] 267 This will give the nearest player an IRON SWORD (267) for a MINIMUM (lm) of 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS (=5) Upper Command Block: /xp -5L @p[lm=5] This will SUBTRACT 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS (-5L) from the nearest player, if that player has a MINIMUM (lm) of 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS (=5).

    When giving potions, you must use the command like this: Command Block: /give @p[lm=5] 373 3 16373 This would give the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) 3 (3) POTIONS (373) of INSTANT HEALTH (16373). The Potion ID comes first, then the amount, then the Potion value.


    This can be done as a regular command, but is extremely useful in custom maps.

    Type /scoreboard objectives add Points totalKillCount Points Next, type /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Points

    Note: "Points" can be whatever you wish it to be, just make sure it is the same in both commands.

    Now, when you kill something, or someone, your kill count will show on a sidebar to the right side of the screen. The argument "sidebar" can be changed to any of the following:

    list - Lists the players killcount in the (TAB) menu. sidebar - Shows the players killcount on a scoreboard on the right side of the screen. belowname - Lists the players killcount below their name label.

    The argument "totalKillCount" can be changed to any of the following, depending on your purposes:

    dummy - Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. This is useful for event flags, state mappings, and currencies. deathCount - Counts the number of times a player has died. playerKillCount - Counts how many PLAYER kills a player has obtained. totalKillCount - Count the TOTAL number of kills a player has obtained. health - Counts how much health a player has left. trigger - Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. The /trigger command can be used by a player to set or increment/decrement their own score in an objective with this criteria. The /trigger command will fail if the objective has not been "enabled" for the player using it, and the objective will be disabled for the player after they use the /trigger command on it. Note that the /trigger command can be used by ordinary players even if Cheats are off and they are not an Operator. This is useful for player input via /tellraw interfaces.

    -information gathered via Minecraft Wiki.

    Point Shops (Using points from the Scoreboard):

    Scoreboard must be activated for this to work!

    Lower Command Block Command: /scoreboard players remove @p[Points_min=5] Points 5 This will SUBTRACT 5 POINTS (remove Points 5) from the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) if the player has a MINIMUM (score_Points_min) of 5 Points. Upper Command Block Command: /give @p[Points_min=5] 267 This will give the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) an IRON SWORD (267) if the player has a MINIMUM (score_Points_min) of 5 Points.

    Having NPCs speak accordingly - Gender:

    Giving your character a gender.


    "Buyable" Doors:

    This is an updated version of the previous "Buyable Doors", and is much easier and clearer to understand.

    This is a system that runs of experience levels, but if you wish to use mob kills, just make sure to change the lm argument to the score argument. I'll run through all that needs to be done to achieve this. We will make it cost 10xp and 10 kills to open the door.

    If using kills, type this in chat: /scoreboard objectives add Kills totalKillCount Kills You can display this anywhere, but I suggest the sidebar: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Kills

    Let's build it.

    Top Command Block: /tellraw @p[r=8,l=9] {text:"You don't have enough money to open the door!",bold:true,color:red} If using kills, change l=9 to score_Kills=9. Bottom Command Block: /testfor @p[r=8,lm=10] If using Kills, change lm=10 to score_Kills_min=10

    Command Block: /xp -10L @p[r=8,lm=10] If using kills: /scoreboard players remove @p[r=8,score_Kills_min=10] Kills 10

    Before we keep going, we need some coordinates. Build up the rest of your door:

    And get the coordinates from two blocks below. You'll need coordinates from both sides.

    1) /tellraw @a {text:"The door is open!",bold:true,color:green} 2) /setblock 0 0 0 redstone_torch (coordinates "0 0 0" are the ones we just took from below the door) 3) /setblock 0 0 0 redstone_torch (coordinates "0 0 0" are the ones we just took from below the door) 4) /fill 0 0 0 0 0 0 air (these coordinates are where our button and sign are. Why remove them, you ask? Well, if the button is pushed again, it can remove more points, and it can be annoying if it just sits there. Removing the button and sign prevents these problems)

    And we're done! The results:

    Week Counter:

    Step one: /scoreboard objectives add week dummy Week /scoreboard objectives add showweek dummy Week /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar showweek Step Two: Build this:And now you have a working setup to count and display a week, which can easily be adjusted for shorter/longer spans of time.Possible uses:(All using a testfor command block somewhere)

    • Wire to redstone lamps around a spawner to make rare, specific day spawns
    • Have shops that are only open on certain days of the week
    • Hook up noteblocks for Sunday church chimes
    • Use as part of a countdown for time-limited maps
    • Make some kind of Groundhog Day/Majora's Mask scenario
    • If you count weeks, you could even set up Minecraft months and years!

    Bank System:

    I have remade the experience bank for optimization, aesthetics and simplicity. It is now much more compact and is much easier to understand. Here we go.

    Preliminary: /scoreboard objectives add Money dummy Money /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Money

    Now let's build the structure:

    Build a platform above the command blocks:

    Get the coordinates of both end blocks for where the gates will be and write them down.

    Now let's add the commands. You can tell which command goes where by seeing the blocks position in the background and from earlier images:

    These command blocks are done. Set the clock going and let's move onto the next part.

    Have a button on the other side of the block from the repeater. Deposit Side: 1) /tellraw @p[lm=10,r=8] {text:"Money Deposited",bold:true,color:gold} 2) /tellraw @p[l=9,r=8] {text:"You don't have enough money to deposit!"bold:true,color:red} 3) /scoreboard players add @p[lm=10,r=8] Money 10 4) /xp -10L @p[lm=10,r=8]

    Withdraw Side: 1) /tellraw @p[score_Money_min=5,r=8] {text:"Money Withdrawn",bold:true,color:gold} 2) /tellraw @p[score_Money=0] {text:"You have no money to withdraw!",bold:true,color:red} 3) /scoreboard players remove @p[score_Money_min=10,r=8] Money 10 4) /xp 10L @p[score_Money_min=10,r=8]

    The last thing we need to do is give the player a way to exit the bank. Easy. Set this up: Command Block: /tp @p 0 0 0 (where 0 0 0 = coordinates of bank lobby)

    Enjoy banking with this new system!

    "Rounds" System:

    Firstly, you want to run the following commandsin order: 1. /scoreboard objectives add Rounds dummy Rounds Survived 2. /scoreboard objectives add Survivors dummy Survivors 3. /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Rounds Droppers: First level of droppers - this comparator MUST be in subtraction mode. All others can be normal. Command Block: /scoreboard players add Survivors Rounds 1 This redstone torch stops the system. Put an item in the hopper and the system will begin!

    The "Mystery Box":

    A concept based around a feature in the Call of Duty franchise.

    Preliminary: Run these commands in order: Command One: /scoreboard objectives add Money totalKillCount Money Command Two: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Money

    Let's get building.

    Sticky Piston:

    Command Block: /blockdata ~ ~ ~ {SuccessCount:1}

    Sticky Piston:

    Build a platform:

    1) /scoreboard players remove @p[score_Money_min=40,r=12] Money 40 2) /tellraw @p[score_Money=39,r=12] {text:"You don't have enough money to use the box!",bold:true,color:red} 3) /tellraw @p[r=12] {text:"Selecting Weapon..",bold:true,color:gold}

    Command Block: /tellraw @p {text:"Make good use of this weapon!",bold:true,color:green}

    Dropper, block above it, then chest on ground level.

    Chest full of your chosen random items, with hoppers transferring them to the dropper. (Be sure to shuffle the items around a bit in the chest to make it random)

    That's done. If you want to link it up to a randomized system of your own, then simply connect it to this part of our system:


    Playsound: /playsound [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimum_volume]

    Whereas [] are optional, locate the sounds at .minecraft\assets\sound\, and name them after the location within the sound folder; so .minecraft\assets\sound\mob\pig\say will become mob.pig.say - it is IMPORTANT to note that numbers (0-9) CANNOT be used when referring to sound files; instead, the command will cycle through numbered files randomly (e.g. say1, say2, say3 will get picked randomly using the referrer mob.pig.say).

    [x] [y] [z] coords are NOT referrers for the player's position, they a the set co-ords for where the sound plays from; for example, setting this to 0 2 3 will play a sound at x0, y2, and z3.

    [volume] specifies the volume of the sound played (I think the maximum is 10*)

    [Pitch] Specifies the Pitch (e.g. 1 will increase it by one octave, -1 will decrease it; decimals are accepted). I'm not sure, but I think the maximum value might be 6*

    [minimum_volume] specify a minimum volume value - I think this means that, if the player is distant from the sound, how quietly it will reach before cutting out (essentially acting as a radius for the sound), but it doesn't appear to work

    ** Denotes uncertainty, or required confirmation.

    Custom Potions:

    /give @p The item id for a potion is 373, so we would use: /give @p 373 1 This gives a basic potion (water bottle) with the count of one (that come from the '1' place after '373'). So we now have a water bottle but what if we want it to give some actual effects? To do that we have to add one more number after our count, this number is known as the 'damage' of the potion. Changing the damage of a potion will give different effects, so what happens if we give our water bottle a damage of 1? /give @p 373 1 1 See that? We just got a basic Potion of Regeneration. We can use this damage value system to create all kinds of potions. For example, a damage of 2 will give a Potion of Swiftness etc. This is all well and good, but we don't have any "custom" potions yet. We can add custom potion effects by changing the potion's DataTag. This is achieved through the use of 'CustomPotionEffects'. /give @p 373 1 1 {CustomPotionEffects:Id:2,Amplifier:1,Duration:200}]}

    Woah, slow down there! Let's break this up:


    CustomPotionEffects is what is telling the command that we want to add custom effect to the potion.

    "Id:2" The id is specifying what effect we want. In this case, ID 2 is Slowness. For effect ID's visit the Minecraft Wiki.

    "Amplifier:1" The amplifier is enhancing our potion from basic Slowness I. Keep in mind that an amplifier of 0 is considered Slowness I, so an amplifier of 1 gives us Slowness II.

    "Duration:200" The duration is telling our potion how long to apply the effect.

    IMPORTANT: Duration is measured in ticks (there a 20 ticks per second) so this potion gives a duration of 10 seconds.So when we put everything together, we get a Slowness II potion with a duration of 10 seconds.


    That's all well and good, but what if we want multiple effects on our potion? That's simple enough, all we have to do is add another set of data after what we had previously entered.

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to separate your effects with a comma, like shown below.

    /give @p 373 1 1 {CustomPotionEffects:Id:2,Amplifier:1,Duration:200},{Id:9,Amplifier:3,Duration:200}]}

    This potion now gives us Slowness II and Nausea for 10 seconds. But we want a more interesting name than "Potion of Slowness", to achieve this we can add a custom name to our potion using the display tag.

    IMPORTANT: Be sure to lay this out exactly as below, or it will not work.

    {display:{Name:Potion of Lead Feet}}

    We can now place our custom name into our our pre-made potion as shown below.

    /give 373 1 1 {display:{Name:Potion of Lead Feet},CustomPotionEffects:{Id:2, Amplifier:1,Duration:200},{Id:9,Amplifier:0,Duration:200}]} Voilà! We now have a fully custom potion with a custom name.To learn more about DataTags and how they work, head over to minihilly's post HERE.


    Using /setblock: As of 1.7.2, Mojang implemented a feature into mine craft that would forever change the way mapmakers view blocks, /setblock. The setblock command essentially allows a command block (or player) to remotely place blocks into the world. Here's the syntax:

    /setblock x y z [data-method] [dataTag]

    Start your command with /setblock followed by the coordinates of where the block should be placed. After the coordinates goes the alphabetical ID of the block being placed (NOTE: Future versions of mine craft will not support numerical ID's, so for a full list of alphabetical ID's, go HERE.). Following the block ID is the block data. Most blocks will have a data of 0, but some block (like wool or logs) heavily depend on data values to change their appearance. The method of which the block is placed after the data value. There are three methods available: "keep" summons the block if the space is empty, "replace" will set the specified block no matter what it formally was, and "destroy" will set the block as well as display the particles of the block being destroyed.

    Compared to other commands, /setblock doesn't much in the way of data tags, but here are some that are worthy to note: /setblock ~~1 ~minecraft:skull 1 replace {ExtraType:FireArceus64,SkullType:3,Rot:0} The above will set the block above the command block to a skull with my skin on it, you can change the name to make it anyone else's. For a full list of setblock data tags, go HERE.

    Ta-Daa! You have now learn't how to use /setblock. As always, here is a command that shows the full extent of /setblock:] /setblock ~~~minecraft:mob_spawner 0 destroy {SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:13,RequiredPlayerRange:64,Delay:5,MinSpawnDelay:5,MaxSpawnDelay:10,MaxNearbyEntities:50,EntityId:FireworksRocketEntity,SpawnData:{LifeTime:40,FireworksItem:{id:401,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[255,16711680,16776960],FadeColors:[255,16711680,16776960]}]}}}}}

    How to use setblock for directional placement:
    The damage value after the specified block id is what is used to determine which way the block the facing:
    Furnace: /setblock ~ ~1 ~ furnace 0 0 = North 3 = South 5 = East 4 = West

    Hopper: /setblock ~ ~1 ~ hopper 2 2 = North 3 = South 4 = West 5 = East 6 = Down

    Ladder: /setblock ~2 ~ ~ ladder 1 1 = North 3 = South 5 = East 4 = West

    NOTE: The ladder cannot be next to a block with updates! This means that it is not possible to place multiple ladders above and below each other.

    For the door, you will need to run 2 commands.

    Door: /setblock ~-2 ~ ~ wooden_door 0 /setblock ~-2 ~1 ~2 wooden_door 8 Once you run these, there should be a full door. You may need to mess around with the damage values though. Now that you have a full door, you can modify its direction by changing the damage value of the first command.

    1 = North 2 = East 3 = South 7 = West


    Using /summon: Not too long ago, there was a time when mobs had to be summoned from dispensers of custom spawners made with MC-Edit. But that all changed with the addition with /summon in 1.7.2. Let's take a look at some code.

    /summon [x y z] [dataTag] This is the syntax for all /summon commands. Start with /summon followed by the name of the entity/mob you want to spawn E.g Pig, Sheep, PrimedTnt; for a full list of entities and their names, go HERE. After the entity's name are the coordinates of the spawn.

    Following the coordinates is were some of the more complex command block functions come in; Data Tags. I'll be covering some of the more commonly used tags, but if you want to learn more you can go HERE or HERE.

    So let's spawn a basic Pig:

    /summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ Following this is where the data tag goes. Let's give the pig a saddle.

    /summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ {Saddled:1} See what happened there? It is very important when using tags that you open and close each tag respectively. The Saddle tag is a boolean value, meaning it is either 1 or 0. What happens if we want the pig to have a custom name as well?

    /summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ {Saddled:1,CustomName:"Piggy"} NOTE: We do not have to make a new set of brackets for every tag, simply separate each tag with a comma.

    So there you go! Now you can use /summon to spawn entities with great ease. Before I finish, here is an example of the kind of things you can do with /summon.

    /summon Skeleton -864 59 327{CustomName:Skeletor,CustomNameVisible:1,SkeletonType:1,Attributes:Name:generic.knockbackResistance,Base:1},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0.001}],DropChances:0f,0f,0f,0f,1.0f],Equipment:id:261,tag:{ench:id:48,lvl:1}]}},{id:301,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:300,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:299,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:397,Count:1,Damage:1}]}


    Command: /tellraw <player> <raw json message> An example of one I use: /tellraw @a[score_Health=10] {text:"You're bleeding!",bold:true,color:dark_red}

    If any player has 5 health hearts left (2 health points = 1 heart), then a message like this will appear, to only them:

    How it works:

    /tellraw is just like a regular /tell message, except you are able to format the text in the message; that is, make the text bold, italic,underlined, have a strikethrough, make it coloured, and many, many other types of formatting. The command can be use in conjunction with any of the player selector variables.

    Player includes: 1) Username 2) @a 3) @p

    List of valid colour values:
    black dark_blue dark_green dark_aqua dark_red dark_purple gold gray dark_gray blue green aqua red light_purple yellow white reset
    Now for the advanced side of things. We've learned already how to add colour and such to our text, so now we'll take a look at hover and clickEvents, as well as multi-colour.

    Let's start simple.

    A multi-colour command looks like this:

    /tellraw @a {text:"Hello World!",color:green,extra:[{text:" Now tell me.. where is the bacon!?",color:gold}]}

    Next, we add a hoverEvent:

    /tellraw @a {text:"Hello World!",color:green,extra:[{text:" Now tell me.. where is the bacon!?",color:gold,hoverEvent:{action:"show_text",value:"I ate it.."}}]}

    Now, let's try that instead with a clickEvent:

    /tellraw @a {text:"Hello World!",color:green,extra:[{text:" Now tell me.. where is the bacon!?",color:gold,clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/tp @p ~ ~10 ~"}}]}

    And everything together:

    /tellraw @a {text:"Hello World!",color:green,extra:[{text:" Now tell me.. where is the bacon!?",color:gold,clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/give @p cooked_porkchop 1 0 {display:{Name:BACON!}}"},hoverEvent:{action:"show_text",value:"HERE!"}}]}

    And that's how it's done! When it's broken down into parts, it is extraordinarily simple.

    More about the /tellraw command (via Minecraft Wiki):

    /tellraw Raw JSON text


    Command: /testforblock <x> <y> <z> <blockname> [dataValue] [dataTag]


    <x> <y> <z> The coordinates of the block you are testing.

    <blockname> The name of the block you are testing for (eg. minecraft:stone -- now only requires to be: stone -- in 1.8)

    [dataValue] The blockdata to test for. For example, a stone pressure plate has a dataValue of 0, and an activated stone pressure plate has a dataValue of 1.

    [dataTag] Tests for block dataTags. (for example, {CustomName:Trophy}). If not specified, the dataTag will process any block dataTag.

    -Information gathered from the Minecraft Wiki, as well as a little bit of personal testing. Block data values here.


    Command: /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> <command>

    <entity> Selects either the person, mob or other entity where you wish to execute the chosen command.

    <x> <y> <z> Specifies the position from where to run the command. You can use relative position/tilde notation to make it a certain distance from the player.

    <command> The command you have chosen to run.

    Eg. /execute @a ~ ~ ~ particle reddust ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 100 This will play 100 redstone dust particles at 1 block above the players head.

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another version of the command allows the command to be executed only if a specific block is detected:

    /execute <entity> <x> <y> <z> detect <x2> <y2> <z2> <block> <data> <command>

    <x2> <y2> <z2> The position of the block to check.

    <block> The name of the block you are testing for (eg. minecraft:stone -- now only requires to be: stone -- in 1.8)

    <data> The blockdata to test for. For example, a stone pressure plate has a dataValue of 0, and an activated stone pressure plate has a dataValue of 1.

    Eg. /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:cobblestone 0 effect @p 11 25 3 true If there is a block of cobblestone 1 block beneath all players, they will have Resistance 3 for 25 seconds. Particles will be hidden.


    With some commands, it can only be played at a set of coordinates, and not a player. /execute can help with this, and here is a way to play the command /particle at the players position.

    Giving yourself an aura!


    And in the command block, type: /execute @a ~ ~ ~ particle happyVillager ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1 0 50

    The outcome:

    With the second /execute variation, we can play a sound to a player when they are standing on a certain type of block. Let's build it!

    Command block: /execute @a ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ tnt 0 playsound game.tnt.primed

    Now, if the player stands on TNT, they'll hear the 'hiss' of it being ignited!


    Command: /clone <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode] [mode2] [block]

    How it works: The whole idea of this command is to select a region of blocks, copy them, and place them somewhere else in the world.


    <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> These coordinates are the two corners of the area you wish to clone.

    <x> <y> <z> These are the coordinates of where you wish to paste the copied area. The coordinates will be the lower northwest corner of the region you have selected. Relative position / tilde notation can be used.

    [mode] There are 3 different modes to choose from:

    1) filtered - Only clones blocks with a certain ID (see blockname below) 2) masked - Copies all blocks except air. Any blocks that are air will be left untouched. 3) replace - copies all blocks and replaces them with the ones that the selected destination. If not selected, it will automatically be replace.

    [mode2] There are 3 different modes to choose from:

    1) force - Forces the cloning to work, even if the selected region and the destination overlaps. 2) move - Removes the selected blocks and pastes them at the destination. 3) normal - Doesn't move or force. Used when blockname is being specified. If not selected, defaults to normal.

    [block] The name of the block you are testing for (eg. minecraft:stone -- now only requires to be: stone -- in 1.8)

    Replace Item:

    Commands: replaceitem block <x> <y> <z> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag] replaceitem entity <selector> <slot> <item> [amount] [data] [dataTag] Parameters:

    <x> <y> <z> This only works for block mode. It is the coordinates of the block to be modified.

    <selector> Selects the player of entity to modify. It must be a player name or target selector.

    <slot> Specifies the inventory slot to be modified.

    For blocks: slot.container.slot_number where slot_number is replaced with a number specifying the slot. Notes for <slot> usage on blocks :

    • Chests, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, and trapped chests are numbered 0 for the top-left slot and then increase first horizontally, then vertically (so, for example, a chest's top row slots are numbered 0 to 8 from left to right). Double chests and double trapped chests are treated as two single container blocks.
    • A brewing stand's bottom slots are numbered 0 to 2 from left to right, and its top slot is 3.
    • A furnace's slots are numbered 0 for the input slot, 1 for the fuel slot, and 2 for the output slot.
    Other blocks which hold items but don't have inventory GUIs (flower pots and jukeboxes) can only be changed with /blockdata.
    For entities, must be one of the following, where slot_number is replaced with a number specifying the slot: Notes for <slot> usage on entities:

    slot.armor.chest slot.armor.feet slot.armor.head slot.armor.legs -= armor stands, mobs, and players only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items) slot.weapon -= armor stands and mobs only (though not all mobs will show or make use of the items) slot.enderchest.slot_number - Numbers 0 - 26 slot.hotbar.slot_number - Numbers 0 - 8 slot.inventory.slot_number - Numbers 0 - 26 -= players only slot.horse.saddle -= horses, donkeys, and mules only; item must be a saddle slot.horse.armor -= horses only; item must be a type of horse armor slot.horse.chest.slot_number -= donkeys and mules with chests only - Numbers 2 - 16 slot.villager.slot_number -= villagers only - Numbers 0 - 7

    <item> Specifies the item to be placed in a block of in the inventory of an entity.

    [amount] The amount of the chosen item. Must be between 1 and 64.

    [data] Specifies the item data for the item(s) to be placed in the block or entity's inventory slot.

    [dataTag] Specifies the dataTag for the chosen item.

    Entity Data:

    Command: /entitydata <entity> <dataTag>

    <entity> The entity/entities you wish to modify. Must be an entity UUID or the @e target selector. "A UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify some object or entity on the Internet." ~TechTarget

    <dataTag> Specifies the dataTag elements to be added to, or overwrite elements of, the selected entity.

    To prevent all current zombies from picking up loot: entitydata @e[type=Zombie] {CanPickUpLoot:0}

    -all information from this section gathered from the Minecraft Wiki.

    Spread Players:

    Command: /spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams> <player>

    <x> <z> The coordinates of the central location to spread selected players.

    <spreadDistance> The minimum distance between targets.

    <maxRange> The maximum distance (along the horizontal axis from the center of the area) to spread the targets.

    <respectTeams> Specifies whether to keep teams together - must be true or false. If true, all players on the same team will be teleported to the same location.

    <player> Specifies the targets to spread. Must be one or more player names and/or target selectors separated by spaces (@e is permitted to target entities other than players).

    This command is useful for PVP arena's or cooperative custom maps.

    -all information from this section gathered from Minecraft Wiki.


    Command: /testforblocks <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> <x> <y> <z> [mode]

    Just like the /tesforblock command, this command tests for blocks.

    <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> These are the corners of the area to test for.

    <x> <y> <z> Specifies the lower northwestern corner of the area to be tested.

    [mode] Specifies how to match blocks. There are two options:

    1) all - every block in the source and destination regions must match exactly. 2) masked - air blocks in the source region will match any block in the destination region. If not selected, defaults to all.


    This command has five variants:

    1) title <player> clear (removes a screen title from the screen) 2) title <player> reset (resets options to default values) 3) title <player> subtitle <raw json title> (specifies the subtitle text) 4) title <player> times <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut> (specifies fade-in, stay, and fade-out times) 5) title <player> title <raw json title> (displays the screen title) How it works: This command displays a line of text (title) to the player in the middle of their screen, and it can include a second line of text (subtitle). Titles can fade in and out, and can stay on the screen for however long is specified. They are displayed at the same size of the GUI Scale, and if they are too long, will continue of the edge of the screen.


    <player> The player(s) to show the title to.

    <raw json title> This can only be used in title and subtitle modes. It provides formatting for the displayed text. Take a look at the /tellraw section from earlier.

    <fadeIn> <stay> <fadeOut> Specifies the in-game ticks (20 game ticks = 1 second)

    -information via Minecraft Wiki.


    Command: /trigger <objective> <add | set> <value>

    How it works: This command is used with /tellraw to let players operate systems made by mapmakers.The objective must be an enabled scoreboard objective of the criteria "trigger". The given value is either added to its existing value, or becomes its new value, depending on whether the second argument is add or set. The value of the objective is only changed for the player who uses the command.

    See the scoreboards section for more information! Here is a worked tutorial on how to use the tellraw /trigger command.

    Firstly, setup 3 command blocks. 1) /scoreboard objectives add Bomb trigger 2) /scoreboard players enable @a Bomb 3) /tellraw @a {"text":"","extra":[{text:"Place Bomb!",color:"red",clickEvent:{action:"run_command",value:"/trigger Bomb set 1"}}]}

    1) /testfor @p[score_Bomb_min=1] 2) /execute @p[score_Bomb_min=1] ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ mossy_cobblestone 0 setblock ~ ~-1 ~ tnt 3) /scoreboard players set @p[score_Bomb_min=1] Bomb 0

    Outcome (with a few extra I added):

    I made it so that once all 4 pieces of TNT are placed, it automatically resets and players are teleported out to spawn. You could easily make teams, and for each piece of TNT placed add 1 point on the scoreboard. This could result in announcing the winning team and such.

    Now, if you want to make mini-games or PVP arenas, this would make an awesome gamemode! Just add some touches of your own and it'll be good to go.


    Command: /achievement <give|take> <stat_name|*> [player]


    <stat_name> There are three options:

    achievement.achievement_name - achievement_name must be a valid achievement name. stat.statistic_name - statistic_name must be a valid statistic name. The symbol * can be used to represent all achievements.

    [player] Must be a player name or target selector.

    Examples from Minecraft Wiki: To grant the "Overkill" achievement to yourself: achievement give achievement.overkill To grant the "Taking Inventory" achievement to Alice:achievement give achievement.openInventory Alice

    To increase the "Mob Kills" statistic by 1 for the nearest player: achievement give stat.mobKills @p

    To remove all achievements from all players: achievement take * @a


    Command: /difficulty <new difficulty>

    <new difficulty> must be one of the following:

    peaceful / p / 0 easy / e / 1 normal / n / 2 hard / h / 3

    Hardcore is not an available difficulty, as it is not an option in this command.


    Command: /gamemode <mode> [player]

    <mode> must be one of the following:

    survival / s / 0 creative / c / 1 adventure / a / 2 spectator / sp / 3

    Hardcore is not an available gamemode as it is technically not a gamemode.

    [player] If used, must be either a player name or target selector, but if not specified, it will change the gamemode of the player using the command. When using it in a command block, a player MUST be specified.


    Command: /kill [player | entity]

    [player | entity] Specifies the entity to be killed. This can be non-living entities as well. You must use a player name or target selector, and if not specified, it will kill the user. When using it in a command block, an entity MUST be specified. To kill everything, type /kill @e To kill all zombies, type /kill @e[type=Zombie] To kill all pigs in the radius of 20 blocks, type /kill @e[type=Pig,r=20]

    A Brief Introduction to Data Tags:

    DataTags are NBT tags, which are used to save and store data in Minecraft. The data is shown in a list of pairs, each pair separated by a comma, and each pair has the format of <key>:<value>. The key is the name of the NBT tag, and the value is what data you wish to assign to it. For example: {CustomName:"Frank"} This would cause the entity to have the name Frank above it.
    All dataTags open and close with curly brackets: { } DataTags look like this: {display:{Name:Bandage}

    That will rename the item to "Bandage"

    As well as this, you are able to do a list of tags, so you can ever further customize items and entities:

    {display:{Name:Bandage,Lore:["Use this to patch yourself up!"]}}

    This will apply two tags to the chosen item, causing it to have the name "Bandage", and have the lore (line under the name) say "Use this to patch yourself up!" Both these tags are listed under the tag-category "display", as they both change the display of the selected item.

    You way also be asking why the 'Lore' tag is using square brackets. This is called an 'array'. Each item in an array is separated by commas, so to add more tags to the 'display' tag category, all you need to do is add more commas.

    Here is an example of a /give command:

    /give @p paper 5 0 {display:{Name:Bandage,Lore:["Use this to patch yourself up!"]}}

    @p = closest player

    paper = our given item

    5 = 5 of the item

    0 = the damage value (this causes the item to be damaged)

    And the rest is what we have discussed.

    Another tag is the 'ench' tag, to specify enchantments. It is set out like this:


    This would give you Lure, level 3.

    Inside the 'ench' tag are two sub-tags; 'id' and 'lvl'.

    'id' specifies the enchantment, and 'lvl' specifies the level of the enchantment.

    Now we will give a player a fishing rod with Lure, level 3 enchantment on it:

    /give @p fishing_rod 1 0 {ench:[{id:62,lvl:3}]}

    And to give the player an item with and enchantment and custom name + lore we do:

    /give @p fishing_rod 1 0 {display:{Name:Salmon Snatcher,Lore:["A powerful fishing rod!"]},ench:{[id:62,lvl:3]} As you can see, all we need to do is add one comma after the 'display' tag, and we are able to add our enchantment. And this is the outcome:

    If you want to add multiple enchantments to an item, it is as simple as this:


    This will not only give us 'Lure' level 3, but it will also give us 'Luck of the Sea' level 3 enchantment. It is as easy as adding another comma and adjusting the position of the final square bracket.

    For a further and advanced guide to dataTags, check out minihilly's guide to Using /summon & /give DataTags in Map-Making!

    Bleeding/Bandage System:

    What this is: The bleeding/bandage system is a custom design made by me (Feare), and consists of 5 parts:

    1) Scoreboard Values. 2) The bleeding animation. 3) The negative effects. 4) The subtitles. 5) The usage of a bandage.

    I will show you how to make this, and explain how it works.

    Firstly, before we start building the system, we need our scoreboard to be active. Start with this: /scoreboard objectives add Health health Health

    This will make a health counter under the name "Health" Next: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Health This will display the amount of health a player has. Note that 2 health = 1 heart. We can now see how total health in a sidebar on the right of the screen:

    For the second scoreboard value, we need to type: /scoreboard objectives add Bandage dummy Bandage This is a dummy objective, meaning it can't be altered by anything other than commands. It doesn't need to be displayed as it is only for our mechanics.

    For this part, we make use of the /execute and /particle commands.

    Here is the layout for our command blocks. You'll need 2 hoppers, 1 comparator and 2 command blocks:

    It doesn't matter which command block you put these commands into, just make sure you have them both:

    /execute @a[score_Health=10] ~ ~ ~ particle reddust ~1 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 200 This will execute the command at all players @a with a maximum Health of 10 (5 hearts). It will be along the x-axis 1 block, and be played the redstone dust particle effect, with 200 particles.

    /execute @a[score_Health=10] ~ ~ ~ particle reddust ~ ~1 ~ 0 0 0 0 200 This one is exactly the same, except this time it is inside the player, making it seem as though blood is flowing from a wound.

    Here is what it looks like:

    Here we add negative effects for when the player reaches 8 health, or 4 hearts. This is to make it seem as though they are getting weaker. We will do the negative effects and subtitles together, in order to make it more compact.

    First, make a layout like this. You'll need 8 command blocks, 2 comparators and 24 hoppers:

    Each hopper connects, making a circuit. Make sure there are 12 on each side.

    Now, go to one set of command blocks, and put one command into each block:

    /title @a[score_Health=10] title {text:""} /title @a[score_Health=10] subtitle {text:"You're bleeding!",color:red} /effect @a[score_Health=8] mining_fatigue 60 1 true /effect @a[score_Health=8] slowness 60 1 true

    Let's see what this does.

    As we can see, we have our negative effects.

    And there is our subtitle, showing the player that they're bleeding. We need to put in the /title @a[score_Health=10] title {text:""} , or the subtitle command won't work.

    At the other end of the hopper circuit, put these four commands into the other four command blocks:

    /effect @a[score_Health=8] 7 10 0 true /effect @a[score_Health=8] 11 1 3 true /title @a[score_Health=10] title {text:""} /title @a[score_Health=10] subtitle {text:"Use a bandage to patch yourself up!",color:green}

    The outcome:

    The two /effect commands we are using add Instant Damage and Resistance. Instant Damage adds a blood loss effect, and Resistance cuts that damage down to half-a-heart, or 1 damage per hopper circuit.

    And our second subtitle.

    Time for the final part. When using the bandage, the player needs to have it in their last hotbar slot, and be holding it. We do this so it mimics the actual use of an item.

    Firstly, we want to give ourselves the correct item. In chat, type this command:

    /give @p paper 5 0 {display:{Name:Bandage,Lore:["Use this to patch yourself up!"]}} This will give us 5 "Bandages" that we can test our mechanism with.

    Now set this up: Command Block: /testfor @a[score_Health=10] {SelectedItemSlot:8,Inventory:[{Slot:8b,tag:{display:{Name:”Bandage”,Lore:[“Use this to patch yourself up!”]}}}]}

    Command Block: /scoreboard players add @a[score_Health=10] Bandage 1 Block One: /effect @a[score_Health_min=9] slowness 0 0 This removes slowness from the player.

    Block Two: /effect @a[score_Health_min=9] mining_fatigue 0 0 This removes mining fatigue from the player.

    Block Three: /clear @a[score_Health=10] paper 0 1 {display:{Name:Bandage,Lore:["Use this to patch yourself up!"]}} This takes away 1 bandage from the player. Block Four: /say @a[score_Bandage=1] has applied a bandage to their wound! Example: Feare has applied a bandage to their wound!

    Block Five: /scoreboard players reset @a Bandage Resets the Bandage dummy score to 0.

    Command Block: /effect @a[score_Health=10] instant_health 1 0 Heals the player for 1 second, giving 2 hearts health.

    The final image show how to reset the comparator and command block. Take note of nodes.

    Make sure all the hopper clocks have 1 item passing around, and then your Bleeding/Bandage system is ready for testing!

    Mob Health Bar:

    Before we begin, all credit for this mechanic goes to Dragnoz, as he was the one who created this. He is truly spectacular.

    First things first. The scoreboard. Type in this command: /scoreboard objectives add healthbar dummy healthbar

    Yeah, that's A LOT of command blocks. Let's go through them all.

    1) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 18 {Health:19s} 2) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 16 {Health:17s} 3) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 14 {Health:15s} 4) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 12 {Health:13s} 5) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 10 {Health:11s} 6) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 8 {Health:9s} 7) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 6 {Health:7s} 8) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 4 {Health:5s} 9) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 2 {Health:3s} 10) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 1 {Health:1s} 11) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 20 {Health:20s} 12) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 18 {Health:18s} 13) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 16 {Health:16s} 14) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 14 {Health:14s} 15) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 12 {Health:12s} 16) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 10 {Health:10s} 17) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 8 {Health:8s} 18) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 6 {Health:6s} 19) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 4 {Health:4s} 20) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 2 {Health:2s} 21) /scoreboard players set @e healthbar 0 {Health:0s} 22) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=20,score_healthbar=20] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ "} 23) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=18,score_healthbar=18] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡"} 24) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=16,score_healthbar=16] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡"} 25) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=14,score_healthbar=14] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 26) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 27) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 28) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 29) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 30) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 31) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"} 32) /entitydata @e[score_healthbar_min=12,score_healthbar=12] {CustomName:"♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡"}

    Okay, now that that is done, we need to wire it up to a clock. What happens here is simple. Basically, there is a redstone block with an activator rail on it. We then put a command block with a minecart on top of the activator rail. This is essentially an extremely fast redstone clock.

    The command block on the left runs the command: /setblock ~ ~ ~-1 redstone_block And the command block on the right runs this command: /setblock ~ ~ ~1 air

    Now link the clock with the command blocks as shown, and every mob that spawns will have the following healthbar:

    Enjoy your new mob health bars, and don't forget to pop by Dragnoz's website to check out other cool things he has created!


    This tutorial shows you how to make a timer with seconds, minutes and hours. We will be utilizing the scoreboard.

    Firstly, we need to run the following commands:

    /scoreboard objectives add Timer dummy Timer /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Timer

    Now we build the parts of the timer, like so.

    Command Block: /scoreboard players add Seconds Timer 1

    1) /scoreboard players reset Seconds 2) /scoreboard players add Minutes Timer 1 3) /scoreboard players test Seconds Timer 60 60 4) /scoreboard players reset Minutes 5) /scoreboard players add Hours Timer 1 6) /scoreboard players test Minutes Timer 60 60

    How this works is simple. The first image adds our seconds. In the second image, the clock on the left tests if Seconds has reached 60. If so, it will reset Seconds to 0 and add 1 minute. The clock on the right tests if Minutes has reached 60. If it has, it will reset minutes and add 1 hour.

    Deployable Medkit:

    With the deployable medkit, you can place down a healing beacon for your teammates to heal at. It has a limited time span, and utilizes spawn eggs for the "deployability."

    Before we begin, you'll need to set a scoreboard argument: /scoreboard objectives add BeaconTimer dummy BeaconTimer

    This will enable use to make the medkit last only a limited time.

    Start by placing down command blocks. The command block on the right is inside a minecart, and can be obtained by using /give @p command_block_minecart It is on top of an activator rail on a redstone block.

    Depending on placement, you'll need to change the relative coordinates, but it is as follows:

    Left side: /setblock ~1 ~ ~ air

    Right side: /setblock ~-1 ~ ~ redstone_block

    Next, we need to link it up to a warning message. It tells us that the beacon will soon disappear.

    Bottom: /scoreboard players test BeaconTimer BeaconTimer 60 60

    Top: /tellraw @a ["",{"text":"HealthBeacon is about to expire!","color":"red"}]

    Next we need to setup the disappearing part of the beacon, and the actual healing mechanism.

    Upper Command Block: /scoreboard players test BeaconTimer BeaconTimer 100 100

    Lower Command Block (on right): /execute @e[type=Item,name=HealthBeacon] ~ ~ ~ effect @a[r=1] regeneration 5

    Now, in order to aware people that the beacon has vanished, and to reset the system, we need 3 command blocks. Top: /tellraw @p ["",{"text":"HealthBeacon has expired!","color":"dark_red"}]

    Middle: /scoreboard players set BeaconTimer BeaconTimer 0

    Bottom: /kill @e[type=Item,name=HealthBeacon]

    That's the first part done. The next part is setting up the Silverfish and Beacon spawning mechanism.

    First, setup the mechanism the same way as last time:

    Afterwards, we need to do this. One block makes the Silverfish invisible, and the other tests for a Silverfish. Attach a comparator to the "testfor" block. Top: /effect @e[type=Silverfish] invisibility 9999 2 true Bottom: /testfor @e[type=Silverfish] When the beacon spawns, we'll need to teleport it to the location of the Silverfish. Let's attach it to the main mechanism: Above Mechanism: /tp @e[type=Item,name=HealthBeacon] @e[type=Silverfish] The next section makes a clean beacon spawn, without any bugs or duplicates: Top: /summon Item ~ ~50 ~1 {CustomName:"HealthBeacon",CustomNameVisible:1,Item:{id:beacon,Count:1},Age:-32768,PickupDelay:32767} Bottom: /kill @e[type=Item,name=HealthBeacon] Left: /scoreboard players set BeaconTimer BeaconTimer 0

    Also have a hole behind these blocks for any extra entities to fall through to the void:

    Now we attach a comparator and add in a few basic commands: Top: /blockdata ~2 ~-1 ~ {SuccessCount:0} Middle: /kill @e[type=Silverfish] Bottom: /tellraw @a ["",{"text":"HealthBeacon deployed!","color":"dark_green"}]

    Now, for the final section we use a different clock. It's a bit slower, and makes it easier to detect change. This part is easy. It is simply the timer for the Health Beacon. Left: /testfor @e[type=Item,name=HealthBeacon] Bottom: /scoreboard players add BeaconTimer BeaconTimer 1 Top: /blockdata ~ ~-1 ~-2 {SuccessCount:0}

    AND FINALLY... Give yourself a deployable medkit! /give @p minecraft:spawn_egg 2 60 {display:{Name:Health Beacon,Lore:[Place this down for your teammates, so they can heal!]}}

    Enjoy this wonderful new mechanism!

    Laser-Tracking Turrets:

    These turrets lock on with lasers and shoot you! Get behind them and shut them down! Using the Guardians lock-on ability and a pig with no AI, you can easily make a stationary turret.

    I am a terrible builder, but build a turret and set it up like so (the dispenser can remain empty): Have your command blocks set up like this. Of course, you can move them underground and things like that, just be sure to change the coordinates. The exclamation mark is simply to show players that the turret is still online and working. Detection distance can be changed by altering {Name:generic.followRange,Base:30} - currently, this causes the turret to shoot at players 30 blocks away, and within sight. Damage dealt can also be altered by changing {Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:10} - this currently does 5 hearts of damage. Top: /summon Guardian ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"HellfireTurret",CustomNameVisible:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:10},{Name:generic.followRange,Base:30}],Invulnerable:1,PersistenceRequired:1,Silent:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:2,Duration:1999980,ShowParticles:0b}],Riding:{id:"Pig",CustomName:"HellfireTurret",CustomNameVisible:1,Invulnerable:1,PersistenceRequired:1,NoAI:1,Silent:1,ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:2,Duration:1999980,ShowParticles:0b}]}} Bottom: /setblock ~ ~2 ~ minecraft:skull 2 replace {ExtraType:MHF_Exclamation,SkullType:3} The next part is the shutting down of the turret. Very simple. Left: /setblock ~1 ~3 ~-2 air Right: /kill @e[name=HellfireTurret,r=6]

    That's all folks! Enjoy tormenting players with these difficult turrets!

    Kamikaze Donkey:

    Summon a donkey and blow it up with a detonator!

    Firstly, let's give ourselves a simple book to summon a horse. Because books don't allow to have a long run_command line, you sometimes need to improvise. That's what we'll do: /give @p minecraft:written_book 1 0 {title:"Kamikaze Mule!",author:"",generation:0,pages:["{text:\"Kamikaze Mule\",color:green,bold:true,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Ride this mule to it's death!\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~ {Type:0,Variant:0}\"}}"]}

    Next, let's set up a clock to change some of things on this horse. It'll need a saddle... Left: /setblock ~1 ~ ~ air Right: /setblock ~-1 ~ ~ redstone_block Top: /entitydata @e[type=EntityHorse] {Type:1,SaddleItem:{id:saddle},Tame:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:10},{Name:horse.jumpStrength,Base:0}]}

    Now we have our mule, we'll need a detonator to blow it up with! /give @p minecraft:map 1 0 {display:{Name:Detonator,Lore:[Set off the explosives!]}} And for the mechanics: /clear @a filled_map 1) /effect @p absorption 5 6 Ensure player doesn't die/take too much damage 2) /give @a minecraft:map 1 0 {display:{Name:Detonator,Lore:[Set off the explosives!]}} Gives player back the detonator 3) /blockdata ~ ~-1 ~-2 {SuccessCount:0} Resets command block 4) /execute @e[type=EntityHorse] ~ ~ ~ summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {ignited:1,ExplosionRadius:3,Fuse:0,NoAI:1} Summons Creeper that explodes instantly at mules location (upon use of detonator)

    Enjoy this new, itty bitty, explosively fantastic mule!

    xFeare_'s Book of Tactics:

    An incredibly overpowered book full of buffs, debuffs and attacks!

    There is no tutorial. Just take this command and enjoy! Some mechanisms will NOT work due to them needing to be built using command blocks. This only refers to attacks. All buffs and debuffs should work fine.

    The command:

    /give @p minecraft:written_book 1 0 {display:{Name:Book of Tactics,Lore:[Enhance your teams' ability!]},title:"Book of Tactics",author:"Officer xFeare_",generation:3,pages:["{text:\"Book of Tactics\",color:gold,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\" \",color:dark_red,bold:false,underlined:false},{text:\" Goto > Attacks\",color:dark_red,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Attacks Page\"},clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"2\"}},{text:\" Goto > Buffs\",color:dark_red,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Buffs Page\"},clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"3\"}},{text:\" Goto > Debuffs\",color:dark_red,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Debuffs Page\"},clickEvent:{action:'change_page',value:\"4\"}}]}","{text:\"Attacks\",color:gold,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\" Fireball\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Summon Fireball\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/summon Fireball ~ ~1 ~ {Motion:[0.0,0.0,0.0],direction:[0.0,0.0,0.0],ExplosionPower:1}\"}},{text:\" Summon Earth Golem\",color:dark_green,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Summon Friendly Golem\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/summon VillagerGolem ~1 ~1 ~ {Attributes:[{Name:generic.attackDamage,Base:4}],HealF:10}\"}},{text:\"Explosions\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Create an Explosion\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/summon Creeper ~ ~ ~ {ignited:1,ExplosionRadius:3,Fuse:0,NoAI:1}\"}},{text:\" Kamikaze Mule\",color:dark_green,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Ride this mule to it's death!\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/summon EntityHorse ~ ~1 ~ {Type:0,Variant:0}\"}}]}","{text:\"Buffs\",color:gold,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\" Strength of the Lion (Self-Buff)\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Personal Strength Increase\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @p strength 60 2\"}},{text:\" Lion's Roar (Party Buff) \",color:dark_green,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Party Strength Increase\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @a[r=10] strength 30\"}},{text:\" Eye's of the Owl (Party Buff)\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Party Nightvision\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @a[r=10] night_vision 30\"}},{text:\" Lizard's Regeneration (Self-Heal)\",color:dark_green,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Personal Health Increase\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @p instant_health 1 1\"}},{text:\" Cheetah's Speed (Party Buff)\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Increase Party Speed\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @a[r=10] speed 15 2\"}},{text:\" Resilience (Self-Buff)\",color:dark_green,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Boost Personal Damage Intake\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @p absorption 15 4\"}},{text:\"Vanish (Self-Buff)\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Sneak Behind the Enemy\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/effect @p invisibility 20 2\"}}]}","{text:\"Debuffs\",color:gold,bold:true,underlined:true,extra:[{text:\" Cripple\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Cripple Your Foes\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/execute @p ~ ~ ~ effect @e[type=Zombie] slowness 15 \"}},{text:\" Intimidate\",color:dark_green,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Weaken Your Foes\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/execute @p ~ ~ ~ effect @e[type=Zombie] weakness 15\"}},{text:\" Poison\",color:dark_blue,bold:false,underlined:false,hoverEvent:{action:'show_text',value:\"Poison Your Enemies\"},clickEvent:{action:'run_command',value:\"/execute @p ~ ~ ~ effect @e[type=Zombie,r=5] wither 10\"}}]}"]}


    Quick Links (Minecraft Wiki):



    And thanks to Dragnoz's tutorials for showing us how to make the Mob Health Bars!

    -= A lot of information was gathered from the Minecraft Wiki.


    I hope this has helped.



    -=Top of Page=-

    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 1

    posted a message on Need some story ideas please! (Will give credit)
    Quote from InfinityHDD»

    How is this: "Lost Contact"?

    Posted in: Maps Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.7] Using /summon & /give DataTags in Map-Making (TUTORIALS)
    /give @p 307 1 0 {AttributeModifiers:[{AttributeName:"generic.knockbackResistance",Name:"generic.knockbackResistance",Amount:0.3,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:4,UUIDMost:4},{AttributeName:"generic.maxHealth",Name:"generic.maxHealth",Amount:10,Operation:0,UUIDLeast:3,UUIDMost:3}]}

    Try that. Not tested, but see if it works.

    EDIT: Just tested, works like a charm. (1.8)
    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.8] Command Block Tutorials - Custom Map Mechanics - Bleeding/Bandage System, Mob Health Bars, Triggers, Tellraw and more!
    Quote from TheEpicMoney»
    I need help with something: how do you take an item from a players inventory? I'm working on my friends server kit pvp and I want it so if you chose the wrong kit and want to change it you don't have the old kit's items still. Please help I need it OR show me another place to find out.
    and if you can please show me an example. :D

    It's very simple. When someone selects a kit, make a command block that runs the /clear command, and then make a repeater after that block, giving the player the kit. Like this:

    I hope that helps. Post again if you need more help =)

    Thread updated with worked /tellraw and /trigger tutorial.
    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 1

    posted a message on Google Picture War
    Quote from STEMM_monster

    Of course it was Daniel. It was all just a dream….. Or was it?

    I would've posted a picture of Primrose Everdeen XD

    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 1

    posted a message on Officer, I Can Explain!
    Officer, I have a war fetish, okay? Also.. I suffer from dendrophilia, and am currently going through rehab.
    (Dendrophilia: sexual attraction to trees and other large plants)

    Next Person Has:
    A bowl of pubic hairs.
    2) Chopsticks.
    3) Gravy.
    Posted in: Forum Games
  • 1

    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] Command Blocks for Map-Making -- Includes Banks, Shops, Scoreboards and More!
    I will no longer be updating this thread. Anyone is welcome to use this information, or copy it and continue it in their own thread. I do not need to be credited, but if you want to credit me, feel free, I don't mind.

    I will request a lock on this thread, so if you have any queries about why I'm closing it, or anything about copying the info, feel free to send me a pm. If you do use this information in your own thread, and someone accuses you of plagiarism, tell them to inbox me and I will deal with it. To avoid that, copy the first paragraph of this post and put it on your thread with an explanation.


    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 37

    posted a message on [TUTORIAL] Command Blocks for Map-Making -- Includes Banks, Shops, Scoreboards and More!
    [TUTORIAL] Command Blocks

    Hey Guys!

    This is a collaboration put together by the community and myself, to help you learn about how command blocks work. This topic contains designs that you'd be able to use with your custom maps, from survival islands to mini-games.

    Read This Before Posting!
    Before posting, please take into account that this is NOT a tutorial for mods, textures or third-party programs. Command Blocks can't do everything, and neither can Minecraft, so if it can't be done, that's that! Well, hope this helps you, and don't forget to leave feedback!

    NOTE: In some cases, you may want to do some altering of the designs shown here. Not everyone wants the player to hit a button or walk over a pressure plate. Scroll to the bottom of this post and head over to the Minecraft Wiki to find out more!

    Want to help? I'm currently looking for tutorials on /summon, /setblock, dataTags, and other commands and mechanisms you do not see here. Feel free to post them!

    Contents: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Base Commands ~ Feare
    List of commands for use on the Command Block:
    /testfor ~ Tests if a player/s has a certain item, is in a certain area, or has a specific amount of Experience Orbs/Levels or Score.
    /clear ~ Is used to clear a players inventory, or to remove ALL of one item.
    /difficulty ~ Changes the difficulty to that of which is specified after the initial command.
    /effect ~ Adds an certain effect to a player for a specified amount of time.
    /enchant ~ Enchants the item the player/s is/are currently holding.
    /gamemode ~ Changes the player/s to the specified gamemode.
    /gamerule ~ Changes the gamerule specified to either true or false.
    /give ~ Gives a player/s a certain item.
    /say ~ Broadcasts the message displayed in the Command Block. Player arguements (@a,@p,@r) can beused to display a name in the broadcast.
    /scoreboard ~ Uses arguements from the Scoreboard.
    /spawnpoint ~ Sets the spawnpoint at the current location. If followed by X Y Z coordinates, this will set the player/s at a certain block.
    /time ~ Argument "set" (/time set) <number | day | night> .
    /toggledownfall ~ Toggles rain/snow.
    /tp @# x y z~ Teleports specified player/s to a set of X Y Z coordinates.
    /weather [seconds] ~ Used to change the weather, and set it's duration.
    /xp <amount> [playername] ~ Gives the player/s a specified number of Experience Orbs.
    /xp <amount>L [playername] ~ Gives the player/s a specified number of Experience Levels.
    /playsound <FileLocation> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimum_volume] ~ Plays a specific sound
    according to the arguments set.
    /summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] ~ Summons an entity specific to the variables displayed. (LOOKING FOR TUTORIAL + DATATAGS)

    Command Basics ~ Feare
    Targeting players:
    @p = Closest Player
    @a = All Players
    @r = Random Player
    Game Rules
    commandBlockOutput - Enables/disables text output of command block commands to console.
    doFireTick - Enables/disables fire spread.
    doMobLoot - Enables/disables mob drops.
    doMobSpawning - Enables/disables the spawning of mobs unless you want them to ex: eggs and mob spawners will still spawn mobs.
    doTileDrops - Enables/disables blocks dropping items when broken (includes TNT destroying blocks)
    keepInventory - Enables/disables keeping inventory on death.
    mobGriefing - Enables/disables creepers, ghasts, and Wither blowing up blocks, endermen picking up blocks and zombies breaking doors.
    naturalRegeneration - Allows/Disallows player to naturally regenerate health (if their hunger bar is high enough)

    Type /gamerule to change the selected game rule.

    Display Slots:
    list - Lists the players killcount in the (TAB) menu.
    sidebar - Shows the players killcount on a scoreboard on the right side of the screen.
    belowname - Lists the players killcount below their name label.

    dummy - Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. This is useful for event flags, state mappings, and currencies.
    deathCount - Counts the number of times a player has died.
    playerKillCount - Counts how many PLAYER kills a player has obtained.
    totalKillCount - Counts the TOTAL number of kills a player has obtained.
    health - Counts how much health a player has left.

    score_NAME=# - Maximum experience level for the player
    score_NAME_min=# - Minimum experience level for the player

    Targeting Arguments:
    x=# - X-coordinate
    y=# - Y-coordinate
    z=# - Z-coordinate
    r=# - Maximum search radius
    rm=# - Minimum search radius
    c=# - Number of players. If negative, uses players from the end of the list first. When outputting through a comparator, the signal strength is equal to the number of players it locates
    team=? - Targets players in that specific team
    m=# - Targets players in that specific gamemode
    name=? - Checks for players with this name. Inserting an '!' before the name checks only for players who do not have this name

    Example: /tp @p[r=10,team=Black,m=2] 23 64 53
    This would cause the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) on the BLACK TEAM (team=Black), within a 10 BLOCK RADIUS (r=10), and the ADVENTURE GAMEMODE (m=2) to be TELEPORTED (tp) to the coordinates 23 64 53.

    In another situation:
    /tp @a[x=23,y=64,z=53,r=20,m=1,team=Black] 32 98 13
    In this case, ALL PLAYERS (@a) on the BLACK TEAM (team=Black) within a 20 BLOCK RADIUS (r=20) of the coordinates 23 64 53 and in the GAMEMODE CREATIVE (m=1) would be TELEPORTED (tp) to the coordinates 32 98 13.

    l=# - Maximum number of experience levels for the player
    lm=# - Minimum number of experience levels for the player

    Broadcasting Messages across the world and to individuals ~ Feare_104
    World Messages

    Command Block: /say Message Here.
    Broadcasts a world-wide message.Player Messages

    Command Block: /tell @p Message Here.
    Sends the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) a message.

    Spawnpoint ~ Feare_104
    As you probably know, using /spawnpoint makes a wide-based spawn.
    Instead, use the command /spawnpoint x y z and it will pinpoint the spawn. If this doesn't work, run it through a command block on a loop. This is used for individual players, per world. You can add player variables in this manner: /spawnpoint @a x y z.

    Giving Items ~ Feare & FlazeOfAges
    Command Block: /give @p 267
    This will give the CLOSEST (@p) player an IRON SWORD (267).

    NOTE: Item ID and player variable will change based on your map.

    FlazeOfAges In-depth Tutorial:

    For many versions mapmakers had to use dispensers and large amounts of redstone wiring to give a player equipment. Minecraft 1.4.2 changed everything.

    /give works on a few basic arguments: Who you give the item to, what the item is, how many of the item to give, what damage value the item has and further datatags. Like this:
    /give <player> <ID> [quantity] [damage value] [dataTag]

    Let's start simple:
    /give @p minecraft:stone 1 0
    This will give the closest player one stone block. You don't have to target the closest player, @a will give ALL players one stone, @r will give a RANDOM player one stone. The next bit says "minecraft:stone" since a recent update you no longer have to use the numerical id's for items/blocks and it has been stated that numerical id's will not be supported in the future. For a list of items and their values, go HERE. Following that is the item count, you can make this number as large as you like. After the count is the damage value, some items aren't affected by damage values while others depend on it. Here's another /give example.
    give @p minecraft:potion 64 16428
    This command will give you a stack of "Splash potion of Harming". Potions are one of the most common items to be associated with damage values. For a more in-depth tutorial on custom potions, go HERE.

    Following the damage value is where mapmakers/redstoners shine, data tags. I won't go into those too much other than give an example of what you can do with them.
    give @p 279 1 0 {display:{Name:Destroyer,Lore:[I am Tank! Conqueror of Worlds]},ench:[{id:16,lvl:2},{id:17,lvl:5},{id:18,lvl:5},{id:34,lvl:10}],AttributeModifiers:[{Operation:0,UUIDLeast:1,UUIDMost:1,Amount:1.0,AttributeName:generic.movementSpeed,Name:whee}]}

    Giving Potions ~ Feare_104
    Command: /give @p 373 1 8259
    This will give the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) one POTION OF FIRE RESISTANCE (8259) lasting 8 minutes. The Potion ID is 373, but the Potion DV is always different.As you can see, the ID comes first, then the quantity, then the DV.

    The Potion DV list can be found here on the Minecraft Wiki!

    Giving Enchanted Items ~ Feare
    The player MUST be holding the item they are going to enchant. This means selecting the first FREE slot on their equipment bar.
    Command Block One: /give @p 267
    Gives the NEAREST PLAYER (@p) an IRON SWORD (267).
    Command Block Two: /enchant @p 16 2
    Enchants the item the nearest player is holding. In this case, it would give a sword Sharpness II enchantment.

    More on Enchantments can be found here on the Minecraft Wiki!

    Potion Effects ~ Feare
    Using Nausea as an example.
    Command Block One: /effect @p 9 30
    This will cause the player to have NAUSEA (9) of 30 SECONDS (30).

    More on Potion Effects can be found here on the Minecraft Wiki!

    Weather ~ Feare
    To toggle the weather between Snow, Rain and Shine, use the following command.
    Command: /weather [duration]
    Teleportation To Set Coordinates ~ Feare
    Command Block: /tp @p x y z

    The variables coloured in Purple are the coordinates, and will be different for everyone.

    Relative Teleportation ~ AstroSpud
    This command teleports you a number of blocks away from your current location.
    Command Block: /tp @p ~x ~y ~z
    The variables coloured in Purple indicate how far the player will travel along each axis.

    Example:Command Block: /tp @p ~5 ~10 ~15
    This command will TELEPORT (tp) the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) 5 block along the X axis (sideways), 10 blocks along the Y axis (up/down) and 15 blocks along the Z axis (front/back).

    Experience Shops ~ Feare
    You can change the item by using a different Item ID. Google search it.

    Lower Command Block: /give @p[lm=5] 267
    This will give the nearest player an IRON SWORD (267) for a MINIMUM (lm) of 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS (=5)
    Upper Command Block: /xp -5L @p[lm=5]
    This will SUBTRACT 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS (-5L) from the nearest player, if that player has a MINIMUM (lm) of 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS (=5).

    When giving potions, you must use the command like this:
    Command Block: /give @p[lm=5] 373 3 16373
    This would give the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) 3 (3) POTIONS (373) of INSTANT HEALTH (16373).
    The Potion ID comes first, then the amount, then the Potion value.

    Scoreboard ~ Feare
    This can be done as a regular command. Not compatible with Bukkit servers.

    Type /scoreboard objectives add Points totalKillCount Points
    Next, type /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Points

    Note: The words coloured in Purple can be whatever you wish them to be, just make sure they are the same in both commands.

    Now, when you kill something, or someone, your kill count will show on a sidebar to the right side of the screen.
    The argument "sidebar" can be changed to any of the following:

    list - Lists the players killcount in the (TAB) menu.
    sidebar - Shows the players killcount on a scoreboard on the right side of the screen.
    belowname - Lists the players killcount below their name label.

    The argument "totalKillCount" can be changed to any of the following, depending on your purposes:

    dummy - Score is only changed by commands, and not by game events such as death. This is useful for event flags, state mappings, and currencies.
    deathCount - Counts the number of times a player has died.
    playerKillCount - Counts how many PLAYER kills a player has obtained.
    totalKillCount - Count the TOTAL number of kills a player has obtained.
    health - Counts how much health a player has left.

    Point Shops (Using points from the Scoreboard) ~ Feare
    Scoreboard must be activated for this to work!

    Lower Command Block Command: /scoreboard players remove @p[score_Points_min=5] Points 5
    This will SUBTRACT 5 POINTS (remove Points 5) from the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) if the player has a MINIMUM (score_Points_min) of 5 Points.
    Upper Command Block Command: /give @p[score_Points_min=5] 267
    This will give the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) an IRON SWORD (267) if the player has a MINIMUM (score_Points_min) of 5 Points.

    Having NPCs speak accordingly - Gender ~ Raecchi
    Giving your character a gender:STEP ONE:STEP TWO:
    How to make doors that cost experience levels to open ~ Feare
    When making this, make sure you do not have any experience levels. Same goes for resetting the system.

    Command Block One: /testfor @p[lm=5]
    This will run a TEST (testfor) on the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) to see if they have a MINIMUM LEVEL (lm) of 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS.
    Behind this command block, place a redstone comparator. If the player tests positive (meaning the player has a minimum of 5 xp levels) the command block will output a signal to the comparator. MAKE SURE THE COMPARATOR IS NOT IN SUBTRACTION MODE. Have this comparator facing another command block.

    Command Block Two (with this comparator): /tp @p[lm=5] x y z
    If the player tests positive to what we did earlier, the player will be teleported to our coordinates and activate a pressure plate. That pressure plate will activate a signal and do the following:
    1. /xp -5L @p[lm=5]
    Player has 5 EXPERIENCE LEVELS TAKEN FROM THEM (-5L) if player has a MINIMUM OF 5 LEVELS (lm=5)

    2. /say Door Opened!

    Broadcasts a message across the map telling all players that a door has been opened.

    3. /tp @p x y z

    This will teleport the CLOSEST PLAYER (@p) to the coordinates of your choice. I suggest teleporting the player to a block in front of the button.

    Also, for the door, when the player teleports to the coordinates of the pressure plate, run a wire to an inverter to switch it off. This will deactivate a redstone torch, and make the pistons retract, releasing sand. This means the door has fallen, and is open. If you don't want to use sand, you can use an Iron door and wire the pressure plate up to a T-Flip Flop, which will be wired up to the door.

    Coming off the same line of redstone we were first using, make a new section.

    Command Block One: /testfor @p[l=4]
    This will run a TEST (testfor) to see if the player has a MAXIMUM (l) of 4 EXPERIENCE LEVELS. This means the player has 4 levels or LESS. If the player tests positive to this test, he has tested negative to the other.
    Now, to show the player he doesn't have enough xp, we will do the following:
    Place down a redstone comparator branching off the command block, then place another command block in front of the comparator.
    Have it run this message: /tell @p You do not have the required amount of funds to perform that action.
    If this message appears, the player needs more XP to open the door.

    The above can also be done with points from the scoreboard. Just change the @p[lm=5] to @p[score_Points_min] and the @p[l=4] to @p[score_Points=4]

    Week Counter ~ Raecchi
    Something I designed for a map I'm working on; thought I should share it so other people could use the same idea.

    Step one:
    /scoreboard objectives add week dummy Week
    /scoreboard objectives add showweek dummy Week
    /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar showweek
    Step Two:
    Build this:And now you have a working setup to count and display a week, which can easily be adjusted for shorter/longer spans of time.Possible uses:(All using a testfor command block somewhere)
    • Wire to redstone lamps around a spawner to make rare, specific day spawns
    • Have shops that are only open on certain days of the week
    • Hook up noteblocks for Sunday church chimes
    • Use as part of a countdown for time-limited maps
    • Make some kind of Groundhog Day/Majora's Mask scenario
    • If you count weeks, you could even set up Minecraft months and years!

    Experience Bank ~ Feare
    Used to store and withdraw experience levels in a Bank.

    Command: /scoreboard objectives add Money dummy Money
    Next: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay list Money

    Okay, let's dive into the command blocks! We'll start with the "Deposit" section.^^ This will make the player teleport to a pressure plate at the set coordinates to deposit ^^^^ The layout I am using ^^^^ This will remove 5 experience levels from the player when they deposit ^^^^ This will convert the 5 experience levels into a dummy score, which can be found in the [TAB] menu ^^^^ This will teleport the player back to the Bank lobby ^^-- Withdraw Segment Currently Out Of Order --
    "Rounds" System ~ Feare and Raecchi

    Firstly, you want to run the following commands in order:

    1. /scoreboard objectives add Rounds dummy Rounds:
    2. /scoreboard objectives add showRounds dummy Rounds
    3. /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar showRounds

    Next, download the elevator. I'll post a MCEdit schematic at the bottom of this tutorial.

    Download the MCEdit Item Elevator "Rounds" system schematic here!

    The "Mystery Box" ~Feare

    Run these commands in order:
    Command One: /scoreboard objectives add Money totalKillCount Money
    Command Two: /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar Money

    You can change the scoreboard sections to whatever you like. Just remember to refer back to the Scoreboard section if you need any help!

    Images on imgur have mucked about, so instead of building it yourself, I am supplying you with an MCedit Schematic.
    Download it here! Enjoy!
    Playsound ~minihilly
    /playsound <FileLocation> <player> [x] [y] [z] [volume] [pitch] [minimum_volume]

    Whereas [] are optional, locate the sounds at .minecraft\assets\sound\, and name them after the location within the sound folder; so .minecraft\assets\sound\mob\pig\say will become mob.pig.say - it is IMPORTANT to note that numbers (0-9) CANNOT be used when referring to sound files; instead, the command will cycle through numbered files randomly (e.g. say1, say2, say3 will get picked randomly using the referrer mob.pig.say).

    [x] [y] [z] coords are NOT referrers for the player's position, they a the set co-ords for where the sound plays from; for example, setting this to 0 2 3 will play a sound at x0, y2, and z3.

    [volume] specifies the volume of the sound played (I think the maximum is 10*)

    [Pitch] Specifies the Pitch (e.g. 1 will increase it by one octave, -1 will decrease it; decimals are accepted). I'm not sure, but I think the maximum value might be 6*

    [minimum_volume] specify a minimum volume value - I think this means that, if the player is distant from the sound, how quietly it will reach before cutting out (essentially acting as a radius for the sound), but it doesn't appear to work

    ** Denotes uncertainty, or required confirmation.

    Custom Potions ~FlazeOfAges

    To give any item/block we would use:

    /give @p
    The item id for a potion is 373, so we would use:
    /give @p 373 1
    This gives a basic potion (water bottle) with the count of one (that come from the '1' place after '373'). So we now have a water bottle but what if we want it to give some actual effects? To do that we have to add one more number after our count, this number is known as the 'damage' of the potion. Changing the damage of a potion will give different effects, so what happens if we give our water bottle a damage of 1?
    /give @p 373 1 1
    See that? We just got a basic Potion of Regeneration. We can use this damage value system to create all kinds of potions. For example, a damage of 2 will give a Potion of Swiftness etc. This is all well and good, but we don't have any "custom" potions yet. We can add custom potion effects by changing the potion's DataTag. This is achieved through the use of 'CustomPotionEffects'.
    /give @p 373 1 1 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:2,Amplifier:1,Duration:200}]}
    Woah, slow down there! Let's break this up:
    CustomPotionEffects is what is telling the command that we want to add custom effect to the potion.
    The id is specifying what effect we want. In this case, ID 2 is Slowness. For effect ID's visit the Minecraft Wiki.
    The amplifier is enhancing our potion from basic Slowness I. Keep in mind that an amplifier of 0 is considered Slowness I, so an amplifier of 1 gives us Slowness II.
    The duration is telling our potion how long to apply the effect. IMPORTANT: Duration is measured in ticks (there a 20 ticks per second) so this potion gives a duration of 10 seconds.So when we put everything together, we get a Slowness II potion with a duration of 10 seconds.
    That's all well and good, but what if we want multiple effects on our potion? That's simple enough, all we have to do is add another set of data after what we had previously entered. IMPORTANT: Be sure to seperate your effects with a comma, like shown below.
    /give @p 373 1 1 {CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:2,Amplifier:1,Duration:200},{Id:9,Amplifier:3,Duration:200}]}
    This potion now gives us Slowness II and Nausea for 10 seconds. But we want a more interesting name than "Potion of Slowness", to achieve this we can add a custom name to our potion using the display tag. IMPORTANT: Be sure to lay this out exactly as below, or it will not work.
    {display:{Name:Potion of Lead Feet}}
    We can now place our custom name into our our pre-made potion as shown below.
    /give 373 1 1 {display:{Name:Potion of Lead Feet},CustomPotionEffects:{Id:2, Amplifier:1,Duration:200},{Id:9,Amplifier:0,Duration:200}]}
    Voilà! We now have a fully custom potion with a custom name.To learn more about DataTags and how they work, head over to minihilly's post HERE.


    Using /setblock:
    As of 1.7.2, Mojang implemented a feature into mine craft that would forever change the way mapmakers view blocks, /setblock. The setblock command essentially allows a command block (or player) to remotely place blocks into the world. Here's the syntax:

    /setblock x y z <BlockID> data-method dataTag

    Start your command with /setblock followed by the coordinates of where the block should be placed. After the coordinates goes the alphabetical ID of the block being placed (NOTE: Future versions of mine craft will not support numerical ID's, so for a full list of alphabetical ID's, go HERE.). Following the block ID is the block data. Most blocks will have a data of 0, but some block (like wool or logs) heavily depend on data values to change their appearance. The method of which the block is placed after the data value. There are three methods available: "keep" summons the block if the space is empty, "replace" will set the specified block no matter what it formally was, and "destroy" will set the block as well as display the particles of the block being destroyed.

    Compared to other commands, /setblock doesn't much in the way of data tags, but here are some that are worthy to note:
    /setblock ~~1 ~minecraft:skull 1 replace {ExtraType:FireArceus64,SkullType:3,Rot:0}
    The above will set the block above the command block to a skull with my skin on it, you can change the name to make it anyone else's.
    For a full list of setblock data tags, go HERE.

    Ta-Daa! You have now learn't how to use /setblock. As always, here is a command that shows the full extent of /setblock:]
    /setblock ~~~minecraft:mob_spawner 0 destroy {SpawnCount:1,SpawnRange:13,RequiredPlayerRange:64,Delay:5,MinSpawnDelay:5,MaxSpawnDelay:10,MaxNearbyEntities:50,EntityId:FireworksRocketEntity,SpawnData:{LifeTime:40,FireworksItem:{id:401,Count:1,tag:{Fireworks:{Explosions:[{Flicker:1,Trail:1,Type:1,Colors:[255,16711680,16776960],FadeColors:[255,16711680,16776960]}]}}}}}

    Using /summon:
    Not too long ago, there was a time when mobs had to be summoned from dispensers of custom spawners made with MC-Edit. But that all changed with the addition with /summon in 1.7.2. Let's take a look at some code.

    /summon <EntityName> [x] [y] [z] [dataTag]
    This is the syntax for all /summon commands. Start with /summon followed by the name of the entity/mob you want to spawn E.g Pig, Sheep, PrimedTnt; for a full list of entities and their names, go HERE. After the entity's name are the coordinates of the spawn.

    Following the coordinates is were some of the more complex command block functions come in; Data Tags. I'll be covering some of the more commonly used tags, but if you want to learn more you can go HERE orHERE.

    So let's spawn a basic Pig:

    /summon Pig ~ ~1 ~
    Following this is where the data tag goes. Let's give the pig a saddle.

    /summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ {Saddled:1}
    See what happened there? It is very important when using tags that you open and close each tag respectively. The Saddle tag is a boolean value, meaning it is either 1 or 0. What happens if we want the pig to have a custom name as well?

    /summon Pig ~ ~1 ~ {Saddled:1,CustomName:"Piggy"}
    NOTE: We do not have to make a new set of brackets for every tag, simply separate each tag with a comma.

    So there you go! Now you can use /summon to spawn entities with great ease. Before I finish, here is an example of the kind of things you can do with /summon.

    /summon Skeleton -864 59 327 {CustomName:Skeletor,CustomNameVisible:1,SkeletonType:1,Attributes:[{Name:generic.knockbackResistance,Base:1},{Name:generic.movementSpeed,Base:0.001}],DropChances:[0f,0f,0f,0f,1.0f],Equipment:[{id:261,tag:{ench:[{id:48,lvl:1}]}},{id:301,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:300,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:299,tag:{display:{color:0}}},{id:397,Count:1,Damage:1}]}


    Quick Links (Minecraft Wiki)
    Quick Links (Minecraft Wiki)

    Command Block Section
    Command Block Tutorials Section
    Scoreboard Section

    Feare_104 - Base Commands, Command Basics, Broadcasting, Spawnpoint, Giving Items, Giving Potions, Giving Enchanted items, Potion Effects, Teleportation to Set Coordinates, Weather, Experience Shops, Scoreboard, Point Shops, Buyable Doors, Experience Bank, "Rounds" System, the "Mystery Box" system.

    AstroSpud - Relative Teleportation.
    Benjakronk - Idea for Basic Targeting Arguments.
    Raecchi - Week Counter, Having NPCs speak accordingly - Gender, "Rounds" System.
    minihilly - Playsound.
    FlazeOfAges - Custom Potions, In-depth Giving Items, Summon and Setblock.
    This thread will be updated frequently, so keep checking back here! I really hope we have helped. :) If you need anything else, send me, or a contributor a PM! ~Feare :D

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    posted a message on Neverending Cheat to Achieve Some Goal
    You must kiss his liver with a pair of pliers while giving a Jewish priest a lap dance in New Zealand. Once that's done, you need to find..

    You wake up in a massive corn maze in Nebraska. When you escape this maze, you must tap the man in the leather coat on the shoulder, and tell him "I hate Gala apples." If he slaps you in the face, you wake up again in the middle of the corn maze. If you manage to dodge his slap, you get to give him a handshake. Once he releases his grip on your hand you must Run. He has a pistol, but you have two feet and... wings! You have to fly into space, where you'll find Space Core! You must then open up the panel on his back and find a walrus. He shrinks you down to an infinitesimal size and hides you in his blubber, where you must crawl your way through the valleys of fat rolls all the way to his mouth, were you must jump down his throat in order to enter his body and reclaim the liver! The liver gives you the power to change your mass! You must use it to crash through his body and reenter the Earth's atmosphere, where you must land directly on the trampoline of the gods! This trampoline sends you even farther out into space. You are hurtling toward Betelgeuse faster than the speed of light. You must reverse course by fanning your arms! You must rotate yourself 12° horizontally to redirect your course towards the Andromeda Galaxy. It's a long trip, but when you get there and once you do, you will land in a world that resembles Stage 1-1 from the original Mario game, and you must make it 3D. How can one exist in a 2D world in a 3D universe? Once that is complete, you must break the block after the 4 consecutive pipes to receive a 1-Up, as that voyage through space did take a lot out of you! After that, you must now find the portal gun sealed on the castle and fire blue portal near the flag. After that, you must settle down on the Mario planet trying to figure out what to do next. You find an ancient Mariovian scroll that says "Make the stage 4D"
    After you have made the stage 4D you must fly the Nyan cat to the place where the fox says to visit Gangnam and bite Charlie's finger. After you explore all these internet references, you must eat a kumquat.
    After that you must destroy a centered post by yoot18. Then, you must post a post aligned to the right to complete the circle of aligned text! Afterwards, you must then get ninja'd! You then can rage about other topics, like the one about the stuff.
    Then you must get off the computer and go outside. If you stay inside, Extremely-scary Slenderman (Slenderman, but scarier) will ear-rape you to death. If you go outside Jeff the Killer will approach you. Don't run, though- he just wants to give you a cookie.
    After that throw the cookie in his face and go back inside.
    Then you must summon an enderghast then eat it. Then you must grab a pump shotgun and reenact the infamous scene where Squidward commits suicide. After that, eat a pizza and then Springtime comes, and Mnerva, the Etruscan goddess of wisdom gives you a quest. You must solidify the quest and use it to kill all the monsters on the way. When you get to the part of the quest that is actually important, you must gather all the Kittens of the Apocalypse. They entrust you with the Snow globe of the apocalypse.
    You must break the snow globe of the apocalypse with a Portal Gun that you obtained before. Then you must fire orange portal to Wonderland. To get Alice to respect you, you must explode others, and then you must win the match with a swarm of charged creepers.
    You must take the gunpowder and eat it. It gives you indigestion, so you have to get Tums from the nearest supermarket. To get to the supermarket you must fight the Red Queen. The supermarket has a magical force field around it though, which can be broken with a Type 25 which you must have obtained twelve steps ago. To obtain it, you must enter a code that randomizes every time. If you have the Type 25, you must destroy the force field. If not, however, you must destroy it with Violet from the Incredibles. If all else fails start over from step 1-the force field will be weakened allowing you to destroy it with Minecraft Forum threads. When woven together, they create a powerful rope. But additional challenges await you on your way to the OTC medication aisle. You must face SCP 106. You fight him with a wintermint casserole. You can get it from Target. To get there you go beneath the supermarket. The underground complex is flooded several floors above the Target level however. You siphon the water with a giant sponge block from Minecraftia which is in the depths of the Code. To hack it into the real world you need a special computer manufactured by Lenovo. To get that computer you have to prove yourself to Lenovo CEO Yang Yuanqing. He likes Pie-flavored Pie. To obtain that pie, you must take a pie and bake it into another pie. When you obtain the computer and drain the water from the basement, you get the wintermint casserole and defeat SCP 106. You are relieved from the Tums, and continue your quest away from Wonderland by using an elevator to go back up the tree trunk. To obtain access to the elevator, you have to consult the Golden Witch, Beatrice. She will give you the gold you need to bribe God. To get to heaven, you have to find the gatekeeper of the entryway to the entryway to the elevator. The inner gatekeeper is not so easily tempted. You must subdue him with every single cat video and photo in the Internet. To find a computer with such space, you have to invest in a SD card. SD cards are sold back in Wonderland, but to get back there, you must use a teleporter. To find one, you must go to the nearest Cheese festival. To access the teleporter there, you must not give up on your dreams. Your dreams, however pay them $500. To get that much money, you have to go to your bunker in Germany, which is getting fired up, then go to a beer hall and have a Beer Hall Putsch, then get fired up, then go to jail and write a book, then grab a gun and FIRE UP. Then, after paying the guard with this questionably obtained money, you reenter Wonderland via the Cheese Festival portal and find the nearest Best Buy carrying an SD Card. The Best Buy is guarded by Lavos riding Kerafyrm both of which must be slain with a rusty fish sandwich so you can enter the Best Buy. You then buy the SD Card. You then realize that the portal could take you to heaven, and go back there. In heaven you get attacked by a gang of smiling underwear which then steals your hair in order to appease Gabriel. God has been watching football and is distracted from His corrupt angels. To get his attention, you must yell out, "Smite me, O mighty Smiter!" Then, after you get his attention God starts watching basketball. To make him pay attention for more than two seconds YOU need to die. To do this successfully you must become the greatest criminal ever, To do this you must relentlessly hit a lawyer with an elephant while riding one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and singing "My Heart Will Go On" in autotune. Once you've done this God will notice you and give Gabriel a good slap and the pairs of underwear scamper away. You then must steal the Doctor's TARDIS. Then you have to go to New South Wales in 1843. You get bored, so to cure your boredom, you must create an antiboredom machine. To obtain the parts you must cheat at fifth dimensional Cookie Clicker. To comprehend the fifth dimension, you must put on 5-D goggles. To invent said goggles you must earn a PhD in fifth dimensional geometry by eating a walrus. Then you must juggle monkeys while doing backflips on Pluto while reciting poetry. To get to Pluto, you must Ride a purple hippo.
    To pack enough food for the hippo you must get a really big pack. You can buy one from the intergalactic federation of space travel. To get to the I.F.S.T. you must Add speed boosters to your hippo to avoid starvation.
    To obtain speed boosters you must build them. The parts for the speed boosters are cheese and doughnuts. To get them you must perform an exorcism. The nearest possessed being is in another castle. To get to another castle you must take the red brick road, where you may face Yellow bricks that are enraged that they were not used to make the road.
    To kill the yellow bricks you must shoot the PINGAS! Blaster at them. To find the PINGAS! Blaster you must infiltrate PINGAS! Inc. To hack the security system and enter the building, you must hack their software by making a post that doesn't actually progress the sequence, which consists of a useless post of uselessness which is so useless it does nothing useful. In fact, the only to describe a useless post of uselessness is useless. After that you must retrieve the PINGAS! Blaster and shoot the PINGAS! which will allow you to continue down the red brick road. At the end of the road, you find a trap that makes you stuck in a spider web that is surrounded with spiders, and after you fell on it you just stay there forever and one more day, and you discover 'forever' is Chinese for going away 23 hours earlier, so after an hour you can continue your senseless journey by crossing the rainbow pavement over North-Korea, while dodging the rockets that are firing from 10 feet away. To dodge those rockets you must find the amazing diamond of diamondness. But to find that you must realize that "diamondness" is not a thing and your search is in vain. Once you have recovered from the great loss of your belief in diamondness, you can upgrade the PINGAS! Blaster by finding an Emerald of great powerful greenness and gather your thoughts into a PINGAS! crystal, which you may load into the blaster. But the PINGAS! Blaster can be upgraded further. To make it even better, spit on it. Your spit will turn thick and yellow, and then it will sink into the blaster making it more powerful. You then have to trade the blaster with some hobo for a leaf that can make giant babies out of Potatas! With those you can create an infant whine-powered generator. The energy world lauds you as a hero, and you must use your newfound status to kill the entire population using a massive hand grenade. But you can't detonate something you can't lift. You go on a quest to become the strongest physical being in existence. The one personal trainer crazy enough to help you achieve this goal is some nerd behind a computer screen in his mother's basement. But his mother is the ex of Herobrine, who hears of this project and comes to kill you and kill the population himself instead. To prevent that you have to become the strongest physically being in existence and continue your quest that was already set up in a previous post. You must train while fleeing this insane woman. Multitasking is hard, though, so you must learn from the expert multitasker who, like you, if just a fraud who knows that most multitasking classes are a good way to make a quick buck. You actually do want to learn to multitask, however, so you go to a legitimate class run by Professor Michelle Puddlepie, who tells you that only the Elders can multitask, therefore making your goal only possible by spawning a new PINGAS! crystal and baking cookies. But to spawn the PINGAS! crystal you need to pull down your pants and do the truffle shuffle. Afterwards, suck on a yogurt bar. But you can only get them at the lab where PINGAS! juice is made, and turning left in order to unlock the secret of PINGAS! juice, which in turn creates the magic of friendship, which you have to use to activate the Elements of Harmony. You must combine the Elements of Harmony with the new PINGAS! crystal to create the legendary PINGAS! wizard, which you must command to Destroy the World but save your computer with Minecraft on it. You should respawn and find yourself in the grasp of a lugia, you must now use the Masterball! You must now with your Lugia fly to Justin Beiber's house and destroy him. His bodyguards shoot you down. You must now run to Alabama, where you discover the magic of friendship. Sadly, there isn't that much of it left, so you get more at Friendship Mart, which is nonexistent. To make Friendship Mart existent you must delete System32 on your computer, which causes it to self destruct, and spawn a red portal. Step through it, out of the linked yellow portal in Gensokyo, and find an Acquaintanceship Mart. Sadly, that is not what you're looking for. You continue west along the Toilet Seat, where you find a magical Donkey that you must lick to turn it into a unicorn and ride it to Jamaica. Unfortunately, Jamaica is overrun by Hippy Mice smoking weed, so you get back on your magical unicorn and instead fly to Narnia. You find a golden tree with golden apples, so then you eat the golden apples and then a Mongoose appears, you must race Master Chief to it or 1,000,000 grunts will make fun of your kilt. You are not wearing a kilt, however, so this makes no sense. To resolve this, you must buy a kilt from James Bond, south of Narnia. You walk over to a tree and pluck off a lemon, feeding it to your unicorn. It turns into a _____ and you return to Narnia. Now you must name your ____. Your ____, however, appreciates its mystery. To persuade it to accept a name, you must stand on your head and drink water backwards while traveling up a hill to the end of the rainbow. When you get there the ____ still insists that it wants to remain nameless. You decide it needs a therapist, who is still on his holiday to Jamaica. You remember Jamaica is overrun by Hippy Mice, however, so you come to the conclusion that the therapist must be dead. Now you decide you must head over to Chernobyl, where you shall gather radioactive junk, and raspberry jam. With this, you must create a sticky nuclear bomb, powerful enough to wipe out all the Hippy Mice in Jamaica, but not too powerful, as you'll need to locate the therapist amongst the chaos. To get to Chernobyl, get a passport. The post office, however, is across a field of lava. To cross it, you need a grappling hook from 14th century Egypt. To get there you must run as fast as possible, then take a dive off of a cliff, which will open a temporal rift. But while in the rift it closes. Now you are in 14th century Egypt. You obtain the grappling hook, but now you must find a way back. You believe the best way to do this is fall up a cliff, then run fast as possible, backwards. To fall up a cliff you must take a skateboarding lesson. Skateboarding feels too 90's, though, so make it more modern with a slice of bacon sticky taped to the left front wheel. This smells, and is very distracting, so to make sure you are concentrating on what you're doing you stuff tissue paper up your nostrils. Sadly, you are allergic to the material in the tissue paper. Your epipen is full of steroids, however, so instead you use your super-strength to pull the allergens out of your nose, molecule by molecule. To do this, however, your fingers need to be small enough to reach deep into your nostrils. Your shrink ray can be found in the Tardis. To get in the Tardis you must yell "1337" at the top of Mount Everest 3 times. To get there and survive the journey you must get an airplane! To rent one, you must defeat the Ender Dragon, using only bread. Once done you need to lick your nipples while bending over to molest a baby crab. Once you have done this, the mummy crab comes out and says "You just hurt my baby's feelings" in a Monty Python accent. To avoid her pincers, lick her nipples. She giggles, and says to you "Wait a minute. I'm a crab. I don't have nipples! What sorcery is this?" You must explain to her what kind of sorcery it is, but you have lost your voice. The tea you need to get it back tastes horrible and the leaves can only be found in the forests of The Purple Dove. To get to the Forests of the Purple Dove, you must Travel across the River of Purple Doves, which is actually made of liquefied dove corpses. There is a man on the other side willing to collaborate, but you have to throw him a slice of bread, covered in Dove Corpse Jam. To acquire this Dove Corpse Jam, you must simply take from the river. But you don't have the bread! The bread is located in an idea in your head! You need to find the wheat farm we speak of located in Nebraska, right next to the cornfield you woke up in, and create the bread. To find your way all the way back there, you must pinch Yourslef. No, not yourself, but Yourslef. Yourslef is the son of the Old Man in Nebraska! To find Yourslef, you must go to Atlantis to find the secret plane underwater. However, the key to it is in your heart. The heart surgeon who can retrieve it is the same person you saved from Jamaica for your therapy. There are no more Hippy Mice there anymore, so to get back to Jamaica and find the Heart Surgeon Therapist, you need to book a flight. To overcome your fear of flying you must jump off a cliff three times without any safety precautions, while flailing your arms wildly and eating a cheeseburger. At the end of the third jump you see a helpless little bird in need of a treatment. To help him you must enter the Nexus. The portal to the Nexus, which is a hypermodern world, is hidden inside a small little hut in the middle of nowhere. To get to it, you must first, travel to nowhere. You get nowhere, so you still have to find your way nowhere. Now that you've gotten nowhere you must engage in a staring contest with Espurr. If you lose, you have to restart this cheat. If you win, then you can travel to the airport to book your flight. You have overcome your fear of flying, so this is not a problem. Now that you are on the plane to Jamaica you must wait 3 hours until the plane ride ends.
    Once it's over you must locate the Heart Surgeon to be able to extract the key. To do this, you must kill people with a knife until you find someone who won't die via knife, then Find that he's an Asgardian. The way to Asgard is hidden inside a potato. Turns out that this potato is the whole goal of the 'Neverending Cheat'. Because this cheat must stay neverending, you cannot find the goal. But since you've found the goal, a paradox is created. To stop the paradox you must seek recourse from GLaDOS. To get to her, you have to travel to Pripyat, Ukraine. You must visit Chernobyl Power Plant and sit naked on every one of the radioactive liquids. Once you are diagnosed with 4$$ cancer you will spend three weeks in the hospital for a long, painful operation. Then you realize that you weren't supposed to go to Ukraine at all and were actually supposed to time travel to 1943 and free Mick Jagger the baby, who has been captured by terrorists. To find these terrorists join a brotherhood of bizarre anarchist counter-terrorists. They lead you to the Joker. The Joker has hidden little Mick Jagger the baby, and says that you need to stab a pamphlet. Unfortunately, the world paper supply has run out, and so is the world pencil supply. But you need a magical pen that can draw ANYTHING to life. In order to do that, you have to time travel forward to 2055, where there is still no paper. The only paper you will accept is made from the wood of a tree that was cut by a lumberjack. You need to steal the lumberjack's wood. He lives in Canada. Sadly, Canada was destroyed by Greenlandic terrorists. To recover Canada you must travel to Teldinmark, a small island that popped up somewhere on the Earth that contains the gateway between the physical world and the spiritual world. Unfortunately, it's nearly impossible to get close due to a strange phenomenon in which there are sudden catastrophic storms whenever someone gets close. To get onto the island, you must get an invisibility watch or invisibility cloak. To get either of them divide by 0 and do a quadruple backflip while riding nyan cat, hen find Herobrine. He will teleport you to the USS enterprise. You will head to a black hole and divide by 0.124151515333333333333333333. You must punch Herobrine in the face to do so. You will be teleported into a parallel universe with nothing but creeper heads. One will explode in 20 milleniums at x-000 y-3.14 z-666. The knockback will push you out of the parallel universe. You will come back to Herobrine and battle him. After killing Herobrine, take the amulet that Herobrine has to die and go to heaven. Then you must have a rave party with Russian pirates. But one of them is invisible. To steal the invisibility cloak from that pirate, give him a great deal on a toenail clipper. Then he'll gladly give you the cloak. Sadly, the guards surrounding Teldinmark are all wearing goggles that can see those wearing invisibility cloaks from afar. To disable them you must upgrade your cloak so it kills anyone wearing said goggles when equipped by visiting a wizard tailor. He lives in the basement of the Reichstag. The airplane, train, car, and boat economy of the world is in crisis, so you can't use a plane, train, car, or boat to go to Berlin. Instead you need to grow raven wings, however you need the help of Mick Jagger's father. He lives in the city of Clock Town with the song of healing playing backwards. In order to get in, you need to find BEN, who is terrorizing the Internet right now. Instead, there is a dog with a human smile. They call him "Smile Dog." To successfully and safely adopt Smile Dog, since he will be important later, you must kiss his liver with a pair of pliers while giving a Jewish priest a lap dance in New Zealand. Once that's done, you need to find..
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    posted a message on You need to marry the avatar above you to save the world, what do you do?
    Hell yeah! I'll ride that dragon alll dayy longgg ;) xD

    Posted in: Forum Games
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