I will be making an Official Thread soon for my Map.
My map will feature, Custom music I made, Custom Story(Original)
Custom landmarks(I bow to those who have remade games/maps/places from various genre's, but I am diving Full head on into new waters with this one.
Custom Texture pack and sounds.
I am Excited to post on this site and many others!
I will post next friday.
Thank you!
Keep in mind my Map is only about 35% Done.
,But I plan to go all the Way!
I'll post pictures, Links to the songs so people can hear beforehand, And When time come's I'll ask for testers!
Thank's @daottoad for helping me earlier!. Forget the two player idea, that will take me too much work, instead, my map will just have a little extra stuff given just in case someone is playing with a friend.
Now I have another question if you have the time to answer it, if not its no problem.
My question is: Is is possible to script an NPC to change factions?
I have one NPC depending on what side you choose in my map Evil, Good or Indifferent, becomes an ally to you or not.
I have toiled over the scripting day and night, to the point I have decided I will just have the NPC's do small event's for most things until i understand scripting a bit more and use command blocks for many things as well. You guys are awesome for knowing all this stuff, but I can't handle work and then come home to try to learn all this at once.
You guys are the heroes here! Thank you for helping not just myself, but everyone who posts here!
Keep being Awesome! And Thank you Noppes for this MOD!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. And for helping me tenfold!
Ok so I read a few threads over the last week and I saw that many people don't like having to Download Mods due to the process of installing and having to go to multiple areas to get them etc.
I understand that Downloading is a real hassle, but at the same time I can't seem to get around some Issue's With my map w/o them.
For Example; I made custom villagers for one of my areas of the map that is in a puddle.I cannot get the villagers to stop floating to the surface of the little ditch filled with water I made.
I gave the villagers the ability to breathe under the water, but they refuse to use the tiny swimming pool I gave them to dive and stay down.
I tried to mess with my own Minecraft files to make my own Custom AI animated mobs but I don't like how doing so replaces the vanilla mobs from spawning.
My map consists with a Lot of command blocks, The mods I want to use( I was going to use three but I may try to make it work with only two) I see as the only way to make this work.
Which Is why I am honestly Looking for what everyone thinks. I have been making this map a little over a year, and I need to know if the effort I put in is worth it to anyone out there who may play it.
Please be honest Everyone!
If you have time please respond if you get the chance.
Once I know what you guys are interested in I'll start a real thread for my map with pictures and everything, Though the map won't be done for a bit ,I'll post updates and if anyone wants to see if any of you would be interested in testing Demo's etc.
Thank you for taking the time to read this Thread!
Ok, I thought about cutting them out. But they make my map look awesome. I mainly What the mods for Adding more animals. And some special Animal NPCs. I have some of my map using Command blocks when the NPC's talk, but I like the idea of Players having to see NPCs walking around etc.
Plus more quests!
Not simple Kill mob/blah blah or collect this..... Minecraft just doesn't have the mechanics yet. If only Microsoft would buy Custom NPC's and Mo Creatures and implement them into the game.
I have been working on this map alone for well, over 1 year now xD on n off. And I think I am finally ready to get it out there!
Those are just 3 pics. Not even close to what I have.
I guess I'll have to think hard about it, Who knows, If i can't get the npc's to do what I want to script them to do i'll have to try another way.
the first part you could do simply by using this -- the dialog 21 & 20 are dummy dialogs which you could have in a dummy dialog category. If they pick option 1 (0) then that would read dialog 20 and all npc would have to have both a 1 & 2 player dialog set in their dialog slots - but each dialog would have their availability set to either available after 20 or after 21 - option 2 (1) is just the opposite.
dialog 8 would be your beginning dialog #.
function dialog_option(event){
if (event.player.hasReadDialog(8)) {
if (event.option.getSlot() == 0) {
event.npc.executeCommand("/noppes dialog read @p 20");
} else if (event.option.getSlot() == 1) {
event.npc.executeCommand("/noppes dialog read @p 21");
event.npc.executeCommand("/noppes dialog unread @p 8");
probably need more info for the second part
Ty daottoad just helping me with that is a God-Send! I'll add you to ppl who helped me on my map!
Ok, Thank you for the replies, That helps a lot! And yeah I asked cause I didn't see many on here that were active. And once again Thank you for telling me about the shaders, I'll take pic's w/o it as well!
Please if anyone has time I need help with getting NPC's to teleport or have custom options.
Here I'll explain:
I am making an Adventure map and I have run into a problem caused by my map being one and two players compatible.
Is It possible to make it so: Let's say I have An intro NPC with dialog options for one or two players.
When the players in question talk to the NPC and choose (Option A: in NPCs for one player) All NPCs on the map use dialog for just one player.
But if the players in question talk to the NPC and choose (Option B: for 2 players) all NPCs on the map use the dialog for two players.
If the dialog option isn't available can I simply make an NPC With 2 player options etc Teleport to the same spot and the other NPC teleport away?
Also, I've run into a problem with making dialog last for 1 session. I created a dialog that makes the NPC aggressive if the player or players do not help them, but at the same time if they do that NPC becomes an ally.
My issue is After the dialog Ends, the players can simply click the NPC again And go through the same Dialog all over again picking something else and saving themselves the grief of getting wrecked by the NPC.
How do I prevent Players from doing this?
Thank you to whoever responds! You help is appreciated Ten fold!
I really just need to know if Those options are feasible. I am trying my hardest to learn the Javascript a little, I really want to make this happen, then I don't have to stress. Been trying to watch videos and read through scripts at night after work and it's hard, but if This works My world will be just a little brighter.
Are you sure the server crashes or just your client? Also what version?
The entire server crashes, When I try to log on, First my client, crashes ,then the server freezes,. I can make a vid showing what happens if you need it.
It's so wierd.
Please can someone ,(who has the time) give me an example of the scripting format , for each category?
Please! I am a really fast learner , but i cant figure out what goes where. All I can do is what was showcased in Noppes 1.7.2 Changelog Vid!
There is literally no examples on the javascript site. I even went to site that has plain javascript, but since noppes made his own version the formats on that site is no good to me either. I really need help,,At this point i'll take 1 example and ill try to play around with it form there,
Please i am begging here. learning how to do custom npc script, is my bday wish, that sadly hasn't come true.I feel so ashamed that I can't figure out petty javascript, that I am ready to stop my minecraftmap, which ive been working on 4 months now. I wish i never saw this mod, cause now I can't stop thinking of all the things i can do with it, its infuriating.
Please i really need help! I am making an adventure map and I cannot for the life of me ,figure anything out!
And i cannot get the day/night modes to work. I set the modes then change the time to day/night and they don't change what they do at all.....or am I doing it wrong?
Thanks for applying! We can't wait to meet you ingame!But before we upgrade you the builder we must make sure not a griefer. for right now you will have to be normal ranks!
I appreciate those who came and left a message.
My map will feature Custom Npc's by Noppes:
and Mo'Creatures by Dr. Zharks
I will be making an Official Thread soon for my Map.
My map will feature, Custom music I made, Custom Story(Original)
Custom landmarks(I bow to those who have remade games/maps/places from various genre's, but I am diving Full head on into new waters with this one.
Custom Texture pack and sounds.
I am Excited to post on this site and many others!
I will post next friday.
Thank you!
Keep in mind my Map is only about 35% Done.
,But I plan to go all the Way!
I'll post pictures, Links to the songs so people can hear beforehand, And When time come's I'll ask for testers!
Thank's @daottoad for helping me earlier!. Forget the two player idea, that will take me too much work, instead, my map will just have a little extra stuff given just in case someone is playing with a friend.
Now I have another question if you have the time to answer it, if not its no problem.
My question is: Is is possible to script an NPC to change factions?
I have one NPC depending on what side you choose in my map Evil, Good or Indifferent, becomes an ally to you or not.
I have toiled over the scripting day and night, to the point I have decided I will just have the NPC's do small event's for most things until i understand scripting a bit more and use command blocks for many things as well. You guys are awesome for knowing all this stuff, but I can't handle work and then come home to try to learn all this at once.
You guys are the heroes here! Thank you for helping not just myself, but everyone who posts here!
Keep being Awesome! And Thank you Noppes for this MOD!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. And for helping me tenfold!
Ok so I read a few threads over the last week and I saw that many people don't like having to Download Mods due to the process of installing and having to go to multiple areas to get them etc.
I understand that Downloading is a real hassle, but at the same time I can't seem to get around some Issue's With my map w/o them.
For Example; I made custom villagers for one of my areas of the map that is in a puddle.I cannot get the villagers to stop floating to the surface of the little ditch filled with water I made.
I gave the villagers the ability to breathe under the water, but they refuse to use the tiny swimming pool I gave them to dive and stay down.
I tried to mess with my own Minecraft files to make my own Custom AI animated mobs but I don't like how doing so replaces the vanilla mobs from spawning.
My map consists with a Lot of command blocks, The mods I want to use( I was going to use three but I may try to make it work with only two) I see as the only way to make this work.
Which Is why I am honestly Looking for what everyone thinks. I have been making this map a little over a year, and I need to know if the effort I put in is worth it to anyone out there who may play it.
Please be honest Everyone!
If you have time please respond if you get the chance.
Once I know what you guys are interested in I'll start a real thread for my map with pictures and everything, Though the map won't be done for a bit ,I'll post updates and if anyone wants to see if any of you would be interested in testing Demo's etc.
Thank you for taking the time to read this Thread!
Ok, I thought about cutting them out. But they make my map look awesome. I mainly What the mods for Adding more animals. And some special Animal NPCs. I have some of my map using Command blocks when the NPC's talk, but I like the idea of Players having to see NPCs walking around etc.
Plus more quests!
Not simple Kill mob/blah blah or collect this..... Minecraft just doesn't have the mechanics yet. If only Microsoft would buy Custom NPC's and Mo Creatures and implement them into the game.
I have been working on this map alone for well, over 1 year now xD on n off. And I think I am finally ready to get it out there!
Those are just 3 pics. Not even close to what I have.
I guess I'll have to think hard about it, Who knows, If i can't get the npc's to do what I want to script them to do i'll have to try another way.
Ty daottoad just helping me with that is a God-Send! I'll add you to ppl who helped me on my map!
Thanks Kirby ,but my map will feature Noppes Custom NPCs: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1278956-custom-npcs
Dr. Zharks Mo'Creatures :http://www.mocreatures.org/
So I don't think ill Qualify for
Ok, Thank you for the replies, That helps a lot! And yeah I asked cause I didn't see many on here that were active. And once again Thank you for telling me about the shaders, I'll take pic's w/o it as well!
Please if anyone has time I need help with getting NPC's to teleport or have custom options.
Here I'll explain:
I am making an Adventure map and I have run into a problem caused by my map being one and two players compatible.
Is It possible to make it so: Let's say I have An intro NPC with dialog options for one or two players.
When the players in question talk to the NPC and choose (Option A: in NPCs for one player) All NPCs on the map use dialog for just one player.
But if the players in question talk to the NPC and choose (Option B: for 2 players) all NPCs on the map use the dialog for two players.
If the dialog option isn't available can I simply make an NPC With 2 player options etc Teleport to the same spot and the other NPC teleport away?
Also, I've run into a problem with making dialog last for 1 session. I created a dialog that makes the NPC aggressive if the player or players do not help them, but at the same time if they do that NPC becomes an ally.
My issue is After the dialog Ends, the players can simply click the NPC again And go through the same Dialog all over again picking something else and saving themselves the grief of getting wrecked by the NPC.
How do I prevent Players from doing this?
Thank you to whoever responds! You help is appreciated Ten fold!
I really just need to know if Those options are feasible. I am trying my hardest to learn the Javascript a little, I really want to make this happen, then I don't have to stress. Been trying to watch videos and read through scripts at night after work and it's hard, but if This works My world will be just a little brighter.
I am using Custom Npc's 1.10.2
I have a Question as implicated in the title.
Are Adventure maps still really popular cause I am working on one. In fact I've been working on it for quite a while.
And I wanna know just how popular they are. Here are 3 pics from it though its gonna be a few months before I see it ready. Its a Big map!
I plan to make an official Thread once I am Ready or close enough done that I can Post more of it.
I am not sure if I posted this into the right thread. If I didn't I am sorry.
Thank you to those who take the time to answer my question! Means a lot to me!
The entire server crashes, When I try to log on, First my client, crashes ,then the server freezes,. I can make a vid showing what happens if you need it.
It's so wierd.
An error has occured, this connection is terminated.
I Don't know what to do! I have mod on my server and in my .minecraft folder........why does not not work with Customnpcs online???
Everyone I found a Site that helps with scripting!!
Its not exactly like the mod, but it helps a bit!
Please! I am a really fast learner , but i cant figure out what goes where. All I can do is what was showcased in Noppes 1.7.2 Changelog Vid!
There is literally no examples on the javascript site. I even went to site that has plain javascript, but since noppes made his own version the formats on that site is no good to me either. I really need help,,At this point i'll take 1 example and ill try to play around with it form there,
Please i am begging here. learning how to do custom npc script, is my bday wish, that sadly hasn't come true.I feel so ashamed that I can't figure out petty javascript, that I am ready to stop my minecraftmap, which ive been working on 4 months now. I wish i never saw this mod, cause now I can't stop thinking of all the things i can do with it, its infuriating.
Please i really need help! I am making an adventure map and I cannot for the life of me ,figure anything out!
And i cannot get the day/night modes to work. I set the modes then change the time to day/night and they don't change what they do at all.....or am I doing it wrong?