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    posted a message on Moar Dimondz!
    Diamonds are supposed to be rare for a reason, diamond armor is a bragging right, making a set takes many diamonds and you can feel proud you put in the work for them.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Weird stalker?
    Maybe you have a long lost mexican twin!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Why is the US so nationalistic and over religous?
    I live in America, (Alaska to be exact, we're more laid back)
    I have noticed that yes, we do flaunt ourselves quite a bit, and yea we don't think through every little decision, and sure we tend to get carried away with things but when you break it down.
    Most countries and nations are thousands of years old, where as America is pretty new on the scene, only about 237 years old.
    When you compare the age of a nation to the age of a human you realize that America is about in it's early teens or so. We are still trying to discover ourselves and don't really understand the world no matter how much we claim otherwise.
    Further more, at that age it's understandable to be very proud of who you are. After all, when was the last time you saw a teen who didn't have a huge ego.

    America is going to make mistakes, and they will be prideful, but right now all you're doing right now is the equivalent of an 80 year old man looking at a 15 year old and saying; "I never did that when I was your age."
    Yes, yes you did old man, you're just ashamed to admit it.

    In it's younger days England waged silly wars that had no real meaning, Scots fought battles over resources, and I even know of a German family by the name of Hahn who started a war because someone said the rooster on their family crest looked like a chicken.

    It's pointless for an older nation to get mad at a younger one for making mistakes that they are expected to make, It's like a 90 year old man asking a 2 year old; "How do I quit crappin my pants?", Don't look at us, we just figured it out.

    Frankly the best thing any nation can do to make America better is offer advice. If you tell a teen what to do they will ignore you out of pride, if you offer counsel and advice, they may seem to blow it off, but they will remember it.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
  • 9

    posted a message on Did notch quit minecraft
    Notch your reign of tyranny ends now! I demand a duel!
    Ah so the day has come, I wondered where the mutiny would begin. So be it choose your weapon sir!
    I choose sword.
    So be it, Have at you!
    *struggle ensues*
    I am victorious, I claim this land of Mojang as my Kingdom!

    *scene fades to reveal Jebs and Notch sitting at a table littered with D&D sheets and cheese poofs*
    Curse you Jebs, but I will rise to power again. In four or five more levels.
    yea, sword fight...
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on We Waited So Long For Nothing
    Ok, let me ATTEMPT to end this whining.
    First off, I understand a lot of people REALLY want there to be a mod API but if it has to be pushed, it has to be pushed. Rushing things is how we have ended up with some of the worlds crappiest, buggiest, and most finicky games (I'm lookin at you "Too Human")
    Second, yes Jebs is takin some time and doing other things, but at least we are seeing progress. Which is more than I can say for Notch after he made real money.
    Third, in all reality; and I have said this time and again, while we are the community, this game is Mojang's crowning jewel. You'll have to excuse them if they want to polish it once in a while, and we can't tell them what polish to use, we can suggest, but that doesn't mean they have to do it.
    Finally. They probably didn't merge smp and ssp in earlier screen shots because they probably didn't realize they were going to need to.
    I have run into similar situations on video games I have written, such as one, I had a variable based time system with realistic day/night shifts, I couldn't figure out why at night if I tried to exit a building the game would crash. It actually took me 3 months of tinkering to figure out that I had one variable constantly trying to read another so it could put certain people on the map, not usually a problem but to do this it had to stop the variable it was trying to read, and I had set that variable so it wouldn't stop for any reason.
    The code hit a contradiction, and the game would crash. In the end I had to just remove the system and restart. And you run into crap like this all the time in game design.

    Now if you really think you have the algebra, geometry, and coding skills needed to create a video game from the ground up and you really think that you can do a better job than a company that makes millions a year, so be it, go out and prove it. And if you can, more power to you. But don't just sit around whining because things aren't going the way you want them to.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.2.5] SteelMod- Adding Steel To Minecraft!
    kinda cool mod, but as someone who does metallurgy as a hobby, it would bother me if I didn't point out that steel isn't an ore, It is just iron ore that is smelted differently, and with pig iron, and limestone.

    Steel is iron that has most of the impurities removed.
    The open hearth-furnace is one way to create steel from pig iron. The pig iron, limestone and iron ore go into an open-hearth furnace. It is heated to about 1,600 degrees F (871 degrees C). The limestone and ore form a slag that floats on the surface.
    What I'd recommend both to make it a little more realistic and to shorten the amount of code, is make it so that you have to smelt iron twice ore, (see what I did there?) make it so that when you smelt iron with lava it produces steel ingots.
    Of course if realism isn't a big thing for you, then it's fine just the way it is.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on I love griefing
    I actually get annoyed with this kind of griefing.
    When I see it on any server I moderate, I just ban the player and call it good.

    However, I do find that there are more acceptable forms of griefing, more towards harmless pranks.
    Such as, surrounding someones house with saplings then giving them all bone meal, filling their house with snow/wood, or my ultimate favorite, save up as many chicken eggs as you can, then fill their house with chickens.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on What are some stupid ban/kick/jail reasons you have seen or experienced?
    Quote from secret21bobby

    i was banned once because the admin wanted to play alone XD

    Oh, so you've met ParkerVCP?
    lol he's a buddy of mine, and he hates other people with a fiery passion.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Meaning of Life
    In my opinion there is no meaning to life, everything that is, has been, and will be, even we are all just random events occurring in a random sequence. There is no greater scheme, there is no outlaid plan, there are only the events that take place. Even if there was some meaning, when all has come to and end, there will be no trace that any of it ever existed and all data suggesting otherwise will be irrelevant. The best thing you can do is instead of trying to figure out why we are here is to figure out why YOU as an individual are here. What have you done, what haven't you done, what are your plans, your goals, your dreams? What will you make a reality, what will you allow to fade into memory? Who do you know, who have you met, who do you love, who do you hate? Regardless of the question, the answer will always be the same, that is only relevant to you as the individual.

    I'm sorry if this concept scares you, but in my opinion it is the true answer to your question, until immortality is achieved there will be no meaning to life other then what you make for yourself.

    In short, do what you will do with your life and do not let the opinions of others bring you down. Do what YOU as the individual find to be right, do not conform to what people want you to be or want you to do just because it is the social standard. Enjoy life to it's fullest seeking out your dreams and bringing them into reality. Only then will you find YOUR meaning of life.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 2

    posted a message on Tell your scary, but real, stories!
    Actually I have a kind of scary kind of funny story that explains why I owe a friend of mine my life.

    A few years ago we were on a fishing trip and had brought along a wagon that was meant to be taken through dirt paths. Big rubber tires, high walls, and easily disassembled but sturdy enough for even the toughest terrain.
    We discovered that if we sat in the wagon and held onto the handle, by twisting it in the desired direction we could actually steer it so long as we were moving. Naturally because there were a lot of hills on the way to our usual fishing spot we decided that we would pull the wagon to the top of each hill then ride it down thus saving energy.

    Eventually we came to a hill my buddy was not willing to go down as it was a rock wall to the right, a sheer cliff to the left, and the path was only half a foot wider then the wagon. Me, never having all that much in the common sense department decided to ride the wagon down the hill anyway. As I came to a turn in the path I realized that even though I was trying to turn the wagon was not. When I looked down I saw that the handle had broken off due to metal fatigue.
    Before I was able to bail out the wagon started going off the cliff. It was approx. a 80ft drop into white water rapids, to make matters worse, even if I missed the rocks, I can't swim.

    Now it is here I'd like to describe my friend.
    His name is Cody, he is pure Alaska native, standing just 3 inches under me (I stand 6' 2") he weighs in at 200lbs, and all of that is muscle.

    The next thing I know the cart came to an immediate stop and slammed against the face of the cliff. I just barely stayed in. When I looked back, Cody had grabbed onto a thick overhanging tree branch and was holding the wagon one handed looking at me like I was the biggest moron he had ever seen. A few minutes later when we had collected what had fallen out of the wagon on the way down the hill and chose to abandon the few bits of dried meat that had fallen off the cliff, my buddy punched me in the back of the head and said.
    "One of these days your luck is going to run out you know, and next time I'm not saving your dumbass."

    All in all though it turned out to be a good trip, I even caught the only fish I ever caught.
    (admittedly I cheated and used my 44. revolver, but I caught it)
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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