Your age[/b]: 13
Channel Name and/or link[/b]:
Partners' channels, if applicable[/b]:
Preferred server location?[/b]: Europe (United Kingdom)
What do you plan on using this server for? [/b](subscriber server, recording server, etc.?): I want it to be a subscriber server!
What aspects does your channel specialize in? [/b](let's plays, survival games, etc.?): Cracking It will be survival games soon.
What you can do in return for the host[/b]: I can add them in to my banner and at the bottom or top of my videos will be a shout out.
Why do you want to join the clan: Looking for people to play and record with
Are you trusted: I'd assume so
And me and a group of friends have a name that were going to use when we got started up but... that never happened so i have an idea of one you may like
I'll let you in, but you're the last person so no one else.
how much time can you be on the server: 1-4 hours a day
why do you want to to be rank on the server: I like to help people build there dream like yours is to be a server owner and i would like to help you
plus i am starting a youtube channel.
YT: Roorzey
Twitter: I don't have twitter
how are you with commands/plugins: Really good, I own a server myself
Twitch: Roorzey
what can you bring to the server: I like to help people when they first join the server and get them to know things about the server and i am good at dealing with problems.
Extra: I have been playing minecraft since it first came out so beta days.
Any mods that work?
Your age[/b]: 13
Channel Name and/or link[/b]:
Partners' channels, if applicable[/b]:
Preferred server location?[/b]: Europe (United Kingdom)
What do you plan on using this server for? [/b](subscriber server, recording server, etc.?): I want it to be a subscriber server!
What aspects does your channel specialize in? [/b](let's plays, survival games, etc.?): Cracking It will be survival games soon.
What you can do in return for the host[/b]: I can add them in to my banner and at the bottom or top of my videos will be a shout out.
I could use this server for my YouTube community. I have 272 subscribers, I hope this is still availible!
10-20 Slots.
2GB is nice.
Currently looking for uploaders and GFX designers.
7 Members are currently in the YT clan.
Apply for Uploader/YouTuber:
YouTube Channel:
Why you want to join us?
Can you upload daily or atleast 1 video a week?
Apply for free GFX Designer:
Previous work?:
You're in, but I need your Skype.
I'm looking for 3 more people!
I own a Minecraft server, I only have 1 survival games map for it. I need someone who could give me their UNUSED survival games map.
I'll let you in, but you're the last person so no one else.
How can I find the details for it. The host is called McMyAdmin!
Accept me on Skype
You probably didn't email him or reply to his emails.
Sure it is fake when I got a server from him. He's only doing it for 2 people. He done it for me and gokana so no more left.
WhiteKing, accept me on skype.
Not looking for admins at the moment.
Whats your Facebook?
You don't need a phone number for Skype and I do have FB messenger.